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Sex Stories

Page 106

by Mary Jaine

  Finn was in a world of lust; to be here right now, holding her pussy against his mouth as he licked and tasted her; it didn't get any better than this. All his fantasies about Lara were coming true, one after the other; he could still barely believe he'd spent the afternoon and most of the evening pounding his cock into her, and now he was eating her delicious, fragrant pussy, rimming and tasting her deliciously tight little anus, the feel, scent, and taste of her jibing exactly with his most fevered fantasies and desires. His sister was true hot, and the thought that he was actually here, doing this, with her, made him feel weak, and horny, and excited, and endlessly grateful that Lara wanted him as much as he'd always wanted her.

  Finn sucked and licked for all he was worth, the sweet juices pouring from her slowly driving him mad with lust for her, each drop of her essence clicking him up another notch, his tongue and lips working licking and sucking gently at her clitoris, driving her ever upwards, until she could take it no more. With a guttural moan, Lara stiffened, pleasure blazing through her as she came, the pleasure reaching a new peak as Finn jammed his pointed tongue as hard as he could into her tight little bum-hole, Lara screaming as orgasm once again seared and roared through her.

  At the feel of her pussy convulsing against his mouth, and the flood of honey-sweet juice that filled his mouth, Finn could hold back no longer, and came with a deep, hissing groan, his balls tightening as his cock pumped jet after jet of thick creamy spunk into her mouth. The taste and feel of him pouring into her mouth triggered an even more primal response in Lara, her body convulsing with the depth of her release even as she fought to keep up with the huge amount of spunk pumping into her mouth.

  Lara slumped down, her pussy twitching and shuddering as the tails of orgasm spiralled through her and slowly dissipated, Finn's still-hard cock in her mouth as she sucked the last tasty drops of his essence from him, licking the head clean, and drawing a long, ragged breath.

  "Finny, that was, like everything else you do to me, utterly fucking incredible! I think I'll keep you!" she giggled, gently scratching his scrotum with a sharp fingernail and grinning as he jumped. She'd forgotten where his mouth was, and Finn retaliated by nipping her clitoris between his lips, making her groan as she too jumped.

  "No Finny, don't...sensitive...oh God, what have you done to me, now you'll have to marry me, Mister Elliott!" she purred, pointing her tongue-tip into the sensitive hole in the end of his penis and twitching it slightly, making him jump again.

  We need another shower now, beautiful boy!" she murmured. "There's the mixer and banquet, we can't go there smelling like this!"

  Finn urged her up next to him, once again sliding his hands down her back and squeezing her taut buttocks.

  "Baby-girl, I think everyone there's going to smell like this; I think I can confidently predict that everyone there will have been doing exactly what we've been doing!"

  Lara raised an eyebrow.

  "And what have we been doing, pray tell?" she asked in a mock-severe voice, trying to look puzzled, but Finn could see the laughter in her eyes. Finn looked at her just as sternly, or as sternly as he could while squeezing and kneading her delicious bum cheeks.

  "Well, I don't know what you think you've been doing, Ms. Elliott, but I've been fucking the living daylights out of the hottest girl I've ever known, and I plan on doing more of the same! After the banquet, I'm going to fuck the arse off you, speaking of which..."

  He leaned over to the bedside stand and opened the drawer, pulling out a tube of KY Jelly.

  "I spotted this earlier. After the mixer thing's done, I'm going to bring you back here and fuck you in the arse; I said I would, you said I could, so be prepared, darling sister of mine; tonight you're getting my cock shoved in your tight, sexy little bum-hole! Any questions?"

  Lara grinned as she looked him up and down.

  "You're all talk! I'll believe it when I see it, until then, dream on!"

  Finn grabbed her and rolled on top of her, holding himself over her as he looked down at her.

  "You're sure about this? You don't have to do that just because I said I wanted to, you know; I don't want to force you to do anything!"

  Lara pulled him down to her and kissed him.

  "I told you earlier; anything you want, any way you want it, I'm yours, and I meant it. I'm looking forward to you bum-fucking me tonight, Finny, I've been dreaming about practically nothing else for months!"

