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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

Page 37

by Heart, D. J.

  “Don’t know,” David mumbled, horny but starting to get uneasy. He liked getting a sexy lap dance, sure, but there was no way in hell he was going further than that without Adam’s express permission.

  “Eight hundred gets you a whole night of punishment,” the stripper said, leaning back and pulling David’s head back so that he could see his face. His expression was warm and inviting, and if David were single he would have been handing over his credit card on the spot. “Interested?”

  David shook his head. If Adam told him to bend over and let this guy fuck him, David would have squealed with delight and bent over the nearest surface, but Adam wasn’t there.

  “I’m getting married,” David said, licking his lips.

  “Nobody would have to know.”

  “I would,” David said, swallowing, feeling very conspicuous as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down at the movement.

  “Good for you,” the stripper said, dispelling any awkwardness with a happy grin. “And good for your lucky... husband?”

  David nodded.

  “Well, if this is all you’re getting, I better make it good, huh?” the stripper said, stepping off David’s lap and moving back. He unbuttoned the top button of his fly, and then, startling David into a laugh, ripped the pants right off and threw them to the side.

  Rather than a thong or sexy underwear, the stripper had on a white jockstrap, the pouch overflowing with what was obviously a massive cock.

  Before David could admire it further, the stripper stepped forward and pressed the bulging package against David’s chest. Moving it up and down in time to the music, he then jumped up so that his feet were planted on either side of David’s chair and he was looming over him.

  David laughed as the massive package descended on his face.

  “Oh my god!” he grinned, the stripper’s bull-sized balls dragging over his nose and forehead, all that separated David’s face from the massive cock and balls a thin pouch of cotton.

  The stripper stepped back down, turning around and shaking his ass in David’s lap, standing on his hands and lifting his legs back over David’s shoulders as he wriggled back until he was grinding his crotch down into David’s lap.

  The song ended, and David’s attention was caught by Misha’s voice coming from over by the couch. He looked over to see Misha on the floor, the stripper with the boot lying on top of him, both of them laughing as Misha struggled to dislodge the bigger man.

  “Okay, okay, song’s over!” Misha cried, laughing so hard that he was crying.

  The guy who had wrestled Misha to the floor got up, brushing off his pants, and turned to David with a cocky grin.

  “You want more?” he asked, pushing his thumbs into the top of his pants and framing his bulge.

  David nodded, nervous anticipation filling his stomach. The most aggressive of the three performers grinned wolfishly, walking toward him.

  “Then get off the chair and down on the floor. I want you on your back.”

  Feeling bashful and horny, David slid off his chair and lay down on the floor. The stripper pushed a button on a small remote and another song came on.

  Moving to the music, the dominant stripper stepped over David’s body, straddling him and staring down at him with a menacing grin.

  Looming like some kind of dom-top muscle god, the stripper crouched down until his crotch was inches away from David’s face, the shape of his massive dick and big balls clearly visible through the thin fabric. Holding it there for a few seconds, his big bulge filling David’s field of vision, he waited for the beat to drop and then started his routine.

  David lay on the floor, looking up at the massive man dancing and gyrating on top of him. He let out an oomph as the stripper grabbed him around his waist, flipping him over and pulling him up on his knees, slamming his bulge against his ass in a simulation of fucking him doggy style.

  David laughed, his body sliding forward as the stripper pretended to pound him.

  Glancing over to the couch, David caught Misha’s eye. Misha winked at him, giving him a thumbs up that just made him laugh harder.

  He then turned his gaze to Amy, but she was busy getting a lap dance from the black stripper, her manicured fingers squeezing his naked ass with relish.

  David didn’t blame her.

  The song came to an end, leaving David feeling like he’d gone a round in the wrestling ring with Adam. He stumbled to his feet and turned to the man who’d spent the past three minutes tossing him around in an impressive display of strength.

  “Thanks, that was awesome,” he said, wiping sweat from his forehead.

