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Auctioned Page 9

by Lucie Morales

  "What?!" He boomed. "You lying little hooligan!" He seemed beyond pissed off. I knew he would throw Matt against a wall at any second.

  "Hey! Calm down!" I shouted, wrapping my arms around his mid section. Yes, this would usually be a sign of affection; hugging someone from behind. But, sex is also a sign of affection, and he obviously did that. Besides, I was only trying to save Matt's ass.

  I heard his sigh as he leaned back into me slightly. This confused the oblivious Matt as he looked at me oddly. I felt really strange, hugging my dad this way. So, before any more, or stronger suspicions could rouse, I let him go.

  When he left the room (shoving past Matt, might I add) I looked at Justan. His fist were clenched by his side, to the point where his knuckles were a baby powder white, and the sound of teeth grinding together made me wince.

  "Okay, that was just fucking weird!" Matt exclaimed, obviously not taking an observation of how odd the atmosphere was.

  "Shut up Matt!" I growled, my annoyance getting the better of me.

  Finally, after moments of me just staring, Justan looked up at me. He looked pissed!

  "Lillith," I winced at my full name, "I need to speak with you." He glanced at Matty and added, "alone."

  I nodded timidly, feeling sweat rise up to my face, and I had the urge to cough. I was....nervous?

  Chapter 32

  "What the hell was that?!" Justan screamed at me once we were in a room. What room, I couldn't tell you. I was too busy pulling on my fingers (out of nervous habit) and staring at my feet to pay attention to where I was being taken to.

  "What?" My voice came out as a squeak. Why was I scared of him? Dunno. But, he sure is a pricksometimes.

  "You hugging your dad like that! I thought you said you didn't like it when he did things to you! And in case you haven't heard, that usually tells a guy a little something!" He sounded....odd. Like he was sad, yet mad at the same time. Confused the hell out of me.

  I opened my mouth just to close it again, unsure of how he would react to my reasoning. He obviously realized that I had a reason that I didn't want him to hear.

  "No. Go ahead and say it. There's no point in holding back now. You've done all the lying you possibly could have." That was the straw to break the camel's back.

  "I did not lie to you!" My voice was the strongest it's been since........ever. "I was trying to save Matty's ass!" He opened his mouth, but I didn't want to hear it. "No! You've cut me off enough! I used to use that all the time. My dad would come home pissed and hammered, and I'd avoid him until he decided to come to me to "blow off some steam". Then he'd get pissed because I wouldn't cooperate. So, then he'd start beating the shit out of me, until he got bored, or really into it. Then he'd leave to find something to hurt me with (usually a belt) but one time I caught him in a hug before he got too far, and he immediately cooled off. He would always lean into the embrace, like you saw, before turning around and picking me up.

  "I was always tired by then, so he'd take me into my room, lay me on the bed, tuck me in, kiss my forehead, and leave. Then, by the next day it started all over. So, hope you enjoyed that tid bit of my life. But, I'm going to find Matty now." I spat, and left before he could say anything.

  I couldn't help but feel bad for how I blew up on him. But, he accused me of something I wouldn't dream of doing. Even if it wasn't purposefully, he still did it.

  "Lilli? Is that you?" An astonished voice asked as I aimlessly walked down the hallways.

  That voice brought back memories; some bad, mostly good.

  I couldn't help but turn and run straight into their arms.

  "It's been a while." I muttered, only to hear that chuckle.

  Chapter 33

  Dustan! It was Dustan! The one and only. I couldn't help but laugh when he said that. He was one of my many friends when I was younger. When it occurred to me that he could have been a 'candidate' I pushed it to the back of my mind. I didn't need to think about that stuff anymore.

  Now we were just walking around the big 'ole house that just might be my home.

  "So... You work for Daneese now, eh?" Dustan asked as we began to descend some stairs.

  "No, actually. Um, it's hard to explain." I sighed, wishing he could understand.

  "Oh. So Justan got you, huh?" He knew. Obviously My eyes widened and I stopped. So now she's back?! "What?"

  "How did you know?" Haha, nice cover. But you can't get rid of me that easily cupcake.

  "I was one of those people." He sighed, and I started walking again.

  "Oh." Was all I could say. Why couldn't life be simple? [Sweeties, you need to just chill. None of this is your problem. Tif laughed.

  "So, why are you here?" I hoped to start a conversation.

  "Work." He seemed upset now. Damn.

  "Oh. What do you do?"

  "Wash the vehicles and work on them." A small smile came to his face. Ew. Machanic. I almost laughed. I liked mechanics, but my "buddy" obviously didn't.

  "Oh! Cool!" Dustan looked at me, and his small smile grew.

  "So- "

  "You're kidding me." I heard a deadpan voice from behind me. Upon turning around, I saw Justan .... And Matty?

  "What's the -"

  "What are you doing?" Matty asked with an odd look on his face. Why is everyone so weird lately?!