  Finn grinned and rolled off her, pulling her close again, sighing happily as the full and final realisation of what was happening here hit him; this was real, it was really happening, Lara was finally his, she wanted him, and they had made love so many times he'd lost count. His lips explored her hair as his hands slowly rubbed her body, Lara mewing contentedly as she snuggled up against him. Thinking of her, remembering the day, the feel of his cock spearing into her tight young pussy again and again, and planning how it would be for them going forward, Finn fell asleep, fatigue and exertion finally winning out against his libido, super-fit athlete or not.

  Thoughts and small musings from the mind of Lara Elliot aged 19 (and a little bit).

  So now I've finally got Finn exactly where I've wanted him for lo these many moons now; poor Finny, I had to lie and lie, and then lie some more to get him here, but he's such a sweetie under all that stupid rugby-player stoic machismo, and I believe he was worth the wait. The look on his sweet face when I sauntered in dressed like the last slut in the box was priceless, as was that gigantic boner I saw sprout like magic down there!

  When I backed into that thing and wedged it in the crack of my bum, it was the culmination of months of plotting how to get my hands on it (OK, but you know what I mean...), especially after I saw him hosing down after tossing himself off and calling my name. I suppose at that point I could have just dashed into his room bare-arse naked and climbed-on, and possibly saved a lot of time and effort and just plain arsing around, but I didn't want to scare him off; for some reason, I seemed to make him jumpy, can't think why...

  To backtrack a little, it's been a hot summer so far, and seeing him every day, casually lounging around in baggy sweatshirts and wearing tight sports shorts, with his solid, muscular bum, those long, he-man legs, and that thing of his jiggling around in there like a rabbit bungee-jumping in a pillowcase was almost too much to bear.

  Finally, on one never to be forgotten day, my friends and I were lounging around watching TV and talking about boys, and sex, and the likelihood of getting any in a town where most of the boys seemed to be rejects from some secret genetic-engineering programme, and Finny walked into the room pulling off his sweatshirt and asking about mum; I don't think he realised we were there, but when he pulled that thing off, the room went silent as six foot of bare-chested, sculpted, golden-brown beefcake wearing just tight rugby shorts hit centre-stage.

  Poor Finny suddenly realised I wasn't alone, with all those girls suddenly crossing their legs and staring puppy-eyed at him; he just reddened, poor lamb, he really was so embarrassed, and I couldn't figure out why; after all, what's so embarrassing about being ogled by a room full of pretty girls enveloped in a mist of Oestrogen and struck down with a sudden case of sticky knickers? He beat a hasty retreat, but not before I'd copped a proper eyeful of my very own household man-candy, and that was when I began plotting in earnest to get him all naked and sweaty.

  My best friend Haley knew what I wanted and how I felt, and suggested I decoy him into the nearest patch of woodland, yank his pants down, and stretch my throat with that beautiful, manly piece of male architecture, but there were other parts of me I wanted stretched first. I wanted to look into his eyes and suck his tongue, and nibble his lips while he fed his pocket python into my juice-box, so that plan was nixed; it's still a good idea, though; when we get home I shall definitely be decoying him into the woods to give it a try, suitably modified by whatever else I learn or come across this weekend, of course.

  Poor Haley, she's wanted so hard to sample Finn for
so long; she's petite, blonde, blue-eyed, sexy, and shapely, with an extravagant set of knockers; in fact she's everything a guy's supposed to want, and she worked it good. The girl was incorrigible; she'd sit there talking to me while Finny lounged in a chair reading, with her eyes fixed on his crotch. Every time he looked up, she'd wink and lick her lips; she couldn't have been more obvious if she stripped off and sat on his face during a lull in the conversation, and STILL Finny just looked right through her; cue one crushed blonde wannabe mattress-tester. All my other mates also began relentlessly throwing themselves at him, to fall at the first fence, and then calling me a hateful bitch for poisoning his mind against them and keeping Mr. Incredible all to myself...

  I, on the other hand, was beginning to think my beautiful brother was gay, or an android, or just cursed with a low (make that 'subterranean') sex-drive; he seemed to have no interest in girls, or sex, or me and my prominent nipples, just his studies and rugby, and I made increasingly bizarre and probably unworkable schemes to get my pussy in his face to see if he'd take a bite (or at least a tentative lick...)

