Henry Sidgwick- Eye of the Universe
Page 165
Story, Joseph,
about S, ; and religion of the future,
Strachey, Lytton, ; on Victorians, ; on G. E.
; S to, about death and personal
Moore versus Aristotle, Christ, Spencer,
survival, ; and Arthur S., Myers, ;
and Bradley, ; as wrong about
and Hellenism at Oxford and Cambridge,
utilitarianism, ; mocks Victorians, ; as
; and Platonic revival, links to Myers,
Apostle, ; and higher sodomy, ; see
; S to, about Phantasms, –;
also “Apostles”; Bloomsbury
importance of, for understanding S, ;
Strauss, D. F.: and biblical criticism, ; S on,
on Myers, ; to Dakyns, about S on
; S’s debt to, , ; translated by Eliot,
spirits, ; his metaphysical cast of mind,
; and history of philology,
; on Tennyson and metaphysics, ;
Stray, C. A.,
and Oxford philosophical context, ;
strife, see politics; war
Green teaches at Oxford, –; as
February ,
Symonds, John Addington ( cont.)
on Goethean whole, ; to S on his health
member of Old Mortality, ; Dowling on
problems, –; to Charlotte on S’s
Old Mortality, Oxford and, –; S
position, ; to B. Clough on his crisis,
supports for Oxford Professorship of
–; his Memoirs on crisis in Cannes,
Poetry, –; and Tyrwhitt controversy,
; his crisis as conversion experience,
–; versus Pater, ; to Jowett about
–; and production of “A Problem in
realities of Greek love, –; compared
Greek Ethics,” –; and introduction
to Pater on repression, masculinism, ;
to Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, –; to
significance of his circle of friendships,
B. Clough on “A Problem in Greek Ethics,”
; significance of ; to S about Noel’s
S and work, –; Catherine on S and,
poetry, skepticism about “Verification of
; S to Dakyns on crisis of, –; to S
Belief,” ; on his moral indifferentism
on happiness, ; and Goethe’s maxim,
and the Oxford Professorship, –;
; to S on skepticism, God, positivism,
Brown on religion of, –; on the
–; on Clough, Tennyson, and
Alps, ; and life in Davos and Venice,
return to Byronism, ; to Dakyns on his
; elective affinities with S, –;
dipsychia, –; on locking up his
childhood, ontological insecurity of, ;
homoerotic poetry, ; Grosskurth on S
experiences of, at Harrow, –;
and “Eudiades” of, ; and reactions to
youthful discovery of Plato on love,
“Eudiades,” –; to Dakyns about S’s
–; cynicism arising from Vaughan
resignation, –; on S’s review of
affair, ; love for Willie Dyer, ; early
Clough volume, ; to Whitman on
influence of Conington on, –;
adhesiveness, ; his vision of Platonism,
correspondence with Cory, –; father
Whitmania, –; peccant pamphlets
involved in Vaughan affair, –; on
of, –; to S on death of his poetic itch
hypocrisy and loyalty to friends, –;
and his black box, ; S to, on safe
father forces to give up Dyer, Albert Brooke,
publication of homoerotic verse, –;
–; wins First at Oxford, ; nearly
to Noel on the dedication of Many Moods,
ruined by Shorting, –; wins
poetry, –; on reaction of his friends
Chancellor’s Prize for study of Platonism
to Many Moods, ; to Dakyns on S as the
in Renaissance, ; pressured to marry by
sun, –; to Noel on S’s depression,
father, –; and Byronic gloom, ;
; to S on S’s depression, reception of
European tour with Green, –;
ME, –; his cosmic consciousness as
begins friendship with Dakyns, –;
case study for psychical research, –;
pretends to study law at Lincoln’s Inn, ;
to Dakyns on vision of God, –; to
courtship and marriage to Catherine,
Green on pointlessness of religious
failure of honeymoon, –; indebted
philosophizing, ; and use of drugs, ;
to Mill and Maurice on feminism, ; and
and S’s reaction to “Rhaetica,” –,
fantasies of Greek love, ; and cathartic
–; exchanges with S during S’s
poetry, –; becomes intimate friends
midlife crisis, –; to S on death of
with S, ; to S on theism, deepest
Janet, –; S agrees with on aesthetics,
problems, ; trance states of, –;
; to Dakyns about S’s helping with
depressive fits of, ; to Dakyns about S’s
Essays Speculative and Suggestive, –;
visit, ; on Hegel’s Aesthetik, ; his
scientific phase of, ; presses Whitman
own “case history,” –; description of
on Calamus, ; visits Ulrichs, ; outs
his erotic encounter with Moor, –;
Michelangelo, ; begins work with Ellis,
to Dakyns about Arthur S’s recklessness,
; befriends Carpenter, ; criticizes
Greek love, –; jealous of Dakyns
Wilde, ; complains to Noel, Brown
and Cecil Boyle, ; supports O.
