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Loving Raylynn

Page 38

by C. R. Marcum

  “Got anymore smoke?” Syn asked as he drug his eyes off of Raylynn.

  “The fuck kinda question is that? Of course, I do. Its in my room, cause I aint sharing with the whole damn neighborhood.” Lucas replied wrapping his arms around his groupies.

  “Fuck yeah, I’ll get ya back bro.”

  “Whatever man, I probably wont even remember you owe me tomorrow but…” Lucas said before the brunette on his left disappeared under the table.

  “Ew, really just out in the living room for everyone to see?” Ray asked, slightly disgusted.

  “She’s got a mouth like a fuckin hoover, I am powerless to stop her.” Lucas replied with a groan.

  “Ugh, c’mon Syn, I’ll puke if I see or hear anymore of that shit.” Raylynn said grabbing his hand.

  The electricity flowed through her arm from the contact. She wanted to pull her hand free from his, but her body was betraying her. Instead of the brotherly love she should be feeling, she felt pure lust. His grip on her hand was strong but tender, and when his thumb brushed against hers, the roughness against her silken skin caused goosebumps to rise on her arms. She could feel the heat pooling between her thighs and her breathing had become ragged.

  “You good?” Syn asked pulling her to a stop outside of Lucas’s room.

  “Y…yeah, I’m fine.” She lied looking up at him.

  “You sure? You seem nervous.” He replied, cocking his eyebrow.

  “Now why would I be nervous?” she asked. “Just c’mon, lets get some smoke and go.” She finished with an eyeroll.

  “Wait, you’re gonna smoke with me?” he asked shocked.

  “Yeah, I haven’t smoked since I left Chicago and after my run in with Pais…ugh…I just wanna forget. Help me forget Syn.” She pleaded.

  “Ummm, what about Jax?”

  “He won’t care. At least I don’t think he will.”

  “You’re fuckin killin me Ray. If Jax gets shitty this was on you, got it.”

  “Got it.”

  “Fuck, alright. Go wait in my room, I’ll grab a blunt and meet you in there.” He said dropping her hand and letting himself into the room.

  Raylynn found herself in Syn’s room. It was cleaner than the last time she had been in there and his cologne was still lingering in the air. She was blanketed by him and it overwhelmed her senses. She could still hear the music, but it was now muffled. She looked around the room as she tried to figure out where to sit. There were only two options, the bed or the chair covered in his clothes. She wanted to keep her distance after the way she had reacted to his touch, but the tequila now running through her made her brazen.

  She slipped her shoes off and climbed up onto his bed. The smell of him clung to the fabric, and when she laid back against the pillow she let out a soft moan.

  ‘What is wrong with you! Get your shit together! You are IN LOVE with Jax! That is his brother getting you wet! Stop it right now!’ She thought to herself as she made herself at home on his bed.

  The music flooded the room when Syn appeared in the doorway holding the blunt he had found in Lucas’s room. She watched his muscles pull and contract as he sauntered into his room.

  “This is good shit. You sure you can handle it?” he asked with a smirk before is eyes locked on her.

  She watched as his eyes took her in. His gaze started at her eyes before it slowly traveled down the length of her body. Her skin tingled wherever his eyes landed and she wondered what he was thinking. She wondered if the look in his eyes at that moment was the same look he gave any other girl lying on his bed.

  “Will you stop staring at me and light the damn thing already?” She replied with her signature eye roll.

  “Alright, don’t say I didn’t warn ya.” He said before putting the blunt between his lips and lighting it.

  She watched as he sat at the foot of his bed. He rested one arm behind his head when he lay back, the blunt still held between his lips. She watched him take two puffs in quick succession before passing it in her direction. She took it with a shaky hand, trying her best not to come in contact with his skin.

  “Thanks for keeping me company, I know you would rather be out there finding yourself some fun for the night.” She said before taking two hits herself.

  “I aint interested in anyone out there. I’ve had the ones I want and I wouldn’t fuck the rest of ‘em with Lucas’s dick.” He replied staring at the ceiling.

