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Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (The Big Bad Wolf Trilogy Book 1)

Page 28

by Janie Marie

  Janie focused on Ryder again. “Did that piece of shit say I was fucking Logan while I waited for you? Really, Ryder? We’re doing this shit? You know I can’t handle you being angry with me right now.”

  Ryder growled out something before smashing his lips to hers. Janie kissed back just for a moment before punching his chest and trying to shove him off.

  “I’m sorry, baby girl,” he said, his voice still hard but soothing in a strange way. He kept trying to hug her. “You know shit’s just getting to me.”

  Janie kept trying to shove him away, her face scrunching up, heartbroken. “I know, but you should trust me.”

  “I do.” He kissed her face all over because she pressed her lips together, refusing to kiss him back. It was pathetic and infuriating to watch him acting all sappy after being such a jerk to her. “Forgive me,” he begged Janie. “Please. I’ve just been worried about you all fucking day.”

  Kylie didn’t know how to feel yet. Part of her was still shaken up from being cornered by the fighter and the unforgiving beating Ryder so effortlessly delivered, but another more hurt and enraged part of her was ready to claw Janie’s eyes out. She was done with this girl. She was nothing but trouble. And every time she needed comfort, it was Janie who got it.

  “It hurts me,” Janie whispered as he kept kissing her cheeks and hugging her.

  Kylie might have thought it was cute once, but now she could only see Logan with his arms around Janie, her stupid fucking hazel eyes staring up at him.

  “I know. I’m sorry,” Ryder told her, still leaving kisses on her unresponsive lips, her cheeks, nose, and chin.

  “What happened?” came Logan’s yell from down the hall. He came marching over, throwing Ryder a fierce glance before he took in Kylie’s crouched figure. “Are you okay?”

  She flinched away from him when he tried to grab her. It was just an automatic reaction, and all she could see was the smile Logan had given Janie when they came to the gym yesterday. God, Ryder was right. Logan hugged Janie—he even kept his hands on her until he was forced to let go. Janie was going to steal him from her.

  “Hood?” Logan caressed her cheek.

  Kylie stared at his dark eyes, her heart losing its rage and crumbling at the thought of how Logan and Janie must have been. What second chance did Logan really want? Was she just there to get him to a point where he’d win some part of Janie back?

  “Baby, what happened?” he asked, looking frustrated. He glanced at Janie, making Kylie turn to see Ryder carrying the bitch down the hall as she kept up her pouting like she’d been the one hurt instead of her. Ryder, the asshole he would always be, was apologizing like a little boy. He’d broken her heart with everything he’d said, and now he had the nerve to pamper Janie right in front of her.

  “What happened?” Logan was angry now, taking in the moaning guy and her glare toward Janie and Ryder. “Kylie!”

  “He said you were with her,” she said, cutting her gaze to him, ignoring a few guys who came to check on the man on the floor. “The guy he hit. He said you were with Janie.”

  Logan frowned, searching her eyes. She had green eyes, not hazel. Was that all he was seeing? That they weren’t the eyes he wanted staring into his?

  “He said you didn’t do girlfriends,” she clarified, her anger returning, “and that you were fucking Janie half an hour ago. Said he could hear her screaming.”

  “And you believed him?”

  She didn’t answer, dropping her eyes from his now furious stare. She didn’t know what she believed, but she certainly feared it.

  “Whatever,” he said, standing up.

  She blinked to soothe the stinging in her eyes and watched him mutter under his breath while he ran his hand through his hair.

  “Fuck,” he yelled, punching a door.

  She flinched as she stood and took a step back.

  “It wasn’t like that,” he shouted, hitting the door again. “She was screaming because I was fighting with her brothers. We were wrestling.” He paced away, then walked back, trying to soften his features, but he was clearly angry she doubted him. “I haven’t even touched her since yesterday. And that was just a hug.”

  A hug was too much in Kylie’s mind, but she tried to allow his confession to pick her heart back up. She tried to focus on how confused and hurt both Logan and Janie were at the accusation. There was no guilt in either one of their expressions, and all the times she’d seen Ryder and Janie together in the past, she’d always felt they were completely devoted to one another.

