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Page 15

by Claire Ayres

  “Do you want any food? Or I can take you to bed?” I felt a shudder go through her body when I mentioned bed and wasn’t sure if it was desire or fear. What the fuck had that man done to her to make her react with such violence to words spoken out of concern?

  “Bed, I need to sleep.” Blair pulled herself up into sitting. Before I could stand she reached out and cupped my face in her hand. “There are so many things I want to say to you, most of all I want to tell you how much I want you in my life.” She says, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Kissing her shaking fingers, she places them over my lips in a moment of intimacy between us.

  Standing I take Blair’s hand and lead her to the bedroom. Taking an oversized t-shirt out for her, she takes it and walks into the bathroom to change while I turn down the bed and collect some water from the kitchen for her. When I return with the water she is sitting on the edge of the bed her feet tucked under her chin, her arms wrapped around her legs. Everywhere I look I can see bruises and my heart constricts wanting to be able to stop the pain, to rewind time and prevent her from suffering.

  I place the water on the bedside table and kiss the top of her head.

  “Do you want me to tuck you in?”

  Blair giggles and looks up at me a soft smile on her face. “I’m not four.”

  “I know but I want to care for you, I’m doing the best I can.” I respond “I want you to see I’m here for you, for everything. Even the small things.”

  Blair puts her hand out taking my hand in hers. “I know Mark, it’s why I came to you. All the time I spent alone, trying to decide what I do with this. Not knowing who I could trust the one name which kept coming back to me was yours. I knew even if I had ruined my chances with you, I mean, even if you didn’t WANT me anymore. You would still help me.”

  I crouch, putting us at the same level, “Is that what you think? That I won’t want you anymore?” Blair nods. “Blair, you are all I want. I’ve craved you since the moment we met. I love you. Do you understand? What he did to you doesn’t change my feelings. Does it make me angry? Hell yes it does, not with you though. I wish you hadn’t got involved with him. I wish you had walked away sooner. I wish a lot of things. I am glad you are here though and I’m not letting anybody else hurt you. OK? Now let me tuck you in.”

  Blair lays down a tear escaping which I wipe from her face. I place the covers over her, careful not to pull them too tight, not wanting to press on the bruises, then I lean over and kiss her on the forehead before turning the light off.

  “Mark, where are you going?” she asks through hooded eyes

  “I’ll sleep on the couch.” I respond

  “Stay. Please Mark, stay with me.” She says.

  “Are you sure, I don’t want to push you.”

  “Mark, you’re not pushing I’m asking. I’ll feel safer with you beside me.”

  Unable to resist this beauty I remove my clothes and putting on a pair of lounge pants from the wardrobe I get in the bed beside Blair who falls asleep draped across my chest.


  Oomf I am woken up suddenly by Blairs fist thumping down on my chest.

  “Get off me! No! Stop it!” She screams while she continues to pummel my chest.

  Not wanting to frighten her any more than she already is I manoeuvre myself to cradle her body in my arms and gently strokes her hair while talking softly to her.

  “Blair, sweetheart, you need to wake up now.” As she starts to come around the fear seizing her body starts to dissipate and she looks at me shivering.

  “What happened?”

  “I’d like to ask you the same thing? It was a nightmare, I’m afraid you were reliving something. Blair, sweetheart, did Heath do more than hit you?”

  Blair looks up at him, her eyes glistening like deep pools and nods.

  “We need to report this sweetheart, he can’t get away with this.”

  “I know, I’m afraid.”

  “I know, have you showered since?” She shakes her head.

  “Well done, let’s go now, get it out of the way, OK?”

  Blair nods and changes into her clothes. I order an Uber and get dressed then they both go downstairs to go to the police station where she can give her statement.


  The next morning Blair is tucked back in bed after a gruelling few hours giving her statement and a trip to the hospital to have the rape kit taken. Nothing about the whole morning was pleasant, Blair kept her composure the best she could. She knows this is going to be a tough journey, she’s going up against a world famous rock star she knows it will be tough. I’ve come up with an idea for combatting his fame.

  Deciding to talk it through with his friends before ploughing in head first, leaving Blair sleeping he visits Luka and Jess to talk through what I am thinking.

  “I’m going to take a week or two off of work, I need to be able to support her.” I finish.

  “You know Henry will hit the roof,” Luka says

  “I don’t care, Blair’s safety is more important than my job,” I say.

  “I agree, mate. I’ll smooth things out with him don’t worry.”

  “You’ve done the right thing,” Jess says sniffing back tears. “That asshole!”

  “Oh he’ll get what’s coming to him,” I say “do you think my plan will work?”

  “I think it’s worth a try, the police can only do so much and as you say he’s famous. Hit him where it hurts.” Says Jess “Make sure Blair is on board, this affects her too.”

  “Speaking of, you should probably get back to her.” Says Luka and I nod. Heading back to my apartment. Blair is still deep in sleep, I work on making a nice breakfast for her. Despite everything she has been through, and all of our mishaps getting here, having her in my bed, looking beautiful and peaceful, makes me happier than I can find words for.

  My phone rings while I’m finishing up breakfast and I’m surprised to see it’s my Mum.

