Henry Sidgwick- Eye of the Universe
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proper work of an ethical society, –;
February ,
and the Piper case, ; and psychical
Singer, Marcus: on S’s grounding of egoism,
research with Cowell, –; belief in
; and meaning of ME, ; on S and the
depth psychology, parapsychology, ; on
population question, imperialism,
defensibility of “pious fraud,” –; on
his power of sympathy and light, ; and
Singer, Peter, , ; How Are We to Live?
Houghton, Apostolic secrecy, –; and
as indebted to S, ; One World of, on
Houghton, Essays on Liberal Education,
esoteric morality, –; One World of, as
; and Cowell, Alpine Club, ; and
responding to Williams on two-level moral
Savile Club, ; and Ad Eundem Club,
; and Metaphysical Society, –;
skepticism, ; S agonizes over effects of, ,
and aims of Synthetic Society, ; and
; S’s with respect to Maurice and
Apostolic secrecy, deception, ; handling
Hutton, –; J. Grote’s form of, –;
of Symonds’s posthumous reputation,
versus politics, ; S on Clough’s, ; and
–; warns Brown against publishing
S’s resignation crisis, –; to Dakyns
Drift, ; and suppression of Symonds’s
about, ; of Victorian age, –;
work with Ellis, –; his depression as
nature of S’s, , ; and conclusion of
microcosm, –; M on final illness,
ME, –, –; Rashdall on S’s,
unfinished work of, ; visits Arthur S,
–; Myers on S’s, , ; led to S’s
reviews life, ; final test of his life, ;
psychical research, ; Myers’s aversion
life review to Dakyns, ; and M’s
to, ; and S’s response to psychical
exposure of Apostles, –; to Tyrell on
research, ; S to Myers on danger of,
prayer, ; to Myers on his illness,
; S’s and Jamesian pragmatism,
–; last Synthetic Society meeting,
–; J. Wordsworth on Pater’s,
; on prayer, ; recites Swinburne,
–; Symonds on S’s, ; Symonds
; farewell to Myers, ; funeral of,
to S on, , –; Dakyns on S’s
–; monument of, ; obituaries of,
incomprehension of, –; and S’s
; Podmore’s final letter to, ; to von
students in s, ; S’s, and esoteric
Hugel on idealizing, ; EMS on,
morality, ; S’s as insufficient, ; and
–; persona of, ; Talbot on S and
S’s later epistemological work, –;
Synthetic Society, ; coffin of, –;
and S’s worry about younger generation,
see also deepest problems; dualism of
; see also deepest problems of human
practical reason; sympathy; utilitarianism
life; epistemology; intuition/intuitionism
Sidgwick, J. B., as family patriarch,
Skorupski, John: on S, Mill, and Green and
Sidgwick, Mary (nee Crofts) , ; and
desiring good, ; defends S on agent
move to Rugby, ; S to, about his
relative, egoistic reasons, –; Ethical
resignation, , ; S to, about
Explorations of, as indebted to S, ; on S
spiritualism, finishing ME, ; death of,
compared to J. S. Mill, ; on
; debilitating last years of,
philosophical utilitarianism, ,
Sidgwick, Minnie: marries E. W. Benson, ;
–; on Green’s metaphysics, ,
tragedy of, ; memoir of, ; S writes to
about his illness, ; as key factor in
Slade, Henry, exposure of, –
explaining S’s reformist priorities,
Smith, Adam: contemplative utilitarianism
–; as member of Initial Society,
of, ; Frankena on S, ethical dualism
–; S to, about psychical research, ; S
and, –; S’s view of civilization and,
to, about pessimism, ; and Initial
; see also laissez faire; socialism
Society, –
Smith, G. A.,
Sidgwick, Robert, on Sidgwick family
Smith, Henry, compared to S as talker,
Smith, Robertson,
Sidgwick, Rev. William, –, ; on Rugby,
social Darwinism, see Darwin/Darwinism;
evolution/evolutionism; Spencer, H.
