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Dogtags and Cowboy Boots

Page 14

by Sean Michael

  "Fuck, kid. Look at that." Rig got hold of him, squeezing and rubbing.

  "I guess I know why Jackson's wife wanted them," Dick murmured, pushing back into Rig's hands.

  "Uh-huh. You have to go soon?"

  "I'm not going anywhere with this hard-on."

  "Oh, shucks." Rig's hands slid around, thumbs rubbing his cock.

  He leaned back into Rig, moaning softly. "Oh, don't stop."

  "Promise." Rig's mouth found his shoulder, teeth scraping.

  He shivered, loving the focus, the way Rig was really turned on. That was proved by the hard bulge rubbing against his ass, pushing against him.

  "Fuck me?" he asked, rubbing back against Rig's cock.

  "Hell yes." Rig tugged his shorts down, kneeling behind him, tongue sliding on the small of his back.

  He whimpered, a shudder going through him. "Oh fuck, Rig." Leaning forward, he spread his legs some, hands finding the edge of the dresser.

  "Uh-huh. Let me just..." Rig spread him, licking him, getting him good and wet.

  "Rig!" He cried out, body going tight and then hot and then loose, letting Rig's tongue in.

  Rig started fucking him with that hot tongue, pushing deep and hard. Dick panted, trying to catch his breath, Rig just sending him soaring. Rig groaned, the sound vibrating against him. His knuckles were white he was holding the dresser so hard, just holding on and flying.

  Rig backed away, working his own belt buckle open. "Want you. Fuck."

  He nodded, looking back, watching Rig undo his jeans. "Hurry. Please."

  Rig was hard, cock dark and dripping, wanting him.

  He whimpered, licked his lips. "Fuck."

  "Yeah. Now. Hold onto the chest of drawers, now." Rig lined up and pushed deep, hands hard on his hips.

  Dick gasped, locking his arms in place as the heat set him on fire.

  "Fucking perfect." Rig worked him hard, tugging him back on that cock, fucking the hell out of him.

  He let Rig move him, pushing back into the thrusts, the pleasure traveling his spine and settling in his balls. Rig reached around, hand finding his cock and pumping in time, driving him crazy.

  "Fuck! Gonna come. Rig!" His whole body shook, Rig rocking him.

  "Come on. Come on, now. Fuck." Rig shoved in hard, just taking him.

  He cried out, bucking as spunk sprayed out of him.

  "Yeah. Yeah." Rig slumped down against him.

  "Oh, fuck. That was amazing." He kept his elbows and knees locked, trying to catch his breath, loving Rig's weight on him.

  "'s good. So good." Rig rubbed one cheek against his shoulder.

  "Mmmm... yeah." He had to agree. And maybe he had to keep the skin tight shorts after all.


  They'd spent the entire fucking day doing underwater maneuvers and it had been faster to just come home than to change with everyone, fight for the fucking showers, and wait on transportation back to the base.

  Rock couldn't wait to get out of his fucking wetsuit.

  It had been awhile since they'd done this and he'd obviously added a few pounds of muscle since then, because his suit was fucking tight. He was not looking forward to getting out of it. Of course that's where one Nurse Roberts came in...

  He let himself in starting to feel like a raisin needing peeling. "Rigger! Where the fuck are you?"

  "Kitchen." Rig wandered out, drying his hands on a towel. "I finally got the ice maker working ag..." The low drawl faded, Rig's eyes going wide, lips parting.

  Oh, that was a good look on his Rabbit. Grinning he pulled the zipper down to his navel. "You wanna give me a hand?"

  "Uh-huh." The towel dropped to the floor, Rig's gaze hotter than fire.

  He could feel himself getting hard and damn it, that wasn't going to help the removal, not one little bit. Still, Rig would help him get out of the suit because that gaze meant Rig was wanting him.

  "Look at you... Fuck that's..." Rig walked over, reaching out, petting and stroking him. "Gotta get this off."

  "Uh-huh." He could feel the touch but not the warmth of Rig's fingers through the suit and that was a damned shame. He gave Rig a wink. "There's safe sex and then there's going overboard."

  Rig's laugh just filled the air, honestly tickled, husky, sexy. No one loved his jokes like his own personal redneck. The man just made him feel good, from head to toe and all the stuff in between. If Rig wasn't already his... well Rig was though, there was never any question of that.

