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Shapes of Autumn (Boxed set, books 1 - 5)

Page 75

by Veronica Blade

  I’d always assumed they were in their late thirties and never questioned how truly young they both looked. I hadn’t seen them since learning they were shape-shifters and that I wasn’t adopted. I could’ve smacked my forehead for not realizing ages ago there was something off about them.

  Dad hefted me up off the ground and twirled us in a circle. “We won’t have to miss each other for a long while. Not if we’re on the road together.”

  Oh, crap. Which reminded me that I’d be leaving Zack. My parents expected me to drive away, not knowing when I’d see him again. Months from now? Years? Since less than an hour ago when he’d talked about our future, being without him even one day was getting harder and harder to imagine.

  Or I could let my parents go. A weight lifted off my chest at the thought of keeping Zack and, just like that, my decision was made. But that meant… I slumped in my dad’s arms.

  It was my parents I ached for now. We’d been apart so long and we’d kept so many secrets. I felt almost desperate to bare my soul and get it all out in the open.

  “Everything okay?” he asked, trying to get a glimpse of my face that was buried in his shoulder.

  I threw my head back and groaned. “I’m thinking of joining SWAAST.”


  I glanced over at my mom to see her eyes filled with alarm. “I want to stay with Zack. And helping his parents with the cause is the right thing to do.”

  My mom clamped onto my shoulders and spun me around. “The hell you are! You’re a baby, barely matured into a shape-shifter.”

  “You can’t even defend yourself,” my dad growled.

  My mom glared at me. “The only thing you’ll accomplish is getting yourself killed.”

  Nothing like being ganged up on. I raised my chin. “I’m stronger than you think and I’ve been training for days.”

  “Days?” My dad’s nostrils flared and I guessed he was struggling to control himself. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever seen him that worked up since he was usually the calm one. “You’re crazy if you think a few days of training means you’re prepared for battle.”

  My hands shot up, palms out. “All right, all right. I agree I’m not ready to win a war yet. But I’ll continue training with SWAAST.” I moaned. “Mom, Dad, these guys have been oppressing our species for centuries and they’ll keep doing it until someone stops them. And maybe it won’t be me, but at least I can help. I can’t do nothing. Isn’t that how you raised me?”

  “We raised you to survive,” my mom said through clenched teeth. “Not take on a fight you have zero chance of winning.”

  “But, Mom, I can’t just stand by.” I glanced from one to the other, trying to get some kind of understanding from them. “You say I can’t win. Maybe that’s because there are too many shape-shifters who think like you. But what if every shifter out there banded together and did something about it? We’d have a chance then, wouldn’t we? And one day there might be enough of us together to win freedom for all shape-shifters. We won’t have to run anymore.”

  My mom and dad stood speechless. Okay, that was better than making demands of me.

  “Olivia, nice to see you again.” Cedric rushed to my mom and gathered her into a warm hug. I couldn’t be more grateful for the distraction. When he released her, he stretched out a hand for my dad. “Quentin, been a while.”

  “Thanks for taking care of our girl,” my dad returned, though he seemed a little stiff.

  “Actually, she took care of me. She’s very brave, your little one.” He motioned to the front door. “Come inside and we’ll catch you up.”

  On the other side of the door waited Renzo, Favianne, Alura, and Zack. I’d taken a few steps toward them when I twisted around and noticed my mom and dad hadn’t moved. “Aren’t you guys coming inside?” They exchanged glances and I said, “These werewolves aren’t loyal to the king. You have nothing to worry about.”

  They hesitated a moment before following me inside. Cedric made introductions in the foyer, my mom wearing a constant scowl.

  My mom aimed a glare at Zack. “So you’re Zack.”

  He nodded uncertainly, his hand fluttering at his side like he was ready to shake her hand but not sure if he should offer his own. “Nice to meet you both.”

  She stuck close to my dad, straight faced with no sign of offering Zack a handshake. “I’m glad she had you to help her through her maturation as a shifter.”

  “So you’re the reason my daughter is refusing to go with us?” My dad asked, his resentment apparent in his low, throaty voice.

