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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

Page 26

by Heart, D. J.

  The memory had David’s cock hard and weeping, his balls pulling tight up against the base of his cock. Adam smirked, reaching down and wrapping his big hand around David’s cock, giving the hard tube of flesh a gentle and totally unsatisfying squeeze before stepping away.

  “You’re looking a little cold,” Adam said, stroking both of David’s upper arms with brusque strokes, like he was trying to warm him. “Let’s get started – get your blood flowing and you’ll forget all about the cold.”

  David swallowed around the gag, wishing Adam would touch his cock again. It was cold, but he hadn’t started to really shiver yet, and he’d rather spend more time with Adam touching his cock than whatever humiliating endeavor Adam had planned for him.

  Adam grabbed the reins and draped them back over David’s shoulders, taking a seat in the carriage behind him. His hold on the reins tightened, and David almost took a reflexive step back.

  It felt weird. David had only ever walked with the reins in front of his face, pulled either by Adam or the horrible horse walker, but at least then he could see the thing or person pulling him. This was different. He could feel Adam behind him, holding onto the reins, every twitch of Adam’s hands giving birth to little vibrations and miniscule tugs that tickled the sensitive nerves of his face.

  “Walk on,” Adam said, giving the reins a flick. David couldn’t see him, but he could hear the grin in Adam’s voice.

  David lifted his leg and leaned forward, trying to find his balance with the additional weight of the carriage attached to his harness.

  Contrary to what he’d expected, the carriage actually made it easier to maintain his sense of balance. It would have been even better if he could use his hands, but David knew that the chances of that happening were less than Adam volunteering to take Hector’s place in Rex’s stable.

  David could feel the carriage moving, the shaft tugging at his harness, and slowly but surely he started to pull it forward.

  “Walk properly,” Adam chided, smacking something down on the side of David’s shoulder. David tried to turn his head to see what Adam had hit him with, but the blinders made it impossible to get a good view.

  “Legs up!” Adam barked, sounding all too happy to have David hitched to a carriage like some beast of burden. “Don’t forget what you learned yesterday, David.”

  David groaned, lifting his knees up high with each step in a mockery of a trot. He couldn’t believe that Adam was actually making him do the horrible walk.

  He should have known.

  “That’s my pretty pony,” Adam crooned, stroking David’s shoulder with what David suspected was a riding crop. He could feel the flap of leather, deceptively soft as it tickled his skin, moving up and down over his bicep in a tender stroking motion.

  David sighed. They were on the path leading up to the guesthouse, the gravel rough but even beneath his feet, the trees on either side blocked from view. Pulling the cart, easier now that he’d gotten it moving, David felt like he was in a tunnel with the opening ahead but never getting closer.

  Hands on the reins loose and released, Adam seemed content to let David pull him up toward the house. When David started to veer up toward the entrance, away from the path, Adam gave the right rein a tug, stopping him.

  “Keep straight,” he instructed, relaxing the reins and letting David pull the carriage past the house.

  It was a cold morning, the air crisp and refreshing, though within fifteen minutes of pulling the carriage David was sweating.

  “Knees up,” Adam chided, lazy and lounging behind him as he slapped the crop down on his shoulder.

  Biting down on the gag, thighs burning with effort, David obeyed.

  Almost an hour later David was panting, his back sore from a constant barrage of sharp hits with the crop, his legs trembling with exhaustion. The road ahead was a blur, the path through the woods nothing but unchanging trees cut through with gravel, and David was starting to feel more and more like the unthinking pony Adam was making him mimic.

  It was the same feeling David had felt the day before while stuck to the walker, though not quite as intense. Adam had called it subspace, but David wasn’t so sure. He knew what subspace felt like – the buildup and rush crashing into a weightless floaty feeling that was better than any high – and this was nothing like that.

  Subspace usually felt like falling off a cliff – an acceleration leading to endorphins and pleasure – but this was slow and steady – a grinding march of aching muscles and dehumanizing effort.