  “Ha! I wouldn’t worry about Lucas’s dick, I’m pretty sure he’s had ‘em all anyway. He is the epitome of the words man whore.” She said with a giggle, the weed already doing its job.

  Syn hadn’t lied about the quality. She was already buzzed off the two hits she had taken, of course the two quick shots of tequila may have had a hand in how good she was feeling.

  She waited until he had taken a few more hits before reaching out and plucking it from between his lips and watched in fascination as his tongue slipped out and swiped across his bottom lip.

  “Told ya it was good shit.” He said, breaking her concentration.

  “Best I’ve ever had, either that or I have zero tolerance anymore.” She replied blowing out a thick cloud of smoke.

  “So lil miss Ray used to smoke weed…not gonna lie, I didn’t expect that.” He said, rolling to his side to look at her.

  “Whatever, I used to party a lot with my ex. You remind me of him.”

  “You don’t really talk about your life in Chicago. You know more about us than we do you.” He said casually.

  “What do you wanna know Syn?” she asked, laying herself down on her stomach. Her face was only inches from his, and the sweet smell of weed and tequila still lingered on his breath.

  “I don’t know Ray, whatever you wanna tell me.” He replied in almost a whisper, just before reaching out and tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  His fingers left a delicious fire across her cheek and the sensation sent a shiver through her. Without thinking she found herself leaning into his touch.

  “Syn…” she whispered softly.

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” He grunted as he quickly realized his mistake and jerked his hand back before pushing up and sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Don’t worry about it, no harm no foul right. Anyway, I should probably get back out there.” She said as she climbed off the bed and looked for her shoes. She found them by the chair and bent to slip them back on. She chose to ignore the low growl that had come from behind her. ‘You’re imagining it Raylynn. The weed and booze made you horny and he was there. Nothing else.’ She thought before quickly making her exit.

  Raylynn rounded the corner just in time to see the scene unfold before her. Guys were groaning and holding their junk, some had money in their hands while others whistled. In the center of the room was Paisley. She stood on the table grinding her hips, while her hands trailed up her body before tangling in her hair. She looked wasted and out of control.

  “Damn, I didn’t know Girl Scout liked to party like this.” Jax said as he pushed through the crowd in the living room.

  “She doesn’t! Get her down from there Jax! Please!” She pleaded with him over the music.

  “Ughhh….Alright I got her!” He replied stepping back into the crowd.

  Only a moment passed before the music cut off and Jax’s voice boomed through the room.

  “Party’s over motherfuckers! Everybody get your shit and get the fuck out!” He yelled over the groans while simultaneously stalking to the table and tossing Paisley over his shoulder.

  “Put me down you wanna be gangster piece of shit!” Paisley screamed while her fists pounded into his back.

  “Christ would you calm down girl scout!” Jax grunts as he walked towards Raylynn.

  “Fuck you Jax! I didn’t need your help! I was perfectly fine you dick!” Paisley grunted as struggled in his grip.

  “Paisley calm down!” Raylynn said “We’re just trying to help you!”

RAYLYNN!” She screamed again thrashing in Jax’s strong grip. “NOW PUT ME DOWN!”

  “Put her down Jax.” Drake’s voice boomed from the kitchen.

  “Hey man, she was dancing on the table, she’s trashed.” Jax defended as he slid Paisley down his torso until her feet touched the floor.

  “Fuck You Jax!” Paisley screeched before pulling her arm back and swinging.

  Raylynn was able to wrap Paisley up before her fist connected with Jax’s jaw. She held Paisley tight from behind with her arms pinned to her chest.

  “Let me go Ray!”

  “No damnit, you’re acting like a psycho!” Raylynn grunted trying to keep her grip on Paisley.

  “Ray, let her go.” Drake said sternly before turning his attention on Paisley. “and you keep your hands to yourself.” He directed her way.

  Raylynn hesitated knowing that when she let her go Paisley would bolt and who knew how long it would be until she saw her again.

  “No she’s not okay! She’s wasted, and she can’t drive Drake!”

