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Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

Page 19

by Anya Merchant

  “My cooks have been slaving away at dinner for the entire day,” said Erik. “We’ll have the full range of their cooking arsenal to choose from, steaks, roasted pheasant, fish, whatever suits your fancy.”

  “That all sounds lovely, Erik, thank you,” said Natalie.

  “My dad is totally into your mom.” Kari whispered in John’s ear, sounding as though she’d already had a couple of glasses of wine. He blushed at the implications of what she was telling him and tried not to take it too seriously.

  “Nothing is going to happen,” John whispered back. “How could it? The four of us are here together.”

  Kari just smiled at him, and then the two followed their parents into the dining room. True to what Erik had said, an enormous amount of food had been set out on an oval table that looked like it was just the right size to seat four people.

  John took a seat next to Kari, with Erik van Katho and his mom sitting across from them. There was a moment of awkward silence in which nobody said anything, and John asked himself again, just how the night had come to be.

  “So John, how have you been adjusting to life here on Blackthorn Isle?” Erik van Katho addressed him surprisingly casually, which caught him a little off guard, given how odd the man had acted the last time they’d spoken.

  “It’s been nice. The people here have been really welcoming.” John smiled and glanced over at Kari, who blushed and looked down at her plate.

  “Is that so?” Erik van Katho’s voice had a small hint of hidden emotion in it, and John realized that he wasn’t the only one feeling protective of a family member that night.

  “He’s adjusted quite well, Erik,” said his mom. “He is the Count now, and the townspeople have been quite accepting of him taking over the role.”

  “Yes, of course,” said Erik. “And I guess, considering his bachelor status, that makes you Lady Ludling, doesn’t it, Natalie?”

  John couldn’t tell from the angle that he was sitting at, but it looked as though Erik had set one of his hands down on his mom’s thigh. Rage flooded through his body as he watched his mom blush slightly and smile at him.

  “Bachelor status, indeed.” Kari winked at John and almost mimicked her father’s power play exactly, setting her hand down high on his thigh, close to his crotch. “John, you do realize that you’re probably the heartthrob of every eligible woman on Blackthorn Isle. If you wanted to, you could make a cheesy TV show out of your experience here.”

  John couldn’t stifle a laugh.

  “Every eligible woman on Blackthorn Isle?” he asked. “Does that include you too, Kari?”

  Their eyes met, and she smiled at John and slid her hand a little further up.

  Erik van Katho cleared his throat loudly and deliberately from across the table.

  “I think some wine is in order,” he said. “And we should start eating before the food gets cold.”

  “Yeah, that sounds great.” John smiled at Erik van Katho, feeling Kari’s fingertips graze across the tip of his cock through his pants. “I’ll take a glass.”

  The wine was good, and the food was delicious. John could not fault Erik for that. As the four of them ate, they made polite small talk about the town and the weather. John watched every move that Erik made towards his mother and was relieved by the way that she kept a polite distance from him.

  “The island has always been quite a peaceful place,” said Erik. “Excepting that recent… unpleasantness, with the private investigator.”

  John’s ears perked up. He would have let the mention of Alison go if it wasn’t for the strong wine he’d been sipping on.

  “Yeah, it’s an interesting case,” he said. “I wonder what to make of it.”

  “John, I’m not sure if somebody’s murder is really an appropriate topic for discussion at the dinner table.” Natalie gave him a motherly smile as she spoke, but Erik set one of his hands on her shoulder and shook his head.

  “Nonsense, I think it’s as topical as anything,” he said. “What I make of it, John, is that she was most likely killed by the obvious party. A scorned ex-lover, from the sounds of it, she was quite a promiscuous woman.”

  John took a sip of his wine.

  “I’m surprised the police came to question you, daddy,” said Kari. “It’s ridiculous that you’d even be considered as a person of interest.”

  John felt his jaw drop open. He looked at Kari, who was clearly unaware of how much she had just revealed, and then at Erik, who was glaring at his daughter.

  “Yes, well, they have a lot of free time on their hands, here on Blackthorn Isle.” Erik spoke slowly and deliberately, with a voice full of cold, contained anger.

  “I actually talked to one of the detectives working on the case, too.” John felt just drunk enough to take a risk, despite the look of abject disapproval that his mom was sending him from the other side of the table. “He mentioned that Ms. Orton may have actually run into some trouble with one of her current clients.”

  Erik van Katho picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth.

  “That may be the case, but my theory seems more likely, to me.” He paused and then smiled. “Or perhaps she was killed by someone she was investigating. Someone with a deep, dark secret that would have destroyed them if it got out.”

  John felt his heart skip a beat. If they were playing chess at the dinner table, Erik had just moved John into check. Several tense, silent seconds went by, in which John felt like anything could happen.

  “I need some more wine!” Kari smiled and reached for the bottle. “And I think you do, too!”

  She slipped her hand back down to John’s thigh as she poured the glasses, this time letting it slide all the way up to his crotch and play around a little. John almost didn’t feel it at first, but when he caught sight of the flustered, protective look on Erik van Katho’s face, the sensation became much more vivid and erotic in nature.

