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Page 16

by Claire Ayres

  “Are you OK to continue?” Ava asks softly.

  “Yes.” Blair takes a deep breath. “He got angry, his eyes changed it was like I was suddenly trapped in a room with a tiger. I tried to make him understand, all he could see though was I had hurt him, I had let him down and chosen the option which was wholly unacceptable in his world. The angrier he got the more he terrified me, I decided to try and get back to the rest of the band. It was when I tried to leave the room things got bad. Really bad.”

  Ava and Mark watched while Blair visibly disappeared into her mind, the words pouring from her, as she mentally protected herself from what was obviously a devastating attack.

  “He wrapped an arm around my waist, and before I could scream a hand clamped around my mouth preventing me from either screaming or biting. There was a small camp bed in the room and he threw me down on it, using his knees to pin me and not gently. He ranted about me being a tease, about how I had let him believe he had a chance at a future, he roughly pinned my arms while talking about the wedding he had planned for us, where we were going to go on our honeymoon. He kissed me and told me he would forgive my short-sightedness if I would tell him then that I had changed my mind. I remember shaking my head thinking I would be an idiot to take this man, that infuriated him more and he started punching me in the ribs, hard enough to fracture a couple, then he decided he wanted more, whether I was willing to give it or not”

  The last words were barely audible and Blair visibly shrinks into herself, the implication of what she is saying takes a moment to sink in for Ava before she continues.

  “Blair, are you saying he raped you?”

  Blair’s eyes filled with tears, she looks at Mark and nods. He pulls her into his arms and holds her while she cries.

  “Shit,” Ava says, running her hand through her long blonde hair. “You did report this to the police as well didn’t you?” She looks at Mark and he nods.

  “I have a contact in the local police I can call, she would probably try and take lead on this, she’s a good detective and pushes hard on cases like this,” Ava says, and Blair chokes out a thank you. Ava makes a call straight away. Then after putting her phone away asks Blair if she’s OK to finish her story.

  “OK, how did you get away? Seems to me he could have killed you?” Ava asks voicing the fear which has been sitting in Mark’s stomach.

  “Liam, the bassist from the band, he broke into the room and went ballistic. He got me out, apologised about a million times as though he was the one who had done it. He helped me get my things from the tour bus, booked me a hotel and a train for the next day, gave me money for food and ensured Heath wouldn’t know where I was. When I got home I was terrified he would find me, so I came straight here, I knew Mark would keep me safe.” She places her hand on his thigh and squeezes. She realises despite all the horrid things she talked about today, she let the penny drop she loves this man. She looks in his eyes, and all she sees is her own love reflected back, and she knows it doesn’t matter.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I close the door having shown out the detective Ava had called and turn to face Blair, sitting on my couch looking emotionally spent. She looks up and gazes at me, not a word passes between us for several long seconds. I’m in awe of her bravery, her strength. I know she doesn’t feel strong at the moment, she has been incredible, recounting the story several times, going over everything in minute detail for the detective, who recorded it all and is getting copies of the photos taken by Billy for evidence. She says they have to investigate then decide if they have enough evidence to press charges on.

  I finally, push away from the wall and walk over to Blair, kneeling on the floor in front of her, I take her hands in mine and bring them to my lips.

  “Are you really?” I ask her

  “Sorry?” Her face screws up into a cute little ball of confusion.

  “Each time you told your story you said you couldn’t connect with Heath romantically because you were in love with someone else. Are you really?” My heart is beating out of my chest, my nerves have been on edge since the first moment I heard her say those words.

  “Yes.” She says it clear no hesitation. “I love you, Mark. I have for ages.” Somehow through all this negativity, she’s given me something perfect to hold onto.

  “I love you too Blair.” I pull her to me, kissing her head and holding her tight. She pulls away and looks at me serious eyes.

  “I’m sorry I messed up, I shouldn’t have let a rumour get between us, I should have talked to you, explained my own past and insecurities properly. Then we could deal with the whole thing between us. Instead, we’ve now got all this hanging over us.” I take her head in my hands and look her in the eyes.

  “WE messed up, and all of this isn’t your fault. Heath is in the wrong here not you.” I bring my lips down onto hers in a short sweet kiss. It takes everything inside Mark to hold back restraining his own desire to put Blairs needs first.

  She whispers, “I love you.” In my ear and I smile as I hold her close to me knowing one day I will make love to her and wipe those memories from her mind.

  “Move in with me?” Mark whispers in her ear, Blair swivels in her seat to look at Mark.

  “Are you serious?” She asks

  “Never more,” he says brushing a stray hair from her face. “We’ve been through every test possible and we still love each other I can’t think of a better reason to throw caution to the wind and jump in both feet first.”

  Blair looks at Mark a huge grin spreading across her face. “Yes, I must be crazy, but yes.” She giggles putting her arms around him and coming in for another kiss. Mark’s heart skips a beat and he knows he doesn’t need anything else in life I have the woman of my dreams in my arms.


