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Page 14

by A L Williams


  I glared.” Ra.”

  “How was it?”

  “It was...nice.”

  “He must have been an amazing fuck. Even you never say so few words.”

  “We haven’t—” My face grew hot as she stared at me. “I’m telling the truth. We haven’t fucked yet. We’ve done other things, but not that”

  Her eyes twinkled. “Do tell.”

  I shook my head, unable to meet her gaze.

  She scoffed. “All right. Fine. Why haven’t you taken it further?”

  “I don’t know how to ask him.” I said. We’d been seeing each other for two months now, in between trying to rein Izzy in. She still wasn’t cooperating and had all but banished me from her life. To my surprise, I didn’t care. The time I spent with Ra was enough. It just infuriated me how much hold she had over him. “Plus, he’s been busy.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Busy running around like a chicken with no head over that drunk.”


  “No, I call it like I see it. She is destroying what you and Ra have. He is allowing it, too. How long are you going to let them cross your boundaries?”

  I bite my cheek. “I–”

  “I know you care about him. I can see it in your face.” She was right. The more time we spent together drew me closer to him. The banter and talks about what we liked and disliked warmed my heart. After he blew my mind with that mouth, he would hold me close, murmuring words of affection into my ears until I fell asleep. It was becoming increasingly difficult to walk away. The worst part was my cock wanted more.

  No, I wanted more. I had been watching more porn and the idea of his cock buried inside of me was appealing. He never went further than the blowjobs and he also wouldn’t allow me to pleasure him, which was strange. I had questioned him, but he always managed to redirect me and push me over the edge into oblivion making me forget where I was.

  “Dex, just ask him to fuck you.”

  I blinked. “Who said I wanted him to fuck me?”

  “You’re a total bottom. Of course, you fucking him sounds hot, too. Whichever you want to do just talk about it. You two are acting like teenagers.”

  I licked my lips, my cock twitching at the idea of being buried in him. She was right. It was dumb. I’d never had an issue talking about sex before.

  Hey, Ra do you want to fuck me?

  Hey Ra, can I fuck you?

  I frowned as I played the words out in my head. No matter how I said them it sounded lame. I flopped back on the couch, dragging my hands down my face. This was way more complicated than it needed to be. I knew I was making it complicated, but it was all so new and what if I didn’t like it? What if this was a fluke?

  His lips trailing along my skin flashed in my mind. No, I wanted him. That was clear every time I came down his throat.

  I groaned, confused and aroused all at the same time. “Ava, I need your help.”

  “What you want me to fuck him? I don’t have a strap-on.”

  Whatever look I gave her made her burst into laughter and I couldn’t help but laugh, too.

  When we both calmed, she reached over and patted my hand. “Just be honest. It will feel awkward, yes, but you shouldn’t take that step unless you can talk about it.”

  I sighed. She was right. We weren’t teenagers. We needed to talk about where we stood. I needed more of him and I also wanted to know if he did, too. I sure hope so.

  Ava reached over and grabbed a chip, popping it into her mouth. “Want to watch a movie?”


  We spent the rest of the day in front of her flat screen television, watching romantic comedies. As I watched the couples dance around the growing relationship, the urge to see Ra grew. I wanted his arms around me as he spoke in that soft tone that always managed to give me peace. How he managed to calm and yet unsettled me spoke of the effect he had. It scared me, but most of all it excited me.


  A few days later I sat on Ra’s queen-sized bed with my legs crossed as he prepared sandwiches in the kitchen. I had decided I’d talk with him about our physical relationship. After the conversation with Ava I felt more confident about it—if only barely. I even did some research on what to do and how it all worked. I had done anal with women and doing it with a man wasn’t much different, other than having a prostate. I shuddered at the possibilities.

  Movement caught my attention and I peered at the door. Izzy was standing there staring at me with a deep frown. We still hadn’t said a word to each other since our argument. Given the fact that she had a glass of something that probably wasn’t water, she wasn’t planning on acknowledging her problem. I was over it, but I knew that if I was with Ra I would have to deal with her.

  She stared me down as if I was scum. When I opened my mouth to speak Ra came up behind her, holding plates “Hey, what are you doing home so early?” he asked.

