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Shadow Knights

Page 21

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  He glared at her, then took another sip of his wine, stalling. “I’ve been told to stand down. The Knights are going to allow Eldon to take over Axian. After all, he’ll have it one day anyway.” Bitterness seeped through each word.

  “And what’s to happen with my family?” Nara asked, setting her fork down.

  Ackley shrugged. “The Knights said if Henrick won’t take the throne, then he is not their concern. Their focus is on protecting the vast majority of the people in this kingdom. You,” Ackley tipped his goblet toward Henrick, “clearly don’t give a rat’s tail what happens to the people who live and work here.”

  “I do care,” Henrick insisted. “That’s why I’m standing down. Sometimes it takes more courage to not say anything than it does to pick up a sword and fight.”

  “What you call courage, I call giving up.” Ackley stood. “I’m done. Lady Reid, I need a moment of your time. Now.”

  Reid followed him from the room, feeling everyone’s eyes on her. She’d been set to argue that Ackley was a prince and outranked them, but then she realized they were all on equal footing. By leaving with Ackley so readily, she’d inadvertently implied that her loyalty was to him. She groaned.

  Out in the hallway, Ackley turned left, entering a sitting room Reid had never been in before. He closed the door. “We need to talk.”

  “I gathered that.”

  He plopped on the sofa, rubbing the nape of his neck, his expression vacant.

  “Ackley?” Reid asked, sitting next to him and rubbing his back. “What’s the matter?” She’d never seen him like this before. He usually kept his emotions hidden away.

  Shoulders hunching forward, he shook his head. “Everything is a mess.”

  “Talk to me.” Ackley always had a plan. And a backup plan. And a backup plan for the backup plan. Nothing rattled him.

  He peered up at her, his look freezing her in place. “I suspected, but I didn’t truly think it possible.” His eyes glazed over with a sadness that pierced right into Reid’s heart, gutting her.

  She took hold of his hand. “What’s the matter?” she asked, not really wanting to know.

  “Eldon killed my father. I’m certain of it.” He squeezed her hand, seeming to need to anchor himself to something. Anything.

  Reid held on tightly. “Why would he do that?” she asked, trying to make sense of what he’d revealed.

  “To be king.”

  What kind of person killed someone just to inherit the throne? Reid pinched the bridge of her nose with her free hand. It felt like a thousand rocks had landed in her stomach. “The assassins in the forest and the castle?”

  “Eldon hired them to kill Gordon, Idina, and myself.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Because she didn’t know what else to say. She’d suspected Eldon was trying to eliminate all contenders for the throne. To have it verified was another matter entirely. “You’re his half brother. You have the same mother.” Did Leigh know?

  “When Idina figured it out, she told our mother. Mother believed it impossible, so she confronted Eldon. Gordon, Idina, and I were present. He denied everything. And then my mother divulged the truth of his birth to my siblings. She told them about the letters, which she revealed she had in her possession. Eldon demanded she hand them over. She refused, saying if all he said were true, then he should trust her with them. He was so furious he wrapped his hands around her neck and squeezed. Gordon stopped him.”

  “Is your mother okay?”

  Ackley nodded, rubbing his face. “Idina is taking care of her.”

  “They’re not still at the castle, are they?” If they were, there was nothing and no one to stop Eldon from trying to kill Leigh again.

  “No. I sent Idina and Mother somewhere safe.”

  Relief filled Reid. “Good.” As to where they would be safe from the king, Reid wasn’t sure.

  “Eldon knows the letters aren’t here in the palace.” He squeezed her hand again. “Which means he has no further use for you either.”

  Thankfully, Reid wore her father’s ring. With it, the king couldn’t hurt her. If he did, she could call on the dukes to rise against him. “I’m aware Eldon is on his way here for the wedding. Is he going to seize the palace when he arrives?” Or would he come back and do it at a later time? Was this visit just for the purpose of seeing what he planned to conquer and solidifying how? She couldn’t imagine an army coming into this beautiful city and destroying it.