  But that didn’t change the fact Logan loved Janie, and he’d wanted her back. He’d said they were over, not that he didn’t want her. Then there was the picture, and the lotion. Logan said he’d used it, but now she didn’t think it was to remind him of her. He was thinking of Janie.

  Trevor had to be telling the truth if he knew about the lingerie, but she didn’t know when she could confront Logan about it.

  “Did this guy touch you?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “He just had me cornered.”

  “Ryder heard him say that shit to you? That’s why he did this?”

  She nodded. “I thought he’d walked away, but I guess he came back when the guy kept talking. He just hit him.”

  “I wasn’t with her like that,” Logan said softly. “I swear.”

  “Okay,” she said, looking down, unsure if she could really allow herself to trust this relationship he had with Janie. After all, Logan was pretty much a mystery; they barely knew each other. They’d only met eight days ago, and she’d spent very few of them with him.

  She wondered if she was really being as foolish as her stepfather claimed. She’d heard groups of girls talk in the past—all telling each other that someone was moving too fast when they claimed they were in love, or if they went beyond kissing after just a few days together. Christ, she’d let Logan give her an orgasm the third time she saw him. He’d eaten her out, showered with her. He’d spent the night and jacked off on her!

  It was all so fast when she thought about it that way. He was just so addictive. Nothing else mattered when she was in his arms. Maybe that was all it took to make the lie work.

  “You don’t believe me?” Logan asked.

  “It’s just hard.” She looked up to see him watching her. “You were so happy to see her yesterday.”

  “Listen,” he cut in, “I’m not going to be unhappy to see her just because, at the time, we were pretending to date. I hadn’t seen her in a while, and things were tense with us. So of course I was happy when she showed up.

  “Things have changed though. I’m with you. You can’t go and believe everything some asshole says about me and her. If I wanted her—or anyone else—I would have kept things the way they were, or bailed on you when you told me how you felt.”

  What he said made sense, but she didn’t like how he still emphasized how much Janie was a part of his life. If Janie cheated on Logan, she could cheat on Ryder after all.

  “I’m sorry,” Logan said before blurting, “I never fucked her.”

  Her heart seemed to beat again, and he continued, “I was her boyfriend, but I didn’t try to be special for her. We were just us.” He smiled, but he didn’t look happy. He was angry. “I’m trying to be deserving of you. I won’t fuck around on you.”

  Hope filled her wounded heart. Janie didn’t have all of Logan, and he’d almost had sex with her this morning. She meant more. She smiled up at him. “I’m sorry for thinking you would be with her.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry,” he said. “Just have a little faith in me. I’m probably the shittiest boyfriend a girl could have, but I’m trying.”

  She didn’t know how he managed to weaken her anger. “You’re not shitty. And I’m sorry for even thinking—”

  “Can I kiss you now?” He moved close to her, his gaze tender. “Please? I’ve been thinking about you all day.”


  Logan didn’t let her finish. He told
her with his kiss how much he wanted her faith in him, in them.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled against his lips. “He was just scary, then he said all that stuff and Ryder—“

  “I wasn’t with her like that.” He gave her a breath-stealing kiss before pulling back to rest his forehead against hers, his hands cradling her face. “I mean it.”

  “What if she wanted you back?”

  “I wouldn’t want her,” he said, rubbing his thumbs across her cheeks. “Listen, Hood. I care about you a lot. I did pretty much as soon as I saw Trevor taking advantage of you. I’m not good at expressing how I feel.” He frowned and shook his head a little, worrying her again. “All right, this isn’t really what I want to say, but it gutted me every time you brought up Trevor.”

  “Really?” Her voice was soft, and she almost sighed when he smiled.

  “Really.” He gave her a long, sweet kiss. “Will you have a little more faith in me?”

  “Yes,” she said. Fuck Ryder. “I’m so sorry.”

