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Dogtags and Cowboy Boots

Page 15

by Sean Michael

  "I'll buy four more pairs."

  "Isn't the jeans," muttered Rock. "'s man in 'em."

  Oh. Oh. He reached back, touching his Blue, his moan saying everything he needed it to.

  Rock grunted at his touch, pushing harder, driving his cock through Dick's hand. That fat prick teased along his ass, promising a good hard fuck. He rocked between them, just shaking for it, cock weeping and wet against Dick's belly.

  "Come on, Rabbit," murmured Rock. "Give it up for us. You know you want to."

  That had Dick whimpering, his pretty jerking, heat splashing between them.

  "Always want y'all. Fucking always." He arched stretched, needing them.

  "Show us," growled Rock, two fingers pushing between his asscheeks and into him.

  Spunk sprayed from him, his entire body going tight.

  "That's it," murmured Rock, one hand sliding between him and Dick to tug on his nipple, making the orgasm stretch.

  "Uh-huh..." His eyes closed, just humming with it.

  "You two don't take too long to recover," murmured Rock. "Your asses are mine. Both of them."

  "At the same time?" Dick asked, giggling.

  "Not even Rock's that good, Pretty."

  That had them all laughing, supporting each other and trying not to trip over their jeans as they made their way down the hall.

  "You guys can flip a coin for who gets me first."

  Rig hooted. "I like him second, get the slower ride."

  Dick grinned. "Works for me. I get to watch that way."

  Rock chuckled and swatted his and Dick's asses. "Pervs, the pair of you."

  "Me? I haven't got a single pervy bone in my body."

  Rock laughed. "No? Sluts then?"

  "There you go." Rig winked, turned back for a kiss.

  Rock gave it to him, tongue pushing deep, arms going around him. Those hot, big hands found their home on his ass, holding on to him. He moaned, just sort of melting into Rock's strength. Dick hummed and pushed them along, getting them into the bedroom and helping them the rest of the way out of their jeans so that they could fall into bed naked.

  Yeah. Yeah, his marines, his men, his lovers.

  Dick lay back on the bed and pushed the lube at him, legs spreading nice and easy for him.

  "Want me to get him ready for you, Blue?" He slicked his fingers up, touch sliding behind Dick's balls before Rock even answered.

  "Uh-huh." Rock's hands were split between him and Dick, just touching, sliding on their skin as Dick slowly writhed.

  "Mmm... Pretty." He leaned down, lapped at Dick's cock, just tasting. Dick moaned and whimpered, those sweet porno noises starting up right on cue.

  Rock purred, kiss dropping on Rig's shoulder. "Fucking love those noises, kid."

  He nodded, smiled, sucked a little harder. Those noises were like Heaven. Rock's fingers joined his teasing at Dick's hole, making those sweet noises get louder, better. They fucked Dick together, eyes locked, rhythm matched.

  Four fingers spread Dick open, fucked him, made him theirs all over again. His Pretty just rode it, sounds getting louder and louder, body shivering and bucking.

  "He's ready for you, Blue. So fucking hot." Rig kissed Dick's belly, nuzzling.

  "Oh, fuck, yes. Born ready," muttered Dick, head shifting from side to side on the pillow.

  Rock chuckled and settled between Dick's legs, lining his cock up and pushing right in. Dick moaned, bore down to take more in. Rig stayed down there, lips teasing and playing Dick's cock.

  "Fuck yes," moaned Dick, one hand in his hair, the other in Rock's. "Gonna make me fucking fly."

  "That's the idea, kid," muttered Rock, that fat cock moving inside Dick.

  Rig nodded, tongue working the tip of Dick's cock, pulling it into his mouth. They moved together like a well-oiled machine, Dick's noises punctuating the slap of flesh on flesh, the sound of his mouth on Dick's cock. His hand found Rock's ass, squeezing, rubbing. Rock groaned and Dick bucked and they moved faster, Rock driving into Dick. He groaned, humming low, head bobbing. Come on. Come on.

  Dick's noises got higher pitched, louder and suddenly he was shouting and bucking, come pouring down Rig's throat. Rig swallowed, drinking Dick down, cock full again. Rock kept moving into Dick, slowing and then stopping with a low rumbled.


  Dick laughed, stretching lazily.

  Rig chuckled, raised his hand. "Pick me!"

  "No, I'm going to fuck you, Rig." Rock winked and pushed him onto his back.

  "Pushy marine." He chuckled, spread.

  "Am I pushy, kid?" Rock asked Dick.

  "Yes, yes, you are."


  Dick just laughed, hand reaching out to slide across Rig's nipple.

  Rig arched, electricity shooting through him. "Fuck."

  Rock chuckled. "That's the idea."

  Dick just moaned softly and bent to lick at his nipple, breath hot, tongue hotter. Then his Blue got serious, eyes watching him as two slick fingers filled him.

  "MMmm... Yeah. More." He spread, rocking, riding those fingers.

  "You'll get it. Have I ever let you down?"

  Dick hummed and sucked harder on his nipple.

  "Never. Never, Blue." He twisted, breath caught in his chest. "Oh. Damn."

  Rock purred, fingers twisting, nailing his gland. "You've got that right."

  "Blue!" His thighs spread wider, hips rocking.

  Rock nodded, pegging it again and then again.

  His eyes just rolled, heart pounding, body aching. "More. More."

  "I've got your more right here." Rock's fingers slid away, slowly as if they didn't want to go, and then that fat prick was right there, pushing into him, stretching him.

  His moan filled the room, ass squeezing Rock's cock.

  Rock groaned. "You feel good."

  Those blue eyes closed for a moment, Rock still. Then they opened again and Rock smiled at him, started moving. He nodded, reached up for Rock, body aching. Fuck, yes. Rock’s smile grew and he found the perfect rhythm, Dick's fingers and mouth working both their bodies in counterpoint.

  Rig ached, needing, made for this. For them. Dick's mouth slid up along his neck, his jaw, ending in a long, deep kiss that Rock joined, their tongues tangling together, hot and wet and so fucking good it was almost too much. He held on, whimpering, wanting, needed.

  Harder, faster, Rock just kept driving into him over and over. Dick grabbed his cock, pulled, tugged. The kiss between them grew desperate, hard and eager, like the thrusts, the tugs, all of it.

  Everything inside him went rock-hard and fiery, then he was coming, moaning into Rock's mouth. Rock moaned back, hips jerking. Heat filled him, Rock right there with him through his climax.

  "Mmm... Blue." His eyes were rolling, heart pounding.

  Rock rumbled and gave him a long kiss before settling next to him. Dick was cuddled up on his other side, his marines keeping him warm, keeping him loved.

  "Mmm... 's home." He cuddled happily. Man, he was so buying more jeans.

  Because in them or out of them, he had his marines right where he wanted them. Close.




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