  Then one day I noticed him noticing me; Bingo! Finally all those subtle (and pretty bloody blatant!) flashes of my bum, and swanning around in skin-tight, nipple-enhancing slut-wear seemed to be paying-off. And still the silly bastard did nothing about it! Try as I might to get him steamed-up, the more I tried, the less he looked!

  I honestly started to believe I was just kidding myself and reading more into it than was actually there; after all, he's my big brother, maybe he actually took the "look but don't touch" rule seriously, the silly arse, because I was practically blowing a trombone and waving a "Come And Get It" flag, which is definitely NOT like me at all; but then, this is Finny we're talking about here; allowances must be made...

  Anyway, long story short, while I'm not proud of the way I lied to him, and deceived him, and manipulated him to come here with me, I'm fucking ecstatic at the way it turned out; Finny, sweet, gorgeous, hottie man-tottie Finny turned out to have the sex-drive of a herd of prize goats, he was saving it all up for me, and exceeded all my expectations by giving me a seeing-to that should go down in the record books as a night to fucking remember, because I always will. It was a true Spunk-a-thon that almost left me permanently bow-legged, with my pussy irrevocably moulded into the shape of his cock!

  Darling Finny's promised to give my arse a good stretch, something else that's making me sing and quiver inside; ever since I accidentally walked in on my roommate and her boyfriend with his knob rammed up her greasy bum I've wanted to try it (with Finn, of course, no-one else is going there, ever...) and tonight's the night. I'm getting some shut-eye now; there's this banquet thingy to attend tonight, and I have an outfit guaranteed to give a gatepost a hard-on. I only hope I last the night...

  * * *


  The sound of a gentle, regular chiming dragged Finn back from a dream of Lara, in bed with him, her eyes tightly closed and her lips parted as he held her legs wide open and pounded his straining cock into her tight anus, her head whipping from side to side as he pummelled her. As he came awake, he saw that part of the dream, at least, was true; Lara was indeed in bed with him, fast asleep and delightfully naked, her leg thrown over his and her damp pussy lips rubbing tantalisingly against the slick, glossy head of his steel-hard erection, while her deliciously taut little nipples poked solidly into his chest.

  She looked delicious, vulnerable, and devastatingly sexy; in fact, in the perfect position for a good, old-fashioned wake-up fuck! He grinned to himself as he gently squeezed and fondled her buttock, simultaneously licking her lips as he rubbed his chest against her nipples, hoping to make her push back against him in her sleep.

  "Don't start, Finny, the mixer and banquet's in half an hour!" she yawned, pulling herself closer to him and kissing him lightly on the base of his throat.

  "Shower time, Finn, and I mean just a shower, so put that thing away! You promised me a good seeing-to later, so whatever you've got cooking there, put it on the back burner, you're going to need it! Come on, baby, do my back...and ONLY my back!"

  Lara rolled away from him, and squeaked in surprise as he rolled her back and kissed her lustfully, her lips stiff against his for a couple of seconds before melting as she kissed him back. They kissed for a minute or so, tongues darting inside each other's mouths, hands rubbing, touching, holding and squeezing, before Lara broke away with a giggle.

  "That wasn't fair, you caught me by surprise! Now, up, Finny, we're guests here, and our hosts have asked us to attend; we have a duty to our hosts, it's the least we can do, and that also includes not being late. Now come on!"

  Finn grinned, and let her tug him off the bed and into the shower, where he scrupulously kept his hands to himself, except when doing her back, as she'd requested. However, Lara refused point-blank his offer to help her dry-off.

  "It's perfectly OK, Finny; I've been doing it since I was small, I know what to do!" she dimpled, smiling at his resigned look.

  "Later, baby, I promise, let's just get this mixer thing out of the way, then we can come back here and you can hump me bowlegged if you can manage it, but right now, we have a party to attend, so hurry up and dry yourself off, I have things I need to do!"

  Finn had to give his erection a serious talking-to; Lara was just over there, she was jiggling and quivering most fetchingly, and right now Little-Head wanted her so badly it was almost a physical pain.

