Henry Sidgwick- Eye of the Universe
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see also imperialism; race/racism
Marshall, ; marriage to Eveleen
nationalism: S’s critique of, –,
Tennant, ; and key statement of theism,
–; and “nation” versus “state,” S
–, ; and George Eliot, ; on
Gurney and theism, –; on Gurney’s
naturalism: S, Mill, Moore and, ; and
desultory study of classics, ; and birth
interpretation of S, ; Skorupski on S,
of S Group, Gauld on, –; stimulated
Mill and, ; Hurka on S, Moore and,
S’s interest in spiritualism, –; his
; S and Jamesian, –; S on
enthusiasm for seances, Gauld on,
reverence and,
–; and death of Annie Marshall,
New Harmony,
–; and birth of SPR, –; coins
Newman, John Henry: and progress, , ;
term “telepathy,” ; W. James on, ;
Clough studies under,
and G. A. Smith, ; and theosophy, ,
Newman, W. L., on Green,
; S quotes Goethe to, ; racist letter to
Newnham College, ; S, EMS and
Acton about criteria for psychical research,
beginnings of, –; keeps EMS from
; versus S, on racism, –; and
initially joining SPR, ; and orientalism,
work on phantasms, ; on significance of
racism, ; and threat of S’s ruin, ;
Phantasms and work of SPR for science and
represents Millian ideals of S, EMS, ;
religion, –; S influences role of, in
early history of S, EMS and, ; versus
production of Phantasms, –;
Girton, –, ; Cambridge
Gurney on ghosts and, ; and
University’s long conservative reaction
differences within S Group, –; on
against, –; Mill supports, ; S’s
growing skepticism of S Group, ; S to,
move to, –; as Millian
about friendship, dangers of skepticism,
experiment, –, ; and Victorian
; S calls a genius of flirtation, –;
Maenads, ; student life at, –; and
Symonds on, ; metaphysical cast of
Galton’s dower fund, ; Soffer compares
mind, ; and Jamesian psychology,
to Balliol, ; garden party at,
–; on unconscious, Symonds on,
connections of, ; and Balliol analogy,
, ; introduces Symonds to Leaves of
–; S’s support of, ; and Balfour’s
Grass, , –; and S’s sexual life,
S Memorial Lecture, ; students of, to
; and criticism of Symonds’s poetry,
EMS on S, –; and S Memorial
–; and death of Gurney, ; on
Lecture, ; EMS continues work with,
G. B. Shaw, ; and Pearson on genius,
; see also feminism; higher education for
; and Synthetic Society, ; paper to
women; Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred
Synthetic Society on limits of Christianity,
Newton, Sir Isaac: Cambridge’s emphasis on,
; and the SPR investigation of
; Symonds on need for, in ethics,
Palladino, –; and Piper case,
Nicholson, J. S., on Pigou’s debt to S,
–; and the theorization of the
Nietzsche, F., , ; and philology, , ; and
subliminal self, –; and S’s Apostolic
spirit of age, ; S not as gleeful as, ;
vision, ; S to, on impending operation,
Rashdall cites criticisms of, ; compared
–; on S’s last philosophical meeting,
to S, , ; Pearson admires,
; and S’s life review, ; and obituaries
Nightingale, F., and stereotypes of Victorian
of S, ; and S and posthumous letter
test, –; and cross-correspondence
Noel, Roden: S writes to about Absolute, ;
communications, –; death of,
orientalism of, , ; as one of S’s most
licentious friends, ; and S, on Goethe,
mysticism, see “Apostles”; Cosmic
–; advises S on marriage, cultivating
consciousness; psychical research
sympathy, ; as close friend of S’s and
champion of Greek love, , ; as
Nagel, Thomas, and agent-relative reasons,
Apostle, ; on conceits of Apostles, ;
S to, about Seeley, –; S to, about
February ,
Lecky, ; calls Clough S’s poet, ; to S,
optimism: Gore on S’s, ; Myers and
about resignation, ; resigns court
cosmic, ; loss of, in S group, ; S on
position, –; metaphysical cast of
need for, ; S on Great Either-Or, ;
mind, ; Symonds to S about poetry of,
challenge to S of Green’s cosmic, ; and
, ; Symonds describes sexuality,
James, Symonds, ; Symonds’s cosmic,
poetry of, –; Heath on, ; case
; S’s, and theism, –; EMS on S’s,
history of, ; to S on asceticism,
; Maitland on S’s, ; and evidence for
hypocrisy, ; exchanges with S on
survival of death, Gauld on,
marriage, –; on marriage and
ordinary language philosophy, ; see also
egoism, ; S to, on Green, personal
philosophy; Wittgenstein, L.
