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Page 3

by A L Williams

  I turned my attention back to Izzy who was now, sitting up and glaring at me. “Look what you did. I was just about to get some and you ruined it. Why do you always do this?”

  “The last thing I want to see is you fucking some guy when I come home.”

  She scooted off the bed. “You never cared before.”

  I did. I just never said anything.

  Then why this time?

  She walked over. “You’re such a bastard.”

  I looked to the side. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “You didn’t mean to scare him?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, you did.” She moved closer, pressing her body against mine.

  I raised my brows as she started to stroke my bicep. She narrowed her eyes. “What? I want to come and sense you chased off my date. It’s your job now.”

  That I could get on board with.

  Before she uttered another word, I captured her lips in a kiss. I wanted to make her forget him. She pulled away. “You will call him tomorrow when he isn’t so freaked out and apologize.”

  I frowned.

  “Ra,” she said, glaring.

  “Fine.” I ducked again and kissed her, grabbing her by her thighs and hauling her up. She wrapped her legs around me and I carried her to the bed with our mouths still joined. We sank on to it.

  I fucked her, cursing the existence of that damn man.


  The next day I kept my promise and called. The phone rang several times and when I thought he wouldn’t answer his voice drifted into my ear. “Hello?” he said.

  “Hello,” I replied.

  The line fell silent and I pulled the phone away to make sure the call was still connected. It was.

  “Hello?” I tried again.

  “Why—why are you calling me?”

  “I’m sorry for my behavior. That wasn’t fair.”

  He scoffed. “You think?”

  I gritted my teeth. “Listen, I said I was sorry. Can we cut the attitude?”

  “You might think you can order Izzy around, but don't think you can me,” he said.

  I balled my other hand, gripping the phone. “Listen, she is my best friend. It’s my job to protect her.” I said, trying to keep the growl from my words.

  “That doesn’t mean you can control everything she does,” he snapped back. “You act like you’re her boyfriend not her best friend.”

  I sucked in a breath, my patience hanging on by a thread. “Listen, I said I was sorry.”

  “Not accepted.” He hung up.

  I gawked at the screen, unsure of what to do. Shock and anger danced inside of me. I wasn’t sure which one was stronger. Throwing the phone on the bed I paced. I should let it go. I did my part. So what if he didn’t accept. It was none of my business. I clenched my jaw and grabbed my phone, opening my contacts.

  When I pressed call the phone only rang twice. “Hey! Buddy. What’s up?” Larry said.

  “I need to talk.”

  “All right! See you at Dirty’s in twenty,” he said, and the call ended.


  When I entered Dirty Birdies, Larry’s pub and sports lounge, the place was pretty much empty except for a few older men who were regulars. Barbara waved from behind the bar. “Hey Ra!” she said, when I approached. She brushed back stray strands of her blonde hair, trying in vain to tuck them back into the high pony on her head.

  I dropped onto a stool.“Hey, is your old man here?”

  She beamed, her green eyes shimmering in the iridescent light over the bar. “He’ll be out in a moment. I’ll grab you something to eat.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  She frowned. “Nonsense. You need to eat more, boy.” She walked to the back as I shook my head. She had been in my life since the day I turned twenty-one and walked into Dirty’s for the first time. She was also the reason I ended up with my first construction job. Her and Larry owned a construction company along with this pub.

  You wouldn't think at first glance that they made that kind of money, but they were the type that lived modestly and never let money go to their head. Which was one thing they made sure to instill in me. Izzy hadn’t gotten the memo, but she had never been as close as I was to them. Nonetheless they were the closest thing I had to parents.

  Larry came in front of the kitchen and walked around the bar, plopping on a stool next to me. He looked up at the televisions hanging from the ceiling. A football game was going on between the Cowboys and Arizona Cardinals—two teams I had no interest in.

  He looked back at me, his green eyes filled with concern. “How’s it going?”


  He arched a brow. I sighed audibly and leaned against the bar. “Isabel is seeing another guy.”

  Larry frowned, stretching some of the wrinkles on his face. “That girl is a mess. I don’t know how you deal with it.”

  “She's my best friend.” I said, looking down at the bar.

  Larry sighed. “I know.” He ran his hand through his thin salt and pepper hair. “You both have been through a lot. I just wish you would take care of yourself more. She is an adult. She doesn’t need protecting anymore.”

  I flinched, struggling to keep her pale skin and frightened gaze from invading my mind. “I—”

  Larry reached out and patted my shoulder. “So, who is this guy?”

  I relaxed. Larry always knew when to not push, I loved him for that. “His name is Dex. He is a student.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Not her student I hope.”

  “No. Not hers. Although if she gets caught, she’ll be in deep shit. You know how she is though. She tests her boundaries.”

  He snorted. “And everyone else’s”

  I smirked.

  “So, what's the problem with him? You seem extra bothered by this guy then you were the others.”

  “He—he–” I stopped.

  Larry cocked his head to the side.

  I slumped. “I don’t know why he bothers me so much. I’m trying to be nicer to him for Izzy’s sake. I called him to apologize for my outburst.”

  “You had an outburst?”