about S and Myers criticizing his poetry,
Browning, ; on Noel’s sexuality, poetry,
–; to Carpenter on the new religion,
–; and Noel’s case history, ; and
–; and S on the new religion, ;
S’s bookish abstraction, ; and Dakyns’s
on Labouchère a
mendment, –; for
love for Charlotte, –; and S’s vision
sexual politics of, ; to Ellis concerning
of sympathetic unity, ; to S about Moor,
their collaboration, ; and S and
Jowett, ; to S on Noel’s poetry, ; to S
scientific psychology, –; S unlike,
February ,
; and S’s academic reformism, ;
on, –; and Millian unity, –; S
Sedgwick on, ; rejection of civilization
and Symonds on, ; S on Clough’s
of, ; supports women’s higher
singular, ; and S’s fear of egoism, ;
education, ; scientific turn of, and
and religions of Mill, Maurice, ; and
feminism, ; to B. Clough on EMS, S,
friendship, philosophical significance of,
and emotion, –; S and death of,
for ME, ; Noel advises S on cultivating,
–; and S’s vision of gender, ;
; and indirect pursuit of happiness,
death of, and S’s work on Brown’s
internal sanctions, –; and utilitarian
biography, ; and feminism of S, EMS,
character development, –; and
–; and Noel, Gower, ; on the
Rawls’s reading of S’s utilitarianism, ; S
term “homosexual” and related
on need to cultivate for society of the
expressions, –; and use of hashish,
future, ; and the exemplary utilitarian
; Stevenson’s depiction of, –;
reformer, –; Annas on, –;
concerns of as evident in ME, –,
and imperialism, ; and S’s psychical
–; S uses his work on Renaissance
research, ; role of in both psychical
art during Rome tour, ; S urges not to
research and Apostolic inquiry, –,
read PPE, ; S to, on direction of
, –; and S’s life project,
civilization, socialism versus Caesarism,
–; and sex, gender, race, ; and
; S to, on EP, pessimism, –; on
Victorian age, ; S and Noel on
historical progress, ; and S’s politics,
cultivation of through marriage, –,
; Whitmania of, and vision of EP,
, –; S’s vision of, and Symonds,
–; and Tennyson’s racism, ;
; S’s failure of, with Symonds, –;
influence on S on aesthetics, ;
and scientific approach of S, Symonds,
fascinated by Myers on the subliminal self,
; S worries about limits of his, –;
; and S’s Apostolic vision, ; S’s
S’s view of as influenced by Whitman,
handling of posthumous reputation of,
–; S wants, ; and feminist
–; EMS and S’s correspondence
critique of S, ; and S’s style in his three
with, –; Brown to Carpenter on
major works, –; S, ME on marriage
posthumous reputation of,
and, ; and S’s vision of utilitarian
Symonds, John Addington (senior): character,
reformer, , –; and expanding
biography of, –; on sending son to
circle of S’s utilitarianism, –; and S
Harrow, ; and Vaughan affair, –;
on the argument for theism, –; S on
and Prichard, Pinel and “moral insanity,”
his power of, ; and S’s handling of
–; urges son to take European trip,
Symonds’s posthumous reputation, ;
; disapproves of Dakyns, ; urges son to
see also altruism; benevolence; charity
marry, ; rejects Dakyns as possible
Synthetic Society, , ; S’s role in, ; S
son-in-law, ; S as very unlike, ;
