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Shadow Knights

Page 22

by Jennifer Anne Davis

“We’ll see.”

  Reid entered the royal family’s private sitting room. Gathered around the low table, Dexter, Colbert, and Ackley all spoke in hushed whispers. When she closed the door, all three turned her way.

  “Don’t stop on my account.” She came in and sat down, glancing at the map on the table.

  Dexter rolled it up. “The timing will be key. I’ll go ahead and get my men into position.” He stood, then headed to the door.

  “Where are you going?” Reid asked.

  “Colbert can fill you in.” He left with the map in hand.

  “I’m going to head out, too,” Ackley said. “I should be back in about a week.” He practically ran from the room.

  “What am I missing?” Reid asked, bemused.

  Colbert leaned back against the sofa, sighing. “Dex left to meet with our men who are going to carry out the mission.”

  “The men from the other night?”

  He nodded.

  “Are any of them soldiers in the army?” she asked.

  “No. They’re all citizens of Axian. They do not work at the palace and are not soldiers in the army.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “They are highly trained men and women who are not attached to the royal family in any way.”

  That made sense. “Are you okay?” She moved to sit next to him. The dark lines under his eyes made it appear as if he hadn’t slept in days, and his skin seemed unnaturally pale.

  “I’m fine. Just worried. The plan for assassinating the king is a solid one. But some factors have me concerned.”

  “Such as?”

  “The men from Melenia. Where are they? Ackley thinks he knows, so he’s leaving to investigate.”

  “Dexter isn’t going with the group, is he?” She didn’t know what to call them—rebels?

  “No. He’ll be back in a bit.”

  The door opened, and Nara entered. “Lady Reid, how are your ribs?”

  “Much better.” They were sore, and it still hurt to move too much. However, Reid couldn’t sit around doing nothing any longer. Not when the king was on his way, an assassination plan was in the works, and she was getting married soon.

  “I was hoping you’d say that. I need your help.” Nara approached the narrow bookcase in the corner of the room.

  “What are we doing?”

  “You need to be able to exit the palace quickly in case something happens.” She waved Reid over. “On the right side of this bookcase, there is a lever. Raise it, and it unlocks the door.” There was a clicking sound, then Nara pulled the bookshelf toward her, revealing a dark corridor. “There are a series of hidden passageways between the walls. It’s time you learn your way around here.” She stepped into the darkness.

  Reid spent the following week working alongside Nara. The princess wanted to make sure Reid knew her way around the palace—including the servants’ hallways and the vast array of hidden corridors Reid hadn’t known existed. Nara explained they’d been designed for a takeover. It not only allowed the royal family to quickly exit if need be, but it also allowed for their soldiers to infiltrate the palace. Once Reid could navigate the entire residence in the dark, Nara made her memorize what rooms the guests were staying in as well as where those rooms were located.

  Nara didn’t know about the assassination. Or, if she did, she pretended not to. Reid assumed the wedding would still take place even though the king would be dead. Regardless, they both went on as if everything were going according to plan.

  Reid saw little of Henrick, Dexter, and Colbert. They were all busy making their own preparations for what was coming. Henrick spent most of his days bent over endless contracts and correspondence from the dukes and prominent families throughout the county. Dexter practically lived at the military compound, training and planning with his soldiers. Colbert rarely left his office.

  After tossing and turning in bed for a few hours, Reid shoved her covers off and crawled out of bed. She padded across the room to her window. Pushing the curtain aside, she gazed out into the night at the beautiful city before her. Most windows were dark at this late hour, the moon just a sliver in the sky, and the stars bright and numerous.

  For some reason, her mind whirled in a hundred different directions. The wedding, the assassination, the layout of the palace, the tension radiating from Nara, and the unknown all weighed heavily on Reid. She missed her home and her family. She missed knowing what each day would bring.

  “You’re awake,” a deep voice said, startling Reid. Ackley stepped into her bedchamber.

  “When did you get back?” She hadn’t seen him since that morning a week ago.

  “Just now.” He joined her at the window, smelling of horse and sweat.

  “What is it?” Something was wrong. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have come to see her in the middle of the night.

  He ran his hands through his hair. “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.”

  A deep foreboding settled into Reid’s stomach. “What is it?” she asked, not really wanting to know.

  “Melenia soldiers. Hundreds of them.”

  Her legs went weak. She went over to her bed, leaning on the edge of it. “Where?”

  “Just south of the Modig Mountains. With that many armed soldiers, they’re about ten to twelve days away.”

  By bringing another kingdom into this, she feared Eldon planned on overthrowing the dukes. If he were bold enough to do something like that, he’d have total and complete control over Marsden. And Reid’s flimsy ring and marriage to Dexter wouldn’t save her. “What are we going to do?” They needed to inform the Knights. Even if the assassination went off without a hitch, the army would still be here.

  “Everything was going according to plan,” he mumbled. “Then my brother had to go and make a deal with Melenia. I did not see that one coming.” He shook his head. “Let’s go and wake the others. I’d say we should play dumb and confront the soldiers. However, they’re carrying the king’s banner. Attacking them would be the same as attacking the king.”