  He leaned away to stand up straight. She wanted to tell him something amazing, but she couldn’t find the words. After all, he still wouldn’t say what she wanted him to. That he liked her, not cared for her or wanted her. Like led to love, and she knew she was already traveling that path with him. Nothing amazing popped in her head, yet somehow words still spilled out. “So her legendary brothers are here?”

  Logan nodded, looking relieved that they were done with their fight. “Just two of them. She has eleven.”


  “They’re all adopted.”

  “Oh,” she said, still pondering over Janie having such a large family. The girl had everything, it seemed. “So you fought them?”

  Logan grabbed her hand. “We were just fucking around and ended up in a mock-brawl. They said I needed practice because I arranged a sparring match with Ryder later today.”

  “But he’s so mean, and he looked ready to kill that guy just a few minutes ago.” She wanted to be as far away from Ryder and Janie as possible. She wanted Logan to never see them again, too. “He was so angry thinking you were with her. Are you sure it’s a good idea?”

  Logan watched the man being helped up before leading her down the hall. “I can handle a fight with Ryder. It’d be nice if you didn’t think I was such a pushover next to him.”

  “No,” she said, panicked when she saw his muscles tighten. “I know you’re not a pushover. It’s just—you said he’s a good fighter, and he’s pissed. He thought the same thing I did about Janie.”

  “He knows better than to believe she’d cheat.” He sighed, squeezing her hand. “It’s sparring anyway. We’re not gonna fight like we hate each other—we’ve done it a few times before. It’ll be fine. Will you cheer for me, or is it going to freak you out to see me fight?”

  “I’ll always cheer for you,” she gushed.

  He grinned, kissing her hand. “That’s my girl. Forget all this shit out here. Be my good luck charm, okay?”

  “Of course.” She beamed up at him. “And I didn’t mean to make you think I doubted your fighting skills. You’re the toughest guy I’ve ever seen. You’re going to kick his ass, I know it. I can’t wait to watch him go down.”

  Logan laughed, pulling her in the direction of his personal locker room. “A little dark, Hood.”

  Her eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

  “Yesterday, you said violence was wrong, but today you’re ready to see me destroy Godson.” He stopped walking, scanning her. “Did he hurt you?”

  “Not exactly.” She pressed her lips together.

  “Then how exactly did he hurt you?” His eyes darkened as he waited for her answer.

  “It’s nothing.” She rubbed his chest before hugging him. He did care. “He’s just not very friendly, and it was another rough day at school.”

  “Oh.” He sighed, all his tension rolling off him. “I should’ve sent someone else to get you, but he was already there.”

  “It’s fine.” It wasn’t. “Thanks for making sure I had a ride.”

  “I’ll try my best to be there next time,” he said. “If it was just the Knights here, I’d have gone, but I had a possible fight to discuss. Mark would kill me if I missed those meetings.”

  Her gaze drifted around the building. Logan was a grown-up. He had a job. God, Kevin was right. He knew this life. “Um, you can focus on your work. I can walk. I can even go home again. I think Kevin will keep an eye on things now.”

  “You’re not going back to that house.” He gave her a nervous look. “And I kinda already asked Janie if you could spend the night with her.”

  She nearly screeched, “What?”

  He dragged a hand down his face. “Just come in here for a second, and I’ll explain.”

  “There’s nothing to explain,” she snapped. “I don’t want to stay with her.”

  He sighed, shoving his door open. All the sweetness in his touch was gone. “Just listen to me.”

  “I already said no.” She was ready to run to the woods. To the dark. Where she belonged.

  Logan let go of her hand as he went to a locker. “You’re part of my routine now, Hood.”

  She jerked her head up to see him wearing a small smile.

  “I’m happy to see where we go,” he said, “but I have responsibilities. I have a job. Kevin’s my boss. He could fire me, leave me practically homeless and ruin my reputation. So I have to do shit here. I’m already getting pressure from the team and Mark. He understands things are hectic with you, but you needing rides from school isn’t an emergency.”

  “I said I can walk.” She wasn’t doing this.