and aims of, ; S’s last philosophical
death, religion of, –
meeting and,
Symonds, Margaret: on her mother’s faith in
systematization argument, Schneewind on
ME and, –
Symonds, Richard: on academic liberals and
laissez faire, ; on increasing opposition
Talbot, Dr. E. S.: and Synthetic Society, ;
of medical establishment to women’s
on S’s contributions to the Synthetic
higher education,
Symons, Arthur, ,
Tanner, J. R., on Seeley’s teaching,
sympathy, ; cultivation of as central to
Tardieu, A., ignorance of,
utilitarianism, –; for post-Christian
Tarnowsky, B., ignorance of,
era, , ; and Mill’s struggle, ; S’s
Tawney, C. H., , , ; S meets at Rugby,
undergraduate illness and, ; Maitland on
S’s, –; and psychical research, ; and
Taylor, Harriet: and J. S. Mill on experiments
S’s conversion to Mill and Comte, –;
in living, ; and Mill on subjection of
and education, ; and better side of
women, ; feminism of, ; and S, Mill
Apostles, ; versus Greek perfection as
on socialist tide, ; see also feminism;
all-important for S, ; S versus M. Arnold
Mill, J. S.; socialism
February ,
teleology, see ethical theory; egoism;
–; SPR’s early interest in, ;
investigated by Hodgson, –;
telepathy, see psychical research
reaction to Hodgson’s investigations, ;
Temple, Frederick: contributes to Essays and
Myers on, , ; S on, –; Dixon
Reviews, ; Benson defends,
on paradox of, ; S as excited about, ;
Tennant, Eveleen, and Myers,
see als
o Blavatsky, M.; psychical research;
Tennyson, Alfred Lord: as an Apostle, ,
Society for Psychical Research
–; and Greek love in “In
Thirty-nine Articles of Church of England,
Memoriam,” , , , , ; and
see Church of England
Apostles, ; admires Maurice, ; S loves
Thompson, Perronet, as friend of S’s father,
“The Voyager” of, ; compared to
Clough, S on, ; S uses to describe his
Thornely, Thomas, on Maine on democracy,
resignation, ; as member of SPR, ; S
on “In Memoriam” of, –; Symonds
Tocqueville, Alexis de,
on metaphysics of, ; racism of, , ;
Todd, Robert, on Oxford Hellenism versus
S versus Green on, –; Symonds on
Cambridge, –, –
nightmare of, ; Noel on virtue and, ;
Tomlinson, George, as founder of Apostles,
S on representativeness of, ; and liberal
disillusionment, ; S to Lytton on
Tory Party: A. Balfour and Manchester
Boädicea of, ; see also “Apostles”;
association and, ; and Home Rule
deepest problems of human life; poetry
controversy, –; and S’s political
Terling Place, , , , –
independence, , ; Balfour,
Thackeray, W. M.: as friend of S’s father, ;
imperialism and,
Noel quotes,
Toynbee, Arnold, and settlement movement,
theism: meaning of, ; and historical
influence of Green, –
progress, ; S’s commitment to, ;
Toynbee Hall, –,
Myers on, –; experiments in ethics
Tractarian movement, ; and Oxford
and intuitive, ; S and Clough on,
education, ; the Wards and,
–; Mill on, –; ME and, ;
Traubel, Horace: Whitman to, on Symonds,
and possible solutions to dualism, –,
; Symonds to, on Europe and
–, ; and inadequacy of mundane
liberalized sex law,
experience, –; Crisp and, ; and
Trevelyan, George Otto, , ; advises