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Page 2

by A L Williams

  I should have asked Izzy if he was in any of her classes. I was fairly sure she wouldn’t do that given the rules and the damage that would do to her career, but with her I never knew. She had always been a wild card. I pushed up, smiling at the memories that drifted through my mind.


  I walked towards the football field, stopping at the bleachers, finding Izzy kneeling in front of some guy. When I moved closer, I widened my eyes, realizing who it was. Robby, my teammate and star quarterback, was leaning against one of the metal poles with his head back and eyes closed and mouth open. Moans drifted from his lips as his hips thrusted. I didn’t need to be closer to realize what Izzy was doing.

  I tensed, anger rising in my veins. Izzy had always had some guys cock in her mouth, and it infuriated me. I wasn’t a prude. I had fucked several girls and I didn’t think women were any less for doing the same, but come on, Robby? Really? The guy was a piece of shit and a womanizer.

  “Yeah, baby. Like that. Suck me harder.” Robby groaned.

  I clenched my jaw and stoked over, the wet sounds of a mouth sliding along a cock growing louder. I grabbed Izzy by the shoulder and yanked her back into my arms. Robby’s eyes shot open and he blinked.

  “What the fuck—” Robby started.

  “Don’t fucking touch her again.” I growled.

  Izzy struggled against me and I released her. She whipped around to face me and glared daggers. “I’m not a child,” she said.

  “Then stop acting like one.” I said, releasing too late what I said.

  Her eyes flashed and she stomped away. I huffed. I wasn’t going to live this down.

  “Smooth. Very smooth.” Robby said, with a chuckle.

  “Shut up!” I shouted.

  He arched a brow. “You really have a hard on for her, don't you? I’ don’t blame you.”

  “That’s none of your business.” I said, through gritted teeth.

  Robby fastened his jeans, shoving his half hard cock back in. He walked over and I watched him with narrow eyes. “Dude, you should let her go. She’s a sl—”

  Before he got the word out my fist made contact with his face. He stumbled back, holding his cheek which was already starting to swell. “Dude!”

  “Don’t ever call her that.”

  Robby’s eyes flashed, but he didn’t speak. I turned and before walking away I glanced back. “Don’t ever touch her again or you’ll get more than a swollen face.” I walked away towards the school, knowing that when Izzy got me alone, I was going to get an earful.


  I stood, pulling myself from my memories and walked over to the bench with my gym bag. Sweat drenched my face and I grabbed the towel, wiping away the sweat and tossed it back on the bench. I reached inside my bag and grabbed my phone, looking at the screen and frowning. A text from a friend at work and a social media message flashed across the screen. There was no reason for her to text me while she was on...on a date, but I really wish she would. I threw my phone back in my bag and gathered my things, walking towards the men’s showers.

  As I approached, I spotted a guy who stood, staring at the entry. I could see the tension in his body. When I came up beside him, he jumped and glanced at me. He looked up at me from his long eyelashes with furrowed brows and then looked away. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to block the way.”

  I smiled. “You weren’t. Is everything all right?” I asked.

  He glanced at me once more and then back at the floor. I studied him for a moment and two women walked out of the bathroom and looked at him disgustedly. I cocked my head to the side and refocused on the guy. He was pretty for a man, standing at maybe five foot five. He had a lean lithe frame and you could tell he didn’t work out often. He rubbed his arm as I continued to look at him, his fidgeting growing by the minute at my attention.

  Realization washed over me when I realized. He was trans. I had a few friends back in high school who were trans and even though I wasn’t aware of a lot of what it entailed I had seen them in this situation many times. Most of them didn’t pass and going into the mens bathroom was a risk. There had been many times I had gotten involved.

  I inched closer. “Hey, come on. You need to get all the sweat off you.” His head snapped up and he gawked at me. “No one will come at you with me there, okay?”