  Why were my parents being so rude? I’d have to interrogate them, but right now, I didn’t want to bring attention to it. Maybe they’d chill once they saw for themselves that the werewolves posed no threat.

  Zack opened his mouth, his eyes darting to me. I guess I should’ve given him some kind of heads up that I’d changed my mind about leaving with my parents.

  “No, Mom,” I cut in. “I’m the reason.” I tugged on Zack’s hand and headed toward the sitting room, giving my parents no choice but to follow. Which felt strange since nearly all our previous time in the palace had been spent in Cedric’s suite or the gym.

  Once we’d all taken a seat, my mom zeroed in on Renzo. “You’re the leader of SWAAST?” my mom asked Renzo and once he nodded in confirmation, she went on. “My daughter informs me she’s joining your group. You’re in agreement with this?”

  I cringed, wishing I’d given Renzo some kind of warning. He didn’t like me, did he? His gaze connected with mine and I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t more surprised. “Absolutely.”

  “And you’ll look after her?” my mom asked.

  “As if she were my own,” Renzo promised, tossing me a quick glance. I knew I owed him an explanation and even a little gratitude, but all I could do was let my mouth hang open.

  “So here’s the thing.” Dathan stepped into the room and his presence commanded everyone’s attention. “Mr. and Mrs. Rossi, you have werewolves tailing you. Extremely nasty ones. It just so happens my people have the same problem. In fact, Cedric and I suspect the guys tracking you are picking off vampires and feeding from them.”

  When my dad opened his mouth, Dathan held up his palm. “They’re many times more powerful than they used to be and with all that power they’ve stolen from my people, it’s only a matter of time before they catch up with you. And when they do, you won’t stand a chance.”

  My dad’s eyes grew stormy. “Ulric Vasilyev?”

  Dathan hitched up a brow. “Of course. Which means your days of running are numbered.”

  “Who are you?” my mom asked, scooting away from Dathan which brought her closer against the back of the couch.

  “I’m Dathan. I take over for Cedric when he needs a break.”

  A tiny gasp escaped from my mom as she slipped her hand into my dad’s. “And you’re telling us all this because?” my dad asked.

  “I’ll get there in a moment.” Dathan turned to Renzo. “Once he kills Quentin and Olivia, he’ll go after anyone else he and King Mortimer believe has disgraced their species. As leader of SWAAST, you’ll be first on their list. Further, you’re married to a vampire. And your son has fraternized with a shape-shifter.”

  “We know all this, Dathan.” Renzo blew out an impatient breath.

  My dad frowned. “We’re all in big trouble, is that your point?”

  “It’s coming,” Dathan said. “We all want Ulric and his amped up werewolves gone, but none of you can do it alone. So why don’t you team up and do it together?”

  My parents would never go for that. As long as I’d remembered, they hadn’t made any lasting friends. They certainly wouldn’t want to travel with anyone.

  Obviously talking telepathically, my mom and dad eyed each other. Were they considering it?

  “In view of this new information and seeing how Ulric is becoming more dangerous each day, we concede that our old ways of avoiding him might be antiquated.” After a moment, my d
ad swiveled to face Renzo. “And that it might be mutually beneficial to team up.”

  “Agreed.” Renzo turned to Favianne and skimmed her cheek with the back of his hand. “You understand why you can’t be a part of this? Though you fared well in the recent battle, you’re still frail in the sun. I can’t do this kind of work if I’m worried about you the whole time. You can go with Alura and get briefed on SWAAST, get some martial arts training while you get stronger.”

  “I only just got you back.” Favianne cupped his cheek. “But I understand what must be done. Come back to me.”

  “We will. I promise.” Renzo kissed her softly and they broke apart when Zack cleared his throat.

  We? Did he mean himself and Zack? If Zack teamed up with Renzo and my parents, I had no intention of staying behind. No way would I allow anyone to exclude me. And if I got my way, I could keep Zack while not being forced to give up my parents. Zack could get to know his dad. Everyone wins.

  “Wait.” My mom waved her hands in a flurry. Of course my mom wouldn’t make it easy. “You’re not thinking of bringing Zack into this, because I’m not taking my daughter to battle. I assumed that since Autumn is staying behind, Zack would too.”