  He still had cards left up his sleeve. He was still in the game.

  “Thank you Kari.” John took a sip from his newly refilled glass, and then leaned in close to her neck. “I think this will be a fun night, after all.”

  He whispered so only she could hear him, and it had the desired effect. Kari began to blush, and Erik van Katho seethed in his chair.


  By the time dinner came to an end, plenty of wine had been shared between the four of them. John and Kari had grown bolder with every glass, playfully grabbing and groping at each other’s bodies underneath the table, and when their parents weren’t looking, above it, too.

  Natalie and Erik shot them plenty of disapproving looks, but the wine was having its effect on them as well. Erik wasn’t quite as brazen as John and kept his touching to a more respectful level. Instead, he began to make an attempt at wooing Natalie that was almost unseemly to watch, bragging about everything he could think of and showering her with compliments.

  “Erik, you are a very sweet man,” said Natalie, smiling. John squirmed a little in his seat but was brought back to his own date by a quick, sneaky kiss on his cheek from Kari.

  “There is everything a person could possibly need here in my estate!” Erik’s voice had grown louder over the course of the night, and he was practically shouting, much to the displeasure of everyone else at the table.

  “Yes, I’m sure there is,” said Natalie. “It’s a very nice place.”

  “I can give you a tour! Do you want a tour?” Erik leaned in close to Natalie, who giggled and pushed him away.

  “I saw it when we were kids, Erik,” she said. “Back when you and my father were working together.”

  Erik paused, suddenly knocked out of his jovial state by the weight of memories. John was watching, curious and a little worried about what might happen between his mom and Kari’s dad, when he felt a hand glide up his leg and cup his package.

  “Daddy, why don’t we go watch a movie in the private theater?” asked Kari. “We’ve finished eating, and it would be a great way for us to end th
e night.”

  John thought about being in a dark movie room, with the privacy offered by the shadows, and got a little excited. His thoughts shifted to his mom and Erik having the same opportunity and felt a strange, uncomfortable feeling fill his stomach.

  “Yes! That’s a lovely idea!” bellowed Erik. “What do you say, Natalie?”

  She looked over at John before answering and blushed as she met his gaze. The same emotions that he was feeling were reflected in her eyes, but there was nothing that either of them could do.

  “…Alright,” said Natalie. “It would be nice, right John?”

  John nodded.

  “Yeah, okay,” he said. “Let’s… all watch a movie together.”

  Kari led the four of them into the downstairs movie room. It was dark, and though it wasn’t quite the size of a real theater, it was still a very large room.

  “Don’t feel bad just because my private theater is bigger than your private theater, John,” Erik said, drunkenly.

  “I’m sure you wish that everything of yours was bigger than mine, don’t you?” laughed John. Kari elbowed him gently in the ribs, and Natalie shot him a disapproving look from across the room.

  In the place of regular theater chairs, the room had four large, comfortable looking couches. John and Kari sat down at the one in the front left of the theater, and Natalie and Erik took the one across from them.

  “How do we put the movie on?” asked John. Kari picked up a remote from a small table off to the side and booted up the digital projector.

  “I picked out a movie already,” she said. “It’s a romantic comedy, I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, of course not,” said John, his sarcasm blunt and obvious.

  He found it a little hard to get comfortable, even as the movie started playing and everyone else’s attention was on the screen. The only light in the room came from what was left over from the projection, and it was only enough for him to make out the silhouettes of his mom and Erik van Katho.

  This, more than anything, was what he had been the most worried about when his mom had pitched the idea of the double date to him. Anything could happen in the dark of the theater, and though he knew it was weird and totally inappropriate for him to be feeling jealous over his own mother, the feeling was strong within him.

  One of the characters on the screen said a joke and Kari laughed and leaned in closer to him. He could feel her breath tickling his neck, and her soft hair as she pushed it out of her face and glided it by his shoulder.

  “Is this your first time taking a girl to the movies, John?” she whispered. “I would have thought you’d at least have your arm around me by now…”

  John was pulled back into the moment and turned to look at what he could see of Kari in the dim light. She was leaned towards him in a way that was suggestive, as if she was offering up her body for him to touch and play with as he pleased. The words of the old Count echoed in John’s head, and he remembered why he was there.

  John put his arm around her, and then kissed her softly on the lips. There was music playing during the current scene in the movie and it made the moment feel even more intimate than it would have normally. He was still worried about his mom and wondered if the same thing that was happening between him and Kari was happening across the aisle. Bizarrely, the thought caused his cock to begin to harden as though a spell had been cast on it.

  Kari moved closer in to him, pushing her big boobs against him and turning John on even more. He kissed her again and felt her kiss back passionately, pushing her tongue into his mouth and rubbing his cock through his pants at the same time.

  The sound of his mom giggling from across the aisle made John’s heart skip a beat. He turned to look, but could see nothing other than that the two of them had also moved in close together. He felt confused, jealous, angry, and a dozen other emotions at the same time.

  “Hey,” whispered Kari. “Don’t get distracted. We only have so much time before the movie ends.”

