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First Moon : A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 1)

Page 17

by Jacquelyn Faye

  "Do you think it's hot that I'm hard, or do you think it's hot that you turn me on so much?"

  "Little bit of both."

  I pulled my hand out for a moment and lifted his shirt up enough I could rest my head on his bare skin. His nipple was right by my mouth. I slipped my hand back into his pants and gripped his flesh, running my hand down the length of it and squeezing the tip gently as I reached out with my tongue and licked his nipple. His hips bucked, and his arm pulled me against him tighter.

  "Somebody likes that," I whispered, pulling his nipple into my mouth and gripping it with my teeth while flicking my tongue across it.

  I didn't even have to move my hand, just hold him. His hips had found their own rhythm and he was fucking my hand. He lifted his knees and put his feet flat on the bed, angling his cock even higher.

  I let go of his nipple with my mouth and scooted my head closer to the action. His hips stopped. I guess he didn't want to poke me in the face with it. Yet.

  I trailed kisses all the way down, still holding him with my hand. Putting my ear against his lower abdomen, I brought his cock to my mouth. I held it as I licked the tip. His groan became music to my ears. Kissing the head, I gently sucked the tiniest bit of him into my mouth, rubbing my tongue against him as I did. His hand found the back of my head. He didn't push me further into his mouth, but his fingertips danced across the back of my scalp, massaging me. The other hand ran across my ass.

  "Scoot closer," he breathed heavily, unable to reach his intended target.

  I didn't want my leggings a sodden mess, so I sat up, sliding them off and onto the floor. I looked over my shoulder at him and winked.

  I leaned back against him and slowly lifted my shirt up and over me, leaving me completely naked.

  "Holy fuck."

  I rolled back onto my side and sucked him into my mouth and scooted my ass closer to him. He was pulsing as I gripped him and began bobbing my head and hand in synchronous rhythm.

  His hand ran over my ass again, but this time his middle finger slipped between the lips of my pussy, not in, but through. I gasped with him in my mouth as his finger slid smoothly across my clit. I could feel my wetness sliding slowly down over the crease of skin between leg and cheek. He was going to have to wash his sheets if he kept it up.

  Then he twisted his torso, planting a gentle kiss on the part of my ass he could reach before dragging his teeth across it and biting down gently. I spread my legs and he cupped me, my heat planted firmly against the palm of his hand. I nearly squealed when he began rubbing. I wanted more.

  I pulled my ass away and rolled onto my stomach, never taking him from my mouth. Getting my knees under me, I carefully lifted one over him, lying down on his chest, my pussy nearly in his face. As I sucked him harder and pumped his flesh, he leaned in and licked me from clit to ass, parting my lips and diving inside. My hips refused to obey me and found a will of their own, grinding me against his mouth, tongue, and chin.

  I tried concentrating on sucking his dick. I didn't know how much more I could take, and I wanted him to come. My thoughts became obliterated when he shoved his tongue inside me. He didn't stop there. He began pushing it in and out, matching my rhythm. I closed my eyes and relaxed, taking him as much into my mouth as I could. I felt the tip slip into the back of my throat, but it didn't bother me as I concentrated on breathing slowly through my nose.

  I could feel every muscle in his body tense as he began frantically tapping me on my ass, unable to speak. I knew what he wanted to tell me. I forced him in a little further as my orgasm washed over me.

  He exploded straight into my throat, I could feel the heat as it slid down. It wasn't a bad experience and didn't leave a taste in my mouth. I pulled back as my hips began frantically lifting me off his tongue, riding wave after wave of pleasure. I cried out and buried my face next to his still throbbing shaft.

  I sighed and panted, trying to get the room to stop spinning, until finally I rolled off him, propping my legs up on the wall above his bed.

  "I need a cigarette," I said exasperatedly.

  "Do you smoke?"

  "No. But fuck, that deserves something."

  "I can still hear you," Dennis called from the other room.