  He didn’t move for a moment, just standing there and chewing his lip. I waited patiently, glaring at the men who walked by grimacing at him. I planted myself there, ready to face anyone who dared. I wasn’t a small man and there weren’t many who would challenge me.

  “Okay,” he said.

  I smiled again and guided him into the men’s showers, being sure not to touch him. He was already on the verge of running. I stopped in front of a stool and glanced at him. He frowned at it and looked at it realizing there was no cover. Based on his appearance he hadn’t been in transition long which possibly meant he hadn’t had surgery either. I didn’t want to assume. Instead I threw my bag down on the floor and grabbed the clean towels inside. I always brought extras because I would sweat profusely after a workout. I was grateful today had been cooler and I only had to use one.

  I opened the towels, gesturing for him to step inside the stall. He blinked with a wrinkled brow, but walked in. I then draped the towels as best I could over the entryway. I stepped back and looked at him. Something flashed in his eyes and he smiled, finally relaxing. I turned away and walked into a stall closest to the door, far enough away to give him privacy, but blocking the entrance. I turned my back to him, leaving him in peace.

  “I will be over here. I’ll be watching. So, take your time. When we’re done, I will leave with you. All right?”

  Thankfully no one came in during our showers and we dressed and left. When we both stepped outside, he turned to me. “My name is Keith. Thank you,” he said, his boyish face flushed.

  I grinned at him. He was cute that was for sure. “No problem. If you want, we can be work-out buddies.”

  His eyes widened and I couldn’t help but laugh. It was like watching a cartoon character. He bobbed his head and froze. “Yes. That would be nice.”

  After exchanging information and saying our goodbyes, Keith was gone. I shook my head at how fast he moved away. The guy almost skipped. I looked down at my phone once more. Still no message. I shoved it into my pocket and placed the strap of my gym bag on my shoulder, turning. As I walked towards the parking lot I wondered if Izzy was with that Dex guy.

  Chapter Three


  I sighed at the comforting aroma of coffee drifting through the coffee shop. The hum of espresso machines filled the dining area, mingling with the chatter of patrons gathered at some of the tables. Others had smaller groups who were focused on their textbooks and computers.

  I glanced down at the time on my phone. 4:10 p.m.

  I entwined my fingers around my paper cup to keep from fidgeting. The warm spread through my hands, calming my nerves slightly.

  Sweat gathered at my forehead and I was glad I had decided to wear a T-shirt. It probably wasn’t appropriate for a date, but I wasn’t accustomed to the hot weather. I was baffled by the lack of rain. I'd been in Texas for six months and it still hadn't rained. Of course, it was the middle of summer, but still. Back home it would have rained at least four times a month.

  The bell rang and I looked at the door, my jaw dropping at the sight of Isabel dressed in the tightest pair of jeans I had ever seen and a halter top that barely covered her breasts. Boys at each table were staring and I couldn’t blame them. What kind of teacher dressed like that?

  Shifting in my seat I looked down at my jeans and t-shirt, feeling significantly under dressed. I watched as she ordered a drink, flirting with the barista—if the blush on his face was any indication. She winked at him when he handed her a paper cup. When she turned her eyes brightened. She sauntered over and I straightened.

  “Hello, handsome.” She said, eying my clothes. I rubbed the back of my head. “I didn’t
know this was a dress up—” I paused. What was this? A date? From how she was dressed it definitely was, unless this was how she dressed regularly outside of work.

  “It’s fine. You look cute in jeans,” she purred, sliding into the seat across from me. “How were your classes?”

  I swallowed, my gaze dropping to her chest as more of her bosom was exposed. If it fell any further down her nipple would pop out. My mouth watered at the prospect.

  Calm down. You don’t want her to think you’re a horny teenager.

  I snapped my head up, realizing how long I had been staring at her chest. She smirked, mischief dancing in her eyes. She knew I wanted her, and she liked it. My cock twitched. If I played my cards right, I would not end the night jerking off by myself again.

  “So, what are you studying?” she asked.