  "Catching up ..." I said awkwardly. Dustan wasn't turned around, and a glance from the corner of my eye showed how tense he was.

  "With my mechanic?" Just and asked with a curious undertone.

  "He's one of my old friends from when I was little." I hinted.

  Big mistake.

  "What?" They both asked with obvious shock.

  "Yep. Haven't seen him in a long time." A smile spread on my face, and the guys' eyes narrowed at Dustan's back.

  "Alrighty then!" I blurted after a very long and awkward silence. "We're just gonna -"

  "No." Justan said lowly.

  "What?" What? See, we can think alike ... Sometimes.

  "No. We have plans." Less hostile, but.... He's still an ass.

  "Okay, you two have fun with that, while we go -"

  "No. We" -He gestured between him and I- "have plans."

  "Alright." I sighed. My hand landed on Dustan's shoulder as I pulled my face extremely close to his ear. "I'll see you later." His breathing was rigid as he nodded and I smiled inwardly.

  "Okay! Let's go do those plans of yours." I smiled at Justan.

  "Yes, lets." He seemed to growl. I smiled as I walked up to the two and linked arms with both of them.

  "Later Dustan!" I called back with a triumphant smile. I had done my damage, and I was very happy about it.

  Chapter 34

  "You best stay away from her!" I heard Justan's harsh voice boom from down the hall. The previous day was alright, we all just kinda watched movies. Well, me and Justan did. Matty left when Justan got mad because he tried to sit on the other side of me. So it got kinda tense until he actually did leave.

  "I wasn't -"

  "Don't play with me! I know you were one of them! And you lost your chance! So stop it! Sh-she likes me!" I thought I heard his voice break as I slowly made my way down the dimly lit hallways, toward the voices.

  "Alright. I won't even talk to her, kay?" I heard a sigh.

  "Yeah. Sorry."

  "That's alright man. I know you're nervous. I know I was too when Crystal gave me the boot. I was always nervous around that woman. I can't imagine how it must feel being older and going through it."

  "She passed away." Justan's voice sounded hurt.

  "What?" Dustan squeaked.

  "Yeah. On Lillie's birthday no less." His voice came out sounding like a broken sob now.

  "So ..."

  "She's choosing."

  "But who -"

  "Me and Matt."

  "Oh. But I thought she told him bye."

  Then it got quiet. I was leaning my ear on the door by now.

  "I....her......scared....feelings....hate." Was al
l I heard come from Justan's mouth and my heart clenched painfully in my chest.

  "Dude, you shouldn't be like that. It could be ..." Was all I heard before my feet took me back up to the room. His room.

  My anger boiled, trying to block the tears that I didn't want to shed. I wanted to punch something I was sosad mad.

  So, by the time the big door creaked open and a certain someone creep-ed in, the room was in ruins, and so was I.

  There, in a heap of clothes, blankets, and god knows what else on the floor, I lay; sobbing my heart out.

  The culprit of my tantrum rushed to me, ignoring all the debris and hugged me to his firm chest.

  "Shhh... What's wrong? What happened?"

  My anger returned and without my consent, my hand lashed out, striking him in the face.

  As if in slow motion, his nose slowly began to gush blood, just as I threw myself from his lap.

  "Ow." He whinedcutely, trying to tend to his nose. Once the sight of blood finally got through the fog in my brain, I was back in his lap, trying to help him.

  "Oh, oh, oh! I'm so sorry!" I kept repeating while I took one of my tank tops off the floor and put it to his nose.

  "Mmmm." he groaned, obviously in pain. Obliviously, I was scooting closer to him.

  "I'm sorry." I repeated one more time, before remembering why I was upset, and getting out of his lap. This act earned a sour look from him. "I'll go get Claireese." I mumbled, leaving him and his bleeding face behind the big wooden door. I'll clean the mess. I'm sorry. I recited in my head a million times before I finally reached the kitchen.

  Chapter 35

  "I still can't believe you busted his nose." Claudia gushed.

  "Me either." I said, not even paying attention to my surroundings. I was too deep in my thoughts to realize when Clair walked in. She wouldn't let me clean the blood, so she did it herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she cleaned my mess too. That girl was amazing. But at the moment, my mind was on Justan-Jeremie. Yep, I'm still in shock. So, after Clair cleaned him up, he stormed out. Where did he go? Well, I guess that's really none of my business. I did want to know though, considering he's been gone for over an hour. Honestly, I was worried.

  "Man, what the hell happened?" Clair finally spoke.

  "I got upset and tore the room apart, and then I broke down, and he came in and tried to comfort me and..... Whack!" Without thinking I spoke..... Again.

  "Oh." Was all that came out of her mouth, and then came the awkwardness.

  "So why was he mad?" Claudia asked, stupidly might I add.

  "Because she busted his nose..." Clair said slowly.

  "No." I answered like the idiot I was. "He got mad after I got back out of his lap. He's mad because- "

  "Because he doesn't want to lose someone he cares about, and he knows it's happening."