  “No problem, man,” the stripper said, dropping the dominant cop persona. He clapped David on the shoulder and grinned, looking like a different person without the stern dom-face. “You want more or should we take a break?”

  “A break. I need a drink,” David said, heading over to the table with the mixers. “Everyone, tell me your orders.”

  Misha and Amy both piped up with what they wanted without hesitation, but the strippers declined.

  “Just water, thanks,” the black guy said, helping himself to a bottle of water and tossing one to each of his colleagues. “Can’t drink on the job.”

  They all took a seat on the sofa, David ending up squished between the black guy and the stripper with the deep voice.

  “Makes sense,” David said, mixing himself a vodka and pineapple juice combo that was mostly vodka. He took a long sip and grimaced, looking to his left and right and huffing out a laugh. “Fuck, you guys are hot.”

  “Thanks,” the rumbling man said, taking another sip of water and scratching his abs. Like the other two, he was down to his jock strap, the ribbed cotton material struggling to contain his package. “You guys aren’t too bad looking yourselves.”

  “We know,” Amy said, obnoxious and yet somehow managing to sound like she was flirting.

  “I can tell,” the rumbling man said, flirting back. “I’m Zack, by the way.”

  “Hi Zack, it’s nice to meet you,” Amy said, taking his hand. The other two guys took that as their cue to introduce themselves as well.

  It was a little ridiculous to only learn someone’s name after they’d had their junk in your face, though for David it was becoming less of an unusual occurrence.

  The black stripper was named Chris, and when he shook David’s hand he held on a little too long, caressing the inside of David’s wrist before pulling away, and the other guy was named Pavel.

  “Pavel here was actually a last minute replacement,” Chris said, clapping Pavel on the back. “But I don’t think you have anything to complain about, right?”

  “Not at all,” David said, looking over at Pavel. Unlike the other two, with their smooth oiled bodies, he was hairy, his furry chest matted down with sweat.

  He looked practically lickable.

  “So what did these guys tell you when they booked you?” David asked, curious what Misha and Amy had said that would lead to that kind of aggressive dominance from the strippers. He was sure that couldn’t be their usual schtick.

  “That we should come on strong and boss you around,” Chris said, grinning. “Why, was it too much?”

  Blushing furiously, unable to look at anyone in the room, David shook his head. “No, it was good.”

  Pavel laughed, some of that cruel dominance he’d shown earlier back in his voice. “Yeah, you liked it.”

  Wanting to change the subject, David kept looking at Chris. He nodded down at his pierced nipples. “What does that feel like?”

  “My piercings?” Chris asked, tugging at his right nipple. “Fucking fantastic.”

  David licked his lips. “So you’d recommend it?”

  Chris didn’t hesitate. “Absolutely.”

  Amy blinked, sitting up straight and leaning forward toward David. “Do not get a piercing when you’re drunk, David. Adam would kill us.”

  David laughed. “I’m not going to get a piercing now,” he said, shaki
ng his head. “It’s just something I’ve been thinking about.”

  “I don’t get how anyone would willingly make a hole in their body,” Misha broke in, looking at Chris’s piercings uneasily. “I mean, doesn’t it hurt?”

  “These were fine,” Chris said, tweaking his nipples. He moved his right hand down and cupped his bulge, giving it a shake. “This one, on the other hand, hurt like a motherfucker.”

  Fascinated, David looked down at Chris’s package, and sure enough, when he looked closely he could see the outline of a piercing at the head of Chris’s cock.

  He didn’t know how he’d missed that earlier. Chris’s bulge had literally been pushing into his face.

  “My ears are pierced, and that’s enough for me,” Amy said, looking curiously at Chris’s package. “But I can appreciate how good your nipples look.”

  “You want to see the one on my cock?” Chris asked, grabbing his bulge and lifting it, letting it drop down and bounce.

  “They don’t need to see that,” Pavel interrupted, his voice stern. Chris looked like he was going to disagree, but a hard look from Pavel silenced him.

