Recipe for Lust: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Novel

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Recipe for Lust: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Novel Page 15

by Ward, Alice

  “Welcome to Kansas” was plastered on a large sign along the road. Green fields, rows of golden wheat, and endless blue skies filled the outside of my window. Aiden’s hand slid into mine and his lips pressed against my cheek. I snuggled up against him and stared out at the empty space as we drove down a lonely highway towards our next farm.

  The shuttle pulled down a long dirt road lined with cornfields and stopped at a large red barn. We were ushered out and onto the property where we met the owners, Bernie and Marie. They were sweet, a little eccentric, but very friendly. They immediately served us iced tea and small sandwiches with a meat mixture that resembled ham salad, but tasted nothing like any I’d ever eaten.

  Aiden shoved his hand in my back pocket and walked beside me as they gave us a tour of the farm. “You two a couple?” Bernie asked.

  “Yes,” Aiden answered quickly.

  Shep glared in our direction as he answered and I looked away. A part of me loved hearing Aiden announce that we were a couple, but with everything going on in my life right now, it was also bittersweet.

  The week seemed to fly by with only the three of us there. The work on the farm was easy, at least easier than it had been on the others. I shucked corn, rode on the big machine that rolled the hay into bales, and learned how to make homemade ice cream with Marie.

  Aiden was so attentive, so sweet that I was starting to feel very attached. I could see a future with him.

  “I could open a restaurant in LA,” Aiden said. He was lying on the mattress of his camper, his arms folded behind his head. He stared at me with a strange intensity that made me squirm. “I mean, we could open a restaurant in LA.” His smile widened, and his eyes danced as I almost burst from my skin.

  I leapt onto the bed and pounced him while covering his face with quick kisses. “I would love that,” I said, trying my very best to mean it.

  His hands wrapped around my waist and slid to my ass. He pushed me hard into him, and I felt his excitement. I got lost in his eyes as he leaned up and pressed his lips against mine.

  “Challenge!” Derick shouted from the door with a quick bang. I jumped up and flung open the door; Derick was already heading towards the old farmhouse.

  “Let’s go!” I exclaimed. This was the moment I was waiting for. I needed to win this so I could pick Elle as my partner in the next challenge. Otherwise I was screwed.

  I’d complained to Aiden about my situation over and over, and he assured me that everything would work out the way it was supposed to. He never came right out and said it, but he insinuated that he would help me get Elle on my team.

  I pulled Aiden by the arm towards the set and stopped as Gretchen greeted us with her trusty clipboard. “Today we will start the challenge with a blindfold taste test,” she announced after the cameras were set and rolling. I looked over her shoulder at the three white covered tables. Six silver domes were on each table, and under them I assumed was our tasting challenges. From other challenges, it was clear Derick’s pallet was weak, but Aiden’s was amazingly precise. I felt a calmness wash over me as Aiden leaned into me, his chin on my shoulder. “We got this,” he whispered.

  We were lined up and blindfolded one by one and given a set of headphones to block out any answers from the others. Shep fed us bites of different foods and then noted each of our answers. I wasn’t sure how well I’d done; a few of the items had thrown me off.

  Shep pulled my headset off and reached around to untie my blindfold. I smelled his cologne and my stomach clenched as it sent me back to the hotel where he’d kissed me so passionately.

  Gretchen stood in front of us with a clipboard and smirked as she told Derick he only got two correct. Relief washed over me as she told Aiden he missed only one. “Claire,” she said with a sarcastic tone. “You got three correct.”

  So I was second, that’s okay.

  I would pick second, and Aiden knew I needed Elle. He would work well with anyone, even Janine who adored him.

  The dark shuttle van that sat in the driveway opened, and Sam, Elle, and Janine stepped off. They were lined up in front of us while Shep announced the twist for the viewers. Janine glared at me, Sam refused to look at me, but Elle smiled.

  “Aiden, since you won the challenge, you get to pick first,” Shep said. “Who would you like to help you through this next challenge?”

