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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

Page 27

by Heart, D. J.

  Adam dragged David’s face toward his bulge, pressing his nose into the base of his shaft over his balls and holding them there.

  “Baby,” Adam warned, his voice deep and sending vibrations down David’s spine.

  David didn’t move. He couldn’t.

  “All right,” Adam sighed, and before David could protest he pressed down on the remote and the plug in David’s ass proved that yes, it could in fact vibrate harder than the third level.

  David keened, high and primal, his whole body bucking against Adam’s hold. He fought, yanking at his arms and trying to close his legs, but Adam was bigger and stronger than him, and David was tied up and no matter how he struggled he couldn’t break Adam’s hold.

  “Come on, baby, hump my boot like the slutty little pony-boy I know you are!” Adam barked, the hand fisted in David’s hair tugging harshly on his scalp. When David tried to close his legs and unstraddle Adam’s boot, Adam kicked his knees back apart and lifted his foot to rub David’s cock against it.

  “You want level five?” Adam asked, forcing David to stop fighting. He couldn’t handle more than this.

  “I didn’t think so, now start humping!”

  David obeyed. Hips moving with no rhythm, the plug in his ass pushing him closer and closer to a third tortuous orgasm, David buried his face in Adam’s crotch and wondered how it was possible to be so happy and so miserable at the same time.

  His third orgasm in less than half an hour was a pitiful affair, just a dribble of come splattering against the black leather wrapped around Adam’s muscular leg, but it felt like an explosion was going off inside of him. The plug never stopped, making him think he was going to go insane, and his poor cock felt like it had been jerked off with sandpaper.

  “Good boy,” Adam praised, pushing him away. “Now lick up your mess and I’ll turn off the vibrations.”

  Slumped on the ground, David pushed himself up on his elbows and started lapping up his mess from Adam’s boot. There was no strategy behind it, and he probably licked more than he had to, dragging his tongue over Adam’s boot with desperate licks and kisses until finally Adam took mercy on him and turned off the plug.

  David slumped to the ground, panting, feeling like he’d just run a marathon.

  “Are you tired?” Adam asked, not a shred of sympathy in his voice as he crouched down and stroked David’s hair out of his eyes.

  “You’re so mean,” David panted, instantly regretting the words when Adam lifted the remote back out of his pocket and moved his thumb over the button. Bracing himself, David closed his eyes and tried to prepare himself, but…

  Nothing happened.

  “I’m just kidding,” Adam said with a chuckle, putting the evil remote back into his pocket. He stood up and poked David’s side with the tip of his boot. “Though I do like this look on you. I’ll have to use vibrating toys more often.”

  David groaned, flopping down to the ground and resting his cheek in the dirt next to Adam’s feet. He had no intention of moving a muscle until Adam forced him to.

  He didn’t have to wait long.

  “All right, up you go, you lazy pony,” Adam said, reaching down and grabbing him by his upper arm and tugging him to his feet.

  Exhausted, it took David a few seconds to regain his sense of balance now that he was back on his tippy-toes.

  “You’ve got it,” Adam soothed, a steadying hand on each of David’s biceps. He stroked the tense muscles, big hand squeezing down with appreciation.

  David glared. His arms were starting to hurt from being folded behind his back for so long – shoulders aching – and Adam’s casual groping was just reminding him of how much he wanted to move his arms.

  Sliding his hands from David’s arms to his chest, Adam gave his nipples a vicious little tweak before moving away and untying him from the tree. He led David back to the carriage and attached him to the shaft, packed up and put away the picnic, and then took the reins and sat down.

  “Walk, pony,” Adam commanded, lazy and indulgent and sounding like he knew exactly how tired David was.

  David lifted his right leg and leaned forward, but just as he started putting it down the plug in his ass whirred back to life.

  “Nh-oh!” David whined, coming to a stop.

  “You know how to walk, baby. Don’t make me turn it up. Now lift your knees up properly and walk!”

