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Sex Stories

Page 107

by Mary Jaine

  "Taah-daah! How do I look Finny?" she smiled nervously.

  Finn's jaw nearly smacked the floor as his cock lurched. She was wearing a sheer, one-piece black body stocking, a faint floral pattern worked into the weave, but it was still so sheer as to be entirely transparent. The material clung to every curve and contour, her bobbing breasts and nipples clearly visible. The stretchy material formed a perfect 'camel-toe' around her pussy, parting and clearly outlining her labia. When she turned for him to see all of her, he could see the material clinging lovingly to every curve and crease of her buttocks as they quivered and jiggled, the material even swooping into the cleft between her cheeks, further highlighting her spectacularly sexy bottom.

  Even though she was covered from neck to ankle, she nevertheless managed to look more naked than if she'd just been nude, and infinitely more enticing; the material of the body stocking clung like a second skin, covering her completely yet concealing nothing, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. Black stilettos with teetering 5-inch heels filled-out the ensemble, making her legs look impossibly long and alluring. To complete the look, she'd applied bright crimson lipstick, and had rimmed her eyes with some kind of deep black mascara. The total effect was stunning.

  Lara blushed when he said nothing, just stared at her, his eyes wide as he drank her in, with her midnight black hair piled up on her head with one long curl on each side, perfectly framing her beautiful face, and the sheer black body-stocking contrasting sharply with her glowing porcelain skin. Only her deep, cornflower-blue eyes and crimson lips relieved the otherwise monochrome look. On any other girl it might have looked stark, maybe even overdone, but with Lara's colouring it was the perfect look. Finn was bewitched.

  "Fucking hell, Sissy, you look fucking amazing!" he murmured, "Let's not go to that stupid mixer. I'd rather stay in here and fuck you rigid!"

  Lara smiled happily at his reaction, her eyes drawn to the large bulge at his crotch, then regretfully tearing her eyes away.

  "Me too, Finny, but we're guests here, so we have to do what the host wants. Don't worry; as soon as we can gracefully bow out, I'll race you back here, okay?"

  Finn nodded, never once taking his eyes off her.

  "It's a deal Sissy. I can't wait!"

  Lara grinned, and pirouetted gracefully, like a dancer.

  "You really like it? I got it from Ann Summers; I had to order it and hope it didn't arrive when mum was in; Christ knows what she'd have said if she knew I was ordering stuff from sex shops, probably disown me on the spot!"

  "You look ...incredible, like...everything I ever dreamed of...God, you're beautiful, Sissy!" he breathed, his eyes riveted on her as her body bounced and quivered so enticingly, her stiff nipples almost tearing through the flimsy material as they strained against it.

  "You don't look so bad yourself, stud!" she grinned, lightly running her hands over his chest.

  "Don't do that, Sissy...just don't, not while I'm wearing these stupid things, not unless you want everyone to see the Elliot family jewels!" he grinned, Lara grinning back as she caught his glance at his clearly outlined cock. "If you touch me again, I can't guarantee we'll get as far as the mixer, not with you looking like that!"

  Lara turned and flirted her sexy little bottom at him, Finn nearly groaning at the sight of those two delightful globes bobbing and rubbing together under that body-stocking with just a faint whisper of material, almost deafening him with his heightened perception of her. Lara grinned, and took his hand.

  "Let's go Finny, let's go and mix; the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get back her so you can shove that thing in me again!"

  Finn laughed, some of the tension draining out of him, and followed her as she led him once more to the room where they'd all assembled that afternoon. He was pleased and relieved to see that all the other boys were wearing the same get-up as him; they all still studiously avoided each other's eyes, though.

  The girls, though, were something else; each girl seemed to have scoured the sex shops and mail-order boutiques, procuring a whole array of heart-stopping outfits, ranging from the almost-modest like Lara's body-stocking, to frilly scraps of lace and dental-floss, outfits that would have been banned in a lap-dancing club, not so much concealing as highlighting every single salient point on their bodies.