  “As far as Idina and I have been able to piece together, that’s his plan.”

  Reid figured as much. “What can we do to stop him?”

  He released her hand and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his legs while his hands covered his face. “The Knights ordered me to stand down.”

  Reid rubbed his back again, wondering who called the shots for the Knights. Anna? “I didn’t ask what the Knights are going to do. I asked what we’re going to do.”

  He chuckled, the sound humorless. “You’re not going to do anything.”

  “What are you planning?” she asked, cold fear slithering down her spine.

  “I’m planning to avenge my father’s death.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ackley’s words rang in the air. He planned to assassinate the king without the support of the Knights. “I think you need to talk to Dexter,” she whispered. Since Dexter also planned to kill the king, they should work together to coordinate the assassination. The chance of success would be much higher.


  She didn’t want to violate Dexter’s trust, but she would be helping Dexter by telling Ackley this vital information. “You’re both planning the same thing.”

  “It’s not his place.”

  “Of course it is,” she said, curling her legs under her. “Eldon plans to invade Axian. Dexter has a right and a duty to protect his people and his land.”

  “Eldon is my brother.”

  “He’s just as much Dexter’s brother as he is yours.”

  “Eldon killed my father.”

  Doing something purely out of revenge was never the right reason to kill. However, she couldn’t tell him that when he was vastly more experienced in the art of murder than she was. “Having grown up with Eldon, knowing him so intimately, could you actually kill him? What’s that going to do to your mother?”

  “Reid,” Ackley whispered, reaching out and clutching her hand again. “There’s so much I need to tell you.”

  “Right now, we need to focus on the future and come up with a plan.”

  The door clicked shut. Reid glanced over her shoulder. Dexter and Colbert had entered the room.

  “Explain what you mean by focus on the future,” Dexter almost snarled as he prowled closer, his eyes zeroing in on Reid and Ackley’s joined hands.

  Ackley chuckled softly. “Easy there, cousin.” His face instantly transformed from sulking to aloof indifference.

  Reid removed her hand from Ackley’s. “We’re talking about working together instead of independently since we all have the same goal—to eliminate the king.” She looked pointedly at Dexter. “If we pool our resources, we may be able to pull this off.”

  Dexter blinked, his shoulders relaxing ever so slightly.

  “I think that’s wise,” Colbert said as he sat across from Reid. “But before we discuss anything further, I want to be clear on who the new king will be.”

  “I’d like for Henrick to take over,” Ackley said. “Gordon isn’t ready for the responsibility, nor has he been groomed for anything other than leading soldiers.”

  “I’d like for my father to be king as well,” Colbert said.

  “Then that part is settled,” Ackley said. “We kill Eldon, crown Henrick, and everyone lives happily ever after.”

  “There’s only one problem,” Dexter said as he sat next to his brother on the sofa. “My father doesn’t want to be king.”

  “He may not have a choice,” Ackley said. “Marsden needs a ruler. Henrick is the legitimate ruler w
hether he likes it or not.”

  “Do you think Prince Gordon would make a bid for the throne since he’s Eldon’s heir?” Colbert asked.

  “I highly doubt it,” Ackley responded.

  “So we agree then?” Reid said. “Henrick will be the king?”

  They all nodded.

  “Since that’s settled, tell me what you have planned,” Ackley said.

  Dexter rubbed his face. “Before we get to the planning part, I want to know what’s going on between the two of you.” He waved his hand, gesturing between Reid and Ackley. Reid could only gape at Dexter, stunned he cared more about discussing a relationship that didn’t exist than planning the future of the kingdom.

  “What do you mean?” Ackley asked.

  “Please explain your relationship,” Dexter said, carefully enunciating each word as if speaking to a daft child.

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Ackley asked, cocking his head to the side, a sly smile on his lips.

  Reid was about to answer that they were just friends when Dexter spoke again.

