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Daddy Ever After

Page 2

by Measha Stone

  “You’re really going to do that?” she asked with wide eyes.

  “Why wouldn’t I? You broke a serious rule, Jaelynn. The Annex prides itself on keeping the women in their employ safe at all times, and you disobeyed them.”

  “If every man in the room was completely safe, so much so that we are contracted out for days or even weeks at a time, then why would we be unsafe walking around the room unescorted?” she challenged him, her hands folding in her lap. She felt she had a sturdy ground now. Good.

  Unraveling her would be so much fun.

  “We can talk about it during your punishment.” He popped his door open and left the car, dropping the keys into Damien’s hands. He’d come down from the house while she’d explained her confusion.

  Hunter walked around the car and opened her door, offering his hand to help her out. She ignored it and walked past him to the stairs.

  Yes. This was going to be fun.

  He caught up to her in three easy strides and planted his hand firmly on her back, leading her into the house and down the long corridor to one of his offices. With each step down the darkened hallway, the door at the end grew bigger, and with it the tension in her muscles increased.

  “You live alone in this house? It’s fucking huge,” she said as they passed another hallway that veered off toward the back wing of the house.

  He didn’t respond. Cursing would need to be addressed as well. But since she didn’t know the rules of his house, he wouldn’t punish her for it.


  Outside the office door, he paused and pulled her to face him.

  “Once we are inside this room our time together begins. I know you said you weren’t nervous, or at least you’re doing a fairly good job at pretending you’re not, but I want to put any worries you may have to bed. I will not harm you. I will hurt you though. I will discipline you when needed, and I will make rules you are to obey without question. For the weekend you are completely mine. I will abide by our contract and will not do anything outside the terms we’ve drawn up. If at any time you want to cancel the contract you have only to say so.”

  After a momentary pause she gave a slow nod. “I understand. Thank you.”

  His lips kicked up in a grin. “See how much thanks you offer after your punishment.” He held up a hand. “I don’t want another word about it. You were a naughty girl and will be punished for it.”

  Her nostrils flared, but she remained silent. Could she think she wasn’t going to enjoy herself? Oh, she’d regret being naughty. He didn’t allow disobedience. But once she paid her consequence, she would find pleasure.

  “Have you been spanked with a paddle before?” he asked, reaching for the key in his pocket.

  “Of course,” she answered quickly. Too quickly.

  He stopped working the key into the handle and gave her a long look. “Peter?”

  “Yes,” she nodded.


  “And what?”

  “And before Peter?”

  “I can take a spanking,” she pressed. Was she trying to convince him or herself? The catalogue had said she was new to the Annex but not that she was new to any of the activities he would enjoy playing with her.

  “Before Peter, have you been spanked? Whipped? Disciplined? Tied up?” He unlocked the handle then looked down at her.

  Another hard swallow. Her eyes shifted from him to the button on his shirt.

  “Did you lie to the Annex about your experience?” he demanded.

  “I don’t see how that has anything to do with our current contract. If you’d rather get another girl, just take me back.” She took an unsteady step back.

  He caught her elbow.

  “We’ll talk about that later. For now, you’re getting a spanking, and then I think I’ll put you to bed. In the morning we’ll see what’s to be done about your lying.”

  Her eyes widened at his words. He wasn’t a fool, and he wouldn’t be played as one.

  Cupping her elbow, he brought her into his office and walked her promptly to the couch in the sitting area. With fluid mobility, he sat down and yanked her over his lap, tugging up her skirt and wrenching down her panties without giving himself any time to admire the beauty of the material stretched over her upturned ass.

  “Wait.” She threw her hand back in a predictable attempt to cover herself.

  He palmed her wrist, holding it to the small of her back and placed his right hand on her ass. “For what?”

  She twisted her neck enough for him to catch sight of her eyes. No real fear, but enough raw nerves to make the next few minutes make a true impact. “Can’t we do this in the morning?”

  Such a weak attempt. “I won’t go easier on you. Probably make it even harder since I’d have to rearrange what I have planned.”


  “You broke the rules. Now.” He patted her bottom, getting a feel for the weight of her cheeks. “Why are you lying face down over my knee with your bare ass staring up me?”

  She groaned and turned away, choosing to stare at the floor rather than him.

  When she remained silent, he gave her a sharp smack. She jolted on his lap. It barely made a blush on her creamy complexion.

  “If I have to say it again, it will be worse,” he warned.

  “Because I walked across the room unescorted at the party,” she mumbled more incoherently than he liked, but he allowed it. For now.

  He gave her another sharp pop. “Address me properly,” he chided.


  He sighed and gave her three rapid smacks to her thighs. She kicked out and mewled at the harsh slaps.


  He paused.

  “You didn’t read the contract,” he stated bluntly.

  She remained quiet.

  He laughed. “We have a lot to talk about tomorrow.” He ran his hand over her smooth bottom, pulling one cheek toward him and letting himself visually explore her tight ring hiding in the valley. “Don’t clench when I’m looking at you. Or touching you,” he warned and her muscles softened.

