A Stranger in My Window

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A Stranger in My Window Page 4

by J Benito, C; Renzi, Federico;

  — And Jud?

  — During the sixties in one of the communities hippies, met Straush. She had developed a cancer and wanted to live his last days in peace, luckily Straush knew convince her to accept this new life. As you've found she is the joy of the clan. Karsacry is the oldest of the clan after Straush, comes from Africa, especially Moutulo a kingdom disappeared. His name means loyal warrior and I can assure that the name comes just perfect. Straush converted Irynae and his brother Láyonel during the French Revolution. They were sons of a count; he saved from the guillotine, though he did not make them until they were age more in line with their future immortal life.

  —Irynae have a brother?

  — Yes, why are you surprised? - Julius laughed -. Láyonel is the right hand of Straush.

  — Why do not I have never seen?

  - He runs a club in downtown Chicago, from there maintains control of the city. Serves as eyes in the shade to Straush.

  - Maintain the control of the city? - Wondered Logan surprised.

  - The house of shadows is the clan that rules the rest of the families of Chicago.

  — Wow nor you will escapees from the Government!

  - So is. Everything must have an order and someone to ensure that the balance is maintained. Not all vampires are like us. Some do not hesitate to kill to drink the blood of humans.

  - Does that do not do it all?

  Julius looked at him shocked and somewhat offended.

  — We do not do those things, we have clinics where is paid for donating blood. It's a good cover, to provide a continuous supply of blood. In this way, we avoid that vampires attack humans.

  - If so. Why Irynae tried to kill me?

  - Irynae has not killed a human in his life. Before disposing of clinics, we drank blood from animals. I do not understand because she attacked you, but it certainly was not to drink your blood.

  Logan was confused. Why attack him then?

  - And Strausch?

  - He is a mystery; some say he was a general of the Roman Empire, other consul. He is very tight with his past, but I tell you is he's a great leader.

  — Julius really I appreciate that you take the pains to give me any explanations and ... always treated me politely. But you do not know me. I'm the most selfish, self-centered and interested person you've ever met.

  — Well, I do not think that Jud think the same. - Julius objected.

  - I do not know what's wrong with you. When I'm here, I'm different, it's like I am two different people.

  - The question is which of the two people you want to be?

  Logan nodded and after saying goodbye to him, and left. He abandoned the mansion, opened the gate and went out. He wanted to walk and think.

  On the way home, he bought some food and some extra things. Walking down the street, to see people living a normal life ignorant of the true reality, seemed to him frightening. Live believing that humanity dominates the world and his future, while in the shade the vampires forgive us the life, while leaving us to play to have will free.

  An old man walking a Yorkshire on the street, several couples joked about a film they had just seen. Most shops were closed or about to close or soon everything would be calm. He raised his hand to see a cab approached, and did not need to go home but made her feel more normal. OK, now he longed to be a normal human, and ordinary.

  Once home, he puts the burger and chocolate cake on the kitchen island. After a good shower, he pulled out a beer, opened it and left it with food. He took the other bag and went to his bedroom. In return, he was surprised to see Irynae sitting on a stool across the island.

  — Well well I believed that for today you'd already had enough of me!

  Irynae just looked at him, as she picked up the beer and took a swig. Do not seemed to get any taste, nor enjoy it, put it back where she found her and looked at his mobile.

  Logan did not understand why she was there. He sits in front of her and grabbed the burger. He gave a good bite, like a child taught him to Irynae chewed food, still watching something in mobile. Irynae look at him, but Logan shut his mouth, as stopped looking at him he opened his mouth, she looked at him and closed his mouth, the process was repeated five times, until the last time he opened his mouth she he grabbed his chin and forced him to close his mouth.

  — You're always so immature and clown!

  — The truth is I'm smart enough, educated and polite, but you bring out the worst of me. - He said gulping the food in his mouth and taking a swig of beer -. You 're always so bland, serious and boring?

  Iryna looked at him, his eyes narrowed to give away one of his expressions of anger, that do not in the least impressed Logan.

  After finishing his dinner, he threw the remains in the trash and went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and entered the bedroom. He took off his clothes, remaining in slip. He lay down and closed his eyes.

  — So you treat your guests?

  - You are not invited me, rather my jailer.

  - Irynae lay down beside him. Thing that Logan expected.

  See those beautiful green eyes scrutinizing at herwhile her black hair falling over his face. - Logan had to concentrate.

  - By the way, I bought you something. - Logan said.

  - For me?

  - Logan pulled a string; he was placed over his body, leaving his arms and chest beneath it. It's not tied, just left above her. Irynae tried to remove it, but it was sprinkled with rose oil, which made her lose strength. A person so strong was helpless with only contact only an impregnated chain, a harmless substance to humans.

  — Let me go! I'll rip your head!

  - Fight all you want, but I do not release you. Before you owe me an explanation.

  Chapter 9

  — Why did you attack me the night we met?

  - I was hungry.

  - Save the lies. Julius told me about blood clinics.

  Irynae cocked her head to avoid his gaze. He did not want to tell him the real reason for his visit.

  — Well. I hope you're comfortable because I'll leave it there as long as necessary. I think I'll go for drinks.