  “I’m right here, and I’m not driving. Now let me go!” Paisley screamed.

  “Fine, but at least let one of the guys take you home please.”

  “No need, my ride is outside.” Paisley said as she twisted out of Raylynn’s hold.

  Paisley stopped dead, staring open mouthed at Ty and Aspen. Ty had her pulled back against his chest. His hands casually resting on her hips.

  “Seriously?” Paisley laughed, “You two are fucking now, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Aspen asked bitterly.

  “And I’m the one everyone thinks is stupid. Here, let me explain it to you okay. I pushed you on Ty because I knew you’d fuck him. I mean, its just what sluts do. Besides it got him off my back. I swear I didn’t think he’d ever get it through his dense head that I wasn’t interested. Seriously the guy followed me around like a lost fuckin puppy, don’t even try to deny it either Ty. Everyone knows how bad you want me.” Paisley said casually.

  “Fuck you Pais!” Aspen spat, stepping away from Ty.

  “Awe Aspen, I know you want to but unlike you I don’t swing both ways. Besides, I wouldn’t want Ty’s sloppy seconds even though you seem to be fine with my hand me downs.”

  Raylynn stood shocked. She had no words to explain how she felt. The person in front of her was not her cousin. This girl was angry, hurt and lashing out. This girl was trying to hurt them. Paisley was using her words as a weapon. A weapon formed from everyone’s insecurities and wielded to inflict as much pain as possible.

  “That’s enough Pais.” Jax snapped.

  “Don’t even get me started on you Jaxon! You all run around with guns in your belt playing big bad gang members when in reality you’re nothing but little boys playing pretend. You know that’s the only reason Ray gave you a second look, right? Because you remind her of home, of the pieces of shit she ran with in Chicago. You’re not special, guys like you are a dime a fucking dozen. Honestly, I think her ex is more of a badass than you and he was a waste of space.” She spat still laughing.

  “I think it’s time for you to go Paisley, right the fuck now!” Syn barked from the doorway separating the hallway and the living room.

  “Fuck you too Syn. You think you’re so tough huh? Answer me this though, does your brother know how much you wanna fuck his girlfriend or is he into sharing? Is that it Ray, you fucking them both now?”

  “That’s enough Paisley, get the fuck outta our house!” Raylynn growled stepping towards her.

  “Awe did I hit a nerve Coop? I mean it’s not really a surprise, like mother like daughter, right? Let’s just hope nobody ends up dead this time. I mean, your mom at least had enough self-respect that she had to be high in order to get on her knees unlike you. I wonder if she’s turning tricks in prison for privileges?”

  Raylynn stood speechless. There was nothing left to say. She had managed to keep her past a secret for months. She had planned on telling the guys about her mother at some point, but tonight was not the night. Paisley intentionally used her mother to hurt her.

  “Go home now, Paisley. I’m not dealing with this shit tonight. You’ve had to much to drink and you’re not thinking clearly. I will take you home.” Drake said with finality.

  The sound of someone knocking on the door stopped everyone.

  “There’s my ride.” Paisley said with a snicker as she sashayed to the door. With one last look over her shoulder, she opened the door and left taking all the air with her.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Syn asked no one in particular.

  “She has lost her damn mind. Ray are you alright?” Aspen replied as she strode across the room to wrap her arms around Raylynn.

  “I…I…I don’t really know.” She replied shaking.

  “Is she fucking serious right now!” Drake roared from the front door. “That piece of shit! I can’t believe she’s that fuckin stupid!”

  “Wait, what is it?” Ty asked striding towards his brother. “what’s wrong?”

  “She’s with him! That fucking wannabe rapist! She is outta her damn mind!” Drake yelled before stepping out onto the porch.

  “Let it go Drake, it’s obvious she made her choice and now she’s gotta live with it.” Syn replied following him outside.

  “Ray, you’re shaking like a fucking leaf. Jax, go get her some water please.” Aspen said pulling her towards the couch.