identity, Locke, Kant, ; S and Symonds
orientalism: S inspired by Renan, ; S’s
debate poetry of, ; Symonds to, on
linguistic studies and, –; Said on
dedication of Many Moods, poetry,
Renan’s, –; of S and his circle, , ;
–; on Many Moods, ; exchanges
questionable value of S’s studies in, –;
with S on deepest problems, �
and SPR, , ; and theosophy, Dixon
Symonds to, on S’s depression, ;
on, –; and psychical research, ;
Symonds to, on optimism and extinction,
S, J. S. Mill and, ; S’s sexuality and,
; Symonds to, on his poetry, –;
; and Seeley’s imperialism, –;
on Whitman on equality, –; S to,
Viswanathan on Maine’s, ; in S’s letter
about Piper case, ; dedicates Essays on
to Lytton, –; Said’s thesis, ; and
Poetry and Prose to Symonds, ; S
Bryce, ; and Pearson, –,
criticizes his view of poet, ; supports
–; and S, DEP, –; see also
women’s higher education, ; death of,
imperialism; race and racism
; and Symonds, Gower, ; versus S
Ormathwaite, Lord, S’s review of,
on poetry, Swinburne, ; and ME on
“ought,” see basic moral notion
sexual purity, ; and duty of procreation,
Ovid, Myers on,
; S to, on his boredom with EP, ;
Oxford Philosophical Society,
and S’s politics, ; see also “Apostles”;
Oxford University: criticized by J. S. Mill,
friendship; Greek love; poetry
; S shares Mill’s view of, ; and S’s
Novikoff, Madame de,
brothers, ; S encouraged to attend, ;
Nozick, Robert, and experience machine
Hellenism of, versus Cambridge, –,
objection to hedonism,
–; S criticizes, ; S shapes
Nussbaum, Martha, on Socrates versus Plato,
Cambridge against, ; J. S. Mill softens
toward, ; and reaction against Mill, S
on, –; philosophical context of, ;
O’Brian, William, Egremont on,
Jowett, Green, and Balliol, –; S on
Olcott, Col. Henry: and founding of
hypocrisy of, ; Dowling on Old
Theosophical Society, –; S on
Morality, Pater, Symonds and, –;
credibility of,
fruition of Platonic revival at, –;
“Old Mortality” Society: as Oxford analogue
and politics surrounding Pater and
of Apostles, , –, ; Swinburne
Symonds, –; and Tyrwhitt’s attack
turns on,
on Symonds, ; pressures Jowett to
open question argument, , ; S and, versus
conform, ; and Jowett’s Balliol,
–; Symonds on Jowett teaching
Oppenheim, Janet: on S’s Apostolic model
Plato at, –; Symonds brings
for psychical research, ; and Balfour
eroticized Hellenism to, ; and
versus S on religion, ; on Balfour
Magdalen College’s handling of Symonds,
family, –; on feminism and Balfour
–; S’s opposition to previous exam
family, ; on Blavatsky and theosophy,
and, –; as ahead of Cambridge in
; on the theosophical reaction to
granting degrees to women, ; as rival to
Hodgson’s work, ; on EMS’s feminism,
Cambridge in supplying imperial
; on EMS’s background, independence,
statesmen, –; Bryce and, –;
; on the SPR and Palladino, –,
and Ad Eundem Club, ; see also
–; on the Piper case, ; on Myers
academic reform; Cambridge University;
on subliminal self,
Greek love
February ,
pagans/paganism, see Greek love; Pater, W.
