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Illicit Inheritance: The Complete Collection (Taboo Erotica)

Page 20

by Anya Merchant

  His cock was in control of him, however, and it led him forward. John pulled back a little, and then thrust deeper into Kari, listening to the girl make cute noises underneath him.

  “That’s right,” John said. “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “Oh, John!” Kari buried her face in his shoulder as he began to fuck her harder, letting his cock push deeper and deeper inside until she had taken all of him.

  John began to slam his dick into her like a possessed man. She felt so good, but that wasn’t all. For him to fuck her felt like revenge, a way of striking at Erik van Katho that was close to the core. He was going to tame the man’s daughter and turn her into a little slut, eager for his cock, and willing to do anything for him.

  A strange thought took hold of his mind. Erik and his grandfather had been enemies, just the same. And now Erik was on a date, in a room alone with Marcus van Ludling’s daughter. Was his motivation the same? Was he fucking John’s mom at that moment, and reveling in the glory of striking at his hated foe in a manner that was so cruel, and so indecent?

  John pictured his mom, naked and with her legs spread, taking the man inside of her. The thought made him feel sick, but it also made his cock ache, and he began to pump himself into Kari even faster.

  “Oh John, yes!” cried Kari. John brought his face back down to her breasts and began to suck on one of her nipples. He wasn’t sure just who it was underneath him anymore, his mind caught in a drunken fog of fantasy and fear.

  “Oh fuck!” John let his hips slam into her, the impact almost painful, and Kari’s screaming reaching a fevered pitch. “Oh god!”

  “Yes, don’t stop John!” yelled Kari.

  John’s mind was racing with images of his mom, of her in various stages of undress, of her smiling at him, and teasing him with her body. He mouthed the word “mother”, and then felt an intense shame begin to wash over him.

  Kari began to orgasm, melting into the bed underneath him. Now, it was impossible for anything to distract John from his overactive imagination. He was sure that his mom was being used by that evil man, being used as a slut just like he was using the sweet girl that was so eager to be his.

  John grabbed onto Kari’s breasts, which were not quite as big as Natalie’s, and then pumped into her a few last times. His cock went off, and he spurted cum into her. The pleasure of the orgasm was intense, and he collapsed on top of her, feeling both intense bliss and defeat.

  Before either of them could catch their breath, there was a knock at the door. John glanced down at Kari, who looked like she was on the verge of passing out, and then got up and quickly pulled his clothes on. She climbed underneath the sheets of her bed just as he made it to the door and opened it.

  “Hey sweetie,” said Natalie. “We have to leave a little… early?”

  She glanced at him, noticing the sweat on his forehead and flushed cheeks, and then looked deeper into the room, seeing Kari in the bed. Natalie’s expression shifted, and even though John could tell she was trying to keep her emotions suppressed, he could see the anger, the frustration, and the hurt.

  “Mom, I…” John wanted to explain, but he didn’t know how.

  “It’s time for us to go, John.” She turned away from him and started walking down the hall. “Olivia’s already outside. I’ll be waiting in the car.”

  John turned back toward Kari, who was looking at him with a slightly confused expression on her face. He walked over to her and kneeled down in front of the bed.

  “I want to see you again soon, John,” she said softly. “I had a really great time tonight. Even if it was weird.”

  John smiled, feeling more conflicted than he ever had before in his life.

  “Goodnight, Kari.” He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and then turned and hurried after his mother.


  The walk out to the car was silent and strange. John desperately wanted to ask his mom what had happened between her and Erik van Katho, but at the same time, he was afraid of hearing her answer.

  He stared at her as she walked down the steps, moving quickly and not looking back. John couldn’t tell if she was mad at him for doing something she perceived as wrong or working through something that she had done on her own. The two of them were greeted by Olivia as they climbed into the backseat.

  “I trust the two of you had a fun night?” she asked them. She sounded much cheerier than John felt.

  “Just bring us home, Olivia.” Natalie’s voice was cold and emotionless, and the maid took the hint.

  John could only take the silence for another couple of seconds before it became too much for him to bear.

  “Mom… Why did you agree to this?” The question was hollow on the air as it left his throat, almost rhetorical. His mother didn’t answer.

  “I thought you hated Erik van Katho, and suddenly you’re eager to make nice with him over dinner and a movie?” John paused and glared at the empty air in front of him. “I saw how handsy he was with you… And then he whisks you off to be alone with him in his study?”

  Finally, Natalie turned to her son, her eyes full of anger and pain.

  “John, this may be hard for you to understand, but there is more going on than what you can see on the surface.” Natalie’s gaze never left him as she spoke, not for a single syllable. “And beyond him groping me a couple of times, against my will, nothing happened between the two of us.”

  John opened his mouth to respond, and then thought better of it. He could tell that his mom was speaking the truth. In an instant, the situation flipped on him, and instead of feeling jealous or frustrated at his mom’s behavior, he began to feel deeply ashamed of his own.

  “Mom, I, I didn’t know,” he managed.

  “No. You didn’t.” Natalie smiled sarcastically at him. “But it was nice to see just how well you and Erik’s daughter were getting along in her room. I’m glad at least one of us got what they wanted out of the night.”