  He ran his fingers through Rig's curls, his cowboy needed a cut. Made it easy for tugging Rig in for a kiss though. His mouth landed against Rig's, tongue pushing in between the soft lips. Rig opened right up, sucking on his tongue as the rubber suit was pushed off his shoulders. Purring, he let one hand down to grab Rig's ass and give it a squeeze before letting his arms hang loose so Rig could work the rubber down off his arms.

  "Beautiful son of a bitch." Rig got his arms free, fingers moving to touch his belly.

  He flexed the muscles under Rig's fingers. "Yours," he muttered.

  Those grey eyes met his, sharp and clear. "You know it. Came across the country just for you."

  He nodded. "I know."

  He grabbed the bottom of Rig's t-shirt and started tugging it off over Rig's head. Then they were belly to belly, rubbing and hot, Rig moaning at the touch. His hands worked their way into the back of Rig's jeans, no mean feat considering how tight the man wore them, and he had a double handful of the sweetest ass ever. Rig stroked his balls through the rubber, the touch barely there, too gentle.

  He spread his legs a little, growling when that made the rubber awfully tight and didn't help. "Gotta lose the suit."

  "Yeah." Rig went down to his knees, hands working the rubber down, cheek on his cock.

  He moaned softly, hand dropping to Rig's head. "Am I wrinkled up like a prune?"

  "Just a little damp." Rig nuzzled his balls, breath hot and good on his skin.

  "Nothing wrong with a bit of damp."

  He spread his legs a bit, which wasn't helping Rig get the wetsuit off his legs, but it sure as fuck was giving Rig more room to get to his balls.

  "Sexy fucker." Rig licked and kissed, driving him crazy.

  "You know it." His hips started moving, encouraging Rig, just wanting.

  "Mmhmmm..." Rig nuzzled in, lips open, tasting him, tongue touching him.

  "Fuck, you're something else." Something special and he knew enough to just hold on. One hand slid around Rig's shoulder, the other kept moving through the blond curls.

  Rig's eyes were closed, entire focus on him -- his prick, his skin, his balls. Fuck, yes. His cock throbbed, his balls just beginning to ache in that perfect way they did. His Rabbit knew every inch -- knew when to take it slow, when to give it up. Knew how to show that the man loved sucking him.

  He spread his legs a little wider, finding a comfortable place to stand, a stance that would let him rock and let him stay standing when things got intense. He hummed and purred, stroked Rig's head.

  The tip of his cock was worked, slow and careful, lips moving on the ridge, tongue pushing into the slit.

  He shuddered, jerked. "Fuck, yes!"

  Rig moaned, tongue carefully fucking the tip of his cock.

  His hands tightened in Rig's hair, on his shoulder. "Jesus fuck, Rig. Gonna make me fucking explode."

  Rig's answer was to gently squeeze his cock, spreading the tiny opening of his prick, tongue pressing a little harder, a littler deeper.

  "Fuck. Fucking shit, Rig!" He shuddered, so fucking close.

  One more hard push then Rig's mouth dropped over his cock like a ton of bricks. He just gave it up, hips snapping, pushing his cock all the way in as he came hard. His Rabbit just drank him down, pulling hard and swallowing. He held on tight to Rig's shoulders, knees locking so he didn't fall as that talented mouth pulled out one aftershock after another.

  "Mmm... So good." Rig's eyes were warm, dancing.

  He nodded, touched Rig's bottom lip. "Fuc
king good."

  Rig kissed the tip of his fingers. "Mm-hmm."

  He purred, stroking Rig's face. "You wanting, Rabbit. Needing a little of this?" He pushed his cock along Rig's cheek.

  "You know it." Rig nuzzled, stubble just rasping against him. "Every inch."

  "It's all yours. Every fucking inch."

  "You fucking know it." Rig helped him get the rest of the way naked, hands sliding on his legs.

  He hummed, stepping out of the wetsuit, feeling like the fucking stud he was. "Where do you want it?"

  "Sofa? Bed? Shower? I'm easy so long as I get it."

  He chuckled. "I could go for your ass in the shower. I feel all rubbery."

  Rig grinned, let Rock help him up. "Let's go, Blue. I'll help you find the soap."

  "Oh, you will, will you? I guess I'd better drop it a time or two then." He chuckled, tugged Rig in close for a long, deep kiss.