  My heart pounded in my chest as I waited to see if he’d choose Janine or Sam. I knew Sam was the weaker cook, so I assumed he would select Janine and leave Derick to struggle with Sam’s slow and combative nature.

  As the seconds passed, I watched Aiden draw out the moment for the cameras. The producer pointed at him, cueing him to speak. “I choose Elle,” he shouted.

  My heart sank, and I know my face went pale. I couldn’t believe he’d chosen my only hope.

  “Claire, since you came in second in the challenge, you can pick next,” Shep said. “Who do you want on your team?”

  Elle had bounced over to Aiden’s station like she was on a pogo stick. She gripped his arm and squeezed it, neither of them looking in my direction. I felt betrayed.

  It’s a competition Claire, don’t take it personally!

  I couldn’t help but take it personally. If Aiden wanted to select Elle, why didn’t he tell me? Why did he let me believe he was on my side?

  “Who do you select, Claire?” Shep prompted.

  I stared at my choices. Janine’s eyes were beady and glazed with hatred. Sam looked up, barely smirked and then rolled his head back against his shoulders like he was bored.

  “Sam,” I said softly.

  At least Sam wouldn’t sabotage me; he was too lazy. I was basically on my own with this challenge, with each of my opponents having a strong team member to help them through. This sucked!

  Focus. Eye on the prize.

  Sam proved to be as lazy as expected. I left him with jobs that didn’t require much attention while I ran myself to death to get things done. Rage flowed through my veins as I watched Elle and Aiden working so smoothly together. Was this planned all along?

  Shep announced that time was up, and I threw my hands up in the air. Derick looked disappointed, and I noticed Janine trying to console him. Aiden and Elle looked extremely pleased with their dish, and I felt somewhat indifferent about mine. It wasn’t my best, but I knew it was still pretty damn good. Was it enough to keep me here?

  Aiden glanced over at me and smiled, smirked really. My mouth fell open in exhaustion and disgust as he winked in my direction. Shep walked up to the tables, examining each dish carefully. The other two judges were Bernie and Marie, the owners of the farm. My nerves sang as they each tasted my dish. The compliments were basic — good flavor, looks great, cooked perfectly — but nothing extraordinary was said about my accomplishment, probably because it wasn’t extraordinary.

  My skin crawled as Aiden and Elle received the compliments I had hoped for. Shep told them that their dish was the best in the competition so far. Bernie went on and on about how unique the blend of flavors was. Marie didn’t say much; she was too busy stuffing her face.

  When they moved to Derick and Janine, I finally began to relax from the tension. He had forgotten to plate one of the main components of his dish, and without it, they said it was too sweet. His bacon was sitting in the pan on the stove, a task that Janine had been in charge of plating. I guess it wasn’t just me she wanted to hurt, it was anyone. Poor Derick.

  It wasn’t a surprise when they announced that Aiden and I would be going into the finale. I had been waiting for this moment and had pictured myself running into Aiden’s arms at the announcement. Instead, his arms were wrapped around Elle.

  The producer came out from behind his camera and congratulated us both on the win. He shook hands with Derick, saying a few kind words of encouragement and then sent him away from the set.

  “You’ll be given the week off to sharpen your skills before the finale,” he announced. “We’ll meet back in Texas on the Thompson Farm where it al
l began to provide you with your final challenge and announce the winner. Good luck!”

  Shep gave me a soft, almost apologetic smile that seemed to have ‘told ya so’ written all over it. I shrugged and took off towards my camper. I needed to pack my bags, clean up my temporary home where I had thrown stuff everywhere. I had spent most of the week in Aiden’s camper, only coming into mine to grab more clothes and toss my dirty ones in a pile on the floor. Once I cleared my head, I would deal with Aiden.

  As I started packing everything neatly into my suitcases, sorting the dirty clothes from the clean, I calmed down. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with my week off, or if I’d even be spending it with Aiden. But I was thrilled at the possibility of a break.