  “Reid is my fiancée, and I care about her. Not only that, but if we’re going to work together, I’d like to understand the nature of the relationship between you and her.”

  Ackley stretched his arms out along the back of the sofa, obviously trying to rile Dexter up. “I still don’t know what it is you’re asking.”

  “Like hell you don’t,” Colbert mumbled, shaking his head. “Is he always this difficult?” he asked Reid.

  She rolled her eyes. “Always. And just so we’re all clear, there’s absolutely nothing going on between me and Ackley, especially of the romantic type. We’re just friends.”

  “Friends?” Dexter repeated.

  “Do you have a problem with that, cousin?” Ackley asked with a smirk.

  “I don’t like to make decisions when I don’t have all the information,” Dexter explained.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re jealous.”

  “Maybe I am.”

  Jaw dropping at the admission, Reid decided to intervene. “He recruited me.” She tapped the spot on her arm where her sleeve hid her tattoo. “Ackley is the brother I never had.”

  “That’s good enough for me.” Colbert looked to his brother for confirmation.

  Dexter inclined his head. He took a deep breath, releasing the tension from his body. “Our preliminary plan is to assassinate the king on his journey to Axian. I want him dead before he reaches the City of Radella. There’s a narrow stretch of road that’s an easy place to set up an attack. I’m thinking of sending a group of fifty men. They’ll hide in the hills. When the king arrives, they’ll strike his carriage with special arrows I’ve had made. The carriage should catch fire. If the king steps out, attempting to get away, he’ll be shot dead.”

  “Gordon is coming with five hundred men. How do you plan to handle the soldiers who attack the archers?”

  Dexter smiled. “They won’t be able to. For almost half a mile, on both sides of the road, the cliff is so steep no one will be able to climb it to reach my people.”

  “What about my family members?” Ackley asked.

  “Tell them to travel ahead or behind the king, but not with him.”

  “Are Leigh and Idina coming?” Reid asked. She didn’t think Ackley would want them anywhere near Eldon after he’d tried to kill them.

  Ackley’s eyes softened as he regarded her. “They’re staying with Duke Ellington.”

  Ackley trusted Reid’s father enough to leave his mother and sister in the duke’s care? “Then it’ll just be Gordon?”

  “Gordon will ride with his men. Harlow and Dana will be in the carriage with Eldon.”

  Reid stood and started pacing behind the sofa. “I don’t wish to kill either woman.”

  “Really?” Ackley asked, peering at her. “I thought you’d relish in the opportunity to kill that sorry excuse of a woman who’s as plain as a piece of bread.”

  Reid whacked Ackley on the back of his head. “That was completely unnecessary.”

  “So was hitting me.” He chuckled. “You can’t tell me you don’t fantasize about smashing her face into a table. I do. Regularly.”

  Leaning over the back of the sofa, she whispered in Ackley’s ear, “I haven’t thought about Gordon or Dana since I left northern Marsden.”

  Abruptly, Colbert stood. “I need to get back to work. Prince Ackley, do you approve of the plan?”

  “Yes, although I want a few adjustments made to lessen the casualties.”

  “Agreed,” Colbert answered. “Dexter and I will work to get a revised plan to you within twenty-four hours. Dex—are you heading to the training yard?”


  “Good,” Colbert said. “Take Prince Ackley with you. I think you both need to spar to work off some of your excess energy. Lady Reid, come with me. We have work to do.”

  Reid followed Colbert before Ackley or Dexter could argue otherwise. Once safely in the hallway, she thanked Colbert for his quick thinking.

  “I actually want to talk to you about something personal.” He led Reid to his office, where Finn was stretched across his dog bed, wagging his tail.

  Reid bent to pat his side.

  Colbert closed the door. “Have a seat.”

  Raising one eyebrow, she lifted her hands. “Where?” The sofa was covered with blankets and both chairs were piled high with books.

  “Sorry.” He grabbed the books off one chair, setting them on the floor.

