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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

Page 38

by Heart, D. J.

  The centerpiece for the sterile, brightly lit room was an examination chair, made of gleaming metal and sporting a pair of sturdy stirrups, sitting under a massive surgical lamp hanging from the ceiling. Unlike a real examination chair, this one had a number of brown leather cuffs and restraints to keep whoever was in it firmly in place.

  At the moment, the chair was occupied by an adorable twink, his big brown eyes scanning rapidly over Rex and Adam, taking them in like a mouse caught in a trap would a cat. Adam grinned, walking forward and circling the boy.

  Tied down, legs spread wide in the stirrups, his arms secured firmly to the seat of the chair by his sides, the twink wasn’t going anywhere. He was still dressed, his ratty white t-shirt and worn jeans having seen better days, and as Adam circled him he followed Adam with his gaze.

  Behind the chair, out of sight of the boy, stood Derek, Clay, and Brick. Clay and Brick were talking, their voices low so that Adam couldn’t make out their words, but Derek was coming toward him.

  “What did I say?” Derek said, clapping Adam on the shoulder and grinning. “Exactly your type, right?”

  Adam nodded. The twink was his type – or at least his old type from before David.

  “He’s adorable.”

  The twink blushed, and Adam was reminded of David. It wasn’t a comparison he wanted to make. The kid wouldn’t enjoy his evening, and the last thing Adam wanted to see when looking at him was the man he loved.

  “You want to get involved or are you just looking?” Clay Bolt asked, leaving Brick and coming over to him and Derek.

  “Just watching,” Adam said. He wasn’t going to touch anyone without David present. It wouldn’t feel right.

  “It’s your party,” Clay said, shrugging. He walked over to the chair, standing behind it and reaching around to wrap his big mitts around the twink’s neck. “And now that everyone’s here, I think it’s time to get started.”

  He squeezed the twink’s neck, choking him and making him jerk and fight, keeping his grip tight until the kid’s face turned red and he passed out.

  “What about Oliver?” Adam asked Derek in a low voice, looking over at Brick standing by himself along the back wall.

  “He’s coming,” Derek said, nodding over at Brick. “That one sent him down to get changed into a staff uniform. He’ll be serving us drinks tonight.”

  Right on cue, Oliver walked into the room. He was gagged, a wide strip of leather wrapped over his mouth, and wearing a vicious corset. A large serving tray was attached to his collar, anchored in place to the corset, and his hands were bound behind his back in a leather armbinder.

  He couldn’t have looked more pleased if he tried.

  Balanced on his tray was a large assortment of drinks, and at a gesture from Brick he made his way around the room, letting people take what they wanted. When everyone except Clay had a drink, he went to stand next to Brick.

  “Are we ready now?” Clay asked, hand fisted in the twink on the table’s hair. The kid was awake again, and after a moment of confusion he jerked and froze. Clay gave him a little shake. “Good. As you all know we’re here to celebrate our good friend and benefactor Adam’s engagement. This is his bachelor party, and so I’m going to be putting on a show for him. Since we all know what a sick bastard he is and what he likes, I say we just get started.”

  Clay let go of the boy’s hair and walked over to a rolling tray table, pulling it over to the chair. He grabbed a pair of scissors and started cutting away the twink’s clothes with brusque, yanking movements. Pulling off the twink’s pants, he looked up at his audience.

  “I’d like to introduce the evening’s entertainment.” Clay walked behind the twink, holding his head in a two handed grip, fingers pushing into his mouth and yanking at the corners of his lips. “This is hole. He thinks his name is Matt, but he’s wrong. It’s hole. And that is what he is: a collection of holes made to take cocks, fists and whatever else we want to shove inside of them.” He looked down at the twink. “Isn’t that right.”

  Matt – Adam couldn’t think of him as hole in his head – just stared wide-eyed up at Clay, not saying a word.

  Clay removed his fingers from Matt’s mouth, stroking his cheek before cupping his palm menacingly over his throat “What are you?” he asked, his voice soft and dangerous.