  When I finished, I set my suitcases by the door and took a deep breath, reminding myself that this was a competition. Aiden had a right to pick Elle. He had come in first, and she was the strongest chef. I wished he’d chosen differently, but it was a game. Only a game…

  My anger lightened as I walked across the field to Aiden’s trailer. I decided not to be mad at him, or even look at it as a betrayal. Why should he bow down and take a lesser cook for me? Would I have done it for him?

  What we had was strong, stronger than this. If we could get through the tabloid rumors and him treat me so sweetly and trusting, I owed him the same respect by simply congratulating him and letting him know I was proud of him. I pulled my shoulders up from their slump, pushed a smile on my face and opened the door to Aiden’s camper, ready to be strong and sweet about his victory.

  I stopped as I took my first step into the camper. My heart stopped too, then began to pound so hard I could feel the swish of blood in my ears. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I quickly pushed them back as Elle turned to look at who had just interrupted her riding Aiden’s cock.

  She reached for the sheet and covered her small perky breasts. The image of them bouncing in front of Aiden would be etched in my mind forever. Aiden calmly slid up on the bed, pushing his back against the faux wood wall after Elle rolled off of him, a tattoo on her ass visible as she struggled with the sheet. Bile rose as I noticed a heart with Aiden’s name written inside.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, calmer than I expected.

  “You were going to find out eventually, Claire,” Elle said coolly as she snuggled against my boyfriend.

  “Find out?” I asked, still confused by their indifference to being caught in this position.

  “Yes, find out…” Elle said sarcastically. I wanted to leap across the room and slap her sassy mouth. Who the hell did she think she was?

  “Claire, I’m really sorry,” Aiden said. His words said one thing, but his face another. I watched as his lips curled into a smile and his eyes seemed to dance at the excitement of destroying my heart.

  “I’ve known Elle for a long time,” he explained in a tone one would use with small children. “So, technically, you were screwing her over.”

  My mouth fell open, but no words came. I relived the image of Elle’s naked body climbing off Aiden, and the tattoo with his name surrounded by a heart on her ass cheek. They had been close, too close at times, but why?

  “Why would you do this to me?” I was still trying to piece this all together, to make some sense of it, but I couldn’t.

  Aiden lifted a shoulder. “Just insurance.”

  I was disgusted, devastated and felt like a fool. How could I have fallen for this?

  Elle rolled her eyes and leaned against Aiden. “It’s just a game.”

  “A game? It’s just a game?” I was finally getting my voice back. “You pushed me to sleep with him, why?” I asked, still not understanding the insurance.

  “People aren’t perfect, Claire,” Elle said and had the audacity to look bored.

  I couldn’t look at her face any longer, and Aiden’s was so full of himself I wanted to punch it right in the nose. My entire body shook with anger, and my tears were no longer preventable.

  They fell down my cheeks as I ran towards the producer’s trailer. I beat on the door frantically until it finally flung open. Gretchen stood there with a hand on her hip as if she were irritated at being disturbed. When she saw my face, my tears, my devastation, she relaxed her stance, and her face softened. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  I shook my head. “I just need my phone,” I pleaded.

  “Of course,” Gretchen said calmly and disappeared into the trailer. “I was actually getting ready to deliver this to you.”

  “Thanks,” I replied and took the phone from her hand.

  I ran back to my camper and locked myself inside.



  My hands shook as I held my phone. I didn’t want to talk to Kennedy, not right now. She had warned me that Aiden couldn’t be trusted. I tapped on Lauren’s number and waited as it rang.

  “Hello?” Her voice sounded so comforting it instantly sent me into a sobbing fit. “Claire, are you okay?” she asked frantically.

  I managed to utter, “Yes,” and then continued to sob. She was frantic on the other end of the phone, confused by my meltdown and becoming more and more concerned the longer it took me to answer her questions.

  “What’s wrong, Claire?” she asked sternly. “Are you hurt?”

  My heart was hurt, but mostly my pride. I wasn’t physically hurt in any way, so I knew I had to pull it together and tell her what was wrong before she hopped one of Asher’s private planes and started her search for me across the country.