  Some of the boys were holding on to their sister's with a possessive, proprietary air, obviously determined to keep them close, and, considering what they were wearing, Finn wasn't in the least surprised; they all looked stunning, desirable, and truly fuckable. A few couples were even taking advantage of the dim lighting to make-out, and given the provocative way their sisters were dressed, Finn didn't blame them at all. He'd never before been surrounded by so much barely clad female flesh; what some of the girls were wearing for their brothers would hardly have made a bikini on Copacabana Beach, and the gallant male reflex was perilously near.

  Lara watched him with a grin, seeing the agony on his face as he fought not to rise to the occasion, eventually taking pity on him. She pulled herself close, grinning as her eyes danced gleefully, and as he looked down at her in puzzlement, she nipped the base of his cock between her thumb and forefinger hard enough to make him grit his teeth and take his mind off everything except concentrating on not groaning at the sudden sharp pain.

  "I thought you could use a helping hand!" she whispered, smiling innocently as he glared at her, the glare slowly turning to a sheepish grin.

  "Yeah, you're right Sissy, thanks, that could have been embarrassing!" he whispered, his lips brushing her forehead; he daren't kiss her properly, or pain or not, he really would rise to the occasion, and he didn't think this was the time or place for that kind of display; at least, not yet.

  Given what they were all wearing, though, Finn was starting to suspect some kind of orgy or sex-marathon was in the offing; if that was the case, he was taking Lara back to their room; he wasn't about to share her with anyone, not now, not ever, and if anyone even tried to make a pass at her, he was going to rip their arm off and beat them with the sticky end; Lara was his!

  The double doors at the end of the room swung open, Evan and Sylvie standing there, but now their outfits were more in keeping with what the other guests were wearing. Sylvie was wearing a simple chiffon dress of late eighteenth-century design, long and flowing and gathered below her breasts, like the heroine in a period TV drama, although no actress would appear on television in such a sheer gown; she was naked underneath it, her erect nipples and coin-sized areolae, and her hairless labia clearly visible through the diaphanous garment. Her hair was styled in the classical revival style so popular during the Regency period, and she was wearing light embroidered slippers. Evan had on the same outfit as Finn and the other boys, and Finn noted that he was a powerfully built young man, almost as well-muscled as him. He gestured through the open doors.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, if you please..."

  People started filing into the next room, into what had obviously been a ballroom in days past, opulent to the point of dazzling. Long tables were placed along the back wall, laden with soft drinks and canapés, and there was even a large, ornate chocolate fountain. Finn piloted Lara over to one of the tables, and poured her a glass of sparkling mineral water, picking up a fruit juice for himself, and looked around. Everyone seemed to be slowly mixing and mingling, now that the initial embarrassment had passed. A couple of girls even tried to flirt with him, nothing meaningful, not with Lara standing there and smiling just a little too widely at them; just smiles and a pause to look him up and down.

  Finn noticed a couple of the boys checking out Lara, and while he wasn't happy about how he thought the evening might end, no-one said or did anything inappropriate. If any ogling of Lara was being done, it was very discreet, for which he was grateful, although he had to admit, she was well worth more than a second look. He didn't realise it, though, but his hand had strayed to her bottom, stroking her buttock gently, possessively, unconsciously sig
nalling every male in the room that she was his exclusively. Lara in turn gently undulated and rubbed against him, her hand brushing his chest and stomach occasionally, signalling him that she accepted his ownership of her, and also telling the other girls there that he was hers.

  Gradually, the atmosphere relaxed, and over the next hour or so Finn also relaxed enough to circulate and exchange pleasantries and laughing commiserations with some of the other boys who were also less than happy at what they were obliged to wear. He found himself chatting to a group of the guys, all of them swapping stories and laughing at how their sisters had decoyed them there, and their reaction when they'd been told why they were there. Lara and a bevy of girls laughed and giggled some way away, no doubt boasting to each other just how they'd managed to fool their big brothers into accompanying them.