  Matt didn’t say anything, his eyes darting around the room.

  Stroking over Matt’s lips – Adam couldn’t think of him as hole – Clay grabbed his lower lip and twisted it, yanking it up and making Matt cry out in pain.

  “What are you?” he asked, his voice a rumbling threat.

  “A hole! A hole!” Matt cried out, trying to lift up to ease the pull on his lip. It didn’t work, the strap over his chest keeping him down. “I’m a hole!”

  “That’s right,” Clay said, releasing his lip and patting him on the cheek. “That’s all you are and all you’ll ever be.”

  Lifting his hand, Clay smacked Matt across the face, twice in quick succession, first with his palm and then the back of his hand.

  “A filthy. Fucking. Hole.”

  Clay enunciated each word with a vicious slap, and by the fifth blow the kid was bawling his eyes out.

  Walking around the chair, Clay trailed his hands over Matt’s nipples, squeezing each in turn before looking out at his audience. Adam followed his gaze.

  Brick looked bored, his focus on Oliver, but Rex and Derek were hanging on to Clay’s every word. Cody was on the floor, mouthing at Rex’s boot, while Oliver was staring at Brick with worship in his eyes.

  “It seems,” Clay said, sliding his hand up Matt’s chest until he was cupping his tear-stained cheek. “That we’ve got ourselves a cry baby.”

  Adam let out a chuckle, as did Rex and Derek. Matt blinked at them, his eyes red and searching for someone to save him. There was no help to be found.

  “I fucking hate crybabies,” Clay growled, and with a mean grunt he started smacking Matt’s face like he was spanking him. Alternating between his palm and backhand, lifting his arms with each blow, he abused Matt’s face until the kid was hysterical. Crying and sobbing, no matter where he turned there was no escaping Clay’s enormous hand.

  “Please!” Matt cried, blubbering and crying even harder. “Please stop!”

  Adam shifted, squirming as an unusual feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. Rather than enjoying the show – rather than enjoying Matt’s abject misery – he was finding himself wanting his torment to stop.

  “That’s enough,” he called out, startling himself and everyone else in the room. Clay’s hand froze, and as one the room turned to face Adam, the same question in their eyes.

  Adam knew exactly why he was feeling so guilty. David wasn’t there, but he knew what his fiancé would say if he saw this, and it wasn’t nice.

  There would be no convincing him that Matt was actually enjoying himself.

  “Something wrong?” Clay asked, rolling his shoulders like he was getting ready for another round of assaulting Matt’s face.

  “Take it easy on him,” Adam said, the words sounding ridiculous as they left his mouth.

  You didn’t hire Clay Bolt to take it easy on his bottoms.

  “What?” Clay asked, furrowing his brow.

  “I’m not in the mood for something that rough,” Adam said, shrugging.

  “But I haven’t gotten rough yet,” Clay said, making Matt gasp in fear. “That comes later when I get out the speculum and the cups.”

  Adam shrugged, not sure what to say. He knew that he was acting out of character, but the fact was that he didn’t want to watch Clay torture Matt. He’d have enjoyed it a few months ago, but now he just felt like he was betraying David.

  “What if we sent Matt home and Oliver took his place?” Derek suggested, proving that he knew Adam better than he knew himself. “Would that be okay?”

  The question was directed at Brick and Oliver both, and both men nodded. Oliver looked eager, and a knot loosened in Adam’s s

  “That would be fine.”

  To his surprise, it was Matt who piped up. “No, I can do it! Please just give me a chance. I need the money. I can do it, I swear. I’ll stop crying-”

  “You’ll still get paid,” Adam said, cutting him off.

  Matt’s jaw clicked shut and he let out a trembling breath.

  “Clay, can you work with that?” Derek asked, making Clay shrug.

  “It doesn’t matter to me,” Clay said, looking at Oliver like he was sizing him up.

