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Daddy Ever After

Page 3

by Measha Stone

  The decision seemed already made for her. Considering the consequences for not following his order, she pushed her chair back.

  She’d only been given a few minutes to pack a bag for her time with Hunter, and he’d been very clear panties weren’t needed. Once she spread her legs and flipped up her skirt she’d be completely exposed. He’d see everything.

  The heat in her face couldn’t match the heat in her core, though.

  Sliding her ballet-shoed feet across the carpeting, her legs spread, and a cool breeze blew up her skirt.

  “Wider,” he instructed when she paused. “Now flip up your skirt and scoot your ass to the edge of the chair.”

  She nodded.

  “Don’t shake your head or nod at me. Use that pretty mouth of yours to answer me.” His command was given softly, but no less firm.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she responded and positioned herself as instructed.

  His eyes cast down away from her, and she knew he was looking at her sex. Biting down on the inside of her cheek, she slid her hand up her thigh until she brushed her fingers along her wetness.

  “Go on, just like you did last night in my bed,” he prompted.

  She knew her body; she knew exactly how much pressure, how much tenderness to give her pussy before she exploded. Years of celibacy made it easy to make it a science.

  With a shaky hand she began to explore herself, pressing on her clit, rubbing it in circles, pushing down from the tip toward her entrance then back again. Closing her eyes took her away from his prying eyes and allowed her to delve into her mind. Where she remembered the spanking, the hard smacks, the deep vibrating sound of his voice, the hot grip of his hand when he took her to bed. Every ounce of his dominance washed through her memory, bringing her closer and closer to the edge.

  A chair moved. His knee brushed hers.

  Her eyes opened and she found his burrowing into hers.

  “Keep going,” he ordered while gripping the stretched neckline of her shirt and pulling it down until her breasts popped free.

  She watched with fascinated curiosity as he leaned forward and took a nipple into his mouth, his tongue whirling around the beaded tip.

  “Don’t stop playing with that pussy, Jaelynn. Come for me,” he said, moving to her other breast and repeating his ministrations.

  It wouldn’t take long, just a harder push.

  “Did you think about your spanking when you came last night? Were you thinking about how much your ass hurt? How red it must be after Daddy spanked you so hard for being such a naughty little girl?”

  Oh, fuck. He knew. He knew exactly what to say.

  “Is that what you thought about?” he asked again, his teeth biting into her nipple.

  “Yes,” she panted. “Yes, Daddy.” The word escalated her need, her urgency.

  She rubbed faster, her fingers becoming slick from her juices.

  “Good girl. Come for me, now, Jaelynn.” He flicked his tongue over her nipple then brought his face level with hers, his eyes watching her. “Eyes open,” he ordered, wrapping his hands around her neck, keeping her steady.

  A hard roll of her stomach moved lower. Electricity ran through her, pulsated. So. Close.

  “Rub your clit harder for me. You can do this. You can come for Daddy like a good girl.” His breath was hot against her skin. His fingers dug into her neck.

  Her eyes flitted to his as the first current hit. Jolting forward, she pulled her knees up toward her stomach while she rubbed frantically, bringing on an explosive release.

  Screaming out with the powerful sensations, she remained steady in his hands, his eyes keeping her locked. She couldn’t look away, she couldn’t hear, she could only feel her clit throbbing as she floated back down, felt his thumbs begin to rub gently against her skin.

  “Such a good girl.” His lips turned upward into a smile, and he captured her mouth beneath his. He knocked her off kilter with the force of him, the powerful way his tongue swept past her lips and claimed her. It took no nudging from him at all for her to reciprocate the kiss.

  When he pulled back and placed one soft kiss to the tip of her nose, she collapsed back in the chair, sucking in air. Her muscles went soft.

  “Finish your breakfast and then go back up to bed. I’ll call you when it’s time for lunch,” he said and stood up from his chair. She noted the large steel-like bar in his trousers. He hadn’t made her take care of it for him.

  The door to the dining room closed, and she realized she still sat with herself fully exposed. She’d only seen a few women in the kitchen earlier, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have more staff that could just walk in whenever. What if one of them had walked in while she’d been masturbating for him?

  She inched her skirt down her thighs and brought her knees together. The intensity of his stare while she’d touched herself lingered. Every bit of her skin tingled with heat, but he hadn’t touched her. Not then, not when she became unraveled and came at his command.

  He shouldn’t have so much power.

  It was unnerving.


  Hunter closed his laptop. Although he’d set the week aside for some relaxation and had put his business dealings in the hands of Carter, his second in command, he still liked to check in. Make sure the jackasses were actually making their rounds and not skimping on collections.

  Being one of the major players in his uncle’s business didn’t happen overnight. It had taken him years to build enough trust and enough power to take on the district that was handed to him. And now that his uncle was getting older, he’d be getting ready to name a successor. He had no kids, and with Hunter being his top producer, it could very well be him.

  Taking the weekend to indulge himself in a fantasy that never would become reality kept him fresh when he got back to the work. He could deny himself what he wanted so long as he gave himself a little taste now and then.

