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First Moon : A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 1)

Page 18

by Jacquelyn Faye

  "How's your head?" He asked softly.

  "Throbbing. Text Josie to bring us water and aspirin." I really wanted aspirin.

  "We should probably get dressed first."

  I lifted the comforter up and saw we were both naked. No wonder I was having such happy little dreams. I had his leg trapped between mine…

  My eyes widened as I saw his morning wood.

  "Maybe we should wait for that to evaporate."

  "Not my fault. I'm in bed with a beautiful naked woman. I don't think it's going to evaporate any time soon."

  I couldn't resist. I reached out and pushed it down. It sprang right back up. "Wow." Not only did I act like a teenager, I giggled like one, too.

  "That's not helping either."

  "I'd um, take care of for you, but I don't know how I'd feel about that."

  "I know."

  "Do you?" I turned my head to look him in the eye, but they were still closed. He did have a goofy smile plastered on his lips, though.

  "Yes, Dot. I do. You're dating Jimmy. You're dating me. I'm guessing you and Jimmy have done more than sleep next to each other and you're wondering if I'm okay with that."

  "Well, not to put it bluntly, but yes."

  "The answer is, kind of."

  "Kind of?"

  "Do I know, yes. Do I want to picture it in my head? No. But I'm not jealous of him or anything. You are you. You date and do whatever you want with whomever you want. I don't own you. If anything, it's the other way around. I was married for a very long time. My wife passed away. Do I want to get married again? No. Do I want to live with anybody? No. Do I want to keep dating you, do I want to do stuff like this again, do I want to take our relationship further? Yes. But, again, that is up to you. You are the high priestess of our coven. We are yours. Or, at least Jimmy and I are…"

  "Call me old fashioned, but that outlook is…different from most men. Yet it seems to be the common thought between all of you. My mother never married. She's had multiple lovers at the same time. I thought that wasn't normal. Mostly because it was my mother. Am I the weird one?"

  "Definitely," he said and laughed.

  "I walked into that one."

  "Yep. But, if you want my honest thoughts on the matter, I think it might be some sort of genetic disposition inherent to witches. Kind of like a queen bee. Everyone flirted with Becca. She wasn't interested, but that never stopped them. I don't know. Maybe it's a pheromone or something. It's not like any scientific research has been done on witches since the middle ages."

  I shrugged and put my hand on his stomach. His logic was kind of sound. My fingers danced across his skin while I thought about it. As I did, the contrast between him and Jimmy became quite apparent. He wasn't as muscular as Jimmy, but he didn't have an ounce of fat on him. He had more stomach and chest hair, too. I kind of liked it.

  Chief shifted a little and lifted his arm, pulling me a little closer. He kissed the top of my head and I rubbed my cheek against him. His leg slid further up between mine and I felt him against me. I didn't think that he'd done it on purpose, but it felt good. His warmth and the muscles in his thigh creating just enough pressure.

  "Your leg's not falling asleep, is it?"


  "Your arm?"

  "No. I'm quite comfortable. Except for my pounding head."

  I kissed his chest and settled down. "I don't want to get up."

  "Me, neither."

  "Um. You already are."

  "You're funny."

  I chuckled into his skin. He smelled really good. Even first thing in the morning. I sighed and stretched, digging his leg in a little more.


  Experimentally, I stretched my back and the feeling between my legs intensified. I caught myself breathing a little heavier. I brought my hand down lazily over the comforter and back up, trapping him between my forearm and his stomach. I could feel him throbbing beneath it.

  Fuck. Now I'm hot.

  I began grinding my hips a little, slowly at first. The friction sending shuddering chills up my spine.

  "You okay?"

  "Yes. Just doing some morning stretches."

  "Oh. Cuz it felt like you were grinding against my thigh."

  "That, too. Is that okay?"


  "Sorry, taking things slowly, but really turned on right now."

  "Shucky darns."

  I let go of the pretenses and slid myself up and down his thigh as far as my hips would go. I moved closer to him and put my face in the crook of his neck. I'm sure my shallow breathing in his ear wasn't something he'd been expecting.

  "I'm going to be honest. This is hot." His voice rumbled in his chest, exciting me further.

  I could feel him shifting, rubbing himself against the underside my arm. "If I asked you to, would you touch yourself for me?"

  "If you asked, there isn't much I wouldn't do."

  I could feel my wetness spreading between us, making his leg that much slipperier. I was in heaven. I grabbed the comforter and peeled it back, his cock springing into the air. It was definitely the largest one I'd ever seen. I didn't even know they got that big. I wanted to touch it, feel it, but I wasn't ready. "Do it," I whispered into his ear, kissing the lobe.

  He reached down and curled his fist around the base, slowly stroking upward and over the tip. The journey took a while. He bucked his hips as he did it. "This isn't going to take long," he warned.

  I pulled his hand away and brought it to my mouth. I moistened my lips and dragged my tongue across his palm, moistening it before placing it back. He groaned as he stroked himself again.


  "Do it, Bill. I want to see you come."