  She led the way to Dexter’s suite, thinking about all Ackley had just revealed. After knocking, she waited.

  The door opened a crack. “Reid?” a groggy Dexter asked.

  “We have a problem.”

  He opened his door wider, glancing between Reid and Ackley. She quickly told him what Ackley had seen.

  “I feared something like this would happen, and I already have a plan in place,” he said. “Ackley, you look exhausted. Go get a few hours of sleep. In the morning, we’ll tell the others before going to the military compound to move forward with the necessary preparations.”

  “I could use a little beauty sleep,” Ackley said, pushing off the wall. “Reid, I’ll walk you back to your room.”

  Dexter reached out, taking hold of Reid’s arm. “I actually want to talk to Reid for a moment. I’ll make sure she makes it safely back to her suite.”

  “That’s probably for the best. I wouldn’t want to accidentally fall asleep in Reid’s bedchamber and get everyone in a tizzy.” Whistling, Ackley strolled down the hallway.

  Shaking her head at Ackley, Reid stepped inside Dexter’s suite.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dexter led Reid over to a sofa where they sat next to one another. With the curtains pulled back, the stars provided a hint of light. Similar to Reid’s suite, there was a door to the left leading to his bedchamber, and another to the right presumably to the bathing chamber and privy.

  Reid twisted toward Dexter, then froze. He wore a robe, the front open to expose his chest. Making sure to keep her eyes on his face, she swallowed, not sure what to say. His hair stuck up in every direction, and Reid had the sudden urge to run her fingers through it. Instead, she folded her hands.

  “Did you want to discuss something?” she asked. She’d been in such a hurry to warn him that she’d completely forgotten her robe. However, her nightgown covered her neck and arms. She hoped he couldn’t see her chest through the thin mater

  He scanned her body before quickly averting his eyes. When he rubbed the nape of his neck, Reid noticed the hint of scruff shadowing his jaw. A simmering desire started to build in the pit of her stomach.

  “No,” he replied, his gravelly voice sending a shiver through her. “I’ll be honest—I just didn’t want Ackley walking you to your room.”

  The conversation she’d had with Colbert replayed in her mind. He’d suggested she assure Dexter that her relationship with Ackley was platonic.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled. “That’s probably not what you want to hear. You don’t need some overprotective, jealous man around. I’m not usually like this. It’s just that Ackley brings out this side of me.” He reached forward, taking her hands in his. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re jealous of Ackley?” There was nothing to be jealous of.

  He nodded. “You two are obviously friends. I’m jealous we don’t have the same easy rapport with one another.”

  She was about to say she’d known Ackley longer. However, that wasn’t the issue. “I feel comfortable around him,” she admitted.

  “And you don’t with me?” he asked, a hint of hurt lacing his voice.

  “When I first met you, you threatened to kill me.”

  He chuckled. “I wasn’t serious.”

  “How was I supposed to know that?” Again, that wasn’t the only reason she was awkward around him. In the semi-darkness, she couldn’t see his eyes. It emboldened her. Taking a steadying breath, she said, “I’ve never been physically attracted to Ackley, so talking to him is always easy.” She held her breath, awaiting his reaction.

  His grip on her hands tightened, and he reared back ever so slightly. “Are you implying you’re attracted to me?”

  Her entire body warmed. Whether it was from her close proximity to Dexter, the fact he was holding her hands, or that she had a clear view of his chest and stomach muscles, she couldn’t be sure. But holy hell, she needed some fresh air. She tried pulling her hands free, embarrassed she’d just admitted her attraction to him.

  He gripped her hands even tighter. “Don’t run away.” He slid his hands up her forearms to her elbows, holding her in place. “This entire time, I thought the attraction was one-sided. I didn’t think you wanted anything to do with me,” he murmured, his hands gliding to her shoulders.

  Was there a fire raging in the hearth she couldn’t see? Maybe in his bedchamber? Something that gave off a tremendous amount of heat? Wait—did Dexter just admit he was attracted to her? Her eyes widened.

  Reaching up, he gently trailed his fingers from her forehead down to her cheek. He pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. “Have you…ever been with a man before?”

  She shook her head, not sure her voice would work right now. Obviously, she’d never had a gentleman court her since she’d been raised as a man. She’d never even had someone look at her the way Dexter was now. Her toes curled.

  “I feel like I need to be honest with you,” he said. “I’ve been with a few women before.”

  She tried scooting away from him, but his hands slid down her arms to her hands, holding on firmly.

  “I’ve never been in love before,” he continued. “And I’ve never been intimate with Gytha.”

  That admission surprised her since he’d had a relationship with the woman.

  “I knew she cared for me, so I didn’t want to encourage those feelings. The women I’ve been with haven’t meant anything to me.”

  Reid needed to get out of his room so she could process all he’d revealed. She didn’t know how any of it made her feel. For some reason, the most prominent feeling was utter embarrassment. It was difficult enough acting like a proper lady when she barely knew what to do. However, kissing or being intimate with a man? She knew even less about that. While her sisters had told her some of the basics, she’d never had an in-depth conversation about pleasing a man. At times like this, she wished her mother were still alive to guide her.