  The heat rushed from my body and collected in my cheeks. My blush threatening to end my existence. Jimmy started chuckling.

  "Well, you should have just come watched then," I said, trying to diffuse the situation.

  Jimmy slapped my thigh with another chuckle. "Don't tell him that, he probably would."

  The thought didn't scare me like it should have…

  Chapter 23

  "So, what did you do today."

  I felt the blush crawl up my cheeks but answered anyway. "Had breakfast with the girls, got my appliances ordered, and put the deposit down and signed the contract for the bookstore renovations."

  "Wow, look at you go." Chief managed to sound moderately impressed. We were riding in his Jeep, on our way to dinner. I didn't really make him drive us all the way to Syracuse, either. I was way too hungry for that. He seemed both relieved and disappointed at the same time when I let him off the hook.

  "Oh, and I went to see Jimmy. He's home from the hospital."

  "I know, he called to let me know. I told him and Dennis to stick together and about the two-man team plan."

  I briefly wondered what else they talked about. The men in my life had a tendency to overshare and didn't think twice about it. It had almost reached creepy proportions. "Good. I did too while I was there, but maybe they'll listen to you more than me."

  "I doubt it. They respect you, more than you think."

  "Yeah, right."

  "Oh, shush. You know they do."

  I let it go. The only person who respected me was Josie and only when I was pissed off.

  "So. What's for dinner?"

  "Do you like steak?"

  "Only more than sex…" I realized I probably shouldn't have said that. For so many reasons. Technically Jimmy and I hadn't exactly had sex, but I'm sure that was the first thought that popped into Chief's head.

  "Then I'm taking you to the right place. The porterhouse will blow your…mind."

  I could see how this night was going to go.


  He chuckled softly. I wanted to punch him.

  We were on the outskirts of town. He pulled into a semi-crowded parking lot next to what looked like, for lack of a better description, a giant log cabin. The sign out front glowed brightly in the crisp evening air and had a blue ox emblazoned across it.


  "Yep. Friend of mine named Paul opened it up a few years back."

  "Are you kidding me right now? You have a friend named Paul Bunyan?"

  "No. I have a friend named Paul who opened a restaurant called Bunyan's."

  "Oh. Okay then." I didn't know how to feel about that.

  "They do serve an ox steak though…"

  "Shut up." I got out of the car laughing.

  We walked through a little bit of crunchy snow to get to the front door. He opened it and let me get in out of the cold. I stamped my feet on the thick rubber backed mat in front of the door and slipped out of my leather jacket. Chief took it from me and hung it from the rack by the entrance.


  "My pleasure."

  "Hey, folks. How many?"

  "Two, please," he said to the hostess.

  She blushed a little and grabbed two thick menus from the stack by the podium. "Right this way."

  The inside of the restaurant was even more rustic than the outside. If that were even possible. Kind of Cracker Barrell meets hunting lodge. Antlers were everywhere. The center of the place was dominated by a deer antler chandelier hanging from the apex of the vaulted roof.


  "Don't let their suave décor fool you. They serve a pretty good piece of meat."

  I refrained from making the joke I wanted to make and followed the hostess quietly. She led u
s to a quiet booth in the back by the window. It had started snowing again, glistening brightly as it fell past the light affixed to the outside wall. With the candle on the table, the effect was quite cozy.

  I sat against the back wall and Chief sat down in front of me. "Kelly will be with you shortly," the hostess said cheerily and handed us our menus.

  Chief set his down on the table without looking at it. "Know what you want?" I asked.

  "I'm thinking prime rib. Twenty-ounce. With a loaded baked potato and glazed baby carrots."

  "Wow. Come here much?"

  "Once or twice."

  "A week?"


  I chuckled and opened up the menu. "The porterhouse, huh?"

  "It's their best steak. The prime rib is delicious. So is the filet. Depends on what kind of meat you like."

  I refused to take the bait. Again. He was making it too easy. And I didn't think he was doing it on purpose…

  "I like all of them, but I'll take your suggestion."