  She turned to him, her expression shifting to something more pleasant. She inched closer, touching his arm. I tensed, clenching my jaw and trying not to growl. In all reality she wasn’t his girlfriend and we hadn’t talked about being exclusive. Hell, I didn’t even know what we were. We were still exploring. Nonetheless I wanted to yank her away from him.

  She stroked his arm. “Conferences. Classes ended early today.”

  Ra nodded, not acknowledging that her grimy hands were on him. I balled my hands.

  What the hell?

  Only months ago, Ra and I were at odds over her and things had flipped. I exhaled a long breath to calm my nerves.

  “Uh, Dex and I are hanging out. Do you want to join us?” Ra said.

  I gaped at him. Hell no!

  Izzy frowned and glanced at me, her eyes blazing with anger. “No.” She turned back to him. “When you’re done with him, we can hang out later.” I could see her face, but I could feel the implied meaning. She saw me as nothing more as a momentary distraction. An easy fuck.

  I gritted my teeth. Bitch. My stomach twisted. That wasn’t fair. We had a disagreement. That’s all. “Maybe another time?” I asked, forcing a smile.

  Ra watched her and a moment later she finally spoke. “Sure.” She stepped away from Ra and looked at me. With that a silent agreement was struck. We would tolerate each other for Ra’s sake.

  Izzy turned and walked into her bedroom, turning on her music louder than necessary. My face warmed as Ra entered the room, closing the door. “Sorry, I don’t know what that was about. The music I mean.” He grinned the expression nervous and unsure.

  "She probably thinks we're going to have sex," I blurted.

  "Are we?"

  I swallowed, preparing myself. "I want you to…” I paused. “I want to do the real thing."

  His Adam's apple bobbed. "I don't want—"

  My heart sank. I plastered a smile on my face. "You don't want to. That's all right. We can just talk and hang out."

  His brow furrowed and he put the plates down on the chest at the foot of the bed. He walked over and I avoided eye contact, keeping the smile in place. He sat down next to me and reached for my hand. I inhaled and turned to him. He stared at our joined hand.

  When he looked up with an apprehensive expression. "I want you, but I don't want to hurt you."

  I blinked, relief washing over me. "You won't. I mean you could if you're not careful." I bit my lip, my face growing warmer. "I trust you with my body."

  Ra's eyes widened. "You mean?"

  "I want you to fuck me."

  Ra frowned and when I thought he had changed his mind, he scooted closer, kissing me with a force that almost knocked me off the bed. When he pulled back, I sucked in air, my head spinning. “I will not be fucking you,” he said, his eyes dark.

  “I-” I started.

  He pressed a finger to my lips. “I’m making love to you.”


  He dragged his finger across my lip and I licked, unable to contain the urge. He moaned as I opened my mouth and sucked on
his finger. My mouth tingled as he pushed it in deeper and his pleasured groan went straight to my cock and I was already aching. We stared at each other as I continued to show him what I would do with his cock if allowed.

  He pulled his finger from my mouth and I whined at the loss and met his heated gaze. When he stood he pulled me up with him. He reached for the bottom of my T-shirt, sliding his fingers under it. I shivered when his cold hands moved up my stomach, lifting my shirt. He grazed my nipple and I gasped. He smirked and did it again. I swayed and when he pinched, I hissed, the pain sharp and delicious—that was new. I’d never been one for any kind of pain. He did it again and I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth.

  I glanced over his shoulder and he followed my gaze. He stepped back and I regretted the loss. When he walked back over, he pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it to the floor.

  Doing the same, I yanked my shirt off as he approached. He licked his lips as he stared at my chest and I found myself hoping he liked what he saw.

  He stopped in front of me, leaving only a few inches between us. His hands brushed my fingers and slid up my forearm to my bicep and moved to my pecs. He leaned in and kissed me, pinching both of my nipples this time. I exhaled a shuddered breath and pressed my body to his, thrusting my hips. He groaned as our cocks made contact, only separated by our jeans. My erection strained, begging to be released. I reached for his jeans as he deepened the kiss, licking into my mouth and leaving no space untouched.