Sidgwick, William Carr, ; becomes Oxford
socialism, J. S. Mill and H. Taylor on, ;
classicist, ; with Henry as student at
S can sound like Mill on, ; Maurice
Blackheath, ; and Ad Eundem, , ;
and Christian, , ; Christian socialism
Sidgwickedness of,
and Marxism, , ; and the direction
February ,
socialism ( cont.)
taking the place of priests in future,
of civilization, S on, ; S, ME on
–; S, EP versus, –; and
common sense on, –; S, ME on
historical methods, –; S, EP on
desert and, –; S on Mill and, ; S,
assumption of individualism and, –;
MEA on, –; S, EP on ethical, ;
S on Pearson and, , –; S on
S, PPE on justifications for, –; S to
theism and, ; see also Comte, A.;
Symonds on future and, ; S, EP on
science/scientific method; Spencer, H.
justifications for, –; S’s as akin to
Socrates/Socratic m
ethod, ; as part of
that of Mill, Maurice, ; S versus Bryce
Apostolic ethic, –, ; Sidgwick adopts,
on, ; Pearson on future and, –;
; versus Plato, ; Maurice on, –,
S on Pearson on future and, –;
; and Apostles, ; and J. Hare’s, ;
working-class, and racism, ; see also
Rothblatt on Maurice’s, ; versus
individualism; laissez faire; political
Platonism, Nussbaum on, –;
strangeness of, ; and Victorian Platonic
Society for Psychical Research (SPR), ; S’s
revival, ; on examined life, –; S’s as
work in as modeled on Apostles, –;
between Maurice’s and Grote’s, –; and
origins and growth of, ; scientific
Sophists, S on, –; Vlastos on, ; and
contingent in, ; Stainton Moses
Benthamism, ; example of ever before
spiritualism and, ; contributions to
S’s mind, , ; as S’s point of departure,
depth psychology of, ; feminist
–, ; and S’s quest, –; and S’s
controversies over, ; EMS on founding
psychical research, –, ; and
of, and interest in personal survival of
Clough’s poetry, S on, ; and Clough’s
death, –; S on its commitment to
skepticism, –; versus religion,
science, ; Myers’s early involvement
–; and S’s skepticism, ; S on
with, –; S on Gurney and, –;
Aristotle, ME and, –; and S’s faith,
and S’s family and friends, ; and
, ; S invokes, on dualism, –;
religion, A. Balfour on, ; Myers and
and S’s Aristotelianism, –; and
death of Annie Marshall and, –;
Williams’s interpretation of S, ; Myers
birth of, Gauld on, –; early
compares S to, , ; Myers on Gurney
priorities of, ; EMS not originally a
and, –; Tyrwhitt on Symonds on,
member of, ; S’s first presidential
–; Jowett’s, ; and Symonds’s
address to, –; S’s leadership of, ;
Whitmania, ; and style of S’s major
and early interest in telepathy, –;
works, –; and Seeley’s teaching, ;
Gauld on research of, –; and G. A.