  “I’m fine, it’s Aiden,” I managed to say.

  Claire was silent on the other end of the phone. Then she asked, “Claire, where are you?”


  “I’ll come get you if you need me to,” she offered.

  I sniffled hard. “No, I’m fine,” I lied.

  “Please tell me what happened,” she pleaded.

  I took a deep breath and explained the entire sordid story, the tabloids, how sweet Aiden had been and how I really started to fall for him. When I told her I found him in bed with Elle, she gasped.

  “Isn’t she the one you became friends with?”

  “Yes, the only one I had,” I sobbed. “I’m so foolish.”

  “No, you aren’t,” she snapped. “They’re nasty people, and I just don’t understand what they were gaining from this.”

  I didn’t know either. I was hoping that Lauren might have an opinion about the situation, but she seemed to be as confused as me. It was all too weird, too twisted, too vindictive.

  “What are you going to do?” Lauren asked.

  I blew my nose into a tissue and thought about her question. “I’m in the final two, against Aiden. Should I just leave?”

  Lauren immediately turned into a pit bull, demanding that I do no such thing. “Don’t let that piece of shit win, Claire,” she ordered, yelling into my ear. “Take him down!”

  I laughed at her gusto, and the release of the sound felt wonderful. “I have a week off,” I said, my mind finally clearing. “I just need to be alone and get my head together before the finale.”

  “I agree. Do you want to come home?”

  I shook my head, even though she couldn’t see it. “No, I would rather be alone, somewhere quiet. I may go to Texas since the finale is in Austin.”

  “I understand. Let me make some phone calls and I’ll call you right back. Pack up and be ready to leave.”

  I looked at my bags. “I’m ready.”

  “I love you, Claire,” she said softly.

  “I love you too,” I replied and hung up the phone before my tears began to fall again.

  The crew was cleaning everything up outside, and I knew they would be ordering me to leave shortly. I fell onto my mattress and wiped away the last of my tears, deciding that it didn’t matter why Aiden and Elle had betrayed me, it was over, and I was going to be fine. I just needed out of here!

  A knock on my door pulled me up, and I quickly opened it to Gretchen. “A
re you okay, sweetie?” she asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” I said, this time not lying.

  “We’re finishing up the final teardown and need to load the campers, but if you need more time…”

  She glanced over her shoulder to where I was looking. It was Aiden and Elle, getting into a black car together, Aiden’s hand guiding the small of Elle’s back into the back seat.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said. “Is that why you were so upset earlier?”

  I nodded and fought back the tears that burned behind my eyes. Even though Gretchen was generally a sweet woman and now appeared to be concerned, I remembered how she acted over the tabloids and how she expected me to further ruin my reputation for ratings.

  “Men are all bastards,” she said coolly. “You’re better off without him.”

  I smiled as best I could and walked out of the camper. Knowing they were gone made it easier to come out of my tin cage. “I’m waiting on a phone call, but I could use a ride to the airport.”

  Gretchen smiled and motioned towards the black car at the end of the drive. “That’s your driver, he’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

  I gripped my bags and walked towards the car. I glanced around the farm and looked for Shep, but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. My heart ached for his comfort, but I knew I should just leave. I’d been terrible to him. I’d turned him down, defended Aiden, and didn’t believe his warnings. He didn’t need to see me.

  I recognized my driver as one of my favorites. Tall and with a thick beard, he always had a smile on his face. He took my bags and placed them in the trunk, giving me a look of concern. “At least you made it this far, that’s more than most can say,” he consoled me with a pat on the shoulder.

  “I’m actually going on to the finale,” I said.

  His eyebrows rose, and his lips curled into a smile. “Really, you could have fooled me with that sour face of yours,” he said with a chuckle. “Whatever it is, a week of relaxation will wash it all away. Where would you like to go?”

  “The airport please,” I replied and climbed into the back seat. He closed the door to secure me inside.


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