  The week has been long. The story about Heath broke on Monday, the pictures of Blair front page news. It’s been hard for her however she knows it’s for the best and a few other women have come out of the woodwork, telling their story and going to the police which should make the charges stick a bit harder. Speaking of which, yesterday Blair got a call to say the CPS had decided to proceed with charges of Battery and Sexual Assault against Heath in light of her statement and the photographic evidence. It’s going to be a long road, Blair is incredibly strong though and I will be by her side the whole time.

  We’ve been moving her things into the apartment from her flat and it feels much more like a home here with her presence stamped here. I want her to know how loved she is every moment of every day, I don’t ever want her to feel let down, unloved, or hurt ever again. They haven’t had sex yet, Mark is being very careful to let the physical side of their relationship move at Blair’s pace. He has no idea how terrified she must have been however he will wait an eternity for her if it is what she needs. It’s just important for her to know how loved she is.

  So, I’ve arranged a dinner for her tonight, I hope she’s happy with the guests, I’ve invited them especially for her.

  “I’m home.” She calls walking in the door.

  “Hi, Sweetheart. Did you get everything done in the studio?” I pull her into my arms and kiss her.

  “Mmmm, Yeah I did, I’m glad to be back though. The press seems to have backed off now.” She’d had paparazzi outside the studio for a few days, I’d been worried about her going in, she was determined to live a normal life.

  “We have friends coming for dinner tonight go get ready,” I say kissing her head and tapping her butt.

  “Who is that then?” She asks and I raise my eyebrows and walk back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

  An hour later she is helping in the kitchen and there is a knock on the door.

  “Why don’t you get it, Blair. And Sweetheart?” She looks at me. “I love you.”

  She comes and takes my head in her hands and gives me a long deep kiss before she walks to the front door. When she opens it I cross my fingers that I’ve done the right thin

  “Dean!” A smile brightens her face. Then she freezes. “Emblyn.” Then she steps forward and I hear muffled sounds before I hear Dean speak.

  “Come on, let’s take this inside, shall we?”

  As they all walk in the girls are holding hands and Blair looks at me and mouths “thank you” tears glistening in her eyes and I smile having to hold back tears which are choking me. The girls sit down and talk, and Dean comes over to say Hi, I get him a drink before sitting next to him.

  “Thank you, for bringing them together, it’s been too long for them.” He says

  “I agree, she needs her true friends around her, especially now.”

  “What you’ve done for her, I can’t thank you enough. I want to kill the guy for hurting her.” Dean says he’s shaking.

  “Me too, it doesn’t help her if we’re in the shit though,” I say, knowing exactly how he feels, and Blair is worth more than those feelings.

  “How did you contain it, when you saw first-hand what he had done?” he asks me

  “I almost didn’t, my gut reaction was to hunt him down and torture him. Then when he turned up here I almost did. I’ve never had so much self-control before. I had to keep reminding myself it wouldn’t help her. It doesn’t change the fact I still fantasise about stringing him up by his balls though.” And we both laugh, knowing we would probably help each other.

  The food timer goes off and I start serving dinner and the four of us come together to eat.

  “Mark, I’m thrilled about this surprise, how did you find out about Emblyn?” Blair asks me and the rest of us share a look.

  “Remember when I went on tour?” I ask and she nods.

  “We opened in Plymouth and Dean brought Emblyn to the concert.” Her mouth opens in surprise. “We went for a few drinks after then these two tried to help me fix what was broken in our relationship.” She looks at the tears in her eyes. “During the conversation, I found out how close you and Emblyn used to be, and why you cut her off. When we parted Emblyn asked me to reconnect you both when the time was right because she missed you.” I smile at Emblyn and Blair turns to me taking my hand. She leans in kissing me on the cheek.

  “Thank you. Thank you for hearing what she said. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for bringing my friend back.”

  I look at her and my heart swells with love and I know my family have to love her tomorrow because how could anybody not love this woman?


  It is later in the bedroom after Blair’s friends have left the most surprising thing of the day happened. Blair approaches me and lifting herself up on tip toes she takes his face between her hands and kisses him with a passion which ignites a fire in the pit of his belly.

  “Sweetheart, you can’t kiss me like that. I’m trying to keep a lid on things here.” I say holding onto her hands, kissing her palms.

  “I don’t want you to keep a lid on things Mark, I want you to love me. Make love to me Mark, erase the memory of what happened.”

  I look deeply into her eyes, glowing emeralds, her cheeks flushed.

  “Are you certain?” and she nods, all the encouragement I need as my mouth claims hers and I sweep her up into my arms and carry her the final few steps to the bed.

  I lift her sweater off then starts kissing her shoulders, paying attention to the fading bruises, kissing each one, showing her love where she’s been abused. Removing her bra, I take her breasts in my hands and massages them, continuing with the kisses, she moans making my hard-on press against his jeans in desperation.

  I undo her jeans and take them off, her small panties the only thing she is wearing, after a slow and delicious kiss I cup her pussy and can feel how wet she is through her panties, she gasps and rolls her head back.

  “Oh Sweetheart, I’ve been dreaming of this,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Me too.” She says, “Fuck me, Mark.”