  I could never ask Zack to give up the father he’d just found and no way would they leave me behind. “Zack’s staying with his dad,” I said. “You can’t take him and not me. I’m going with you guys.”

  “Hell, no.” My dad’s face reddened. “Autumn, you’re not fighting this battle.”

  “She’s a lot stronger than you think.” Dathan checked the nooks and crannies of the room, then spoke in a hushed tone. “She’s had vampire blood and a healthy serving of it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she were as strong as you two,” he told my parents.

  Both my parents adamantly swung their heads side to side. “No,” they said in unison.

  Silence hung in the room and I suspected everyone was waiting for me to defend myself. But my parents were right. Fighting Ulric would be dangerous and the chances of us all making it out alive were slim.

  I couldn’t give up though. They stood a greater chance of survival with my help and Zack’s. I had to convince them of that.

  “You’ll never separate these two,” Dathan said, saving me from myself. He jerked a thumb at Zack, then me. “And you know they’re safer with you two than out on their own.”

  My dad’s throat rumbled but Dathan drowned him out with his next words. “Rumor has it that there is a huge shape-shifter haven in Nevada. Supposedly, it’s run by a shape-shifter woman who escaped from King Mortimer long ago.”

  My mom’s eyelids flickered, giving away that she knew something about this woman. “No.” She shook her head again. “Our presence will only bring her trouble. We won’t risk her life that way.”

  “You’re risking her life by not going to her.” Dathan folded his arms over his chest. “Ulric is going to kill her and everyone else you know. Unless you stop him. The way to accomplish that is by gathering enough soldiers. There is no other way. And now is the time, before he gets even more powerful.”

  My head snapped to my parents and I was about to interrogate them on this old shape-shifter when I noticed their faces. My parents had given up. Or given in.

  We might all be traveling together and I would be meeting their friend from who knew how long ago. Relief swept over me and my limbs came alive with anticipation. I’d keep Zack. I’d keep my parents. For now at least.

  “Go to Nevada. Get Zack and Autumn better trained for battle. And when you finally encounter these monsters, I’ll be there to kill them.” Dathan gave us all a smug smile.

  My stomach bottomed out. Dathan was going with us? He was definitely someone you wanted on your side, but he was moody and unpredictable. Besides, between my parents and Zack and Renzo, and whoever volunteered from the shape-shifter camp, we might outnumber the werewolves chasing my parents.

  “Excuse me?” my mom asked, frowning as though she couldn’t have heard Dathan correctly.

  “Why would you want to travel with us?” My dad asked, his head dipped to the side.

  “You’ve noticed your pursuers are becoming gradually harder to lose?” Dathan asked. My mom and dad gave an almost imperceptible nod and he continued. “In the past, Ulric used a contact here in the palace to find vampires who were made illegally and wouldn’t be missed. Kept him off our radar.

  “But now, his inside source is gone and I’m afraid he’s developed some kind of God complex that gives him license to kill any of us.” Dathan stepped closer, as if he wanted to make sure he had our attention. “But the vampire blood isn’t just making him stronger. Our blood has the same effect on him that some recreational drugs have on humans. It can be quite addicting and, consumed over long periods, can make one go insane.”

  “We can handle a few crazy werewolves,” my mom said. “Why don’t you let us deal with him?”

  “Because I’m not sure you can, not by yourselves.” Dathan’s eyes darkened. “These werewolves who dare to hunt my kind, then take our power and leave us to die… I’ll destroy every last one of them. And you two,” he turned my parents, “are my bait.”

  That didn’t sound fun. From the look on my dad’s face, he agreed. “Aren’t you needed here?” my dad asked. “You’re the true king. Fighting werewolves isn’t your job.”

  “Correct,” Dathan agreed with a wolfish grin. “But killing werewolves is so much fun.”

  Renzo groaned. “Great.”

  “I’m not sure about this.” My mom shook her head. “The more in our group, the more people to keep track of. And I don’t think I like how you talk about killing werewolves. Some of those fighting alongside you, like Zack and Renzo, are werewolves. We have to be able to trust you. Without trust and honor, people die.”