  Other than his hand occasionally giving her bottom a gentle squeeze, he kept his hands off Lara; she'd already said she wanted him primed and fully-loaded when they got back to their room, so he kept his hands and his thoughts to himself as they circulated, finding the conversation and joking to have a calming effect. This warming up served to get everyone in the right mood for the banquet to come, and there was a lot of speculation as to what it would be like.

  Eventually, at what Finn guessed was midnight, the double doors at the other end of the ballroom swung open, and a soft chime sounded.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served!" came a calm, cultured voice over a well-concealed sound-system, and the couples began filing, arm-in-arm or holding hands, into the long dining room glimpsed through the open doors. As they walked into the room, a girl with a basket of roses handed each of the boys a single long-stemmed rose, which they immediately gave to their sisters, receiving a kiss in return.

  The long table in the dining room was even more opulently set than the tables in the atrium, ice sculptures, piles of fruit in extravagant silver baskets, and stunning summer flower and fresh greenery centrepieces very much in evidence. Evan took his place at the head of the table as each couple was shown to their seats by Sylvie, who then took her seat at the other end of the table. Once everyone was seated, and the whispered conversations had died away, Evan rose and smiled at everyone in turn.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, my sisters and I thank you for all being here! Tonight Sylvie and I will be your hosts, and we would both like to once again welcome you to our home, and thank you for your gracious attendance here tonight. From what we've seen and heard so far, Sisterfest has been a great success, so please, the night is yours! Please eat, drink, enjoy yourselves, this is a party, and we have only the best for you! Our theme tonight is romance; old-fashioned, pure and simple romance; it is all about you and your lady; there are no limits, no rules except those of good manners and gentleness, so tonight let romance rule and your imagination have free rein! The ladies look absolutely ravishing, a fitting decoration for our summer gathering, so gentlemen, please, enjoy your dinner with your very own special lady!"

  As he spoke, he paced along the length of the table, heads turning as he passed, his hands brushing companionably for fleeting seconds on shoulders as he spoke, finally stopping next to Sylvie, and when he finished speaking he bowed low to her, handing her a single rose before tilting her face up and pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss.

  That was obviously a signal, as a string quartet began playing elegant chamber music to accompany the meal, and a team of waiters now wheeled out trolleys and began serving out portions for the first course of the meal. Finn was dazzled by the type and quality of the expensive, elegant, and delicious food laid out before them, course after course; Vichyssoise, Moules Mariniers, Scottish lobster, salmon mousse, fillet of beef, roasted partridge, crème brouleé between courses, a dizzying whirl of deliciously sophisticated desserts, delicate and exotic. He tried to concentrate on the wonderful meal before him, but his head was full of Lara, how she looked, and what her nearness was doing to him.

  All through the meal conversation had darted up and down the table, the couples on either side of them chatting with them about the food, the setting, the girls...and their plans for after the banquet, with Evan the perfect host, bantering and offering compliments to all the dinner guests, making sure the meal was to their liking, and ensuring everyone was enjoying themselves.

  Although there were so many couples seated for dinner, Evan and his sister managed to convey the impression that this was a small, intimate dinner party for a select few friends. Even with his preoccupation with Lara, Finn still found time to chat and joke with the couples to either side and opposite them, laughing once again at how they'd been brought here and commenting on the food and the surroundings.

  At times, Finn had felt the banquet was interminable, and they'd never get away; now, however, as the remains of the meal was cleared away, the atmosphere in the hall changed, the mood slowly going from festive to sultry. The music had changed: the chamber quartet had been replaced by a jazz combo, with a girl vocalist dressed in a skin-tight, black evening dress that swept the floor, complete with elbow length opera gloves, with her blonde hair teased-out into an extravagant bouffant, singing muted, torchy 1940's Cole Porter and Sammy Kahn ballads.

  The lighting had gradually, imperceptibly dimmed, the lights no longer sparkling and reflecting vividly off the glasses and silverware. Now only the occasional highlight or flash of light from a crystal goblet could be seen as the subdued lighting cast the room in a much more intimate glow, suggesting firelight and cosiness, the perfect setting for romance and seduction. Now was the time for whispers and kisses, the suggestive dimness encouraging and enhancing intimacy. Finn pulled Lara closer, thinking he'd never seen her look so lovely as she did just then, but before they did anything more, he wanted to say something to her, something he thought he should have said a lot earlier.