  I struggled a little with the zipper, but once I got it down, I reached inside his briefs. He tensed and then relaxed as my fingers wrapped around his thick cock. I had never touched it before and my ass clenched at the size. I squeezed it and he gasped into my mouth. I took in the feeling of it in my hand, running my thumb along the shaft. There was little resistance as his precum dripped onto my fist.

  I stroked him as we continued to kiss, neither one of us letting go. He thrusted his hips and then backed me into the bed. My calves hit the mattress and I fell back with a bounce. I pushed up onto my elbows and looked up at him. His eyes burned with need, mirroring the erection against his stomach.

  He leaned one knee on the bed and peeled my jeans and briefs from my body, dropping them to the floor. My cock stood, the tip glistening. He crawled up my body, not wasting any time and lined our bodies up. Our cocks touched and he started thrusting his hips, his eyes piercing. He held himself up by his hands and moved his hips in slow sensual strokes. I arched, meeting his thrusts with my own. He was heavy and I loved it. It anchored me, soothing my racing mind. Even as desperate as I was, fear still lingered.

  Our pants and groans ricocheted off the walls and I was grateful Izzy had turned her music up. Somewhere in my lust clouded mind I knew she could hear us, and I reveled in that knowledge. At that moment he was mine. Only mine. I shuddered and wrapped my legs around his waist and his thrusts quickened. I whimpered as the pressure intensified. If he kept it up I would come before he was inside of me. As nice as that idea sounded, I wanted him inside. I pulled away with a gasp, sucking in air. He blinked and stared at me.

  “I need…” I rasped. Clearing my throat, I point to my jeans on the floor. “Condoms and lube.” I hoped he got the point because I was unable to form full sentences.

  Leaning off the side of the bed he lifted my jeans and dug inside my pockets. He pulled out the condom and two packages of lube and tossed my jeans back on the floor. The condom was thrown to the side with the extra packet of lube and he opened the other. He squeezed some on his fingers, coating them thoroughly. My heart raced as I spread my legs as he settled himself between my legs, yanking me closer until my ass was partially hanging off the bed.

  He looked at me. “I have had anal before so you can trust me, but if it hurts too much tell me.”

  I bobbed my head. I was scared, but my need outweighed it. “I trust you.”

  He smiled warmly and then dropped to his knees. An instead later, my cock was in his mouth before I could form a complete thought. I moaned long and loud as I trembled under him as he sucked, not giving me time to adjust. I cried out again. Thrust into his mouth. He swallowed around me and I groaned again.

  How the fuck did he learn to do that?

  That was the last thought I had before electricity shot up my spine. Before I could blink, his hand was wrapped around the base of my cock as he mouthed at my head. A single finger rubbed my hole and I clenched. He pressed and then pulled back, coaxing my hole to relax.

  When he pushed in, I tensed. “Relax, baby,” he murmured, pulling out.

  Of course. I’d done anal plenty of times, just never on the receiving end. I inhaled and exhaled several times until I finally got my nerves under control. He waited patiently with a reassuring smile.

  “All right,” I said.

  He pushed his finger back in and I exhaled as it slid past my body’s resistance. Once it was inside me, he stopped and looked up. “Are you all right?”

  I smiled, his concern heartwarming. “I’m good.” I waited a moment, processing the strange feeling. “You can move.”

  He nodded and fingered me slowly. He repeated this motion, each time with more confidence. He pulled out and then pressed in two fingers, sending a sharp pain through me. He stopped and waited.

  Once I was relaxed again, he pushed and I gasped and shuddered at the intensity of what I was feeling. It felt good. More than good. The ache complimented the pleasure in a way that had my cock leaking. He crawled up my body without removing his fingers and settled at my side. He fingered me a little faster. I groaned and rolled to my side, hiding my face in his neck.

  He maneuvered his free arm under me and held me close as he quickened his pace. I hid my face at his neck, my moans muffled by his skin. I inhaled, my cock pulsing from the growing pleasure in my lower body and his musk mixed with the scent of sex that filled my nose. I pushed onto his fingers as they moved, my skin tingling and my mind spinning.