  David closed his eyes. He knew how this was going to go. Adam would find every excuse he could – real and imagined – to up the vibrations, and by the time they got back David’s prostate would be left feeling like it had gone three rounds in the ring with a boxing champion.

  Lifting his leg, the plug still buzzing in his ass, David started the walk back. His suspicions about Adam’s intentions were proven correct after just ten minutes when Adam turned up the plug with no warning.

  “Show some enthusiasm, pony-boy,” Adam said, laughing and flicking David’s ass with his crop. “Put some spring in your step!”

  David tried, ignoring the way his spent and sore cock once again chubbed up due to the stimulation in his ass, but no matter what he did Adam kept finding excuses to turn the vibrations up. He wasn’t walking fast enough, he wasn’t lifting his knees, and then finally, he wasn’t being an enthusiastic pony.

  Level five was even worse than David had expected, and he didn’t know how he managed to stay on his feet after Adam turned it on.

  “And stop,” Adam said, pulling gently on the reins to halt David’s forward movement. Blinking, it wasn’t until David turned his neck and saw that they were back at the stable that David realized they were finished walking.

  Dismounting his seat, Adam turned off the plug and unhitched David from the carriage. He wrapped the reins around his fist, hand just inches from David’s mouth, and led him back into the tack-room.

  “Had a nice ride?” Archie greeted them, looking at David’s worn out figure with an evil grin. He was by the wall next to the whips and floggers, coiling up a long single-tail whip.

  “Very,” Adam said, smacking David’s ass and dropping the reins. “David here was a very good pony-boy.”

  David’s belly tingled with a warm, pleased sensation, Adam’s casual praise making him feel unreasonably proud.

  “Good for him,” Archie said, hanging the coiled up whip on the wall and crossing his arms. “You want me to take it from here, or are you grooming him yourself?”

  “I’ll do it,” Adam said, taking off his jacket and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. His gloves were still on, and David didn’t know if he’d ever seen anything hotter than Adam in rolled up shirtsleeves and leather gloves. His forearms were strong and lightly dusted with hair, and the black gloves made his hands look huge.

  “I like to pamper him,” Adam explained, putting his hand on David’s shoulder and pulling him in under his arm. David leaned into the touch, pressing his nose into the crook of Adam’s armpit, the familiar scent of Adam’s deodorant and natural odor mixing into something heady and delicious.

  He would have pushed his face all the way into Adam’s armpit, but the blinders on his eyes pressed back uncomfortably when he tried to do so.

  “All right,” Archie said with a shrug, grabbing a flogger from the wall. “I’ll be outside training Oliver on the walker if you need me.”

  David turned his head and watched Archie go, feeling sorry for Oliver. The boy might enjoy getting brutally fucked, but David couldn’t imagine that anyone could enjoy the horse walker – even someone as fucked up as Oliver.

  Archie gone, Adam lifted his arm off David’s shoulders and took a step back. David was about to complain when Adam crouched down and started unlacing his left boot.

  Looking up at him, expression like he knew exactly the whine of complaint David had just bitten back, grinned up at him.

  “You’ve been a good boy, baby. Now it’s time for your reward.”

  Swallowing, belly clenched and heart beating fast with excitement, David couldn’t wait t
o see what Adam had in mind.



  Adam unlaced David’s boots one by one, taking his time, his gloved hands making the task slightly more difficult than it had to be, before grabbing David under the arms and lifting him over to the bench by the wall and sitting him down on top of it.

  Startled at being picked up, staring at Adam with that needy look of hunger he got whenever Adam manhandled him, David looked adorably sexy as he sat there staring at him.

  “Mh-hm,” David prompted, pushing his foot out and shaking it. Adam grinned, crouching down and grabbing the boot by the ankle and tugging it off.

  David let out a sigh of relief once the boot was off, poking out his other foot so that Adam could finish the job.

  “Better?” Adam asked, rising up and placing his hands on David’s thighs. He loved the way his meaty fists looked against David’s skin, the leather black and shiny, clutching David’s muscular quads possessively.