  “How am I supposed to address you if not sir?” she asked. Topic turning wouldn’t serve her well in the future.

  “You’ll call me Daddy.”

  Her body stiffened over his lap, but she remained silent. No protest or repulsed response. Could he have tapped into a secret desire?

  “When I’m spanking you for being a bad girl, don’t beg me to stop. I’ll stop when you’ve learned your lesson. You can use your safeword to pause, but it won’t get you out of anything. Understood?”

  “Yes,” a small voice responded.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and laid into her, giving her twelve hard smacks in a row. She wiggled and kicked out.

  “I just told you how to address me.” He pinched her cheek.

  Did he hear her growl? He grinned. This would be a fun weekend.

  “Yes.” She took a shaky breath. “Daddy.”

  “Good. Here we go.”

  He took punishment spankings seriously. As much as he loved the bounce of her ass, and the way it colored beneath the swats, he’d rather be able to stop to touch her pussy. Finger her until she was mewling over his lap and begin spanking again. But instead he had to stick directly to making her bottom sore, and her mind set on how to behave from now on.

  She cried out after he’d delivered several dozen swats. For a new spankee she was taking her punishment rather well. But she wasn’t where he needed her.

  He increased the force, making sure not to leave a spot of her ass or thighs untouched.

  The wiggling increased. His hand burned from the repetitive smacks, but he wouldn’t relent until he had her where he wanted her.

  She tried to push up and roll off his lap, all attempts easily squashed.

  “I’m sorry!” she blurted out as she tried to twist in his grasp again.

  “For what?” he asked, continuing the spanking. There were no breaks for bad girls.

bsp; “For disobeying the rule.”


  “Daddy! I’m sorry for disobeying the rule, Daddy!” She corrected herself.

  “That rule is for your safety. How do I know when I bring you back there you won’t do it again?” he asked, though he didn’t like thinking about returning her. Not just yet, he hadn’t had his fill yet.

  “I won’t. I promise, Daddy.” She still struggled against him.

  She wasn’t ready for him to stop yet.

  As the spanking continued, he took note of the tightness in her legs, how the muscles clenched and relaxed, until they began to soften completely. She stopped apologizing, and he could hear the soft sniffles of a repentant little girl.

  The struggles stopped, and he released her arm. Pulling it forward to help balance herself better, she gave into the punishment.

  “Will you do it again?”

  “No, Daddy. I won’t. I promise.” Another sniffle.

  He didn’t rub away any sting, not for a bad girl, before swooping her up and placing her on her feet in front of him.

  He held her hands and looked up at her. Tears streaked her face, red blotches covered what had been such a creamy complexion. A thick curl of her hair was caught in the wet tracks, and he wiped it away.

  “Every time you’re naughty you’ll be punished. It’ll be better for you to be a good girl all the time.” He gave her another long look over, making certain she was simply contrite and maybe a little embarrassed from her spanking and not truly harmed. Reassured she was a repentant little girl, he decided to go forward. “Let’s put you to bed.” He pushed up from the couch and snagged her hand, pulling her from the room.

  “My panties.” She tried to pull back to straighten her clothing.

  “Leave them. And your skirt,” he ordered, giving her a warning look before tugging her along. He’d instructed his staff to take the rest of the evening off once he came home from the party, so no one would see her shuffling throughout the corridors with her panties at her knees, her skirt hiked up, and her crimson ass flashing the entire house.

  But she didn’t know that.

  He walked slower on the climb to his room, so she wouldn’t trip up the stairs, but once they were on a flat surface again, he picked up his pace.

  His cock pressed against his slacks. Every sniffle she let loose, every glance he had of her shuffling behind him made not touching her tonight harder. He needed her in bed, so he could get in the shower and take care of things. He’d use her image. Her tears, her cries, and he’d come hard.

  But first she needed to get into bed.


  Jaelynn stared at her plate. Full of scrambled eggs, hash browns, and fruit, it all made her mouth water. But all she could think about was the tenderness in her ass.

  She squirmed again in her seat, trying to find a position that didn’t remind her of every stroke of Hunter’s hand. He’d been relentlessly harsh. Peter spanked hard, but he stopped once she apologized. Hunter’s agenda had been different.

  “Eat,” Hunter commanded in the hard voice she’d quickly come to understand meant he wasn’t to be ignored.

  She looked up at him. His plate was already cleared. How long had she been sitting there reliving her spanking?

  Not wanting any reason to land over his knee in the very near future, she picked up her fork and scooped up some eggs.

  “Jaelynn, I have some questions for you, and you are going to answer me honestly. If you lie, you’ll be spending a very long time over the arm of my couch with my belt.”

  She swallowed down the eggs with one gulp. That sounded horrific. So why the hell was her pussy starting to tingle?

  “Okay.” She put her fork back down.

  “No, keep eating.” He tapped his finger on the table beside her plate.

  Her fingers wrapped back around the fork.

  “Did you lie to Ashland and Peter about your experience?”

  She blinked a few times before taking the chance to look at him. Such fierceness. Such hard edges. He wore another button-down shirt, the first two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Tattoos littered his skin, as though he needed any help in looking more ferocious than he did when he glowered at her.