S on sources of discussion societies and,
Smith, ; and difficulties of research on
–; S’s later epistemological writings
telepathy, –; interest in Blavatsky,
invoke, , ; as psychic, ; see also
theosophy, ; Myers on the exposure of
“Apostles”; education; Plato/Platonism
theosophy and, ; Myers on guidelines
Soffer, Reba, compares EMS to Jowett,
for research of, ; Myers on significance
Solovyoff, V. S., S on A Modern Priestess of
of, –; and impact of Gurney’s death,
Isis of, –
; and production of Census, ; S
Sophists, –,
addresses on personal nature of evidence
Sorley, W. R.: on S as teacher, ; on S’s
for telepathy, ; and differences within S
grounding of egoism,
Group, –; similarities to Apostles,
Spencer, Herbert: L. Strachey on, ; versus
–; and elitism, racism, ; S, EMS
S, A. Donagan on, ; as not Mill’s heir, for
bored with, , ; compared to
S, ; S rejects “high priori” road of,
Newnham with respect to medical
–; era of, ; and direction of
establishment, ; Lytton recruited for,
civilization, S on, , ; S on Kantian
; and Palladino case, –; and
roots of evolutionism of, ; S on
Piper case, –; EMS continues work
Absolute Ethics of, ; S on
with, ; and cross-correspondence cases,
speculativeness of, ; S on natural right,
–; see also death; psychical research;
laissez faire and, –, ; S on future
of religion and, –; debt to Maine of,
sociology: and S’s reconciliation project,
; S on integration and, ; S on
–; and political prophecy, ; as
prophecy and, –; S on partiality of,
February ,
; see also evolution/evolutionism;
Strutt, Rt. Honorable Guy: on S’s impotence,
laissez faire; sociology
–; on S’s coffin, –
Spinoza, B.: Frankena on S and, –;
suicide: Gurney’s possible, ; S, ME on,
Symonds on,
and Symonds, –; S versus Moore
spiritual expansion, see civilization;
on, ; Podmore’s possible,
Sully, James, S to, on petition against war,
spiritualism, see psychical research; Society
for Psychical Research
Sumner, Wayne, on S’s hedonism, –
Spivak, G.,
Sverdlik, S., on S, Egoism, and common
Stanley, Arthur: as an Apostle, ; on
Swinburne, Algernon: and S’s aesthetic, ;
Stanley, H. S., Kiernan on,
as member of Old Mortality, ; and
state, the: Green’s liberalism and, –; S,
Oxford Hellenism, Whitmania, ; on
PPE on role of, –; S, EP on role of,
Symonds versus Jowett, –;
–; S, EP on organization of,
Symonds on Noel versus, as poets, ;
–; S, EP on promotion of morality
and S’s sexuality, ; Noel on S and, ;
by, –; S, EP on freedom of press
Dakyns on publications of, ; S knows
and, –; S on meaning of,
meaning of, ; Noel on S and, ;
Stephen, James Fitzjames: as an Apostle, ,
Houghton as patron of, ; S recites lines
; S on politics of, –; S defends
Mill’s feminism against,
symmetrical persons, , ; Podmore on S
Stephen, Leslie, ; resignation of, ; on
as, ; S and Symonds as, –,
typical Cambridge don’s Christianity, ;
on ME and S’s reasonableness, ; S
Symonds, Catherine (née North): Symonds
labels a mere litterateur, ; on ME and
first meets, ; marriage to Symonds,
dualism, –; on Jowett on following
–; suffers from Symonds’s
Mill’s advice, ; and Home Rule
masculinism, ; sick in Cannes, ; her
controversy, ; EMS consults on
trust in S’s wisdom, ; S describes to
publication of DEP, –
Dakyns, ; Symonds makes executor,
Stephen, Virginia, see Woolf, Virginia
; understands about Moor, ; and S
Sterling, John: as friend of Maurice’s, ; on
and Brown biography, ; and S and
Cambridge, ; as an Apostle, ; and
Brown’s suppression of Symonds’s work
on Sexual Inversion, –
Stevenson, Robert Louis: on Symonds as
Symonds, Janet, death of, and S’s exchanges
talker, ; Symonds on, –; writes
with Symonds, –
Treasure Island at Am Hof,
Symonds, John Addington: as close friend of
Stewart, Balfour,
S’s and champion of Greek love, , ,
Stirner, Max, Rashdall on critics of,
; significance of friendship with S,
Stocking, George, on Maine on India,
–, ; and invalidism, ; as academic
liberal, ; and Greek worldview, ;
Stoics: sneered at by Aristotle, ; and
brings out S’s best, ; and S’s Cloughian
Western moral thought, ; S on Grote,
reserve, ; on Clough as S’s poet, ; S
utilitarianism and, –
develops friendship with, ; to Dakyns