  John noticed that Olivia glanced back over her shoulder briefly from where she was in the front seat at the mention of Kari. He winced, and tried to think of something, anything, that he could say in his defense.

  “I thought that... I thought that was why we were there,” he said. “And besides, why do you care what I do, or who I do it with?”

  Natalie crossed her arms and looked at him seriously. John could see the familiar look of motherly protectiveness in her eyes, so different from his own jealousy and selfishness.

  “Sweetie, there is more going on here than I think you know,” she said. “I don’t care. I really don’t. But I’m not sure if you’re making properly informed decisions.”

  The car came to a stop in the driveway of the Ludling mansion. Natalie got out first and hurried up the steps before John could say anything to her. He sighed, and reached for the car’s inner door handle.

  “Is what she said true?” Olivia had turned around in her seat and was looking at him with eyes that were somehow both piercing and vulnerable. “You and the van Katho girl, did you…?”

  John couldn’t lie to her.

  “Yeah. It’s true.” Saying the words caused a painful lump to form in his throat, one that no amount of coughing or drinking water could cure him of.

  “Oh,” said Olivia. “Okay then. You should head inside and get ready for bed, sir. It’s quite late.”

  John wished that he could punch himself squarely in the face.

  Inside his bedchamber, John stripped out of his clothes and began running the water for a shower. It had been a long day, just like so many of the recent ones, and again he found himself at the end of it, tired and confused.

  He was beginning to get the feeling that he was in over his head. Alison Orton had been killed, probably by Erik van Katho, and he had to sit across the dinner table from the man and act as though he had no idea.

  Whatever evidence that Alison Orton had uncovered was more than likely in his hands. John wondered why he didn’t just go public with it, and revea
l to the world what he and his mom had done, and been caught doing.

  And then there was his mom, and whatever lot she was undertaking behind his back. He wondered if she had something to do with it, if there was something she had over Erik, be it blackmail material or even her own sexuality.

  There was a noise from the door to his room. John turned and wasn’t surprised to see Natalie walking over to the entrance of the bathroom, wearing her nightgown and nothing else. John was still naked, and only just barely concealed from view by the steam of the shower. He made no move to cover himself and stood exposed in front of her, feeling almost as though he wanted her to be offended.

  “John…” she whispered. “I’m your mother.”

  “I know that,” he replied.

  Natalie walked closer towards him, stepping into the bathroom. Every step closer to him that she took felt almost like a miniature seduction of its own. John felt more confused by it that he had been all day, and at the same time wanted her to come closer and to leave.

  “I’m just trying to protect you, John,” she said. “To keep you safe from the island, to keep it from taking you, and drawing you in.”

  “I know.”

  Natalie stepped in even closer, close enough that John could make out the outline of her nipples pushing against the nightgown, and savor the sight of her big breasts, so perfect and sexual. His mom looked just as conflicted as he felt, and the sight of her made his cock harden and ache in anticipation.

  “We can’t let other people on the island get between us, John,” whispered his mom. “But we still have to do the things we have to do. You understand that, right?”

  John nodded, and could see from the look on his mom’s beautiful face that she was speaking as much for herself as she was for him. She took the final step forward, bringing herself into his personal space, and then set one of her soft hands on his chest.

  “Mom…” John didn’t know what to say. He stared into her eyes and felt as though his gaze was asking her if what was happening was really happening. Her eyes looked as though they were asking the same thing, leaving no answer to be found between the two of them.

  “John…” whispered Natalie. “Honey…”

  Slowly, but with the loving elegance and calm of a doting mother, she let her hand slide down to John’s cock. He flinched as her fingers made hot contact with it and felt fireworks of pleasure begin to explode in his crotch, and shoot all the way up to his chest and head.

  Natalie kissed his shoulder, and his chest. She hugged him against her for a moment, letting his cheek rub across her big, soft boobs, and then slowly began to sink into the ground in front of him. John’s cock throbbed excitedly. As he felt his mom’s hand begin slide back and forth, jerking him off as her hot breath tickled the sensitive skin of his member, he had to lean back against the wall of the bathroom.

  “Sweetie, I’ll always love you, not matter what,” whispered his mom. She kissed his upper thigh, right next to his crotch. John knew what was coming next, but still couldn’t believe it when it happened.

  His mother gave him another kiss, this time right on the tip of his hard on. John gasped and arched his hips forward, accidentally pushing the head of his cock in between his mother’s lips, and into the realm of intense, forbidden pleasure.

  Natalie pulled back and let out a very cute cough. She smiled up at him, her cheeks red with embarrassment, and then leaned forward and started over. This time, she started at the base of his dick, planting soft kisses all the way up the shaft, and then licking a dot of pre-cum off the tip.

  She stopped for a moment and stared at his member. John couldn’t believe what was happening. He didn’t know what to think, or what to do. He desperately wanted her to suck his cock but knew that she couldn’t, and that she shouldn’t. She was his mother, and he was her son. There were some things that were just wrong in every context, and some lines that could never be crossed.