  “I don’t want you walking—it’s dangerous.” He clenched his jaw. “Listen, I don’t want you going to your house when it’s not safe, but I can’t move you into my apartment. Kevin’s my boss. It could cost me my job—everything already could cost me my job, but I don’t want to push him further.”

  She swallowed, feeling so stupid for yelling at Kevin this morning. Now she had nowhere to go because Logan didn’t want her with him.

  “Her brothers already said it was fine.” He ran a hand through his hair. “You don’t have to become friends with her. Hopefully, I’ll be leaving by the time you’re ready for bed, and I’ll be there when you wake up.” He hesitated, searching her face. “Are you already back to hating her?”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  “Hood, I know it’s stupid to expect you to like her, but she’s—”

  Kylie cut him off. “It’s fine. I’ll go to her place tonight, but I’ll be going home tomorrow.”

  “What?” He put down a roll of tape he’d pulled out.

  “I said I’m going home tomorrow.” She trembled and her head throbbed. “I get that you want to keep me safe, but I would rather be in a room with Maura than her.”

  He looked like he’d been punched in the stomach. Breathing out, he closed his eyes and muttered, “Please think about this. She’s not a bad person. She’s just misunderstood, and she’s willing to help.”

  Kylie shook her head. “I don’t want to be around her. I can’t stop seeing you smiling, holding on to her. And I can’t take hearing everyone say you want her back.”

  “Hood,” he said, looking at her again. This time there was an angry spark in his dark eyes. “Don’t listen to what people say. And we already talked about how I was with her. You and I weren’t really together when you saw that. I’m not doing anything wrong now.”

  The door to his room banged open and Ryder walked in with Janie.

  “Babe, you can knock.” Janie gave her a small wave. “Hey, Kylie.”

  Feeling Logan’s stare, she tried to smile back, but she wasn’t sure what her face looked like as she nodded at Janie.

  Ryder met her stare and scoffed before guiding Janie to the couch. It was then Kylie realized he was shirtless and wearing a pair of black fighting shorts like Logan. Holy cow.

  He had tattoos, not nearly as many
as Logan, but she didn’t get to see them because he sat, pulling Janie to stand between his legs. He closed his eyes and rested his head against her stomach, seeming tired.

  Janie sent her a shy smile as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Oh, Kylie, I brought you clothes to train in.”

  Ryder lifted his head and pushed Janie’s shirt up a little, only to begin kissing her stomach.

  What the hell?

  Janie didn’t seem bothered by it and kept talking. “I left them in my locker.”

  Her locker? Kylie glanced at the locker Janie pointed to. It was open, and the inside was covered with photos. Logan was easily visible in them, and he was smiling at her in each one. Ryder was in most of the pictures, and so were his brothers, which, strangely, infuriated her more. How many guys did this girl need?

  Again, images of Logan and Janie kissing, laughing, and just being them filled her mind. What naked picture had Trevor seen? When did Logan receive it? Did Janie take a nude of herself and send it to him? Did he take it himself?

  Kylie knew she needed to chill out so she didn’t go insane, but she couldn’t stop all her doubt about Janie wanting Logan—of Logan wanting Janie back. She pushed against the door that kept out all the nasty things that wanted to torment her—that kept everything out—but her arms shook, ready to give up every time she looked at Janie.

  “Yeah,” Logan said, making her stop her internal fuming, “I changed my mind, baby doll.” He winced, shaking his head. “Um, she’s not ready to train just yet.”

  “Oh,” Janie said, nodding at the locker. “Well, you can still take the stuff I bought. I think everything should fit.”

  Logan smiled sadly, and Janie stared at him like she could read everything from that smile.

  Hazel eyes began to drift her way, but Ryder got up, dragging Janie out of the room before they could connect with hers.

  Logan went to the locker and pulled out a pair of black leggings and a red pullover with a hood. “She thought you might be comfortable in this.”

  Kylie stared at the clothes he held out. A different sort of pain shot through her. She couldn’t remember the last time someone, besides Logan, had really thought of her as they picked out clothes. Why did it have to be Janie?


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