  “I’m getting my MD.” I said. “I’m an RN right now.”

  She puckered her lips into an O and leaned her chin on her hands with her elbows on the table. “How much longer do you have?”

  “Including this year, four more years. I’ve only been here for six months.”

  “Oh, what made you come here instead of going to university in—” she paused.

  “Seattle. I needed a change.” I replied. I didn't want to get into the real reason I left. That was definitely not a first date conversation.

  “Oh, a Washington boy. Is it true it rains there constantly?” she asked.

  “Yeah and it's green as hell because of it. Sometimes we would beg for sun.” I chuckled. “Of course, now after being here, I wish I could have the rain.”

  She smiled. “It is pretty dry. You must miss home.”


  She leaned back. “I was born here.” I nodded, thankful for the change of subject. “I don’t know much about anywhere else. I would like to travel one day.”

  “I can’t say I can relate. I wouldn’t mind traveling, but my soul is much more into putting down roots.”

  She smiled. “You’re just like Ra.”

  I tensed, remembering the giant’s glare. It wasn’t a subject for a date, but I had to know. “This is probably a stupid question, since you’re here with me, but are you dating him?”

  She grunted. “That’s not a stupid question. Polyamory is a thing.”


  “The answer to your question is no. We aren’t dating. We do fuck occasionally, but that’s more of a fun arrangement. Nothing serious. He’s my best friend. We grew up together.”

  “No wonder he was glaring daggers at me,” I said.

  “Don’t let him bother you. He’s a big teddy bear under all the angst.”

  I chuckled. “If you say so.”

  She looked to the side, her gaze somewhere else. “He’s just protective. We grew up in a group home together.”

  “Oh,” I said, feeling stupid.

  “What a mood killer.” She looked back at me.

  “It’s all right. I wasn’t helping.”

  She reached across the table and placed her hand on top of mine. “Let’s talk of happier things, shall we?”

  I nodded and my face warmed at the squeeze of her hand over mine.

  We talked for hours, the sun drifting across the sky until it sank low, hovering just above the moments. So much time passed that the shop was empty by the time we left. We made our way to the parking lot and I walked Isabel to her car. She spun around and inched closer. “Would you like to come back to my place?” she asked.

  I gaped at her. “Uh, is that—do you want?”

  Her eyes darkened. “If you want to, then yes.”

  I swallowed, the heat of her gaze going straight to my cock.

  She gave me her address and we left.


  Twenty minutes later I found myself driving down a neighborhood filled with houses that all looked remarkably similar. All of them were impressive, built with cobblestone in different shades of gray. Each one had an attic with a window and vaulted roofs.

  My GPS instructed me to stop, I turned into the driveway of a house with a two-car garage. Isabel’s car was parked, and she was standing at the doorway, unlocking it. I got out and hurried to her, stopping behind as she opened the door and stepped inside. She moved to the side, allowing me through. I crept inside, looking around. The house was beautiful, inside and outside. It was clear she lived comfortably. How much did University teachers make?

  “I’m one of the youngest professors to make tenure and Rashawn works construction.”

  I froze and whipped around. “Isabel, does he live here?”

  She arched a brow. “Call me Izzy. Yes, is that a problem?”

  Fuck yeah it is.

  “Uhm no?” I said.

  She shook her head. “He’s probably out drinking beer and watching football with some work friends. He does this every weekend.” She walked over and pressed her body to mine, trailing her hand down my chest to my groin, squeezing and dragging a groan from me. She tugged on my zipper and reached inside, she pulled down the elastic of my briefs and grabbed my cock, stroking it as if she was an expert.

  She continued to massage my dick and when I thought I would go, she stopped stroking, loosely gripping my cock. I swayed on my feet, my cock throbbing already. It had been a while. She eyed my cock, licking her lips. “Nice.”