  “Then it’s settled. Oliver and Matt will swap places. Clay, if you’d free Matt from the chair, and Brick, if you’d help Oliver out of his uniform?”

  Under Derek’s competent guidance, things happened quickly. Matt was taken down from the chair, wobbling on weak legs when he came to stand, and Oliver took his place.

  Adam hadn’t really intended to make Matt continue his participation in the evening, but it worked out well enough. He was being paid enough that some bondage was the least they could ask for.

  After the switch was complete, Clay started the show again, laying into Oliver even harder than he had with Matt. Unlike Matt, however, Oliver was clearly relishing the pain. He grinned, lips bloody by the time Clay was done smacking him, looking up at his tormentor like he was daring him to do his best.

  Growling, Clay accepted the challenge.

  Adam relaxed, and as Clay escalated Oliver’s torture, bringing out the promised speculum and opening him up impossibly wide, Adam’s cock was harder than granite. He palmed himself through his pants, mouth parted and breathing fast as he enjoyed the show.

  Matt, trembling and wide eyed, stood in the corner with his tray of drinks, watching Oliver being abused like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He might have thought that he knew what he’d been in for, but by his expressions as the evening progressed he’d clearly had no clue.

  By the time the night came to an end everyone in the room except for Adam, Cody and Matt had fucked Oliver at least twice, his body a limp mess of cuts and bruises.

  His hole looked like a gaping cavern, red and inflamed, red-tinged come leaking down his thighs.

  “That was fun,” Oliver slurred, curling into Brick’s body when the huge man freed him from the chair and lifted him up in his arms.

  “You were a good boy,” Brick rumbled, kissing his forehead. He carried Oliver out of the room, followed closely after by Rex and Cody, who looked like they were headed to their own playroom to continue the fun.

  Clay packed up his things and left, ignoring Adam completely. Usually he would have stayed behind and talked to him about the scene, but today he just marched out without looking back.

  “He’s pissed,” Derek explained, standing next to Adam and watching him go. “I promised him a virgin and he ended up with an experienced masochist.”

  Adam didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to explain himself, and it wasn’t like Derek hadn’t understood what had happened.

  “So, no more of that kind of play, huh?” Derek said, walking over to the chair and stroking the leather seat.

  They both knew what kind of play he was talking about.

  “I don’t think so,” Adam said, not upset. He liked what he liked, and he’d never apologized for that. He wasn’t going to start now that his tastes were milder.

  “All right,” Derek said, clapping his hands together. “You want to continue this party downstairs?”

  Adam shook his head. “I’m done for the night. It was fun, though.”

  “We were lucky Oliver was here to save the day,” Derek said. He looked over at Matt who was standing in the corner with his head bowed. “Isn’t that right, Matt?”

  Matt nodded, looking nervous. Derek turned to Adam and clapped him on the back. “All right, you head out and I’ll settle the bill with this one. I’ll call you later, all right?”

  “Sounds good,” Adam said, giving Matt a nod before leaving the playroom.

  Walking down the hall, he wondered how David’s night was going. He hadn’t gotten any messages, which he supposed was good, but he still wished that Pavel would send an update.

  A picture of David getting a lap dance would be especially nice.

  The weekend was almost over, Adam comforted himself. In the morning David and his friends would be heading home, and then Adam would have David all to himself again.

  He couldn’t wait.



  David walked through the airport in a daze, his epic hangover still raging even though it had been hours since he woke up and dragged himself to the Las Vegas airport and got on his flight home.

  Misha and Amy and decided to stay an extra night, and David would have joined them if he didn’t miss Adam so much.

  Still, the hangover was a bitch.

  David had managed to go the whole weekend without facing the consequences of his binging, a feat he’d managed by staying at least a little drunk for the entire trip. It was a feat he was paying for now.

  Heading past security, his bag a dead weight on his shoulder, David popped another Advil and looked forward to taking a nap in the car.

  To his surprise and horror, however, Adam was waiting for him after security, looking delectable in tight jeans and a leather bomber jacket and sporting a blinding grin.