  Raylynn followed willingly, though she wasn’t sure how her legs held her up. Aspen was right, she was shaking. She was afraid. Not only for Paisley, but for herself as well. Her secret was out, and now she would have to explain everything to the guys that had treated her like family. Jax would hate her for not telling him, and she would be alone all over again.

  “Here babe, drink this.” Jax said sitting beside her on the couch and handing her a glass of water.

  “Thanks.” She replied meekly before taking it and downing half the glass in one drink.

  “Come here.” He said, pulling her onto his lap. “Are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it?” He whispered in her ear.

  “I’m fine Jax. I don’t really want to talk about it, but I guess I owe you an explanation.” She started.

  “Shhh. You don’t owe me anything Ray. You’ll tell me when you’re ready to tell me, and tonight isn’t the night.” He said, pulling her closer and burying his nose in her hair.

  She sank into him. Relief flooded her, effectively dousing the fear and panic that had been at an all time high. She allowed him to hold her and quell the fear inside, at least for the moment. She could only hope that when her truth finally came out that he would still want to comfort her.


  “You excited for Christmas break Ray?” Ty asked, slipping his arm around her shoulders as they left school for the last time.

  “Would it surprise you if I said no?” she asked with a frown.

  “Honestly, no it wouldn’t but I would like to know why.”

  “I don’t know Ty, maybe it’s because I am expected to be at Paisley’s for Christmas, or the fact that the last time I celebrated Christmas I was six. It might even be because I know that when I get home today that it will be the last time I see Jax and you and Drake for a week.” She replied with a groan.

  “You know we will be home on Christmas Eve, right? Besides, the only reason Jax is even going is because he hasn’t seen his pops in like two years. He was sick last year and the year before he was in juvie.”

  “Doesn’t make it easier Ty. It’s gonna be me and Syn and Lucas for a week. Ugh, just shoot me now.” She replied as she rounded the car and took her seat behind the wheel.

  She had known for a while that the guys went and saw their dads at Christmas time, however, now that the day was here, she wished she could ask them to stay. The holidays had always sucked, but she had hoped that this one would be better.

  “Earth to Ray…” Ty said as he snapped his fingers in
her face. “Hello.”

  Raylynn snapped out of her inner turmoil to find that they had already made it home. She hadn’t even realized she had started driving. The thought of saying goodbye to half her family stung.

  “Sorry Ty, just in my head.” She said putting the car in park as her phone rang out. Her Uncle Richard’s name flashing across the screen.

  Ty just nodded and made his way into the house while Raylynn answered the call.

  “Hey kiddo! How are you sweetie?” His voice rang out, making her smile instantly.

  “Oh, you know. Tired and hungry, but good. What’s up?” she asked as she made her way to the porch.

  “Well, I have some mail here for you. Think you’d be available to come over for dinner tomorrow and grab it?” he asked, his voice hopeful. “You could bring Jaxon and Tyler.”

  “Um, they are actually going out of town for the week, but yeah, I can come for dinner. What time should I get there?”

  “Well that’s too bad, but I am looking forward to seeing you. Let’s say six o’clock. I’ll make lasagna with those little garlic knots you like so much.” He said, his joy apparent.

  “Sounds good Uncle Richard. I’ll see you then, Love you.”

  “I love you too Raylynn, more than you know.” He said with a sigh before the line went dead.

  With a sigh of her own, Raylynn stood and made her way into the house. Ty sat on the couch with Drake, listening as Jax secured their hotel for the week. Syn was nowhere to be seen and who knew where Lucas was.

  “Yeah, one room is fine. Two beds and a pull out will be fine.” Jax said holding his arm out for Raylynn.

  “Yeah, tomorrow through the twenty-third.”

  Raylynn slid her arms around his waist and rested her head against his hard chest. Her ear right above his heart. The sound calmed her and the way his hand found its way to her lower back and pulled her against him made her feel safe.

  “Alright, thank you.” He said before hanging up and turning his attention to her. “Hi beautiful, how was your day?” he asked before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

  “Ugh, it was a day. I almost punched Brian just for breathing, but I held back.” she said with a smirk, looking up at him through her lashes.


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