  I pressed my cheek against his and watched the show from his perspective, grinding myself hard against his rigid thigh. I pressed myself against him, letting his flesh drive me apart and across my more sensitive spots,

  "Fuck," I breathed out, doubling my efforts.

  He groaned next to me.

  I pulled my hand back from under the covers, letting go of some of my inhibitions. I grabbed the base of his cock and stroked him, too. As his hand slid down, mine came up to meet his.

  "I'm going to come."

  "Do it. Let me see."

  I felt my orgasm building. I wanted, needed, to time it perfectly. His hips curled hard and his breathing stopped. He shuddered from his torso to his toes. It drove his leg hard against my aching pussy and it flooded me with an orgasm I hadn't been expecting. My toes curled, and I felt the scream building in my throat at the exact moment his semen burst forth from his cock in a spray worthy of a dirty movie.

  The scream that had been building in my throat tore free as waves and waves of ecstasy spread from my groin and every muscle in my body. My bucking hips slowed, and I collapsed next to him, panting.

  My door burst open and Josie stood there wielding a kitchen knife, Candace standing behind and peeking around her, hands poised to cast magic.

  "Oh, fuck me," she said and rolled her eyes, closing the door.

  "Oops," I said after she left.

  "Um… Yeah. That was an interesting way to wake up."

  "That was fucking hot," I said referring to our play, not being barged in on by my roommate.

  I rolled back against him, staring at the pool of semen on his stomach. I touched it tentatively with the tip of my finger, dragging it around and playing with it. I couldn't even imagine that amount being shot into my mouth. I'd have choked to death.

  "Don't you masturbate?"

  "Um… Yes?"

  "How long ago?"

  "In the shower before our date."

  "Holy fuck."


  "Nothing. That's just… That's a lot of come. Not going to lie."


  "You're welcome."

  "I need a towel."

  "Me, too."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  "I'll see you later, but I'll call you and let you know as soon as po
ssible about the coven meeting tomorrow."

  "I'll talk to Herb today about possibly catering."

  "Good luck. He hates catering."

  "Ugh. That sucks. I'll beg if I have to."

  "That might work."

  "Bye, Chief."

  "Bye, Dot." He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips before heading out. I sighed and smiled at his retreating back before softly closing the front door.

  I turned around to face an angry looking Josie and an amused looking Candace hiding behind her.


  "No more sexy screams until the killer is caught! I thought it turned out to be Chief and he was killing you in your bedroom. Damnit, Dot. You gave me a fucking heart attack."

  "I'm sorry," I said with a chuckle and stepped forward to give her a hug. She held up her hand to stop me.

  "Shower first."

  I started laughing. Surprisingly, Candace did, too. "He didn't get any on me. It all landed on him."

  Her face was worth the embarrassment.

  "Okay, now that that discussion is over, we can move on to the next topic of importance."

  "What?" I asked warily.

  "That monster he's been hiding in them blue jeans. Holy shit, Dot! He could play baseball with that thing!" She started giggling like a school girl.

  "I know, right? That's gonna hurt. But probably in a good way."

  "You haven't yet?" She made a childish gesture with her fingers.

  "No. Jimmy and I haven't technically, either."

  "So, which one you gonna do first?"

  Our conversation had moved into the living room and we sat down to gossip like we always do.

  "Honestly, I don't know. I like them both. A lot. I'll probably just play it by ear. Or other parts."

  Josie grinned at me.

  "Do they both know?" Candace's honesty never ceased to catch me off guard.

  I nodded emphatically. "Yes. I would never do anything like that behind their backs."

  The smile found its way back on her face. "Good. Then enjoy it. It never ends well when others find out secrets that shouldn't have been secrets."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Some of our coven pledged faithfulness to each other. Some lusted for others, some succumbed to that lust. It has poisoned their hearts…"

  Marge's voice repeated in my head, "The two boys I saw with the same woman, but Rebecca was always with the chief."

  "Candace, are you referring to Richie and Dane?"

  She shook her head. "They were part of it, but not the ones that succumbed."


  "I shouldn't say. It is not my secret to share."

  "Would you humor me? This falls in line with something someone said to me the other day. That she had seen both of them with the same woman. Is that who you are talking about?"


  "This person was married? She had pledged her faithfulness and broke it?"

  She nodded, surprised at my words.

  "Candace this might be a big missing piece of the puzzle and help us stop the killings. Would you tell me who the woman is?"

  She thought about it before nodding. "Yes. If it is that important, I'll tell you. It was Cindy."

  "Cindy Connors?"

  "Yes. She had relations with a few members of the coven."

  "More than those two?"

  She nodded. It was like trying to get information out of a teenager. I forced myself to be patient with her. "Who else?"

  "Jimmy and Dennis."

  Rage and jealousy reared their ugly little heads. I found myself clenching my fists and then realized I was being a hypocritical little bitch. I didn't know where it had come from, but my entire being screamed, "Mine," as soon as Jimmy's name left her lips. I'd have to explore that further. Later.

  I looked at Josie. "Call the chief. Tell him to check on Jimmy and Dennis and tell him they might be in danger. I'll fill him in later."

  She got up from the couch and ran to her bedroom, leaving Candace and I alone.