  Not to mention the small plug in his ass. Not big enough to really make him feel full, it nonetheless pressed against his prostate as he walked, a constant low level stimulation that had him half hard and leaking a trail of pre-cum onto the path.

  “Here we are,” Adam said, interrupting David’s musings and tugging him left before pulling on the reins and bringing him to a full stop. Staring blankly ahead, David was surprised to see water. A small lake lay ahead, with a banking slope of grass and rocks, the blue sky reflected off the surface like they were in a painting.

  It was gorgeous.

  “Let’s get you fed and watered,” Adam said, jumping off the carriage and stretching his legs. David, legs burning and breaths still coming in strained pants, watched him stretch and arch his back like an asshole. He unhitched David from the carriage, leading him over to a tree and tying the reins to a low hanging branch.

  David watched, incredulous and tethered to the tree, as Adam walked back to the carriage and pulled a basket from under the seat. Adam put the basket on the ground and rummaged around, pulling out a bottle that had David rearing back and shaking his head.

  There was no way in hell he was doing that again.

  “It’s just a nutritional shake,” Adam said, laughing at his expression and walking back to him. He unclipped the gag and let it fall to the side down David’s chin, stroking his lower lip. “No piss, I promise.”

  David held still, the feeling of Adam’s gloved thumb caressing his mouth making him hard. Parting his lips he let the digit slip inside, stroking over his teeth as he gently lapped it with his tongue.

  The taste of leather bloomed in his mouth, Adam pressing deeper before abruptly withdrawing. “Good boy,” he said, voice dark with arousal, his hand moving down to knead the thick bulge in his breeches.

  They stared at each other, the air charged, David’s breaths coming slower and slower until he was breathing normally. He was still slick with sweat, the leather straps of his bridle and harness slippery and uncomfortable against his skin, and now that he wasn’t moving the moisture was doing an all too good job of cooling him down.

  He was freezing.

  “You’re cold,” Adam said, stating the obvious and stroking David’s damp hair. “Hold on, I’ve got a blanket for you.”

  David watched as Adam put the bottle down and walked back to the carriage – breeches clinging indecently to his muscular legs, tall boots making him wish he was on his knees and licking – coming back with a large woolen blanket.

  “Here we go,” Adam said, wrapping the blanket over David’s shoulders and tying it closed like a cape. Thicker than it looked and horribly scratchy, the blanket did its job and warmed him up.

  “It’s itchy,” he complained, leaning back against the tree to take some weight off his aching legs. He tried sliding down so that he could sit, but Adam’s booted foot moved between his legs and lifted up, stopping him.

  “You can stand,” Adam said, shifting forward and sliding his knee up between David’s legs, using it to push him back up on his toes. He leaned in and kissed him, tongue pushing past his lips with an aggressive thrust, licking over his teeth and into his mouth like he wanted to devour him. When he pulled back he was smirking and David was once again panting breathlessly.

  “Hungry?” Adam asked, lowering his knee from between David’s thighs but keeping him pinned to the tree with the weight of his body. Lips still tingling from the kiss, David nodded.

Now that Adam mentioned it he was starving.

  “Let’s get some food in you,” Adam said, pulling back and crouching down to pick up the bottle. While he was down on his haunches he ran his hand up the side of David’s boot, the touch firm and making David lean into it.

  Standing, Adam pressed the rubber nipple to David’s mouth and tilted the bottle up, a chalky mixture seeping out onto David’s tongue.

  It tasted like imitation vanilla, artificial and overly sweet, but it filled David’s belly and stilled the gnawing hunger.

  “You like daddy’s milk?” Adam asked, splaying the hand not holding the bottle over David’s throat. He squeezed down on either side of David’s neck, pressing down and making David feel lightheaded. He wasn’t restricting his breathing at all – other than a slight pressure against his Adam’s apple – but all the same David started seeing stars within just a few seconds.