  "Good evening. Can I start you guys out with some beverages?"

  "I'll have a glass of pinot please." I wanted wine.


  "Did you need a few minutes to look at the menu?"

  "I think we're ready to order."

  "For you, miss?"

  "Porterhouse, medium rare, baked potato with butter, and a side of mushrooms."


  "I was going to order the prime rib, but I think I'll have what she's having. Load the potato, though."

  "You got it."

  She headed to put in our order. "Change your mind?"

  "Yeah. That sounded delicious."

  I smiled and held out my hand. Curious, he took it. I just held his hand from across the table. It felt like something one would do on a date, and that's what this was supposed to be. He visibly relaxed.

  "Going to be honest. This is the first time I've done this in a really long while. If I make a fool of myself, please forgive me."

  "You miss her, don't you?"

  "Every damn day."

  "Sorry, Bill."

  "It's okay. It's in the past."

  I nodded, rubbing the palm of his hand with the tips of my fingers. I felt like a change of topic was needed. "Josie and Candace actually came up with a plan."

  "Is it safe?"

  "And a shortcut. Holding a coven meeting and interviewing everyone at once."

  "In the same room?"

  "That would be up to you. You're the expert. But at least we can get it knocked out in a short amount of time."

  "Might not be a bad idea. Where?"

  "My house?"

  "Killer already knows where you live. Maybe a return visit will bring out their guilt."

  "We can call it a potluck dinner."

  "You really want a killer bringing food. Poisoned potatoes…"

  "Okay. I'll have it catered." I laughed. He made a good point.

  "This Sunday. Tomorrow is too soon."

  "I'll call everyone. See what their schedules are like and see if they can switch shifts if needed."

  "Good. Maybe we'll actually get somewhere. I'm tired of reacting and people getting hurt."

  "Me, too."

  Kelly returned with our drinks. She set my wine down in front of me and the bottle in front of Chief. "Glass?"

  He shook his head. "Bottle is fine."

  "I'll be back with your food in a little bit. You need anything else?"

  "No, thanks."

  I watched her walk away. She seemed kind of young to be working at a steak restaurant, but she was nice and sweet. "Good job for a kid."

  "She's new. Or at least I've never seen her in here in the once or twice times I've been here this week." He grinned.

  "Maybe she's a witch and older than both of us."

  "That would be funny. I often wonder if there are other witches around that we don't know about. One's that don't find the coven. It's not like we walk around with 'I'm a Witch' T-shirts on. I'm surprised we have as many in our coven as we do."

  "Like finds like. Mysterious forces and all that. I can't even begin to tell you how many times witches showed up at our doorstep, people not from our town."

  "Yeah. I can imagine. It's how Candace found us. And the two married couples we have. None of them are from Cedar Falls. The rest of us grew up here."

  "I asked Candace straight out if she were the killer. Just joking, of course. She answered right away. I thought Josie was going to scorch me."

  "She's an interesting young lady. Don't think she'd be capable of hurting a fly. You should see her around animals."

  "I can picture that. You know she's fae-blooded, right?"

  "Not for certain, but I kind of figured."

  "I asked her that, too. She came right out and said yes but didn't elaborate. Then she got misty eyed when we told her we didn't care."

  "Some witches do. Some witches would want to use her blood for all sorts of dark and twisted stuff."

  "Yeah. Poor girl. I told her she was stuck with us until this was over. She didn't seem to mind."


  He paused a moment and took the opportunity to lift my hand up. The table was narrow enough that he brought the back of my hand to his lips and planted a gentle kiss.

  "What was that for?"

  "I've been wanting to do that all night. You look absolutely amazing this evening. Well, most evenings, but particularly tonight."

  He wasn't a smooth talker, so I knew the compliment was from his heart. It warmed me up a little and made me break out in a goofy smile. He had that effect on me. Subtle warm charm. "Thank you. You look very handsome yourself."

  He chuckled and sat back in the booth. "Sure."