  “Hello, Mother,” I say.

  “Mark, thank you for answering, I worried you might not.”

  “I’m not like that Mother. What did you want?” I stand to look at Blair and smile knowing whatever she says she can’t drag me down.

  “I wanted to apologise, the last meal was an ambush, your Father has some grand ideas and it was unfair. I don’t want to lose you Son.” Well, that is unexpected.

  “Does, Father know you’re making this call?” I can’t help but think he wouldn’t allow it.

  “No, he doesn’t need to. You’re my Son too. I’ve always been proud of you. You said you had met someone I would love to meet her.”

  “You would?” The surprise permeates through me

  “Yes, your Father is away next weekend with some of his Peers. Would you come for lunch? Bring her with you? Please.”

  “I’ll ask her, I’m sure it will be fine,” I say, watching while stirs and wondering how she will feel at the idea of meeting my Mother.

  “Wonderful. Thank you, Son.”

  She hangs up and after tossing my phone aside I stride over to welcome Blair into a new day.


  “Blair honey, we can’t hide in here all day, some fresh air will do you good. I’ll be with you.” I’d spent the past hour trying to convince her to go for a walk she had become terrified about stepping foot outside, fearful Heath would see her, or the press would see her. This is what she had become, this strong, confident, take no shit woman had withered in a matter of weeks into a shadow who was afraid of to leave the protection of a small apartment. “OK look, how about for today, we sit on the balcony, you can’t do this every day, or you’ll never go anywhere.”

  “Thank you,” she says, practically a whisper, nodding, then coming to me and giving me a huge hug. “I promise I’ll try harder tomorrow.

  I lead us outside and pick up a couple of blankets and the tea I made to prevent us getting cold while we sit outside on this January day. Then we have a good talk. I share my idea with her for
solving the Heath problem, she looks at me a little shocked.

  “Oh, I don’t know Mark. I’m not sure I want to do that.”

  “I know it seems extreme, and it would be hard for you, it would guarantee he kept away from you though and got what he deserved,” I said taking her spare hand, kissing the palm.

  “Do you really think it could work? I mean aren’t the police enough of a deterrent?” She asks me, I see the trust in her eyes, I have to be sure about this.

  “I do. I think it will be hard for you, however, he won’t walk away from this unscathed. The police are the legal side of things, what I’m suggesting will hit him where it hurts in his ego.”

  “OK, I’ll do it. I trust you, Mark, if you say this is the best way then let’s do it.”

  I know how much trust she’s putting in me right now, I look her in the eye, smile, then kiss her.

  “I’ll be with you the whole time.”

  “I know you will. I trust you, Mark. Completely. I wish I had worked it out sooner and saved us both a whole lot of trouble.”

  We sit there staring out watching people walking up and down the Harbourside, boats sailing and life continuing like normal. When we admit defeat and go back inside I pick up my phone and make the phone call which should change everything.

  “Ava, it’s Mark Huxley, we met at a benefit concert in London a few years ago?” I say

  “Mark Hux…Oh yes, you’re the Cellist.” She says, remembering me.

  “That’s it. Look I was wondering if you still worked at the Post and if you might be interested in an exclusive story?”

  “Yes I do, and what kind of story?” Her voice has perked.

  “Heath Godfrey faking a relationship and abuse,” I say leaving it to hang in the air between us.

  “You are fucking kidding me right?” the tone of her voice is somewhere between horror and childish excitement.

  “Not a bit.”

  “The sweet girl he’s been seeing or I’m guessing pretending to see?” She questions.

  “Yep, she’s here with me now.”

  “Is there proof?”

  “Do bruises count? And a police report.” I mouth ‘are you OK’ at Blaire, she nods, although she’s wringing her hands, I place my free one over hers calming her and giving her someone to grip onto physically and emotionally.

  “Hell yes, would she be willing for us to take photo’s?” We had already discussed this and I knew the answer.


  “OK, text me your details, I’m getting a photographer and coming to you.”

  “OK, And Ava?”


  “Be gentle, she’s had a rough time.”

  “It goes without saying, Mark. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  I hang up the call, send her a text with my address and look at Blair.

  “She’s coming.” And Blair starts shaking.

  “I can’t do it, Mark, I thought I could, but I can’t.”

  I sit down and bundle her into my lap.

  “I’m right here with you, the whole time. You can’t let him have any more control. If you really don’t want to do this, I will pull the plug. I will never force you to do anything. You out him now and imagine how many others you could be saving.”

  She nods and wraps her arms around my neck.

  “You promise you won’t leave me?”

  “Not unless you want me to.”

  I put a film on to relax her and we curl up on the couch enjoying the comedy, laughing and finding reasons to kiss and touch each other. The film has almost finished when there is a knock on the door and we both look at each other.

  “Here we go then.” She says.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Blair sits and watches the door when Mark walks over to answer, then pins herself back into the couch, willing the seat to absorb her and make her disappear when she hears his voice.

  “Blair’s missing. I’m hoping you might have seen her.” Heath’s voice sounds concerned. His ability to masquerade as the loving boyfriend is scarily believable. Mark isn’t falling for it though.