  Before I questioned her further, I thought about the information she had already given me. It wasn't adding up. I sat back on the love seat and thought about it. The person who shot at Jimmy was a guy. Or, at least Jimmy thought it was a guy. Cindy Connors was very feminine though. Even in a jacket and a ski mask, nobody would mistake her for a man.


  That made a little more sense. Jealousy can be a bitch, as I just experienced first-hand.

  But where did I fall into it? And the chief's wife?

  Candace looked very uncomfortable sitting there while I gathered my thoughts. She was practically squirming in her seat. "I'm sorry! I was just thinking about what you told me."

  "I thought you were mad…"

  "No, no. I'm sorry, sweetie."

  She visibly relaxed and she shifted her hands under her to stop fidgeting. "Just trying to figure out how I and the chief's wife fit in with the Connors."

  "The chief's wife was the object of lust."


  "Blake would leer at her all the time. I heard him talking to her more than once about how he wanted her. It was kind of disgusting. At least Becca thought so. She made it plain as day that she would never want him. It made Blake angry."

  "People say a lot in front of you, don't they?"

  "I'm small and blend in. Most of the time people don't notice me."

  "And yet you're a nurse?"

  "Pediatric nurse. Kids like me."

  Well the mystery of the step stools was solved. The murders, however, were not. "I still don't get why I was targeted?"

  She shrugged her shoulders. "I shared what I knew."

  I stood up and walked over to her, kneeling in front of her. "That is more information than anybody else has provided to me. Thank you."

  "You're welcome," she said with a little blush.

  Again, the feeling that she was hiding something horrible in her past washed over me. It wasn't a feeling that she'd done something bad, but that someone had hurt her very, very badly. "Are you okay, Candace?"

  She looked at me confusedly. "Yes?"

  "Just a feeling I get when I talk to you. That someone hurt you."

  Her eyes went wide and she looked to be eight-milliseconds from a panic attack. I put my hand on her head. "You don't have to tell me. Ever. I'd never ask, but if you ever do need to talk about it, you know you can always come to me, okay?"

  She calmed almost immediately and gave me a grateful nod. I opened my arms inviting her in for hug instead of just hugging her. She nodded and smiled, closing the distance between us.

  I even planted a small kiss on her head. She smelled like flowers and rain. I could see why Josie would be attracted to her. Hell, I was straight and a little attracted to her.

  I let go and she slid back on the couch.

  "Thanks for your help. I'm going to go see if I can figure out what it all means. You're the best, Candace."

  Chapter 25

  My phone rang just as I was getting into the car. I'd thrown on some clothes, brushed my teeth, and downed a few aspirin and bottles of water. I'd dialed Jimmy a few times and Chief once. No one had answered.

  I looked down at my screen and saw Jimmy's number. "About damn time. You okay?"

  "Yes? Why wouldn't I be?"

  "Might have figured out who the killer is…"


  "Blake Connors."

  After a few moments of silence, I stared back down at the phone to make sure the call hadn't dropped. It hadn't. The timer was still going. I put it back up to my ear.

  "You still there?"


  "You okay?"

  "Depends. Do you think less of me?"

  "Whoa there, Sheriff. That was before I ambled into to town. Right?"


  "No, I don't think less of you. She might have been a married woman, but it was her who broke her vows. Not you."

  "Oh, thank the Lady. I thought you would have been m

  "Don't even go there. What about Dennis. Is he there with you?"


  "Okay. Stay together. I'm going to find Chief and figure out what's going on. Did he call you?"

  "I just woke up. Ten missed calls from him and three from you. I'll call him after I hang up."


  "Call me later."

  "I will."



  "Stay safe."

  I knew that wasn't what he was going to say, but I let it go. "You, too."

  I started up the car and backed it out of the driveway, heading into town. The Chief would either be at the station or the diner.

  I drove slowly past the diner but didn't see him inside. His Jeep was, however, parked in front of the station. I pulled into the lot between it and the bookstore, parking closer to the station. The bookstore was currently under demolition and a good portion of the spots were currently occupied by a large dumpster.

  Parking, I shut off the car and headed around the corner. Chief was exiting the building at the same time and we almost collided. "Dot?"

  "Were you expecting someone else?"

  "I just got off the phone with Jimmy."

  "Yeah. I talked to him, finally."

  "Got time to talk?"

  "Bet your ass. How come you didn't answer?"

  "I was doing some investigating. You know. Like cops do."


  "Don't be. I had just finished when Jimmy called. I hung up with him and you showed up."

  "I should have known. I'm just worried."

  He pulled me into a quick hug and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "I know. I should have called you sooner. I'm the one who is sorry. After Josie called…"

  "Yeah. I can't believe we didn't put two and two together sooner."

  "Come on. I'll buy you a coffee."

  "I'll buy. I want food."

  "How do you not weigh six-hundred pounds?"

  "How are you still alive after asking horrible questions like that to women?"

  "My subtle charm."

  "Good luck with that."

  He opened the door for me at least. I slipped into the diner, waving to Marge.

  She came shuffling over. "Morning, you two. Breakfast or lunch?"


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