  I rolled my eyes at the amused shock in his expression. I wasn’t one to have violent outbursts. Yes, I could be overbearing and intimidating, but I usually had better control of my emotions. Dex was the exception and that pissed me off. I clenched my hand on the bar.

  Barbara came out, carrying two steaming plates of burgers and fries. She sat one in front of Larry and me. I eyed the plate, the aroma hitting my nose. I relaxed. I had never had a home, but Barbara’s cooking always felt like I did. I picked up a fry and popped it in my mouth when I noticed her glaring at me. She would not move until I ate.

  “So, what did he say when you apologized?” Barbara asked.

  I swallowed the remainder of my fry, unsurprised that she had heard every word. She was an expert at eavesdropping. “He didn’t accept it.”

  “All right, then you move on,” she said.

  “I—if we’re going to be dating—sleeping with the same woman we should at least get along.”

  Barbara smirked. “Well, you probably shouldn’t have lashed out.”

  I looked down, feeling like a child being scolded. Another one of her skills. “I know. I can’t take it back though.”

  “Just give him time. If he is going to be around, he’ll have to deal with you. Let things settle and try again,” Larry said.

  I sighed and nodded, grabbing another fry and chewing slowly.

  “Maybe you should find another girl and have some fun. You put way too much focus on Isabel,” Barbara said, turning and walking over a new patron.

  I knew she was right. I had tried several times, but I couldn’t find the attraction or urge to even try. Izzy had always been the center of my life. I needed to just take a step back. I wasn’t the one sleeping with the guy. I chuckled to myself at that notion.

  Why had that crossed my mind?

frightened expressions appeared and my stomach twisted. I grabbed another fry and turned my attention to the game I didn’t want to watch. Anything to get my mind off the man who had walked into my life and messed everything up.

  Chapter Five


  Monday morning the office was filled with the sound of typing and murmured words as I swiveled in my chair at work. Ava turned to me. “Would you stop that? You're making me nervous. I can’t concentrate.”

  I stopped. “Sorry.”

  She went back to typing and moments later she glared at me. I realized I was tapping my foot and I stilled.

  “What is with you today? You look like you’re going to crawl out of your skin.”

  “I had a long weekend.”

  “Did you go out with that woman?”

  I nodded, swallowing around the lump in my throat. I wasn’t completely sure why I was on edge. It could be that I had been cock-blocked by Rashawn. I bristled. Bastard. Who the hell just barges into a room while people were fucking? I mean the door was open, but still. Then he had the nerve to act like I had killed his dog. I clenched my fist in my lap.

  “From your expression, I assume it didn’t go well?” she said, swiveling to face me.

  I shook my head. “It started out great and then her roommate ruined it.”

  “Her roommate?”

  I proceeded to tell her everything about him. My blood boiled at the thought of it especially after he called me and had the audacity to ask forgiveness. My response to his half-hearted apology has surprised us both. It was probably because we weren't in the same room. I wasn’t delusional. I was scared shitless of the man. He made me feel small...and weird.

  “Hey! Are you listening to me?” Ava asked.

  I tensed. “Sorry. What did you say?”

  “I said...this guy cock-blocked you and you’re salty about it, correct?”

  I nodded.

  “Okay, but are you going to see this woman again?”

  “I—It’s not a good idea.”

  Ava crossed her arms and opened her mouth. Someone walked up to the counter and I snapped it shut. Ava swiveled and plastered a fake smile on her face, signing in the patient.

  When she turned back, she studied me. “Dex, don’t use this as a reason to run.”

  “I’m not.” I looked aside.

  She scoffed. “I may have only known you for six months, but I know a runner when I see one. You want this woman. She wants you. Go for it. Don’t let this Rashawn guy stop you. It is obvious he’s jealous and wants more from her than she is willing to give him. Don’t let that be your problem.”

  I looked down at my hands, spinning her words around in my head. Was I using this as an excuse to run? I did have a hard time maintaining relationships long term. Most of them hadn’t been right. They didn’t fit. So I ended them within a few weeks. I also had the same feeling with Izzy, but we had only gone out once. Maybe I should give her another chance.

  She was hot as hell and at least I could get a good lay out of it. What we had done had been phenomenal until jackass barged in. I was surprised I still had a hard on by the end of it, which was also very strange. His intense angry stare should have softened me instantly. Must have been hornier than I thought.

  “Dex! Can you come here for a moment,” Dr. Bennette called from his office.

  I jumped to my feet and adjusted myself, getting an arched brow from Ava. I ignored it and walked to the office.

  I could worry about Izzy and Rashawn later.


  Later that night, I walked into my studio, throwing my backpack on the bed. I walked into the bathroom to piss and then came out after washing my hands.

  Once I was stripped down to my briefs, I flopped face first on the bed. It had been the longest day of my life. Mondays were always busy with the start of a new week of assignments at school and the rush of patients at work. It didn’t help that I was having a hard time focusing. Ava’s words had stuck with me all day.

  I flipped onto my back and reached inside of my backpack, pulling out my phone and scrolling to Izzy’s number. I stared at it for a moment and then cleared the screen, going to the last call received.