  Letting go, Adam moved the hand to the back of David’s head, cradling it in his broad palm and massaging his scalp with tender little scratches.

  David stared at him suspiciously, wondering if the term daddy’s milk was referring to any special ingredients. Seeing his suspicious frown, Adam grinned and pressed the bottle firmer against David’s mouth.

  “And Brick’s milk, and Spike, Hector and Diablo’s – they each made a big donation for your hungry belly.”

  David didn’t know if it was his imagination, but the taste of come filled his mouth like a bubble had burst. Salty and slick, he could practically feel it coating his tongue.

  “When you get back to the stable you should thank Spike and Diablo. Brick wasn’t very nice when he milked them.”

  David closed his eyes, his lower gut clenching and making his balls pull up at the mental image. He could picture it, Brick in his leather-clad body, huge and menacing, rapidly jerking off Spike and Diablo, bringing them to orgasm and then milking them past the point of pleasure until they were writhing and grunting to get away.

  “Slut,” Adam said, fond and tilting the bottle higher.

  Eyes still closed, David drank, swallowing the contents of the bottle in a series of gulps, Adam never letting up, until he felt like he was drowning.

  Adam lowered the now empty bottle from David’s mouth, wiping the thick rubber nipple on his cheek and letting it drop to the ground before leaning in, once again pinning David to the tree as he kissed him.

  Adam licked into his mouth, tasting him, David’s rock hard cock pinned against the hard length of his hip. He could feel Adam’s bulge against his lower stomach, the hard length throbbing, Adam grinding into him as he deepened the kiss.

  Pulling back, Adam took David’s jaw in his massive hand and squeezed, forcing David’s mouth open and spitting into it.

  David just stood there, Adam a warm weight on his front, the tree rough and hard against his back, his jaw held tight and a wad of spit resting on his tongue.

  “Swallow,” Adam ordered, growling and stern and making David’s cock jump.

  David obeyed, lifting his tongue and swallowing noisily. Adam grinned, keeping his hold on his jaw in place as he leaned in for another kiss.

  “Having fun?” he asked when he pulled away, smirking and self satisfied.

  David nodded, Adam’s grip on his face making his jaw start to hurt.

  “Good. Me too.”

  Adam released David’s face and put the gag back in his mouth, kissing him over it, and then… left.

  David stared after his fiancé, confused and wondering what he was doing, as Adam walked over to the basket and pulled out another blanket. He took the blanket and basket down toward the lake, draping the blanket down on the ground and sitting down, placing the basket between his spread legs and opening it.

  Flabbergasted, David watched as Adam withdrew several containers of food, a glass and a bottle of wine and started eating. He was facing the water, enjoying the view, completely ignoring David where he stood tethered to the tree behind him.

  David couldn’t decide if he was fuming or turned on, but either way he was incredibly frustrated. He was about to call out – to demand Adam’s attention – when Adam reached into the basket and withdrew a book.

  Flipping the book open, Adam started to read.

  “Ah-am!” David cried, suddenly furious.

  Adam ignored him, and David repeated the cry, stamping his foot this time.

  There was no sign that Adam heard him. He flipped the page of his book and took a sip of his wine, looking for all the world like he was enjoying his solitary picnic for one.

  David didn’t give up. He stomped his foot and made as much noise as he could, but after a solid five minutes it became clear that Adam wasn’t going to respond.

  Fuming and sexually frustrated, David decided that if Adam was going to ignore him, then he would do the same. He turned around, leaning his chest against the tree and shifted his body so that the blanket draped over his cock. He then pressed himself against the trunk and started humping it.

  The blanket was scratchy and uncomfortable, but it was better than bark, and pretty soon David was shooting his load. His whole body shuddered, ass clenching down on the much too small plug in his ass, thick spurts of come shooting out and making a mess of the inside of the blanket.

  The scratchy wool felt horrible against the sensitive head of his cock, but David couldn’t stop his hips from thrusting against it.