  “Yes.” With his eyes focused on her, his jaw set so firmly, lying wasn’t an option.

  His left eyebrow arched and he tilted his head, like he was waiting for something.

  Oh. That.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she answered softly. Maybe the address should have brought some shameful sensation to her soul, but it didn’t. It had been a surprise when he’d demanded it, and it felt a bit odd, but she couldn’t say it felt bad.

  It almost felt good.


  She swallowed. “The Annex won’t accept a woman who doesn’t have any experience. I had to say I did so they’d take me in.”

  His eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean take you in?”


  “I mean take me on. Like on staff?” She shoveled a forkful of hash browns in her mouth, barely tasting the salty deliciousness.

  He sighed. “You’re lying again. Maybe it would be better if you went back today. I’ll explain to Peter what happened and our contract can be cancelled.” He dropped his napkin beside his plate.

  She shot her hand out and wrapped it around his wrist. His thick, warm wrist. “No! Please.” Peter would fire her on the spot.

  He looked at her hand on his arm then traveled the length of hers until his dark, narrowed eyes met hers. “Tell me all of it.”

  The command came so clearly, with such force behind his words she had to take a breath. Releasing him, she folded her hands in her lap and closed her eyes. This was going badly. Everything had gone wrong since the moment Hunter cornered her at the party.

  She could give him most of the truth without actually lying.

  “I lost my parents five years ago; they were murdered. I’ve done my best to stay above water, but I lost my apartment last month.” All of which was true. The deeper motive would be held close to her heart until the time came. Until she could get close enough to Elliot Jansen.

  “Murdered?” he pressed, still standing over her.

  “Yes,” she nodded, pushing her plate away. She couldn’t eat anymore. Not with his threat to return her and ruin any chance she had at avenging her parents’ deaths.

  “You have no other family?”

  “No. And I’d heard about the Annex and how much money I could make and they even boarded their women, so I figured I’d try.” Mostly true.

  “You have desires of submission? Of being owned by a man, serving him, and being taken care of? Or does none of that appeal to you?” he asked, though she could tell there was more to his question. A complicated question that had no simple response for it.

  “I’m not sure.” After going to bed with a sore bottom, warm soul, and aching pussy she really wasn’t anymore. He’d confused her with his utter dominance and demands and baffled her more when he’d sent her off to sleep, tucked into his bed.

  “You will be by the end of the weekend,” he said and retook his seat. “You’ll pay for your deceit though. This afternoon you will come to my office, same as last night, and accept your punishment for it.”

  She bit down on her lip. Her ass clenched at the prospect of being over his knee again, but something inside her craved his discipline.

  “You didn’t read the contract,” he stated, draping one arm over the back of his chair. “That will earn you another punishment. You can’t just sign your name to things, Jaelynn. Especially in this business you’ve taken on.”

  Her eyes darted to him. Business. Did he see her as a whore? She’d only been with the Annex for a few weeks, and she’d only played with a small handful of men who enjoyed giving a little spanking. But she’d never felt like a whore, had never been treated like one.

  “I can take care of myself just fine,” she assured him with a raised chin.

  He s
tudied her in silence.

  “Not this weekend. While you’re here, I’m in charge. I say when you sleep, eat, shower.” He paused, leaning forward an inch. “When you orgasm. I let you have your fun last night but you are not allowed to touch that pussy of yours again without begging me first. Do you understand?”

  She squirmed in her seat. He’d heard her? She thought he’d gone back down to his office after his shower. It was the only reason she’d given into her carnal need and brought herself the relief she needed.

  “Jaelynn, I asked a question,” he prompted in a hard tone.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she responded with a nod. “I won’t—uh—do that again.”

  The right side of his lips quirked up. The darkness in his eyes softened. “Do what?”

  Heat ran up her neck, covering her face.

  “Play with myself.” She dropped her eyes from his. Too much power shone back at her. Damn him for making her feel so soft, so unsure.

  “Yes, you will. When I want you to,” he said. “And I want you to, now.”

  It took a moment for her to process what he’d said, but when he didn’t continue she turned to him. “Now?”

  “That’s what I said. Since you keep stopping your meal, you can entertain me. And we’ll get to explore that submissive side you’re not sure you have.” He said it like he didn’t believe it, like he knew something she didn’t.


  “Push your chair back, spread those legs of yours, and play with your pussy until you come. You don’t need to ask permission this time, but in the future, you’ll beg for your orgasms.”

  She swallowed back the immediate refusal tingling her tongue. No one at the Annex had wanted to play with her that way before. She’d always said no sex, so none of them had been tempted. But Hunter had made her be specific about her limit. And she hadn’t said nothing sexual, she’d only said no penetration.

  If she denied him, if she called off the contract, he’d tell Peter and Ashland about her lie. She’d lose her home and opportunity in an instant.

  “Three seconds.” He held up as many fingers, keeping his expression stoic. She hated not being able to read him. Was he really annoyed, was he getting pissed, was he perfectly happy with the situation?


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