  A cry was ripped from my lips when he crooked his fingers, pressing on what could only be my prostate. I heaved, unable to catch my breath. His fingers rubbed that spot relentlessly and my cock throbbed.

  He pulled his fingers almost completely out. “Maybe it’s just you. You’re just a slut for it,” he purred into my ear. I sucked in a breath. I’d never been one for dirty talk, finding it trashy, but his words went straight to my groin. I wanted more. I whimpered in his neck.

  “You like me talking dirty to you?” He asked, with heat.

  I nodded.

  “You like my thick fingers inside of you, filling you?” He asked. He must have not needed an answer because his fingers surged back in and I cried out as he struck my prostate head on. Before the wave of pleasure even subsided, his hand was out of me and wrapped around the base of my cock, stalling my orgasm once again. I grunted in frustration. He laughed. “Not yet. I want to be inside of you.”

  “Where did you learn all of this?”

  His eyes twinkled. “Men aren't much different from women and the internet exists.”

  Thank God.

  I moaned at the loss of his fingers, but it was short lived as he climbed on top me. He sat back on his heels and ripped open the condom, sliding it on and coating it with lube from the other package. When he positioned himself between my legs he reached for my thighs.

  “Breathe,” he said, pushing my legs to my chest and exposing me. My hole clenched once more before he lined his lubed cock up. “Push out as I push in,” he murmured.

  Our gazes locked and his head breached me. I panted, fighting the urge to tense. Pain shot through me and my cock flagged. He stopped, leaving his cock inside of me. The pain dulled and I nodded. He pushed in further and I whined, the pain intensifying again.

  We continued the process for some time and it did strange things to me. I shook from how vulnerable I felt. He rubbed my thigh and allowed me to adjust, murmuring words of support and concern. It was almost too much. I trembled as he finally seated himself completely inside.
I gasped at how full I felt. He groaned and laid his forehead on my shoulder. His body vibrated with tension.

  When my body adjusted, I kissed the side of his head. “Take me.”

  As if his body was under my spell he pulled back and pushed his cock inside. I groaned, gripping the comforter beneath me. He fucked into me slow, his hips moving effortlessly. My cock came back to life as he struck my spot every time as if he were built for my body alone. He sped up, snapping his hips. The slap of skin echoed in the room fading behind the noises, I could barely believe I made. I couldn’t control it; my mind was lost.

  He positioned himself on his knees, holding my legs against my chest and held nothing back as he pistoned into me. I cried while extending my neck. Sweat gathered on my skin. I stared up at him as he fucked me with his head thrown back. His bronzed skin glistened with sweat. He was beautiful.

  He collapsed on top of me, continuing to fuck. He changed his position and held himself up with his hands on both sides of me, rolling and twisting his hips. I opened my mouth in a groan and he swallowed it with a deep kiss, never faltering. My ass clenched around him as my cock dribbled between us.

  He reached between us, fisting my shaft, and my spine tingled. Within moments I fell over the edge, spilling between us with a loud moan. He rode me as my orgasm carried me away. I shook beneath him as the world blurred and with a final thrust he tensed. He exhaled a shuddered breath as his hips jerked and he released a long satisfied moan.

  When I came down from my orgasm, I stroked his cheek barely able to focus. I was floating and I never wanted it to end. His hooded eyes met mine and he smiled. My heart swelled and I pulled him down, wrapping my legs around him. His cock slid out as his full weight settled against me.

  I sighed in content and we didn’t move. I glanced to the side at the window as the sun sank low in the sky, blanketing the neighborhood in golden light. The branches of the tree outside swayed with the window as distant wisps of clouds drifted closer over the horizon.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Soft lips pressed against mine, pulling me from my slumber. I opened my eyes, finding Dex staring at me with a warm smile. My stomach fluttered as he reached out and pressed the palm of his hand to my face. Without thinking I leaned in and kissed him. The kiss was slow and unhurried. I wanted to savor him. The night before had been intense. I had never wanted to remain deep inside someone. He responded to my touch beautifully and the sounds he made didn’t just bring my body alive, but my soul as well.


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