  Rig cupped his jaw, leaning right into the kiss. He purred into it, hands busy on Rig's jeans, working them open, off. Rig was hard, hot, cock leaking for him. He grabbed hold of it, stroking nice and slow.

  "Oh. Oh, fuck yeah." Rig rippled, lips open, tongue just wetting them.

  "Fuck you are one sexy fucker, Rig." He took a step or two toward the shower, tugging Rig along by his cock.

  "That's not a leash..." No, but it was hard and heavy in his hand.

  "You sure about that?"

  "Uh-huh." There was a hint of that dark ink, those trimmed pale curls around that dark prick.

  He growled a little. "Forget the shower I'm doing you over the couch."

  Rig groaned, belly going tight and flushed.

  "Come on, Rabbit. Your ass is mine."

  "Yeah." Rig bent over the back of the sofa, ass offered right over, pretty as you please.

  He leaned over Rig, mouth finding that spot on his Rabbit's neck as he reached for the lube under the sofa cushions. Rig spread and wiggled, rubbing against him.

  "Sexy fucker," he muttered, sliding two slick fingers into Rig's ass.

  "Yours." Rig pressed back, took him in. He loved that, the way Rig just gave it all up to him. Always had, always would. It had been true from the start.

  "More, Blue. I'm needing it." Those long fingers dug into the couch cushions, hips rolling.

  He pushed in another finger, stretching wide, admiring the way Rig's body sucked him in and begged for more. "You're not going to be happy until it's my cock."

  "I know what I need."

  "Yep. Good man."

  Rock let his fingers come out and lined up, waiting just a moment, feeling Rig's asshole jerking against the tip of his cock, wanting him in. Then he pushed, nice and slow, letting Rig feel every fucking inch. The moan he got was pure pleasure, Rig nodding, just taking him in deep.

  Rig was tight and hot and still just the most perfect fucking lay...

  Groaning, Rock stopped when he was all the way in, his hips tight against Rig's ass, his hands on Rig's hips, just holding on as Rig's back rippled for him.

  "Made for this." The words were soft, serious.

  "Made for me." With that he pulled back and pushed in again, hard and sure.

  "Yes!" Rig's body went tight, squeezing him and making him moan low.

  "Fuck, yes." Moaning, he set up a good rhythm, fucking Rig hard and fast, just like they both wanted.

  Skin slapping, both of them right there, into it. There was nothing like it. Nothing at all.

  He just watched Rig's body ride his cock, hands tight on his Rabbit, the sensations so fucking good. A dull red flush started crawling up Rig's spine, their motions getting faster, harder. He slid one hand down around Rig's hip, finding that hard, needy prick and wrapping around it. Oh yeah, it wouldn't be long now. He pushed as hard as he could, just giving Rig everything.

  Rig's cries came faster, little needy sounds just filling the air.

  "Give it to me, Rig. Give me what I want."

  "Oh. Oh, fuck yes." Rig jerked, squeezed, come pouring over his hand.

  He roared as Rig's body milked his cock, pulling the spunk right out of him. He came hard, body just shaking with the pleasure.

  "Mmm... 's good." Rig moaned, leaned against the sofa.

  He bent over the long back and kissed Rig's spine, breath puffing from him. "Fucking good."

  "Uh-huh." Rig just nodded, body holding him.

  Warm and smooth, silk against his skin. This sure beat the wet-suit. Any fucking day of the week.


  All of his old jeans were too loose.

  All of them.

  So after his shift at the hospital, Rigger went to the mall and bought two more pair and a couple three t-shirts that might actually fit.

  Then he stopped in the mall bathroom and changed, looking in the mirror. Damn. He was down to his college weight. Maybe high school. The tight jeans? Looked incredibly not fucking bad.

  He stuffed his other clothes in the bag and headed out to the pool hall where he was supposed to meet his men. Rock and Dick were already playing, the kid laughing at something Rock had said. They sure did look fine together, two studs and all his.

  He got himself a beer and wandered over, avoiding the crowds, making a beeline for the marines. Dick saw him first, happy welcome smile going all wide-eyed and hot. Rock took one look at Dick and turned to see what had him flustered. Rock was better at hiding his reactions in public, but his Blue gave him a slow once over and whistled.

  "How's it hanging, marines." Oh, yeah. Tight jeans.

  Rock grinned. "Well it was loose."

  Dick laughed, eyes wandering between his chest and his crotch. "Damn, Rig."