  Opened the closet looked pants and a shirt.

  - You will not be able?

  — Try not to scream a lot, I do not want any trouble with the neighbors. - Logan replied as he grabbed the clothes and prepared to leave the bedroom.

  - It's okay I'll tell you! But that will not stop I shatter you when as soon as release me.

  Logan threw the clothes on a table and lay down beside her.

  - Shoot! - He ordered.

  - That's what I want. She said Irynae.

  Logan winked an eye, while inviting her to talk with hands.

  - Before being converted, I lived with Straush in a house in the country. My brother and I, we had a quiet, yet very humble life. Every day my brother took care of the small garden and animalsbecause were our only livelihood. I for my part does the housework and once or twice collected water from a nearby creek. We did not have the comforts of today; I do not remember ever being so happy at any other time of my life. One afternoon down by the tiny road to the creek when I encountered two soldiers. They were dirty and hungry, they must come from some detachment camped nearby. It was typical of those times, sending more soldiers to force peasants to provide supplies. To my dismay not just hungry of food or thirsty of wine. At the time of seeing me, they looked each other and they quickly grab and get me out of the way. They tore my clothes, until I was naked. I cursed them, begged them, but nothing mattered, could do nothing but wait for the inevitable. A man with blond hair and sophisticated look approached them and invited them to leave. His clothes were luxurious and carried a gold-handled sword. The soldiers not only laughed at him, but also asked him to hand them the sword. I could see how his eyes were transformed, it was as if they were on fire. He showed fangs like a vampire. The soldiers first fired their muskets, and then used their guns, but this strange man was unmoved, even when the bullets pierced his flesh. W
hen the soldiers drew their swords, he did the same. A single setback, they cut off his head at two. He wiped the blade of his sword and sheathed. Then he took off his jacket and offered it to me to cover me. He ran his hand down my face, stroked my hair and took me by the hand. He accompanied me to home and disappeared never saw him again. When Straush made me, I told him the story. His face reflected a great concern, said that vampires do not have the eyes of fire that should have seen evil because of nervousness. But I'm sure of what I saw.

  — A very good story. Drama, sex and a hero.

  Iryna looked at him full of anger.

  — And what this story has to do with who you try to kill me?

  - Because the man was just like you. Responded Irynae.

  — You do not suppose that I...

  - Of course not Stupid! But I'm curious to know. I followed you for months until I checked you were not like him. You just spend you to come out with superficial women and give a life of luxury.

  Logan looked at her for the first time was hurt to be told the truth in the face. He stroked his hair and swallowed, could not believe that at this point was so sensitive.

  — Seriously you cannot move? The chain is only leaning in your body, do not I have attached.

  — His contact immobilized me. - Said Iryna frustrated.

  Logan approached her until their bodies touched, ran his hand over the collar of his shirt and put his lips to hers.

  Irynae trembled, was defenseless and at his mercy.

  — Because as you say I have no moral of your hero, I could take advantage of you at this very moment.

  Irynae looked at him, part of her wanted to kill him for his boldness, but another wanted to kiss her. She did not know if she felt something for him or was only desire, but every day that passed near him, that feeling grew stronger.

  Logan fasten the top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned during the struggle.

  — You're right, I do not look anything like that guy and I'm a real bastard. The truth is that no woman with common sense would go out with me. But you can be quiet, I would never abuse of you. - Logan said as he grabbed the chains and threw them across the bed. He sat on the bed with his back to Irynae. She got up, was adjusted the clothes and walked toward him. She picked up his hand and asked him to get up. They stood facing each other, eye to eye with a look full of desire.

  — I'm not a woman with common sense. - Irina said as he hugged his neck and kissed him passionately. Logan could not believe they were kissing really were not stolen kisses, were kisses full of desire.

  Iryna moved away ready to leave.

  — Stay! - Logan begged to her.

  - I can not! Strauss needs me. - She kissed him again, stroked his cheek and smiled at him. It was the most bright and beautiful smile that never Logan could ever dream to see.

  Irynae jumped to the window, threw a kiss with his hand and jumped to the roof of front.

  In the mansion, Strauss hit his desk furious. He turned and pulled a bookcase and threw it against the opposite wall. Karsacry simply head down and shut up.

  — I never thought that the darks come back! - Shouted Strauss -. Now hundreds of them through the streets of Chicago, killing humans. Infecting them.

  - Can I talk to with Láyonel and organize a raid. On a night, we would eliminate more than half. Replied Karsacry.

  Strauss pointed the finger to Karsacry.

  - Do not underestimate them. They are weaker than we are, but act in droves and do not know mercy.

  - I will not have mercy on them. - Karsacry said.

  - It's okay. Alerts Láyonel, to organize the clans so that they are ready to act.

  Karsacry bows his head and leaves the room. Walk through the gallery to a balcony, from which jumped to the outside patio. For a moment, he looked at the moon, then jumped the garden wall, and ran off down the street.

  Logan lies down on the sofa, he turned on the TV and changed again and again channel. He found a replacement of a series of science fiction, the kind of spacecraft and Martians. Although it was quite mediocre, he stared. He needed to distract his mind to not think about what happened that night.