  The mood suddenly awkward, David looked down at his empty glass for a distraction. “I need another drink. Anyone else?” he asked, looking at Misha and Amy.

  The question broke the tense mood, though Pavel’s stern demeanor didn’t dissipate. He kept an eye on Chris, who looked properly put in his place.

  David wondered what the deal was.

  “I want one,” Misha said, giving David his glass. David looked to Amy, but she shook her head.

  “So did you guys bring any other costumes?” Amy asked Zack, her voice suggestive.

  “We’ve got the standards,” Zack said, scratching his chin and smirking at her. “Fireman, doctor, navy and biker. Anything you want to see?”

  He was asking Amy, but rather than answer she turned to David with an expectant raise of her eyebrow. “Well?”

  David didn’t even have to think about it. “Biker.”

  Chris grinned, clapping him on the back and squeezing his neck. “Should have known you’d have a thing for leather. All right, guys, are you ready for round two?”

  Zack and Pavel nodded, and the three of them left the room.

  “All right David,” Misha said, taking his half empty drink and grinning. “Get back in the chair.”

  Laughing, David rose on unsteady legs and took a seat, more than ready to be manhandled and danced on by a group of sexy bikers.



  Adam arrived at The Blue Room an hour early, getting a drink at the bar and looking out over the Saturday evening crowd.

  Pavel, the bodyguard, had called him a few minutes earlier to tell him that David’s friends had booked a private room at a club, and that they had hired three strippers to perform a private show.

  That would be fine, except for the fact that the strippers moonlighted as escorts. The last thing Adam needed was three money hungry hunks enticing a drunk David into paying for something he wasn’t allowed to have.

  Adam agreed to pay Pavel extra to take the place of one of the strippers, giving him clear instructions to make sure everyone kept their underwear on and that no one tried to get David to pay for anything extra.

  Hopefully Pavel would report back that David had behaved.

  Enjoying his drink, Adam grinned when Rex waltzed into the club, trailing a bound and gagged Cody behind him on a thin leather leash. Rex spotted him and grinned, waving at him before heading in his direction.

  “Adam, it’s good to see you,” Rex said, shaking Adam’s hands and taking a seat next to him. He pushed Cody to his knees, grabbing him by the hair and tugging his face into the space between his thighs, closing his legs just enough to keep him trapped there.

  “Good to see you too,” Adam said, wishing that David was there with them. He would look good next to Cody, on his knees with his face pressed into Adam’s crotch. “No puppy outfit?”

  Rex gave Cody’s hair a gentle tug, smiling down at him. “No, he’s had enough of playing puppy for a while. This is the most he’s been tied up since we got back from our trip.”

  “Going easy on him?” Adam teased.

  Rex didn’t take the bait, just kept on smiling down at Cody. “For a while. He’ll be hungry for it soon enough.”

  In response to that, Cody nuzzled into Rex’s crotch, making Rex squeeze his thighs tighter and lift his legs so that he could cross his ankles behind Cody’s back.

  “He’s a little needy,” Rex explained, signaling for the bartender and ordering a beer. “Isn’t that right, Cody? You can’t get enough of me.”

  Cody made an agreeing sound through his gag, though it was muffled by the fact that he had his face practically buried in Rex’s bulge.

  “That’s right,” Rex said, flexing his thighs.

  Adam’s cock swelled at the playful domination and Cody’s response to it. In the past he’d found these moments of tenderness between Rex and Cody strange – feeling that they were at odds with the harsh way Rex usually treated his sub – but now he understood.

  It made him miss David.

  “So, a bachelor party,” Rex said, lifting his beer to his lip and taking a long sip. “A bit unconventional, isn’t it, having it here?”

  “David is having his in Vegas,” Adam said, mirroring Rex and taking a sip of his drink. “But that’s not my thing. Honestly, if Derek hadn’t insisted on making a big deal out of it I never would have agreed to it.”

  “Well, I’m grateful. I haven’t seen Clay put on a show in ages.”