  “Mh-mh,” David agreed, wriggling his toes and arching his feet happily.

  “Good,” Adam said, sliding his hands back and forth over David’s thighs. “Now lean forward so that I can untie your arms.”

  David didn’t hesitate, leaning into Adam’s body and letting him wrap his arms around his back to unbuckle the cuffs keeping his arms folded behind his back. While he was at it, Adam unbuckled the harness as well, throwing them to the floor next to the boots before moving on to David’s bit and bridle.

  Working his mouth and rubbing his jaw, David seemed content to simply sit on the bench while Adam hovered over him, but that was not at all what Adam had in mind.

  David had experienced some of the uncomfortable aspects of being a pony, and now it was time to show him the upside.

  “Come on, up you go,” Adam said, leaning his head and grabbing David around his waist, hoisting him up over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. “You need a bath.”

  Hand wrapped firmly around David’s waist, keeping him in place over his shoulder, Adam left the tack-room and made his way out into the stable and into the bathroom.

  The bath was ready, just like he’d asked it to be, water cloudy with scented soap and steaming with heat. Next to the bathtub a massage table had been set up, with a little table next to it containing a basket of all the things Adam had asked Archie to arrange for him.

  “Here we go,” Adam said, sliding David down to his feet. He kept his hands on David’s shoulders, holding him close as he looked around the room.

  “What is this?” David asked, staring at the massage table. He turned to Adam with a curious little frown.

  “It’s your reward,” Adam explained, leaning down and placing a hungry kiss on his lips. “For being so good for me. A nice bath followed by a relaxing massage, and then dinner.”

  David blinked up at him like he couldn’t believe it, a slow smile forming on his face.


  Adam licked his lip and reached out to cup David’s chin in his hand. “What, you thought the farm was all pain and suffering?”

  David shrugged. “Kind of, yes.”

  “Well, it isn’t. You were good, so you get to feel good. That’s how it works.”

  Adam wasn’t even lying. Brick was an excellent masseuse, his big hands perfect for kneading the knots out of sore muscles, and Adam knew for a fact that Spike could be made to do practically anything if promised a session on Brick’s table.

  That Brick ended most of his massages with a deep and thorough fucking didn’t need to be said.

  “That’s nice,” David said, looking at the water with longing.

  Testing the temperature, Adam deemed it to be perfect and gestured for David to step inside.

  “You’re not joining me?” David asked, stepping into the huge clawfoot tub and sinking down slowly.

  “Of course I am,” Adam said, stepping back and unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled it off, leaving him in just his gloves, boots and breeches – a look he knew David would appreciate.

  David’s open-mouthed stare didn’t disappoint, and Adam grinned at the look of regret that flashed on his greedy lover’s face as he tugged off the gloves.

  “How’s the water?” Adam asked, kicking off his boots one by one before taking off his breeches.

  He stepped close to the tub, gesturing for David to move forward so that he could sit behind him.

  “Good,” David said, voice cracking as Adam slid into place behind him, his rock hard cock coming to rest against the small of his back.

  “Hot,” Adam commented, wrapping his arms around David’s waist and pulling him back so that he was leaning against his chest.

  Sliding his hands up David’s chest, taking his time and feeling along each of his ripped abs, Adam found David’s nipples and gave them a gentle tweak.

  He could feel David shudder in pleasure, a ripple down his chest that made him grin.

  “You like that?” he said, voice low as he pressed his lips against David’s ear. He started tugging David’s sensitive nipples, rolling them between his thumb and index finger as his remaining digits rested carefully on the swell of David’s pecs.

  “Feels nice,” David said, arching his back when Adam gave his nipples a pinch.

  “That too?” Adam asked, getting a breathy moan in response. “Good.”

  Adam continued working David’s nipples, stopping when David’s whines started to sound a little frustrated. He then reached out to the shelf next to the tub and grabbed a washcloth and a bar of soap, dipping the washcloth in the water and rubbing the soap into it.