  Far from there a tramp dragging a shopping cart full of stuff, memories of a past life, perhaps happier. He wore a coat that hung to his feet and a wool cap on his head. He grabbed a bottle of wine he had into cart and took a sip. All his clothes were covered with dirt, his unkempt beard and remnants of food stuck. In his fifties looked older, his foul smell frightened to everyone who crossed his path, some even changed either sidewalk for fear he was a criminal or for disgust.

  The tramp went into an alleyway where several dumpsters. He left the cart and opened the lid of a garbage can that belonged to a restaurant. He rummaged inside something to eat, but it was so muddy remains of tomato and mayonnaise, which caused him nausea. He found a half-full brick wine, and smiled faintly.

  — Today, it must be my lucky day!

  Four shadows rushed against him. A vampire bit him in the throat, which prevented him screaming. He fell to the ground while another vampire dug her teeth into his arm; two came to join the feast. As wild animals pounced on their prey, one other bit his stomach opened its mouth and tore the right thigh of the tramp. Blood gushed from the body of the poor wretch. Those vampires were different, they had no ears, just a hole in his place, his nose was tiny and his jaws opened a completely unnatural way.

  The four vampires rose up at once, as dogs trained to listen to the call of his master. They jumped onto the roof of one building and walked away disappearing under the cover of night. In the alley, the tramp shattered and bleeding went into convulsions until finally he died.

  Chapter 10

  Julius was sitting opposite at the fireplace off, remembering his life, his discoveries ... his wife and daughter, for which he watched in the shade until the day of his death. It was hard to see them grow old, while he was still young, how his wife remade her life with another man. The death of his daughter, knowing he had grandchildren who never know or at least have relationship with them.

  He took a glass of blood and took a small sip, missed the taste of alcohol. Now he could only taste the blood, the cursed blood.

  Jud was lying on the bed of his bedroom, staring at the open closet, trying to choose what to wear. Since the advent of the Gothic movement, chose to wear that style, it seemed appealing and funny at once. She connected his ipod, searched music charts to find his favorite singer Marilyn Manson. She soon moved for the bed, raising his arms and danced.

  In his office library, Strauss gave a book on his desk and walked in circles around the room. He was restless the attacks on humans might discover his community that for centuries had been in absolute secrecy. If humans discovered his existence, the fear would unleash a war of incalculable dimensions. He stroked his chin while his sharp mind, trying to devise a plan to avoid that apocalypse.

  Tony finished the swords for Logan. The polished with conscience and set them on a metal table. He searched through some drawers until he found the latching mechanism he needed. He anchored the sword blades in the handles. Extends his arms with swords tightly clasped and press a button half hidden. The leaves fell back on themselves until they disappeared into the handle. - Perfect! - He exclaimed. He turned out the lights and went to sleep in his small apartment in the warehouse. Karsacry was crouched, watching the shattered tramp. So for him, it was a gruesome spectacle. He got up and ran, as heard the police sirens.

  The darks had returned to the city after more than three hundred years without acting.

  Logan grabbed a whiskey bottle, unscrewed the cap and threw it to the ground. He took a long swallow, but could not hide his disappointment. Alcohol did not affect him, so it does not get forgotten or at least cloud his mind for not to think.

  Iryna had given to him a real kiss, long gone are the provocations. He remembered again and again when asked to stay. He needed to be with her, as irrational as it seemed, that vampire had gotten him want to liv
e. Now he felt the illusion of seeing a new day arrive with the hope to see her and spend as much time as possible together.

  I could not believe the words that were drawn in his mind he was in love? The cold and womanizer. For the first time he felt a chill that ran down her spine. If she had followed and investigated, also know than as individuals was not worth much. But she had kissed him that must mean something. In any case, she had changed but it was not clear whether for better.

  Iryna arrived at the mansion, on the advice of Julius went to see immediately Straush.

  When she opened the door of his office, she was astonished to see Straush sitting on his desk with his head in his hands; she had never seen him so worried.

  - You wanted to see me?

  Straush looked up and smiled. Irynae my favorite, my girl.

  - What happen?

  — I fear to lose you, I fare that I lose everyone. - Strauss said, looking away again.

  - But will you tell me what the hell?

  - The darks ... we thought were killed, but they are back. They have begun to kill in Chicago, Karsacry tries to locate his colony and Layonel organizes the clans. We are in war. Another damn war!

  Iryna approached to Strauss and embraced him. For her Straush was the closest thing to a father and caused her great sorrow to see him so sad.

  - We will finish with them. - Irynae said, stroking her hair.

  - ... But at what price? - Said Straush.

  In the apartment Logan half-naked, left the whiskey bottle on the glass table of the room and walked to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator, looking for a bottle of water when he heard footsteps in the hall. He smiled, his lady had known better. He got out of the kitchen with a smile on his lips, but the joy was short.

  A look almost human being stared at him, with his small and cold eyes. He was surprised that did not have ears and regarding the nose not that was very well equipped, stood his white face and head without hair. All striking compared to its black suit kimono type two parts. When the creature opened his mouth to show their hideous maw, Logan was speechless.


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