  He watched as she slowly moved her mouth forward, and then after glancing up at him with eyes full of tender, motherly love, let her lips slide against the head of his cock, slowly slipping down the top of his shaft. John groaned and felt impossible amounts of pleasure begin to resonate inside of him.

  His mom just worked the very tip of it, as though it was somehow less lewd, and more appropriate, for her to not give him a blowjob outright. She kissed it, and gently licked it, and sucked on it, almost as though it were an ice cream cone that she was carefully sculpting the tip of with her tongue.

  John’s breathing was ragged and wild. All of the muscles in his body were brimming with electricity, and he wanted to jump in the air and roll on the ground from the overwhelming sensations that were pulsing through him.

  It felt so good, and somehow, it only made him feel more ashamed and more guilty. His mom was licking and sucking on the head of his cock, making cute little slurping noises as she went, and he never wanted it to end.

  Her breasts were hanging against the top of her gown, and John stared down at them, wondering what it would feel like to push his cock in between them. He banished the thought from his mind but found it impossible to escape, not with his mom’s lips rubbing back and forth on his cock head, massaging it with such care and love.

  It was too much pleasure. John leaned back on the wall of the bathroom, the steam from the shower having filled the room and given the atmosphere an even more illicit air, and felt himself cross over the line.

  “Mom!” he said, urgently. “I, I’m going to…”

  She pulled her lips together tight against the head of his cock and sucked hard, holding it in perfect, pleasured place as he began to cum. Not a single drop escaped her seal, even though John was shuddering with pleasure as his dick began to spurt.

  After what felt like a heavenly, blissful eternity, John’s orgasm faded. He had slid down to the floor without realizing it, too fogged out by the pleasure to even notice, and was sitting across from his mom.

  “You should head to bed, sweetie,” said Natalie. “You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.”

  He nodded and watched as she stood up, fixed her nightgown, and then left the room. John wanted to say something, but he didn’t know what.

  “I love you, mom.” He said it after she’d already left and was out of earshot, but that was okay. It was as much for him to say as it was for her to hear, and John knew in his heart that she loved him too.


  “John, sweetie, you need to wake up!”

  John was unwillingly pulled out of his warm, welcoming dreamscape and into reality. It was early in the morning, on a Sunday. Natalie was standing by his bed, but it took him a moment to feel awake enough to keep his eyes open and turn his head up towards her.

  “Huh, what time is it…?” he muttered. Natalie grabbed onto his shoulder and shook it roughly, wiping a bit of the fog of sleep from his mind.

  “John, you have to get dressed and come downstairs with me,” she whispered. “Something terrible has happened.”

  That was enough to get John’s attention. He had never known her to exaggerate when it came to bad news, and the tone of her voice was serious enough to let him know that he needed to be prepared for the worst.

  “Wait, what is it?” John used all of the little energy he had at such an early time to force himself out of bed and pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Natalie was wearing a small blue sweater and a pair of black yoga pants, and she shook her head when John met her eye.

  “Erik van Katho died last night,” she whispered. “They… suspect foul play.”

  John blinked at her a couple of times, blank and expressionless, before the weight of what she’d said crashed down on him.

  “What? But we just saw him…” John trailed off, watching her nod slowly as understanding dawned on his face. “Last night.”

  Natalie stepped in close to John and pulled him into a soft, nonjudgmental hug. It was exactly what he needed at that moment, but also reminded him of the hard case of mo
rning wood that he was still sporting from having been woken up so suddenly. His entire body felt like it was throbbing and aching as he felt her soft breasts against him, and ground his hardness into her stomach.

  “John, honey,” whispered Natalie. “There is a detective and a police officer downstairs. They want to talk to us.”

  John smiled grimly and pulled back from her.

  “Then we have to go and talk to them,” he said. “Neither of us has anything to hide. If we cooperate, they can catch whoever did this faster.”

  Natalie didn’t say anything for a moment, and then slowly nodded.

  “You’re right.” She smiled at him and rubbed his shoulder. “I’m sorry, John. If I hadn’t agreed to that silly dinner, this probably would never have -“

  “Stop it, that had nothing to do with it, and you know it.” John pulled her back into a hug and became even more acutely aware of just how good her body felt against his, almost as though they had been designed like puzzle pieces, meant to lock in together.

  “You’re right, sweetie,” whispered Natalie. “Thank you.”

  The hug continued on, for one second, and then two, until it had gone on for much longer than it should have. John had pushed his crotch against her and was subtly rocking his hips forward and back. Natalie was doing something similar with her breasts, and rubbing her cheek across his neck.

  “We only ever hug like this when something happens,” she whispered.

  ‘”Yeah… I know.” John was breathing heavy and dry humping her, and he began to get the feeling that if he kept going, he might have an accident.

  “I love you, John,” she said. “And I wouldn’t trade the time we spend together, the things we do, for anything in the world.”

  Natalie finally parted from him, brushing her hair out of her face and smoothing out her sweater. She then turned to the door of his room and John followed after her as she headed downstairs. Sure enough, there were two law enforcement agents waiting for them in the lobby, one that John recognized as Detective Wilkins, the woman who’d been investigating Alison Orton’s case the day before.


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