  “It should be fun,” Adam agreed. He looked around the room. “Derek said you wanted to bring Brick and Oliver?”

  He made the statement a question, letting it hang in the air until Rex answered.

  “Yeah. Oliver’s stepfather died, and he inherited everything. Total surprise. Keeping him at the farm isn’t going to work – not now that there are people looking for him – and so I made a deal with him. He doesn’t talk, and in exchange he gets Brick.”

  “And Brick agreed to that?” Adam asked, to which Rex just looked at him like he was stupid.

  “Brick doesn’t agree or disagree, he obeys,” Rex said, brushing his fingers through Cody’s hair. “Besides, he’s head over heels for Oliver. I think he’ll enjoy being Oliver’s kept dom.”

  Adam shook his head, surprised. He wondered if Oliver’s attachment was a form of Stockholm syndrome.

  “And they’re coming tonight?”

  Rex nodded. “Oliver is joining the club, and this seemed like as good a time as any to introduce him.”

  “All right,” Adam said, trying to imagine how Oliver and Brick would work out. “So who are you going to put in charge of the stables with Brick gone?”

  “Archer,” Rex said, grinning. “And his first job is training up Blake as a pony stud.”

  Adam barked out a laugh. “Blake? Why, what did he do?”

  Rex snorted. “He got handsy with Cody. Can you believe it? Thought that I wouldn’t do anything when he put his cock in my husband without my permission.”

  Adam winced. That would do it, for sure. Rex was like him – he enjoyed sharing Cody and watching him get fucked and used – but it was always on his terms. If Blake hadn’t understood that then it was no wonder he’d fucked up.

  “So does he make a good pony?” Adam pictured it – Blake dressed up in the tall boots and armbinders – his cock filling at the mental image.

  “He will,” Rex sounded confident. “Right now he’s fighting it tooth and nail, but I’m sure Archer will bring him to heel.”

  “That I’ve got to see,” Adam said, licking his lips. Blake was a hunk, and watching him used and degraded would be fun.

  “Any time you want.” Rex grinned, leaning back. “Bring David and have some fun with him.”

  “I’ll take you up on that.”

  * * *

  Adam and Rex spent the next hour watching an older dominatrix
playing with a much younger man.

  “I don’t get it,” Rex said, looking at the man. He was on the floor, on his hands and knees, with a nose hook pulling his nostrils back and his belly bloated with a monster of an enema.

  “He’s a potbellied pig,” Adam explained, staring at the young man. He was sweating, his enema no doubt a torture to endure, and to add to his misery his dom was making him prance around like a show pig. “What’s not to get?”

  “The pig part,” Rex said, shaking his head. “I don’t want to be thinking about a pig when my cock is hard.”

  Adam shot him a droll stare. “But ponies and puppies are okay?”

  Rex shrugged, unrepentant. “I like what I like.”

  Adam checked his watch and rose from his chair. An hour had passed and it was time to head up to the top floor to get the party started. He turned to Rex. “Well, I think it’s hot. I don’t get why it’s different from pony or puppy play.”

  “I’m not telling you not to enjoy it,” Rex said, standing up and tugging Cody to his feet. “I’m just saying that it’s not my thing.”

  It took Cody a few seconds to stabilize himself, his legs sore after an entire hour of kneeling. Rex waited patiently, holding Cody against his chest until he was ready to walk.

  “That’s fair,” Adam said. He and Rex crossed the club floor, Adam nodding at the dominatrix with the pig-boy submissive, getting a small grin in return. The dominatrix had known that she was being watched, and she’d prolonged her sub’s suffering to keep the show going. Adam appreciated that.

  Taking the elevator to the top floor, Adam, Rex and Cody walked down the long hallway until they reached the last playroom on the right.

  “Medical play?” Rex asked, following Adam into the stark white doctor’s office.

  “Apparently,” Adam said, wondering what the plan was. He couldn’t remember Clay doing a medical themed scene before.

  “Could be fun,” Rex said, understatement of the century.


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