  "Now, come on boys. You've seen me in jeans before..."

  "Yep, but I haven't seen you in a pair that tight in quite awhile," Rock noted, reaching out and touching his nipple ring through his t-shirt.

  His eyes went wide, nipple and cock going hard. "Wouldn't... wouldn't want my men to lose interest."

  "No chance there," Dick said, eyes still wide, hot on him.

  Rock shook his head, flicking the ring again before leaning back against the pool table. "No chance at all."

  Rig licked his lips, took a deep drink of his beer to wet his whistle. "Whose shot?"

  "Huh?" asked Dick.

  Rock chuckled. "Your shot, kid."

  "Oh!" Dick blushed, but kept looking at him. "I got distracted."

  "Yep, that'll happen." Rock gave him a wink.

  Rig just blushed, feeling sexy as fuck, feeling good and hot and wanted.

  Rock grinned and tugged him to the side. "Come on, kid. The sooner we're done, the sooner we can get home and..."

  "Oh, fuck yeah. Take your shot, Pretty."

  Dick nodded and bent over the pool table, ass wriggling and shifting.

  "Mmm... look at that..." Rig grinned, watching. "He is a fine young man."

  "Yep. Learned how to shake it from the best, too." Rock was splitting his attention between the two of them, looking hot and horny.

  "Well, then there's you." He let himself just admire. "You're... damn."

  Rock stood a little straighter, all but flexing for him. "You know it."

  Dick managed to sink one ball before scratching the next. He bounced up, admiring both of them. "I'm the luckiest guy in the place."

  Rig grinned, rolled his eyes. "Y'all had supper already?"

  "Just muchies shit. I'm wanting a real steak when we get home. On the grill. After we check out the fit of those jeans."

  Dick grinned at Rock and nudged him. "Go ahead and take your shot so I can sink my last ball and win."

  "Mmm... you cooking the steaks, Rock? I'll make dessert." The reward for pretending Rock's steaks were better than his was worth it.

  "If that dessert is chocolate pie, you've got a deal."

  "I don't know," Dick put in. "I'm thinking I want a Rigger Cream for dessert."

  Rock chuckled and shook his head. "That's for appetizers. And before bed drinks."

  "Sounds perfect." He fi
nished his beer. "Come on. We'll call it a tie. Let's go home."

  It was a testament to the jeans how quickly his marines put the testosterone over the game aside to hustle him out of the pool hall.

  He grinned. "Who's riding who. I mean, with who?"

  Dick giggled and Rock chuckled. "You'd better take the jeep yourself, the kid and I will stay out of trouble without you in the truck. Promise."

  "Okay. I'll meet y'all at the house." He made sure to sashay all the way to the Jeep, hips just swinging. And didn't he just feel their eyes the entire way and when he looked back? Their tongues weren't quite hanging out, but they were definitely drooling.

  Fuck, yeah. He still had it.

  He hopped in the Jeep, turned the music up loud and sang all the way home, hot and hard and happy. Rock's truck was on his ass the whole time, not close enough to be tailgating, his Blue had the distance just gauged perfectly to be as close as possible without being dangerous. As it was, they were all at the front door pretty much at the same time, his marines both sporting impressive bulges.

  He opened the door, going to let the dogs out, first thing. His marines were still right behind him, Rock pushing up against his back, Dick coming around to rub against his front.

  "They can stay out the back while we take care of some edges," growled Rock.

  "Mmmm... good plan." Fuck, this was his favorite place on Earth, between his marines.

  "Rock's always are," murmured Dick, mouth meeting his, open and eager, tongue inviting his to play.

  Rock's mouth found his neck, found that sweet spot on his neck that just went straight to his cock and made his balls ache. He whimpered, diving into the kiss, tongue fucking Dick's lips, ass pushing back against Rock.

  Two sets of hands worked on his clothes. His t-shirt was tugged up, his jeans yanked down, and then Dick and Rock undressed each other as well, at least far enough that they were all rubbing skin on skin together. Rock's cock slid along his crease, leaving wet trails and Dick had a hand wrapped around their two cocks, stroking them together.

  "Mmmm." His eyes rolled, thighs parting as much as he could, rocking between them.

  "Fuck, those jeans are sexy," murmured Dick against his mouth, hand working faster, thumb teasing the tips of their cocks.

  Rock just grunted, hands at his waist.


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