  “Just relax,” he said, placing the soapy washcloth against the side of David’s neck and gently stroking it down his shoulder and back up. David sighed, leaning his head back on Adam’s shoulder, enjoying himself as Adam slowly moved the washcloth over his body, cleaning him one gentle stroke at a time.

  Sliding the wet cloth down the side of David’s thigh, moving up over his balls and wrapping around his cock, Adam gentled his touch when David let out a hiss of displeasure.

  His cock was obviously still sensitive.

  “Feel okay?” Adam asked, his voice low and rumbling as he carefully moved the washcloth over David’s cock.

  “Ah-ah,” David mumbled, spreading his legs a little and turning his face so that his cheek came to rest against Adam’s. “Feels nice.”

  Adam grinned, moving the washcloth lower, stroking over David’s taint and back toward his hole.

  Dropping the washcloth he found the base of the plug still lodged in his ass and gave it a little tap.

  “Oh fuck,” David groaned, making Adam grin. He would have kept playing with it, but this was David’s reward-time and it wouldn’t do to be mean.

  “Sorry about that, I forgot to take it out before putting you in the tub,” Adam explained, leaving the plug alone and picking up the washcloth again. He cleaned David’s ass, putting the washcloth on the edge of the tub before grabbing a new one.

  “Okay, move up,” Adam said, pushing David away from his chest and standing up behind him. He stepped over David and moved to the other end of the tub, cock sticking right up and loose balls swinging in their sack, taking a seat across from David.

  Grabbing a new washcloth, Adam soaped it up and got to work cleaning David’s legs.

  * * *

  An hour later, David was spiffy clean and practically asleep. Adam rose up and stepped out of the tub, leaving David where he was as he dried off and put on some briefs.

  “Bath time’s over,” Adam said, leaning down and once more grabbing David under the arms and pulling him to his feet.

  David reached out and steadied himself on the edge of the tub, standing still while Adam took the shower attachment and rinsed the soap off his body.

  “What now?” David asked, looking a little more awake than he had twenty seconds ago.

  “Now you get a massage,” Adam said, taking his arm and helping him over the edge of the tub. He grabbed a towel and dried him off with tender c
are, unable to help himself from leaning in and capturing his mouth in a long and drawn out kiss that ended with both of them gasping for air.

  “So do I just get on the table?” David asked, licking his lips and looking sexy as fuck.

  “On the table,” Adam agreed, taking a step back and gesturing for David to get in place.

  “And this isn’t some kind of trick, right?” David asked as he lay down, looking over his shoulder with a measure of suspicion. “Like you’re not going to strap me down and give me an enema or something, right?”

  “I promise I’m not,” Adam said, wanting to be insulted but knowing he had absolutely no right to be. It was, after all, exactly the kind of thing he would do. “Just a massage.”

  “Okay,” David said, a little dubious but putting his face into the hole and relaxing his arms by his side.

  Moving around the bench, Adam reached into the basket on the table and pulled out the massage oil. Pouring some into his hand, Adam gave it a sniff. It had a faintly woodsy scent, but nothing overpowering or chemical, and so Adam poured more into his palm and rubbed his hands together.

  He had absolutely no idea how to give a massage.

  It couldn’t be that hard, Adam mused to himself, putting his hands on David’s shoulders and squeezing. Working his thumbs into David’s shoulder blades, Adam worked his way down his lover’s back, occasionally sliding his palms up and down or to the side, doing whatever came naturally.

  Remembering the last time he’d had a massage himself, Adam slid his hands down David’s arm, taking his hand in his and working each finger between his own, pressing down into David’s palm and trying to replicate what he remembered the masseuse doing to him.

  Whether it was right or not Adam didn’t know, but David moaned in pleasure, and that was good enough for him.

  Repeating the successful move on David’s other arm, Adam then moved on and repeated the trick with his legs, taking his feet one by one and working them firmly with his hands.

  “Okay?” Adam asked, sliding his hands up David’s legs, squeezing his way up his thigh until he reached his butt.


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