  The Annex worked perfectly for his plan. He picked a girl, spent a weekend with his desires and fantasies, and brought her back. A few grand poorer but sated enough to get back to work.

  This weekend would be no different. No matter he found Jaelynn more appealing than any of the others; she would do her job and go home. When he’d seen her in the room by the bar, searching the room with more purpose than any of the Annex women should, he’d watched her. She hadn’t just walked away from the bar because she needed to step away, she was looking for something. Someone.

  He didn’t doubt what she’d told him at breakfast. But there was more, and he’d find out by the end of the week.

  Curious. Nothing more than that.

  Glancing at the grandfather clock on the wall, he smiled. She’d been upstairs for longer than he’d originally intended. But she hadn’t come down looking for him. Good girl. She may think she had no submissive qualities or desires, but he saw the way her pupils dilated when he commanded her. He noticed the hitch in her breath when he led her into a room.

  He spent too much time working on his day off; he wanted to play.

  Damien, one of his foot soldiers, stood at the base of the stairs, a worried crease in his brow.

  “What is it?” Hunter asked. Damien should have been enjoying the time free of having to drive him around and escort him to meetings. Not standing guard at the stairs.

  “That girl you brought home last night. She’s wandering around, and I can’t find her.”

  Hunter’s heart clenched. “What do you mean you can’t find her? Why are you even fucking looking for her?” The hardness crept into his question.

  Damien’s eyes widened. “Because you don’t usually let the girls wander around and when I saw her in the kitchen I asked her about it. She said she was going back up to your room, but when I checked, she wasn’t there. Now I can’t find her.”

  “You think she’s walking around swiping the crystal?” Hunter asked with more of an edge than he meant.

  Damien shook his head and put out his hands. “No, nothing like that.”
br />   “It’s too far of a walk to the city, and she doesn’t need to run away. She’s here somewhere. Keep looking and when you find her, bring her to my office.” Hunter went back down the hall.

  Maybe she wanted him to find her. Maybe she wanted to play a little hide and seek and get another spanking out of it. He’d told her to go to his room. He’d told her to stay put.

  He didn’t like disobedience. For any reason.

  Almost the second he sat back in his chair, Jaelynn strode through the door, her cheeks flushed and her hair windblown.

  “You wanted to see me?” she asked, giving Damien a glare when he walked in beside her.

  “Where was she?” Hunter asked.

  “In the main office. On your computer,” Damien answered, matching her expression.

  Hunter sat back in his chair.

  “Why does she look like she’d been outside?” he asked, enjoying the little flare of her nostrils when he didn’t direct his question directly at her.

  “She ran.” Damien narrowed his eyes. He wasn’t used to having to chase women, and sure as hell not one in Hunter’s house.

  Hunter fought back his smile. His little girl had some grit.

  “I wasn’t running,” she said with a hard tone. “I was just trying to go back upstairs.”

  “You should have been up there to begin with,” Damien shot back at her.

  “You can go, Damien. And get out of here, take the damn day off like I told you.” Hunter folded his hands on top of his desk.

  Damien gave her one more glare. “Yeah. I think I’ll do that.”

  Jaelynn scratched her elbow. Shifted her weight from one foot to the next. The whole while avoiding his gaze.

  “Jaelynn.” His voice dragged her attention to him.

  “I was just—”

  “Go stand in the corner.” He looked at the corner he meant.


  He narrowed his eyes. Her defiance was higher than before. Maybe giving her an orgasm had been a bad idea. He wouldn’t make that mistake this time.

  “I said go stand in the corner.”

  She fisted her hands on her hips and laughed. “Stand in the corner? Like some bad girl?”

  He gripped his hands together tighter. “Well, that’s what you were.” He raised his eyebrows.

  “I was just checking email.”

  “You were supposed to be up in the bedroom,” he countered. “Go. Now.” He kept his expression blank, but he wouldn’t tolerate any more defiance from her. She would obey him.

  She snorted.

  Bounding from his chair, he was on her in moments. Sinking his hand into her hair, he fisted it at the scalp, pulling her head back far enough that her arms flailed to keep her balance.

  “I said go to the corner,” he said with gritted teeth. Twisting her body so she faced away from him, he led her by the hair to the corner while his right hand began to drum onto her ass every step of the way. She twisted but couldn’t get far and didn’t succeed in avoiding his hand.

  Once he had her in the corner, he pressed her forehead against the wall and leaned hard against her back. He inhaled her. Sweet smelling; even after using his soap, she still had a soft feminine scent.

  “You will stay in this fucking corner because you were told to. If you turn, you twist, you so much as take half a step back, you’ll wish you’d never signed that fucking contract. Do you understand me?” He didn’t release her hair but used it to pull her head back again so he could see her face. Tears sat on the rim of her lids.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered, her hands rubbing at her ass where he’d spanked her.

  At least she’d addressed him properly.

  He let her go with a shake and stepped back. Not bothering to ask her what he wanted to know, assuming she’d give him another half-truth, he went to his laptop and fired it back up. He logged into the computer in his main office. The room he used for meetings and such, the place where he didn’t keep pertinent information a visitor could see and use against him.