Plato, ; and Symonds’s mysticism, ;
pain/pleasure, see good/goodness; hedonism
Symonds on error of,
Palgrave, F. T., and Dictionary of Political
Payne, J. B.: as friend of S’s, ; and
Apostolic secrecy controversy, ; and
Palladino, Eusapia: and Myers, –;
Savile Club,
investigated by SPR, –
Pearson, Charles Henry, ; S writes to about
Palmerston, Lord,
Mill’s death, ; racism of, , –;
parapsychology, see psychical research;
S to, about Seeley’s scheme for history and
Society for Psychical Research
politics, ; as ideologue of imperialism,
Pareto optimality,
; background, career of, ; S’s review
Parfit, Derek: Reasons and Persons of
of National Life and Character of, ,
influenced by S, , ; Eye of Universe
–; Harvie on Australia and, ; on
engages, ; silent on S and sexuality and
race and manual labor, –; and Bryce,
race, –; on S on good, Crisp on, ;
; S on friendship with, –; S,
and S’s intuitionism, ; on S on personal
Bryce on, ; S, Bryce compared to, on
identity and egoism, –, –;
segregation, ; compared to Dicey, ;
and esoteric morality, –; on S on
S, DEP versus, ; see also academic
good, ; on S and hedonistic egoism of
liberals; imperialism; race and racism
the present, ; see also identity, personal
Peirce, C. S.,
Parker, C. S., teaches Green at Oxford,
Percival, John, –
Parmenides, Symonds on,
perfection/perfectionism: Noel on Goethe
party, dangers of political: S on, , ; S,
and, ; versus sympathy, ; S on
EP on, –; S, EP on solutions to,
Goethean, –; of S’s early Apostolic
discussions, ; Mill versus M. Arnold’s,
Pater, Walter: as academic liberal, ; as
–; S, MEA versus M. Arnold’s,
member of Old Mortality, ; and
–; addressed in S’s paper to Grote
Symonds, ; Dowling on Old Mortality,
Club, –
; versus hedonistic account
Oxford and, –; de Laura on Arnold
of good in ME, –; Irwin on S on,
versus, –; Studies in the History of
–; Hurka on, –; and S’s
the Renaissance on Greek sensuousness,
reconciliation project, –; S on
Winckelmann, ; suffers professionally,
Rashdall’s, , ; S versus Green on,
–; and Oxford professorship of
–, –; Goethe on, –; S,
poetry, –; and public visibility of
PPE on socialist intervention and,
Greek love, ; and Hardinge affair,
–; see also Arnold, M.; Goethe, W.;
Jowett, ; compared to Symonds on
repression, masculinism, ; H. James on,
personal identity, see death; identity, personal;
; and S’s sexuality, ; see also
aesthetics; Greek love; Oxford University
pessimism: S’s, , ; and Great
paternalism: S on principle of laissez faire
Either-Or, ; Symonds on S’s, –;
and, –; S on orthodox political
S versus Symonds on, –; and
economy and, –, –; S, PPE
evidence for personal survival of death,
on demoralizing effect of, –; S on
Gauld on, ; see also optimism; theism
Spencer on, –; and principle of
Petty family,
nonpaternalism in EP, –; see also
philanthropy, see charity; laissez faire; poor
individualism; laissez faire; state
Paton, J. B., –
Phillips, David, on S and indeterminacy of
patriotism, see morality, international;
nationalism; political theory
philology: Blanshard on Renan and, ; Said
Patterson, A. J., as S’s friend, correspondent,
on Renan and, –; S on comparative,
–; see also orientalism; race/racism
Pattison, Mark, as contributor to Essays and
philosophical intuitionism, see ethical theory;
Reviews, –
Paul, Saint: and motto for CS, ; and
Philosophical Radicals, see
Pater’s Christianity, ; versus Goethe,