  Chapter 36

  Claudia coughed awkwardly as Justan went and hung his jacket on a chair. He was being so casual. Weird.

  "Umm. Would you like anything to eat?" Yeah, that's the key. Act casual, as if nothing happened.

  "Yeah, that'd be nice." He smiled at Claudia and then at me. Aww, shit! Why do you have to do that? What?Let him make your heart do that. That's the first time I noticed that my heart beat had accelerated dangerously high.

  "Alrighty then." I sighed and followed Claudia into where the stove and food was found.

  "What was that?" I breathed. It made no sense at all the way he acted like he'd said nor heard a word. The words which were still running through my head.

  "I'm not so sure deary. I've never seen him like that over a girl before." Lately, Claudia seemed really ..... Dumb.

  "Other girls?" Clair walked in with a slight smile on her face. A smile that evaporated once her eyes landed on me. Babe, you really should get out of here. Yeah. I sighed inwardly and gave Clair as much of a smile I could muster. Does he really even care about me?

  Without another word, I left the kitchen, and into the 'dining room', where Justan was sitting with hissexy arrogant smirk. That smirk was wiped off his face though, when I rolled my eyes at him and just walked straight by him.

  "What -"

  Of course, I didn't hear the rest of that sentence, because I slammed the dinning room door on my way out.

  As soon as I was not two steps from the door, I realized that I didn't even know where Matty was. Then, just .... go.

  "I can't just go." I sighed aloud. Well, why the hell not? "I can't drive!" I barked. Of course, Jon, the butler, just had to be walking by. There's that look again.

  "Are you alright Miss Lillith?"

  "It's Lilli, and yes sir, I'm just fine." I sighed. When his face showed genuine shock, I was confused though.

  "Alright then Lilli, have a nice evening." I nodded, and the weirdo butler was gone. The butler might not have done it yet. But he will! ....What the -

  "Are you sure you're alright, or was that just an excuse to get him to go away?" A grin spread across my face as a plan formed in my head.

  Chapter 37

  "Well, now that you're here, I'm beyond alright." I turned around and my grin grew as I looked at Matt's astonished face. Hate me does he? Care about me? Choose one, but it isn't both.

  "You weren't just serious." Wow, is he retarded or what? I guess so.

  "Of course I was serious, I was just looking for you." I walked toward him slowly, and felt a pain for how I was about to use him. Well, he did say he liked spending time with me. Then, something dawned on me. I never once spent time with two boys at once! That's why! They get so jealous! Momma, you are a genius!

  "I want to stay at your place for a little while." I smiled as I headed back up tomy Justan's room.

  Not even paying attention to who I was passing, much less who was in the room, I grabbed one of my bags, looked through it, and headed out. Well, we'll see who I choose now.

  "You ready?" Matty smiled at me. He seemed happy to finally be spending some time with me. Then again I said seemed.

  "Yeah." We began to walk out the door and toward Matty's car.

  "What the hell are you doing?" Damn. Tell me about it.

  "Going over to Matty's for a little while." I smiled back at Justan and continued to walk. With a glance at Matt, I could see he was nervous ... and scared.


  "I'll explain when I come back." I hollered before slamming the red trunk lid.

  "Wait!" For fuck's sake! Just leave us alone! No, I wanna know what he has to say.

  I stopped mid-way getting into the car and nodded at Matt as he slipped into the driver's seat. Without much thought, I walked over to Justan.

  "Yes?" I asked politely.

  "Please don't do anything with him." What? He's not being an ass? "I don't care what else you do, just please don't fuck him." Afraid he might show you out?

  "Alright, I won't." With a smile, he pulled me into a hug. Why are you gonna listen to this turd? You'll see.

  "Promise?" He breathed into my ear.

  "Promise." I smiled back at his grinning face as we pulled out of each other's embrace.

  I laughed when I heard a car horn beep from behind me. Boy, oh boy was I glad Justan didn't bitch about this. Maybe he did trust me?

  With a slight wave, Ijogged walked back over to Matty's car and got in. I giggled a bit, quietly. This would be fun.

  I waved again to Justan -who was standing on the porch still -as we pulled out of the long-ass driveway.

  "So, what was that all about?" Matt glanced at me as he sped down the deserted road I remembered from my first moments with Justan.

  "Oh, nothing. Just saying goodbye." I smiled at him. Now, it's all a matter of love. But who's gonna win?

  Chapter 38

  "C'mon Matty! Over here! Look at that, isn't it cute!?" Matty made a big mistake and took me to the zoo. Not just any zoo though, the exotic animal zoo. You know, the zoo with animals that are nearing extinction. I saw a baby panda bear, and was pulling Matty with me. He hadn't objected my hyper, bub
bly attitude yet, only carried a grin on his face.

  "You like animals?" I could hear the “happiness” in his voice.

  “Yeah! I love them!” I blurted out like a little girl.

  “Good, animals are cool.” He smiled cutely my way.


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