  "Sissy, I know we've...done things, and perhaps even gone past the point of no return, but before we go anywhere else I just wanted to say one thing."

  Lara looked at him apprehensively, not sure where he was going; it didn't help that the way she bit her lip was the most appealing and erotic thing Finn had ever seen...

  "What is it, baby, please, tell me Finny." she murmured.

  Finn took her face in both hands and looked deep into her eyes.

  "Sissy, everything we did, after all the stuff we did today, I just wanted you to know that I've wanted to do that with you for the longest time; I love you, Lara, and I think I always have. I can't think of a time when I didn't want you, and I can't see me ever not wanting you anymore. I don't know if you know where this night, this whole weekend is going, but if you want to call it a day, if you think we've gone too far, well, I need you to know that's alright with me, I'll take you home right now and we can forget this ever happened."

  Lara looked at him levelly, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

  "Finn Elliot, all I've ever wanted, for as long as I can remember, is you, period. I don't know where this weekend is going, and I don't care; as long as I'm with you nothing else matters. I love you Finny, and I'll never stop loving you!"

  She grinned and reached out for him, pulling him closer for a soft but loving kiss, tender and romantic, not the frantic lip-judo of their earlier bouts of lovemaking. She pulled back to poke him lightly in the chest.

  "And I never want to forget any of this; this is the day I finally got you for myself. I want this day burned into my memory forever! Am I forgiven for tricking you into coming here?"

  Finn smiled as he brushed the two long strands of hair back from her face.

  "There's nothing to forgive, Sissy. You can trick me like this every day for the rest of my life if it means I get to keep you for myself!"

  Lara grinned and kissed him once more, putting even more into it than last time; when she finally broke their kiss, Finn felt more than slightly sandbagged. He glanced up and saw Evan and Sylvie watching him and Lara closely; when Finn looked at him, Evan grinned and nodded, then looked at Sylvie, who also nod
ded. Somewhat mystified at this, Finn turned his attention back to Lara.

  The girl singer began another slow ballad, and Lara glanced at some of the other couples who were dancing close and smooching to the music, while the others lounged on love-seats arranged against the walls, holding and stroking each other as they watched the dancers, or enthusiastically making-out.

  "Dance with me, Finny, you haven't danced with me since I was six, dance with me now, baby!" she murmured.

  Finn was glad to oblige. The thought of holding his nubile sister close and kissing her some more was very appealing just then, so he led her out where some of the other couples were moving and swaying to the soft music. Finn was amazed at how well she moulded against him, as though designed for that very purpose; the feel of her softness as she moved to the music, the scent of her hair, her beautiful eyes as she gazed up at him, and finally the taste of her lips as he kissed her, the arousal he was feeling, all blended into a perfect moment he would remember for the rest of his life.

  Lara was feeling it too; the closeness of her adored Finny, his simple declaration of love for her, and the way he held her, like he never meant to let her go. All these things told her in big letters that she and Finn were a couple, now and forever. Smiling at the thought, Lara once again pulled Finn's head down to kiss him.

  "What was that for, baby?" he smiled, squeezing her gently.

  "No reason Finny, except I love you!" she grinned back.

  Finn pulled her closer to him, enjoying the feel of her against him, dancing with her for what seemed like hours, as the band played a selection of romantic standards. Finally, Lara reached up for him, pulling him down and kissing him, their lips locked together as she ground briefly against him, gasping at the iron-hard cock rubbing against her swelling, tender labia. She looked back up at him, seeing her need reflected in his eyes.

  "I think this dinner's over for us; take me back to our room, Finny!" she husked, her throat suddenly dry. Finn looked around to see if he could spot their hosts, to thank them for the evening, and spotted Evan dancing with Sylvie, both of them lost in a deep kiss.


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