  What she couldn’t figure out was why they were having this conversation now. They wouldn’t be married for another two weeks. And hadn’t they decided not to share a bed right away so they could get to know each other before they slept together?

  Why was it so hot in Dexter’s room? “I should go back to my bedchamber,” she blurted out. She’d almost forgotten that Melenia soldiers were on their way to the palace. In the morning, there would be a lot to do to prepare for the upcoming invasion.

  “I’ll walk you to your room.” He took her hand and stood, pulling her up alongside him.

  They exited his suite and headed to hers, neither speaking. When they reached her door, Dexter released her.

  “I’ll admit, you make me nervous,” he said. “I never know how to act around you.”

  “Just be yourself.” She didn’t want him pretending to be someone he wasn’t.

  He shook his head. “What if I told you that, as myself, I want to shove you against this wall and kiss you?” He took a step closer to her. “What if I told you I want to join you in your room? That I want to slowly strip your nightgown off until your bare skin is revealed to me?”

  Gasping, Reid’s back hit the wall, her eyes widening in shock.

  He chuckled. “See? I’ve scared you.” He took a step away. “I never know whether I should be gentlemanly or not. If you’ll appreciate that or take offense if I don’t treat you as an equal. You’re infuriating, confusing, beautiful, and intriguing. No one has challenged me the way you do, Reid Ellington. And since we’re admitting things we shouldn’t, I can’t wait to marry you.” He leaned down, gently placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. “Goodnight.” He left Reid there.

  Knees weak, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to run and tackle him or slip into her bedchamber and lock the door. Maybe both.

  The following morning, Reid dressed and exited her suite, about to head to the dining room when she came face to face with Gytha. “What are you doing here?”

  “Funny, I ask that question about you all the time,” Gytha replied.

  Reid rolled her eyes.

  Gytha sighed. “Prince Dexter assigned me to be your personal guard.”

  “I don’t need to be protected.”

  “I told him the same thing. But neither you nor I have a choice in the matter.”

  Reid always had a choice. She headed to the dining room with Gytha on her heels. Thankfully, the woman remained outside when Reid entered. The entire family and Ackley were already eating.

  “Dexter,” Reid said as she took a seat at the table.

  “Just humor me,” he answered.

  “Couldn’t it be anyone else?”

  “She’s the best.”

  “I know. But she hates me.”

  “What are you two talking about?” Nara asked.

  “Dexter assigned Gytha as my personal guard.”

  Colbert chuckled. Ackley’s eyes narrowed. Henrick seemed confused.

  “That’s an excellent idea,” Nara said. “With the king coming and this threat from Melenia, you should have a guard.”

  “Please,” Dexter said. “As soon as Melenia is dealt with, you won’t need a guard anymore.”

  Reid swallowed the ten nasty retorts on the tip of her tongue, knowing they wouldn’t help her case. Because she couldn’t say she was capable of defending herself in her condition. Until her ribs were fully healed, she was vulnerable. “Does anyone else in the family have a guard?”

  “You’re not familiar with the city and countryside like we are.” Dexter set his fork down, leaning forward on his arms. “I don’t know what Melenia intends to do. I may need to take my army out to stop them. I can’t lead my men if I’m worried about you. Yes, you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself and you probably don’t need a guard, but I want you to have one. Please, do this for me.”

  “He’s right,” Ackley said. “You should have protection. A female guard is an excellent choice. And I’ve met Gytha.” A wicked smile spread across his face. “I
like her.”

  Of course he did. “I’d enjoy seeing the two of you fight,” Reid said. “I’m not sure who’d win.”

  “I would,” Gytha called from the other side of the door.

  Reid groaned while everyone else laughed.

  “Does this mean you’ll cooperate?” Dexter asked.

  She nodded and grabbed her fork, stabbing her eggs with more force than necessary.

  As soon as she finished eating, Dexter asked her to accompany him to the military compound. He told Gytha she could have the next hour off since he would be with Reid. When they were by the lake with no one around, he informed her the king should have reached the pass yesterday where the assassination would occur.

  “Does that mean King Eldon could already be dead?”

  He nodded.

  Walking beside Dexter, she tried to imagine what the assassination would have been like. Did the king suffer? Would anyone miss him? Reid wasn’t sure the queen would care. “When will we have confirmation?”

  “I was hoping we would have it before breakfast.”

  “Do you think something is wrong?”

  “If I don’t have word by supper, then yes, I will know something is wrong. I’m going to try not to worry until then.”

  She shivered, hoping everything went according to plan. With the king dead, would Melenia return to where they came from?

  They entered the military compound, then went to Dexter’s office. “I thought you should know we received a letter from your father. He said he won’t sign the marriage contract until I’m named my father’s heir.”

  Reid had figured as much. “Does your father know?”

  “He does. Once the letter came, we showed it to Father, hoping he’d change his mind. He said he wanted to talk to Eldon first.”

  “If Eldon is dead, your father will have to change his heir.”

  “True. However, when Ackley told Father that Melenia is marching toward us and they are in league with Eldon to overthrow him, he signed the papers. I am officially my father’s heir. He sent word this morning to your father.”


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