  John nodded and tried to take her advice. She was rubbing her hand on his cock, and John let his own hand began to play with her breasts. It felt as though he was back to being a normal teenager, fooling around with a girl his age in the classic location for pubescent horseplay.

  The action in the theater continued throughout the movie, which John and Kari paid little attention to. John managed to get his hand underneath her dress and bra and felt immensely turned on by having her naked breast in his hand. Kari continued rubbing his package, not daring to go as far as unzipping his pants, but teasing him with her touch all the same.

  John could occasionally hear Erik whispering something, or his mom giggling, and was convinced by the midpoint of the movie that his fears were justified. He could only hope that the two of them weren’t drunk enough to take it any further than he and Kari had, and did his best to quell his raging emotions.

  “After this,” whispered Kari. “I want you to come up to my room. To listen to some music.”

  John kissed her passionately, feeling his hips buck towards her as though trying to answer her question on their own. He pulled back and forced himself to say the opposite of what he really felt he wanted.

  “We can’t,” he whispered. “We shouldn’t. Our parents would-“

  “They’ll be distracted by each other,” said Kari. John shook his head. That was exactly what he was worried about.

  “John, come on.” Kari pulled her dress open further and presented her cleavage to him. “Let’s try to make the best of a weird situation.”

  The credits began to roll on the screen, and after fixing her hair and smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress, Kari pressed a button on the remote that caused the lights to slowly turn on. John’s eyes were locked onto the shapes of his mom and Erik van Katho, who both appeared to be separating from each other much the same as they had done.

  Natalie looked no worse for wear. She looked a little embarrassed, her cheeks were a little flushed, and her hair was slightly tangled, but her dress was exactly how it looked before. Erik, on the other hand, had a smile on his face that made John want to punch him in the face.

  “Daddy, I’m going to take John up to my room,” said Kari. “To listen to a new album I downloaded.”

  Erik looked a little conflicted, but after glancing over at Natalie, he slowly nodded.

  “Alright,” he said. “Natalie, would you care to join me in my study? I can show you the book I was talking about before.”

  John met his mom’s eyes. He felt as though he was silently pleading with her, begging her to pull back from the edge of the strangeness that the two of them were about to step into. Was it strangeness, John suddenly wondered. Or was it the way that things were supposed to be?

  “Yes, that would be nice,” said Natalie. “John, we’re going to head home in about an hour. “

  “That should be more than enough time,” laughed Erik. John gritted his teeth and felt Kari run her hand through his hair. He was slightly surprised and amused by the fact that his mom looked to be having a similar reaction to the way Kari was closing in on him.

  “Let’s go, John.” Kari took him by the hand gently and led him forward, out of the theater. She moved as though she was in a rush, hurrying upstairs and leading him into her bedchamber, fully intent on making good use of the time they had.

  The second the door to her room was closed, Kari threw herself onto John. He kissed her passionately and felt his primal instincts taking over as he ground his crotch into her. She was so young and so perfect for him in every way. But she wasn’t his mother, whatever that meant, in the end.

  Kari grabbed him roughly by the shirt and pulled him over to the bed. She turned away from him for a moment, and slowly slipped her dress off, the garment falling to the floor gracefully. Her bra and panties came off next, and then she slowly turned back towards him, covering her breasts with one arm and her pussy with one hand.

  “Is this what you want, John?” she whispered. “Is t
his enough to make you forget about your mom?”

  John felt his mouth drop open and shook his head.

  “I’m not in, I mean, I’m not thinking about my mom.”

  Kari dropped her arms to her side, revealing herself to him. Her boobs were dotted with tiny, cute nipples that looked like they were begging to be touched. She was shaved down below, and everything about her naked body looked fresh and nubile.

  “Then show me,” she said.

  John practically ripped his clothes off his body as he hurtled forward into her. He only bothered to undo a couple of the buttons on his dress shirt before giving up and pulling it over his head. He jumped out of his pants and then tripped as he tried to do the same with his boxers, falling into Kari as he pulled off his socks and the last bit of his clothing.

  The two of them rolled around on his bed, making out like the young, eager lovers that they were and wrestling for control. She was a van Katho, and he was a Ludling. Lining every interaction between the two of them was an implied struggle for power, and with sex, it was no different.

  John kissed her neck and pinned her underneath him, listening to her moan as he began to run his hands across her body. He pulled her legs apart, and then slid his cock in between her thighs with horny enthusiasm.

  Her pussy was tight, and at first, even though she was dripping wet, he could only get the head of his cock inside without it being painful for both of them. John began to wonder if she’d ever had sex before, but the thought was cut off as Kari took him by the back of his head and pulled his face down into her breasts.

  “Suck on them,” she whispered. “Suck on my nipples, John.”

  He brought his mouth to one of the perfect little nubs and gave it a lick. Kari shuddered with pleasure, and John felt the sensation through the tip of his cock. He pushed forward again, this time a little harder, and managed to get about half of his shaft inside of her.

  “Oh god, yeah!” cried Kari. John wondered just how sound proof the walls were. He actually felt like he wanted Erik to hear, to fully understand what he was doing to his daughter. On the other hand, the idea of his mom knowing what was going on inside the room made him worried and a little guilty.


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