  “You can trust that I’ll do everything in my power to repay these werewolves for their courage these past few days,” Dathan assured her. “And that right now I exist solely to end Ulric and anyone else who might be dangerous to Zack or Autumn.”

  Renzo studied Zack a long moment before turning to Dathan. “I’ve been waiting an eternity for an opportunity like this. I’m in.”

  “Good.” A gleam came into Dathan’s eyes. “Because my ultimate goal is to kill the werewolf king. And you all are going to help me.”

  “The werewolf king?” I asked, my gaze shooting to Cedric for confirmation. “Aiming a little high, aren’t we?”

  “Freedom to marry whomever you choose and live a life where you’re not constantly running for fear that you might end up a slave. Is that goal too lofty for you, Autumn?” Cedric asked, folding his arms over his chest and scowling at my parents. “And you two. You have a daughter to keep safe. Her future is at stake now. Will you continue to run for all eternity or will you take a stand with us?”

  My parents exchanged looks and energy radiated off them as they spoke silently to each other. If they bailed and rejected Dathan’s idea, they’d fight harder to get me to go with them.

  And if they say no, we’ll still find a way to be together, Zack reminded me, slipping his hand in mind. My blood hummed at his touch and I snuck him a smile.

  “We’re in,” my parents said in unison. The air I’d held captive in my lungs rushed out and I snapped around to face them.

  Dathan sent them a triumphant grin. “Excellent. We shall leave at first light.”

  “We’ve been on the road a lot this past week. Might be nice to take a day or two.” My mom gazed lovingly at me and warmth spread through me. “Spend some time with my daughter before… before everything changes.”

  Or before someone dies. I pushed those thoughts away. Wimping out was a great way to get myself killed or enslaved. Or I’d be forever fleeing, like my parents. No silver lining or rainbow awaited me. Maybe not ever. I’d have to roll with whatever came my way and put up the best fight I could.

  “Very well. We leave two days from now.”

  “Wait.” I raised my hand and glanced at Favianne
. “We need to attend her funeral.”

  Favianne winced. “It’s not right, my family mourning my death when I’m alive and well.”

  “You will remain here.” Dathan scowled at her, then his gaze swept the room. “We leave in four days.” He pivoted on his heel and stalked out of the sitting room.

  “You can park your cars here and take the Lincoln Navigator,” Cedric suggested. “It’s roomy enough to fit all of you and your luggage, but with the modifications I’ve had done, you’ll be able to move a little faster.”

  “Okay.” My dad winked at me. “Traveling together again. Like old times.”

  “Yeah.” So not like old times. For one thing, they were finally being honest with me. And this time, we were running to the enemy, not away from them.

  “You guys can work out the details on your own. If you need anything, you know where to find me.” Cedric turned to leave.

  “Your Majesty,” I called out and he halted. “Alura and Renzo left a little something for you in the freezer. You know, if you or any of your people are ever attacked by werewolves and need the cure.”

  Cedric’s eyes twinkled. “Thank you.” Once he and Dathan were gone, the room fell into stunned silence.

  Renzo wasn’t the friendliest guy I’d ever known. I couldn’t help feeling that spending much more time with Dathan was a bad idea. Renzo couldn’t be thinking this through. “You’re okay with teaming up with Dathan?”

  His head tilted side to side as though weighing his options. “He has a connection to Zack. If anything happens, he’ll be able to help. And he’s the most powerful vampire in existence. If anyone can survive a battle with werewolves high on vampire blood, it’s Dathan. While he’s hunting amped-up werewolves, he’ll need the cure. That would be Zack and me.”

  “He’s right, Autumn.” Zack’s thumb brushed circles over my knuckles and his eyes smoldered. We can leave them to work out the details of the trip.

  “We’ll be walking the grounds if anyone needs us.” I tried to act casually as I tugged Zack toward the door and into the hallway.

  You sure you want to do this? I asked as soon as we’d passed Kayla outside the door. If he had any reservations, maybe he’d tell me silently with no one else around.


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