  Peering over his shoulder, David was half expecting to find Adam standing there with his crop at the ready to punish him. The idea made him clench down on the plug, anticipation building, but when he looked to Adam he was exactly where he’d been before, sitting on the blanket, completely absorbed in his book.

  Feeling defiant, David turned around and glared at Adam as he slid down the length of the trunk. He’d only just planted his ass on the cold ground when Adam reached into his pocket – still without turning around – and the plug in David’s ass came to life.

  With a shout of surprise, David jerked up with shock. He couldn’t believe how much the tiny plug could vibrate. It pummeled his prostate, buzzing harsh and loud, stimulating his insides and making him cry out for mercy.

  He was too sensitive for this. Even if he hadn’t just shot his load this level of vibration would have been too much.

  “Ah-am!” David screeched, writhing on the ground and trying to push the plug out. He turned over on his side, kicking his legs and trying to push his bound arms down toward the plug, but nothing happened.

  The plug might be smaller than David was used to, but it was big enough that he couldn’t push it out without help.

  Trying to crawl toward his evil fiancé, David was abruptly stopped by the reins connecting him to the tree. In his tortured pleasure he’d completely forgotten that he was tied up and put away like a fucking horse.

  “Ah-am!” David cried again, the horrible little plug pressed right against his abused prostate. “Ah-am!”

  Adam didn’t answer, though David was sure he had his full attention.

  Taking a sip of his wine, Adam stared out at the lake, and even though David could only see the back of his head he was sure the older man was smirking.

  Even though he’d just come, the stimulation from the plug was making David’s cock hard again. Clenching and unclenching his ass, David could feel himself careening toward another orgasm – and not the fun kind.

  Any hope David might have had that Adam would take mercy on him disappeared when he shot his load for the second time in just a few minutes, and Adam reached into his pocket and somehow turned the plug’s vibrations to an even higher setting.

  David wailed, his mind going blank as he lay on the hard forest floor and simply endured the terrible vibrations. The blanket was somewhere next to him, dislodged in his effort to expel the plug, and he’d somehow managed to get wrapped up in his reins.

  Adam left him like that, seemingly for an eternity. When the vibrations finally slowed, David caught his breath and looked up to find Adam staring down at
him with a downright lecherous expression.

  “You like your new plug?” Adam asked, crouching down and giving the base of the plug a cruel tap.

  David glared at him with watery eyes, though his expression turned begging when Adam reached into his pocket and retrieved a small remote, holding it up in threat.

  “There are five levels, baby, and we’ve only gone up to three.”

  David wasn’t sure he believed him. There was no way that what he’d just endured was only a three on a scale of one to five.

  It just wasn’t possible.

  “Come on, get on your knees and lean against me,” Adam said, standing up and spreading his legs shoulder width apart. He pulled the riding crop out of his boot and tapped his right leg. “Right here, straddle my boot.”

  On his knees, David scooted forward until he was pressed up against Adam’s leg, knees on either side of the shiny black boot, Adam’s bulging crotch just inches away from his face.

  Unable to help himself, David lowered his face and pressed his cheek against Adam’s bulge, feeling the hard length of his cock against his face and breathing in the manly smell.

  “Greedy pig,” Adam said, pushing him away. “Push your knees further apart.”

  David obeyed, splaying his legs wider and wider until his inner thighs ached from the strain. With his legs spread so wide, David had no choice but to lean forward and let Adam take his weight.

  “Good boy,” Adam said, fisting his gloved hand in David’s hair and using the hold to keep David’s face pressed against his hip.

  Eyes open, David stared at the outline of Adam’s cock as it bulged against the tight breeches.

  “Hump my boot, baby.”

  David closed his eyes, the over-sensitized head of his cock already tender just from laying pressed against the top of Adam’s riding boot. He couldn’t even imagine how awful it would be to start rubbing it against the smooth leather.

  “Come on, baby. I want to see you come on my boot.”


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