  “Be careful you don’t hurt yourself,” she said, taking a seat on the now-empty chair.

  “I’m healed.” As if to prove it, he touched his stomach where the wound had been.

  “Care to tell me how that happened?”

  “Not really.” Sighing, he plunked onto his desk chair. “It was stupid of me.” He drummed his fingers on the wooden surface. “Tell you what, I’ll answer your question if you answer mine.”

  She studied him, trying to decide if it was worth it. “Deal.”

  “The incident happened on your first night here in the palace. While Dexter was escorting you here, I was monitoring a group of men who’d arrived a few weeks prior via a ship off our eastern coast.”

  “Men from Melenia?”

  “I believe so.”

  “Why did you let them into Axian?”

  “I wanted to see where the twenty-five men intended to go, so I had them followed. They’d been steadily traveling west toward the palace. When the group started to head north, the soldier I’d tasked with following them reported that one fell ill, so three were staying behind at an inn. That night, when Dexter arrived with you, I made the mistake of telling him this. Since the inn was only two hours east of here, he wanted to go see for himself. Even though it was the middle of the night, we jumped on horses and rode straight there. We found one man sick in bed, the other two drinking in the tavern. Dex approached the two in the tavern, trying to strike up a conversation. The foreigners had thick accents.”

  Colbert folded his hands together on top of the desk. “Dexter demanded to know why they were there. He pulled out a knife, pointing it at them. The ill man chose that moment to come downstairs. He saw the knife aimed at his friends, so he withdrew his own dagger and threw it. Dex never saw it coming. I jumped in front of the dagger.”

  “You could have been killed.” Although Reid would have done the same thing for one of her sisters.

  “I know. It was stupid. But all I could think about was that Axian needed Dex more than it needed me. I managed to turn just as the dagger hit me. It slid across my ribs instead of lodging in my flesh.”

  “You’re one lucky man.”

  “I know.”

  “What happened to the foreigners?” She assumed Dexter would have done as Ackley would and slaughtered them.

  “In the chaos, we lost them. Dexter was too worried about me to bother with them. The man I had watching them disappeared. I’m hoping he’s still tracking
them, although I can’t be sure because he hasn’t sent any reports since that night.”

  “He could be dead.” Which would explain why they hadn’t heard from him.

  “Yes, that is a possibility.” He leaned on the desk. “I’ve told you how I got hurt—which, by the way, you cannot mention to my mother—so now it’s time for you to tell me what you can about Ackley.”

  “There’s nothing to tell that you don’t already know.” Did Colbert think she hadn’t been truthful with him and Dexter?

  “He likes you.”

  “As a friend. That’s all.”

  “No.” Colbert shook his head. “He wouldn’t tease you like he does if he didn’t care for you.”

  If he cared for her, it was along the lines of a little sister. There had never been and would never be anything between her and Ackley. She felt no attraction to him in that way, and he’d made it perfectly clear he was married to his job. “It’s a moot point,” she said. “I am marrying your brother.”

  “I thought maybe there was something I didn’t know.”

  She extended her arm across the desk, palm up. He took hold of her hand. “There is nothing between Ackley and me. We are friends, that’s all.”

  “Can I offer you a word of advice?”

  “Of course.”

  “Talk with my brother. Assure him there’s nothing between you and Ackley.”

  “I’ve already told him.” Dexter’s reaction to Ackley had seemed normal to her. After all, she’d felt threatened by Gytha even though Dexter had already ended things with the woman. And he hadn’t talked to Reid about it, so she didn’t know why she had to talk to him about this.

  “And that, my dear Reid, is why I’m giving you advice. Please take it. I know my brother well. And, not to be rude, but you lack common sense when it comes to things of this nature.”

  Her face flushed, and she fidgeted. “Fine. I will have an awkward conversation with your brother. But I’m sure he won’t care. He’ll probably think me daft for even bringing it up.”


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