  After five minutes of thinking the un-sexiest thoughts he could, with no visible results, he gave a resigned sigh, switched the shower to 'Cold' and stepped in. That did the trick; two minutes of high-pressure icy needles on his groin deflated him and took his mind rather effectively off his sister with all her lovely bits quivering and jiggling in the other room.

  Finn stepped out of the shower room shivering and gasping, his head clear at last, and proceeded to towel-off, making sure he kept his back to his sister or his head turned away at all times; he didn't fancy going through that all over again.

  "I've laid out what you're wearing tonight, Finny!" she called out. "There was a garment-case here in the closet with your name on it, so I assume it's what you're supposed to wear tonight. I can't wait to see you in it!"

  Finn turned to speak to her, but she'd already disappeared back into the small dressing room/closet to finish getting dressed. He padded over to the bed and picked up a fine, white silk duellist's shirt, complete with lace ruffles at the throat and trailing lace cuffs, together with a pair of light, stretchy breeches, like black jodhpurs, and a red satin sash. He looked at them incredulously.

  "Sissy, there's been some kind of mistake! I can't wear this...fancy dress outfit; have you actually looked at it? All that's missing is the eye-patch and a fucking parrot! If I put this pansy-suit on, they'll take away my Guy-Card and I'll have to start ovulating!"

  Lara poked her head out from the dressing room and grinned at him.

  "It'll look great on you, Finny, dead romantic, just put it on; they obviously expect you to wear it, otherwise why did they have it here for you? Look, there's even a pair of boots to go with it. Honestly, you wear a lot less on the rugby pitch, and there's only twenty-nine other men there, all dressed in those spray-on shirts and shorts. At least here there's a whole bunch of girls to ogle you in that outfit, so quit moaning, baby, you'll look dead sexy, I promise you!"

  Muttering, Finn slipped into the clothes provided. He looked in the dressing mirror, noting that every single muscle in his long legs were clearly outlined and highlighted, as well as the embarrassingly clear outline of his cock.

  "Great, I look like the first course at a gay gang-bang..." he mused, wondering if any of the other guys there were going to be dressed as stupidly as he was. He slipped on the shiny knee-boots, almost like English riding boots, but soft and supple, with a top-brand designer name label. He wondered briefly how they knew his shoe size, then forgot about it as he caught his reflection in the mirror, and g
roaned aloud.

  "Oh God, Sissy, I can't ponce around in this get-up! Look at me; please don't make me wear this clobber, I look like Zorro's gay brother, the one they don't talk about! Now I'm worried just what they expect from me tonight, because I tell you, wearing this get-up, I'll be bloody lucky if I get away without a Size 15 arsehole by the end of the night!"

  Lara poked her head out again, and gasped softly; the full-sleeved white silk shirt flowed and billowed around him like an 18th century duellist. The waist sash emphasised his slim waist and hips, with the skin-tight breeches and knee-boots completing the illusion; all he needed was a cup-hilted rapier and he'd look like he'd just stepped out of the pages of a Dumas novel, poised to fight the evil Cardinal's guard for the honour of his lady. The bulge of his cock, coiled up at the apex of his thighs like a sleeping python, made her breath catch as she silently ogled him.

  "God, he's gorgeous!" she thought to herself, happily drinking in the sight of her hot brother, eventually realising he was blushing, actually blushing, at her frank scrutiny. She quickly replayed what he'd just said, and smiled reassuringly at him.

  "Finny, you look great, all sexy and romantic, like Lord Darcy about to seduce the chambermaids; now I wish we didn't have to go to this damned banquet; in that get-up, I feel like attacking you myself!"

  Finn grinned, in spite of his misgivings, looking at himself in the mirror and trying to find an angle where he didn't look like one of the Village People, the chorus from Adam & The Ants "Stand & Deliver" echoing in his head, the bit about '...I'm the dandy Highwayman...' seeming particularly appropriate.

  Eventually he gave up, and could only hope that the dining room, or wherever this mixer was happening, was dimly lit, or that every other guy had to wear the same ridiculous fancy-dress outfit; then at least they could all look like a pack of complete twerps together; misery loves company, after all.

  Lara stepped out of the dressing room and posed for him.


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