  “There you are,” Adam said, wrapping him up in a crushing hug. “I missed you.”

  “Missed you too,” David mumbled, burying his face in the blessed darkness of Adam’s leather jacket.

  When he pulled away, Adam held him at arm’s length and took a good look at him. He shook his head and frowned.

  “You look like a wreck.”

  “I’m just a little hung over,” David defended himself, wishing that he had showered before leaving the hotel.

  “You stink,” Adam said, and though the words were clearly a complaint, they sounded fond.

  “I do not,” David said, pulling away and shifting his bag further up on his shoulder.

  “Yes you do. Let’s get you home and into the shower, and then you can take a nice nap and sleep off your hangover.”

  “I’m not that hung over,” David defended himself.

  “So you didn’t spend last night binge drinking?” Adam asked, starting to walk and gesturing for him to follow. David hurried and fell into step next to him, even though he was walking way too fast.

  “I had like three drinks,” David lied.

  “That’s one week,” Adam said, the stern rumble of his dom-voice making David’s cock sit up and take notice.

  “One week of what?” David asked, his belly clenching.

  He loved these kinds of games.

  “You’ll see when we get home,” Adam said, grabbing his neck and squeezing it just right. “Now I’ll ask you again. Did you spend last night – and the whole weekend – binge drinking?”

  David licked his lips, excitement building in his stomach. Chris, Zack and Pavel had gotten him all worked up the night before, but David hadn’t had a chance to jerk off since then, and he had a lot of pent up sexual arousal to spend.

  Adam wasn’t letting him down, it looked like.

  “Maybe,” he confessed, Adam’s fingers tightening on his neck. “Depends on how you define binge drinking.”

  “I define it the way normal people define it,” Adam said, leading David out of the airport and to the car waiting on the curb. They were getting a few looks, Adam’s dominant body language not exactly a subtle thing.

  “All right, I drank too much,” David said as Adam put his hand on top of his head and directed him into the car. He looked up at him. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  “No, it isn’t, and that’s why you’re being punished.”

  Adam sounded far too happy in David’s opinion. He obviously had something new planned.

  “Punished how?” he asked.

  “You’ll find out,” Adam smirked, getting into the car after him and pulling him in for a kiss.

; David’s head was pounding far too hard for making out to be anything but a chore, but he still managed to enjoy the sensation of Adam’s lips against his own. Adam’s tongue pushed into his mouth, forceful – like he was reclaiming his property.

  Moaning, David leaned into the kiss, sighing when Adam pulled away. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, Adam buckling his seatbelt, and without intending to he drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  In what seemed like the blink of an eye, David opened his eyes and was surprised to find that they were parked in front of the elevator in the garage under Adam’s building.

  “What?” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes and wondering if he’d really slept the whole ride home.

  “Come on, out we go,” Adam said, climbing out of the car and holding the door open for David. “You’ll feel better once you’ve showered and gotten some sleep.”

  David narrowed his eyes. Adam was being far too nice about this. They both knew that he’d broken his promise not to drink too much, and the fact that Adam wasn’t dragging him out of the car by his ear was deeply suspicious.

  “Okay,” David said, getting out of the car and walking with Adam to the elevator. They rode up, Adam’s arm wrapped over his shoulder and holding him against his side. The hold was typically possessive, Adam clearly the one in charge, but there was nothing mean about it. David didn’t feel like he was about to be punished, and that worried him. Now that he expected Adam to take him in hand, he’d be disappointed if he didn’t get the discipline he deserved.

  That he wanted.

  “Are you going to tell me what the one week thing was about?” he asked. The words had clearly been a threat of some sort, and David wanted to know what kind.

  He wanted to know what he had to look forward to.

  “Later,” Adam said, curling his arm and pulling David’s head down so that he could kiss the top of his hair.

  “Is it something I’ll like?” David asked, not giving up. It could be anything – from nightly spankings for a week to a week without getting fucked.

  He really hoped it wasn’t the latter.


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