  An unnatural growl comes out of me, then lowering her panties I go to my knees and takes my mouth in for a feast. Biting and sucking I push my girl to the point where she has her fingers knotted in my hair and is screaming. When I move up and kiss her she’s trembling.

  Ripping my clothes off, I notice Blair watching me with what looks like admiration. I take a condom out of the cabinet and after putting it on I lift her hips and enter her in one swift movement. She gasps, wraps her legs around my waist and brings her hands up to grip my upper arms. This time we don’t fuck, we don’t have sex, we gaze at each other in the eyes the whole time, we truly make love. I have never experienced anything like this before, something so emotional and while I am pumping and she’s responding, both of us building to climax we are completely connected, body, heart, and soul.

  As she hits orgasm, I feel her tighten around my dick and it finishes me off. We both clutch each other until it’s over then she kisses me.

  “I promise, I will protect you, Blair.”

  “I know you will. I should have trusted you from the beginning.” She snuggles into me and we fall asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Blair feels a knot of nerves which are making her feel desperately sick, Mark reaches across and squeezes her hand before taking the gear stick as he steers the car into the driveway of his parents home.

  “You grew up here?” She asks him, taking in the large Tudor style house. No, correction, it’s a mansion.

  “Yes, I hate this house.” He says no hint of insincerity in his voice.

  “How do your parents afford this?” She asks, his Father is an MP and despite the arguments about how much they earn, they don’t earn THIS much.

  “Inheritance, this house and the family money have been inherited for a few generations.” Mark looks at Blair with sincerity.

  “Wow, you?” She says looking a little overwhelmed

  “Possibly depending on the mood my Father is in today, or tomorrow. We have a rocky relationship. I’m not interested in my inheritance though, I never have been.”

  “I love you, Mark Huxley.” She says staring into the darkest depths of his eyes.

  “I love you too. Are you ready to face my Mother?”

  “If I have you by my side then I guess so.” She smiles, and they exit the car and walk to the large black front door hand in hand.

  Mark lets them in and as he closes the door and takes Blair’s hand again a woman walks into the entranceway with blonde hair in a messy bob, beige trousers and a beige tunic with chunky bracelets on each arm, she’s wearing canvas shoes on her feet and she smiles brightly.

  “Darling you came.” She pulls Mark into a hug “Is this her?” She gives Blair an assessing look.

  “Mother this is Blair, my girlfriend,” Mark says and Blair feels a shiver of pleasure at the title of girlfriend.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Mrs Huxley,” Blair says putting her hand out to shake hands, Mark’s Mum has other ideas and pulls Blair into a hug. Blair’s arms fall to her sides her eyes widen in shock.

  “Blair, what a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl and please call me Maria.” She says. “I’m pleased to finally meet you.” Pulling away she starts walking and Mark shrugs at Blair. “Now come on both of you. We have appetisers to tide us over until lunch is ready.”

  They follow Maria through to a reception room where Mark leads Blair to a couch where they can sit together. He takes her hand and whispers in her ear.

  “She’s not usually this cheerful, I don’t know what’s got into her.” Blair kisses his cheek and shrugs her shoulders, thinking cheerful and nice are better than what she expected.

  Maria returns and has a maid bring some appetizers into the room, she takes a seat opposite and smiles at the pair.

  “Blair, please, tell me what do you do?”

  “I’m a photographer, mostly weddings,” Blair replies picking up a glass of water.

  “How wonderful, you are creative like Mark then?”

  Blair looks at Mark and he
r heart soars, they smile at each other.

  “Yes, I guess you could say that.”

  “Blair is very talented, Mother, she took the photographs at Luka’s engagement party and they are outstanding.”

  Maria sits back in her chair and nods.

  “How did you both meet?” Blair looks at Mark and he takes her hand.

  “We have a mutual friend who introduced us at a dinner party. We knew straight away we were meant to be together although it took us a little while to sort ourselves out.” He chuckles and runs a thumb over her cheek. Blair looks back in her lap, consumed by how much love she has coursing through her body right now.

  “It’s clear you’re very much in love, both of you. I wish your Father could see this.”

  “See what?!” Comes a voice from the doorway. Blair looks up and a stern man in his fifties is standing there, wearing a black suit and looking incredibly unhappy. “What are you doing here Mark?” He demands

  “I asked him to come.” Maria stands. “I wanted to meet Blair, and to see our Son.”

  “Well, I guess you’re here now.” The man states, no emotion in his voice and Blair finds herself moving in front of Mark making herself a human shield to protect him against this man, the complete opposite of the woman they were talking to moments before.

  “Come on sweetheart,” Mark whispers in Blair’s ear starting to stand and taking her hand.

  “Mark, please don’t leave.” Maria cries, looking crushed at losing time with her son.

  “Go on go.” Spits his Father.

  Blair turns and puts a hand on his chest. “Honey, think of your Mum here, she really wants some time with you. I’d say your Dad is outnumbered right now.”

  His breathing is heavy as he stares deep into Blair’s eyes and puts his forehead against hers.

  “Can we do this? With him spouting hot air?”


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