  “Thanks,” I said, awkwardly. I had never talked this much right before sex. The girls I’d been with were pretty reserved and took a lot of coaxing to get them out of their shell. With Izzy I found myself feeling like those girls. Her confidence was overwhelming, and it took everything for me not to run. Not because it was off putting, but because she made me feel inadequate. I was fairly sure I wasn’t the only one.

  My mind drifted to Rashawn. He was probably the only man who didn’t feel insecure around her. His sheer size was enough to make anyone feel small, but somehow, she didn’t next to him. They looked like they fit.

  His cock is probably huge too. They must have phenomenal sex.

  “Something on your mind?” she asked, pulling me from my thoughts.


  “Your cock is hard as a rock. What are you thinking about?”

  I glanced down at my cock, red and thick in her grip. I looked back at her. “It’s been awhile.”

  “I see. Well, let’s take care of that, shall we?” she said, with a grin. Without waiting for my response or releasing my cock, she led me upstairs.

  When we entered her room, I glanced at the bed, made with cream colored bedding and so many pillows the bed looked smaller than it probably was. She finally let my cock go and walked over, tossing pillows on the floor haphazardly. I moved closer as she threw the final pillow off the bed and turned to me. She looked up at me from below her lashes and I swallowed.

  I wasn’t sure which one of us moved—probably her—but the next moment we clung to each other. She kissed me harder, dominating the kiss. She dragged her tongue along my bottom lip, pulling a desperate groan from me. My cock was trapped between us as we continued to devour each other. She swiped her tongue across my bottom lip and then shoved inside my mouth, exploring the walls. Her aggressive pursue of my submission knocked me off balance and turned me on at the same time. I wanted her to take me. To consume me.

  Her smaller frame turned us, and I allowed it, finding myself on the bed. I bounced and she grinned down at me, her eyes burning with want. She pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it across the room, her breasts bouncing as she moved. I licked my lips as I stared at her dark nipples, hard and ready for licking.

  She removed her jeans, kicking them to the side. Then she yanked my jeans off, taking my briefs with them. Climbing on top of me, her blue panties brushed against my skin. She straddled my hips and sat back on my groin, my cock trapped under her ass. She wiggled, the satin sliding along my precum dampened dick. I shuddered at the sensation.

  She leaned down and kissed me again, this time slow and sensual. We kissed like that for some time
and she began to grind her ass into me. Her lips slid against my cock with the thin piece of fabric separating us. I reached back and pulled it to the side, releasing her already wet cunt. She rubbed herself against my shaft, moaning in the most obscene way and I loved every minute of it. She rode me faster, her breath coming out in puffs and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around her, flipping her onto her back. Her eyes went wide for a moment and then flashed with heat.

  I kissed her hard and when she moaned, I swallowed the sound.

  “What the fuck!” a familiar voice said. I tensed and looked back, finding Rashawn standing there anger rolling off of him in waves.


  I knew this was a bad idea.

  Chapter Four


  The last thing I expected to find was Izzy half naked and trapped under Dex's body. They hadn’t even closed the door. I stood there, gaping at them and trying my damndest to restrain the anger threatening to explode. It was clear the man knew I was pissed—if his expression was any indication.

  She propped herself on her elbows and glared at me. “Have you ever heard of knocking?”

  “The door was wide open.” I said, flatly, not taking my eyes off the man who was still on top of her with his ass on full display. I wanted to yank him off her and—

  “Ra! Either come join or get the fuck out.”

  I widened my eyes and took a step back. Why was she so crude? There was no way in hell I was joining in on this.

  “I—I don’t think this is a good idea. I’ll go.” Dex said, climbing off her.

  Izzy flopped back on the bed with a frustrated groan. I watched as Dex gathered his clothes, yanking them on and shoving his hard cock back inside with frustration.

  When he was fully dressed, he ran past me, eyeing at me as if I were going to hit him. I wanted to, but I held back. It wasn’t his fault. Izzy was being her usual self and he was caught in between. I knew that. So why did his presence irk me so much?


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