  "Don't be a dork. You got all the women folk of Cedar Falls drooling over you."

  "Yeah, right."

  "What is it with guys? Either they think they are the shit when they're not. Or they think they're shit when they're not. You are rugged, masculine, fine, and handsome. Any girl would count themselves lucky to be with you."

  "Even you?"


  That hadn't been the answer he was expecting. He almost choked on his beer. "Here I thought I wore you down with my witty repartee and you deigned to have a date with me out of pity."

  "Far from it. I'll admit, you can be quite annoying, but then again, I probably bring out those qualities in you."

  "This is true. I'm a much nicer person when you're not around." He winked to let me know he was joking.

  "I don't doubt it. I'm a frustrating piece of work."

  "But I wouldn't change one damn thing about you. You're fun. Beautiful. Sexy. And to be honest, quite perfect."

  And here I'd just been thinking he wasn't a smooth talker…

  "Here we go," Kelly said as she brought our food. She set my plate down in front of me. "Butter only on the potato." And then she set Chief's down in front of him. "And a loaded one for you. Want me to get you some more drinks?"

  "Yes, please."

  "I'll have one more glass, too."

  "Be right back."

  I put my cloth napkin on my lap and grabbed the steak knife and fork off the table. I cut the tip off the steak and popped it in my mouth. Chief had paused to watch my reaction. The steak almost melted on my tongue like butter. I hardly even had to chew.

  "Oh, my Lady."

  "Told you."

  "Shut up and eat."

  It didn't take long to polish off the food and the second round of beverages. I was full, sleepy, and wanted nothing more than to curl up on something.

  Chief paid cash for everything and I noticed he left a very generous tip for our waitress. "And everybody yells at me for throwing my money around."

  "Not only was the meal perfect, but so was her service. She made the first date I've been on in years very memorable. I probably should have doubled it and thanked her personally."

  "Wow. That was a very sweet sentiment."

  He shrugged. "That als
o happened to be true. Thank you, Dot. For going out with a lonely old man and brightening his life lately."

  We were standing outside the restaurant in the falling snow, but I didn't care. I slid my arms around him under his open jacket and pressed myself against him. Stepping up on my toes, I kissed him.

  It turned into something hot enough to melt the snow around us. I could feel myself melting like the steak I ate. Pulling him tighter, I ran my hand down his ass. I groaned in appreciation while kissing him.

  A car pulling out of the parking lot honked at us and the guy gave us a thumbs up out the window. We broke our kiss, laughing. The way every kiss should end.


  I nodded. He had summed it up perfectly.

  "Would you mind doing this again sometime?"

  "Sure. But I'm buying."

  "We'll arm wrestle for it."

  "Oh, Chief. There are so many more interesting forms of wrestling. Let me pick…"

  He laughed and let me go, snagging my hand as we walked to the car. "Come on, let's go."

  "Where we going?"

  "Where do you want to go? Don't feel bad if it's home. I'm sure you've had a long day, and you did promise me another date."

  If I wasn't as full as I was, I probably would have volunteered to go to a bar or something. But vegging out on my couch or my bed sounded very wonderful. "Home, but if you would like to come in and watch a movie or just relax, I would be fine with that, too."


  He squeezed my hand and opened the car door for me. "Such a gentleman," I teased and got into the Jeep.

  Chapter 24

  "What time is it?"

  I vaguely listened as he shuffled around and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, handing it to me. I blinked and stared at the screen. It was almost nine in the morning. I'd set my alarm for some damn reason and couldn't remember why. I shut it off and tossed it on the bed to the other side of Chief.


  I blinked and lifted my head. Sure enough, he was under my comforter and I'd been sleeping in the crook of his arm. I groaned and tried to remember what had happened last night.

  Memories of getting home, watching a movie, and drinking flittered through my brain. I remember him being too drunk to drive home and me offering my bed. I sighed in relief as I remember crawling in next to him and nothing happening. We had both passed out.


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