  “She’s not missing.” He responds, holding the door with one hand, his other on the door frame, his body blocking the small space between.

  “Then where is she? I’m worried sick about her.” The act doesn’t drop one iota.

  “Don’t feed me your crap Heath. After what you’ve done to her you have no right to claim any kind of connection to or concern for her.”

  “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Heath’s voice wavers ever so slightly.

  “I’ve seen the bruises Heath and you are lucky I’m holding my temper and not flattening you right now.” Mark’s voice is low, slow, calm, under other circumstances it would be incredibly sexy, right now it’s scary.

  “It’s nothing to do with you what happens between me and my girlfriend.” Heath is agitated, getting angry. Blair can take no more, she knows Mark will protect her and she also doesn’t want Mark getting into trouble because of this man.

  “I’m not your girlfriend Heath, how can you think I would be your girlfriend after the way you’ve treated me.” She yells, and his face turns into the angry clenched monster she became familiar with the evening of the concert. She puts an arm around Mark, comforting him, telling him it’s OK, which only pours fuel on the fire which is Heath.

  “So you ran to HIM? We hit a rough patch and you run to HIM? You fucking whore. After everything I’ve done for you.” He reaches out and grabs her arm roughly, pulling her forward. Blair screams and Mark steps in squeezes his wrist until he releases Blair then he pushes him against the wall in the hallway.

  “You apologise, now!” he spits in Heath’s face, Blair is leaning against the doorframe behind him, watching this man she’s falling in love with battling the man who’s tortured her.

  “Fuck you! You won’t get away with this you know.” Heath laughs in Mark’s face and Mark takes a deep breath.

  “Oh, he will. He’ll very much get away with this.” Says an unfamiliar voice from close by.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Heath rages

  “Oh, sorry, didn’t I introduce myself?” She chuckles. “I’m Ava Montgomery. I work for the Post, and YOU probably earned me a promotion with that dramatic act.”

  Heath’s face paled and Blair could see him trying to work the angle on this, and it was at this moment she realised it wasn’t his PR people who had set everything up, it was him. The whole fake relationship, even the photo’s in the beginning. He had planned everything. She suddenly felt very sick and very foolish, gripping the doorframe, her knees buckling beneath the weight of the truth hitting her.

  “Mark?” She whispered.

  “I’m coming sweetheart.” He said, not glancing back, still pinning Heath against the wall. “Now, are you going to apologise?”

  “I’ve done nothing to apologise for.” Heath spoke through gritted teeth, then turning to Ava “This is all a horrible mistake. My girlfriend appears to have run off with another man and deserted me.”

  Ava rolls her eyes.

  “Let's go and talk, leave Heath to worry about his reputation shall we?” She says.

  Mark lets Heath go and watches him shuffle down the corridor ensuring he gets into the elevator before he turns around and pulls Blair into a hug, letting her collapse into him.

  “I’ve got you now, it’s OK.” He says leading her inside. Turning to Ava, “Sorry about the dramatic welcome, we weren’t expecting him.”

  “No apologies necessary, we got a great shot of him grabbing Blair, which is exactly the kind of proof we need to show his true nature. This is Billy, by the way, he will take a few shots, if you aren’t comfortable talking in front of him, Blair, I’ll kick him out.”

  “It’s OK, everyone will know soon anyway,” Blair says

  “Would you rather get the photo’s out of the way now, or at the end?” Ava says

  Blair looks at Mark,
he strokes her head and holds her hand.

  “This is up to you, I’m by your side whatever you decide you need to do.” He tells her.

  “Let’s do this now, I’m not used to being this side of the camera. Especially looking like a punching bag.”

  “Billy, where do you want to take them?” Ava asks, and they have a discussion about positioning. When they decide on having Blair sitting on one of the stools with a plain wall behind her. She removes her top. Ava gasps, placing a hand over her mouth.

  “OMG, I’m sorry, I had no idea.”

  Blair shrugs “At least it was only the one time, I can’t even imagine what it would be like being tied to a man like him long term, and I’ve had Mark to help me.”

  Once the photos have been taken, they sit on the couch and Ava starts asking questions, after covering how they met and how the fake relationship started. She progressed into what happened after The Blaze’s concert a couple of nights ago.

  “I know this is difficult Blair if you need to stop at any time please say.”

  Blair took a deep breath and started to explain, how enthusiastic Heath had been, how he had looked at her like she was the most important person on the planet. She explained how she loved his friendship, and she felt like she owed him.

  “On many levels we worked, we had fun together, he made me laugh, I know I made him happy. I enjoyed working with the band and I was producing some amazing work. When we were alone, at his place we would curl up watching TV, we like the same shows and movies. We both enjoy the same food and would cook together.” Blair takes a deep breath and Mark passes her a drink. A look of love passing between the two which isn’t lost on Ava. “The problem was when I thought of committing to anybody I panicked at the idea of permanently losing the person I was actually in love with. While it was one thing to go along with Heath’s pretend relationship for his PR purposes, I couldn’t cut off the lifeline to this other person. So, I told him No.” Mark holds her hand and rubs his thumb along her hand. She leans her head against his arm, seeking physical support.


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