  She’d been doing searches on Elliot Jansen. What the hell? He looked over at her standing in his corner. She’d changed out of the skirt and t-shirt, trading it for a pair of leggings and long sweater. Maybe she felt safer, less vulnerable in her new clothes.

  Going to his email server, he pulled up the copy of their contract, looking for her name. Not all girls at the Annex used their real name, but maybe she had. After searching with the last name for murders in the last five years, he found it.

  Maybel and James Pierce were found dead on the scene where a warehouse had been blown up. The warehouse had been suspected to be a safe house used by the Jansen family. The couple had been walking on the wrong street at the wrong time.

  She fidgeted in the corner again, her hands fisting and relaxing at her sides.

  “Remove your clothes,” he ordered, closing his laptop again.

  She stiffened but didn’t comply.

  “Get out of your fucking clothes, or I’ll strip you myself,” he demanded, getting out of his chair again.

  “Hunter, I didn’t mean to get you mad.” She spoke to the corner while slipping her hands into her sweater and pulling it over her head. A wide wrinkled scar covered the lower left quadrant of her back. Time had faded the scar but not erased it.

  “I’m not mad. Pants off, too.” He shifted in his chair, watching her until her entirely naked form stood in the corner. Her round buttocks, blushed rose from the spanking she needed to get into the corner, clenched before him.

  He looked back at the article, letting her stew alone. “Don’t cover yourself. I want to see every inch of your body, either stop fidgeting or put your hands on top of your head,” he directed as he clicked into a new screen. The article didn’t give much detail; he’d have to get into the police database to get the real story.

  Easy enough to do, he found the files momentarily. His eyes skimmed the reports. The warehouse was assumed to have been torched by Jansen, most likely for insurance money. Along with the two innocent passersby’s deaths, five were injured, suffering second degree burns. Jaelynn Pierce was the first name listed.

  He looked up again at her back. She’d been burned.

  She’d been with her parents when they were killed.

  By his uncle.

  “I’m going to ask you something, and if you tell me the truth I’ll forgive you snooping. But if you lie to me, you’ll get twice the punishment. Along with a face fucking I promise you won’t enjoy.” He stood from his desk and watched her back muscles twitch as he spoke.

  “We said no fucking,” her weak voice said from the corner.

  “No, you said no vaginal penetration,” he reminded her. “If you had read the contract, you would know that.” He couldn’t help but throw that at her. If he had the time, he’d really teach her how to better care for herself. But he only had a few days with her.

  She sighed. “What’s your question?”

  “You were searching my uncle.” Her spine straightened, and he heard her little gasp. “You didn’t know he was my uncle?”

  “No. I—your name is different,” she said.

  “He’s my mother’s brother,” he explained, stepping closer to her. “Why were you looking for information on him?”

  Her hands balled at her sides, her shoulders rolled back, and her chin pushed up. She might as well be laying bricks around her with the way she stiffened.

  “He killed my parents,” she said bluntly.

  “This scar.” He ran his fingertips over the uneven edges of the burn, feeling her tense with unease. “You were with them when they were killed. The building fire.”

  She was silent for a long moment before leaning her head forward and resting it against the wall. “He set the fire, caused the explosion. All for money. I saw the policy he had on the building. We were walking to dinner. I lagged behind because I got a phone call from my boyfriend. If I hadn’t stopped to talk with him I would have—” She took a shaky breath. “
I would have been killed too.”

  “You feel guilty about that? About surviving?” He rested his hand on her hip, feeling the tension. Wound tight in her misplaced blame, her muscles firmed beneath his hand.

  “If I hadn’t stepped away, maybe I could have helped them,” she spoke softly. How many nights had she laid awake replaying the events and inserting her heroism to force a happier ending?

  “You think you would have had some sixth sense that something was coming? You could have realized the explosion was about to happen and shove them out of the way?”

  A haggard sigh escaped, but the tension didn’t ease. “I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do. You know that you wouldn’t have been able to do anything different. You’d have been killed.” He tightened his hold on her hip. She could try to fold into herself and ignore the truth, but he wasn’t letting her go it alone.

  “You’re right.” She paused a beat. “It wasn’t my fault. It was his.” The softness was gone now, replaced by solid resolve.

  “What are you looking for my uncle for?” he asked, pushing ahead. “Money? An apology?” His uncle would give her neither.

  She turned around, bringing her hard stare to meet his eyes. “I’m going to kill him.”

  He kept his expression bland, not showing his surprise at her answer. Kill his uncle? Men who’d been dealing with him for decades and despised him never had the balls to take such action.

  “And how were you going to do that?”

  Her lower lip trembled, but she grabbed control of it before continuing. “He works close with Samuel Titon. I heard he comes to the parties sometimes, so I figured—” She trailed off.

  “You figured you’d get him to take you on contract, or just have some fun with you in private at the Annex and you’d—what, strangle him with those big strong hands of yours?” His uncle would have had her killed within a second of even sensing her desire to see him dead. She would have been just a plaything at the Annex, easily disposed of according to his uncle.

  “I have a knife.”

  He looked her up and down. “And you thought he wouldn’t notice it strapped to you when he had you naked?” She would have failed before she had an opportunity to try.


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