  I frowned and stared at the number for far too long. Before I knew it, I pressed the call and put the phone to my ear.

  “Hello?” Rashawn said, his voice husky.

  I tensed. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” I tensed I was supposed to be mad at the guy not apologizing for waking him.

  There was silence for a moment and then he spoke. “It’s fine. What the hell do you want?”

  I clenched my jaw, partially happy for the reminder of why I hated the asshole. “Listen. It’s clear you don’t like me and the feeling is mutual, but I like Izzy and she likes me.”

  I swore I heard a growl, but I ignored it. He wasn’t going to intimidate me again. Who the fuck growled anyway? He was like the stereotypical alpha male and I really wanted to punch him. I gritted my teeth. “I’m going to ask her out again and you need to stay out of it.”

  Rashawn chuckled bitterly. “Why are you calling me then? She’s a grown woman. I have no control over who she fucks.” The emphasis on the last word clearly meant to remind me that I was only a fuck buddy and nothing more. It stung even though a part of me knew that, but who the fuck cared. I wanted to get laid and it could grow to something else. He didn’t know.I sure as hell wasn’t going to let the bastard get inside my head.

  You already have.

  “Even so. I just wanted to make myself clear.”



  We went silent, the sound of the ticking clock on my wall loud. I really needed to get rid of that damn thing—It had been here when I moved in.

  “Anything else you want to tell me?” he said, the condescension tightening my chest.

  ” No.”

  He hung up without another word. I seethed as I stared at the phone.



  The next morning, I woke up and looked at my phone, seeing a missed call from Izzy. I grabbed it and pressed the call.

  “Good morning!” she chimed.

  I winced at the loud sound. Was she always this loud in the morning?

  I groaned, rubbing the sleep my eyes. ‘Morning.”

  “Not a morning person I see. You and Ra are very alike.”

  I bristled. “A lot of people don’t like mornings.” I argued.

  As if she didn’t hear me, she said. “Do you want to go out on Friday night? There’s a new club opening up.”

  “I don’t really do clubs.”

  “Oh come on, the music will be great. It’s a live band. You won’t regret it.” I could hear the pleading in her voice.

  I sighed. “All right.”


  “Now I just have to get Ra a date so he can leave us alone.”

  I gripped the phone tighter. “He’s coming too?”

  “Is that all right?He is my best friend. I know he was a dick before, but he said you called him, and things were good.”

  I rolled my eyes. Things were good—as good as they could be with two men who hated each other. That didn’t mean I wanted to spend a night in a stuffy club with him glaring at me all night.

  “It’s fine,” I said. As much as it pained me, I knew I didn’t have a choice in the matter. They were a package deal and I was going to have to get used to it. I just hoped she could find someone hot enough to distract him. He was so wrapped up in her I didn’t think it was possible.

  This isn’t a good idea.

  Don’t use this as an excuse to run.

  I really hate you Ava.

  I pushed away the image of her laughing. “So, what time?”

  “The band starts at eight.”

  “See you there,” I said.

  “Wear something sexy. That body is too sexy to hide.” With that the call ended. I dropped my hand to my lap with
the phone still in it. This was such a bad idea, but maybe if I just got my rocks off, I could end this gracefully and move on.

  Rashawns intense eyes drifted through my mind.

  Yeah. One fuck and then I could move on.

  A part of me didn’t believe a damn thing I was saying.

  Chapter Six


  “Come on! It will be fun,” Izzy begged.

  I dragged my hand down my face, standing in front of the stove. It had been a week since Dex was mentioned and I thought that would be the end of it. At least for now. I had finally managed to relax and then Friday came.

  When she had told me about the new club and the band playing, I had jumped on the idea. It had been a long time since we had spent any real time together other than sex and I wanted to make up for what I’d done. Going out with her seemed like the perfect chance.

  I flipped the egg, sizzling in the pan, taking comfort in the aroma. “He won’t want me there and honestly I want to spend as little time around your new boy as possible.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me, leaning back against the sink. I knew I was being petty. He wasn’t a boy. He was far from it based on his exposed ass and lean muscles dusted with fine hair. I couldn’t help it though. After that awkward phone call the last person I wanted to see—let alone talk to—was him. Especially when I knew she would be all over him the entire night which was confirmed with her next words.

  “I have a friend that can tag along. She’s always liked you and she’s poly.” Izzy said.

  “I don't want a date.”

  She poked out her lip. “Come on, I was able to persuade Dex to go. He’ll back out if you show up alone. You put him on edge. I could hear it in his voice when I asked. It was a miracle he agreed.”

  I chuckled bitterly. The feeling was mutual. I froze. “He agreed?”

  She nodded, crossing her arms in front of her. “Despite what you might think, he is mature. Unlike someone,” she said, muttering the last words.

  I rolled my eyes. She wasn’t going to let this go and, in all honesty, Dex and I had agreed to be civil. We were going to be in the same room again eventually. We might as well get it out of the way. “Fine.”

  Izzy bounced and ran over, wrapping her arms around me. My heart warmed and I pulled away, ignoring the ache in my chest. I wished her affection were more than what it was.


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