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I Am Gamer

Page 5

by Gabriel L Rathweg

  A monster burst out of the tree line after the fleeing girl. They were much bigger and immensely less pleasing to look at than the girl. The first thought in my mind was ‘Oh Fuck.’ I mean it was something out of a nightmare. My animal brain kicked in and it was flight or fight time. I glanced to my left and saw Freak snarling and ready for battle. A quick look at Winston and he was also good to go, muscles taught and chomping his teeth together almost as if he couldn’t wait to go at the wolves. That was the feeling I got from both my friends and it was infectious.

  All of this went through my mind in less than a second. Not only had my body gotten the upgrade treatment it seemed that my brain was supercharged as well. I quickly used my new found ability and analyzed the wolf monsters.


  The dire wolf (Canis dirus, "fearsome dog") is one of the most famous prehistoric carnivores in North America. Dire wolves could be found across a broad range of habitats including the plains, grasslands, and some forested mountain areas of North America, and in the arid savannah of South America. The dire wolf was about the same size as the largest modern gray wolves and was on average 80 kg (200 lb). But its teeth were larger with greater shearing ability, and its bite force at the canine tooth was the strongest of any known Canis species. In North America its prey are known to have included horses, ground sloths, mastodons, bison, and camels. The dire wolf is thought to have been a pack hunter.

  I read and dismissed the prompt with a thought then refocused on the incoming girl and dire wolves all in a split second. The girls swirling green eyes were wide and her face was stretched in a rictus of pain and exhaustion. Sweat streamed down her face and soaked her clothing. I could tell she had been running for awhile. The monsters were about to enjoy the fruits of their hunt. Not if I could help it.

  “Down!” I screamed.

  Whether or not the girl understood me she got the gist of it and dropped into a forward roll just as the giant wolf leaped out of the woods at the running meat. I raised the bow up and drew the arrow back in one quick motion. The heavy draw weight was nothing to me with my new muscles.

  My breath held and my body perfectly still I let the arrow slide from my finger tips almost as if I was surprised when it did. The world was moving in slow motion. The giant wolf had its jaws wide and slobber was flying from its fanged maw. Its paws were extended claws leading the way as it jumped its prey its only focus.

  The girl continued her roll as I watched my arrow fly through the air slicing through the space where she had been a moment before. With a loud thump and a cry similar to a yelping dog my broad headed arrow slammed into the furry hide of the creature’s breast. My arrow took it right in the heart the force of my shot stopping the dire wolf in mid air. If I had the time to be surprised I probably would have been but all this took place in the course of a second. Already the rest of the pack was bursting through the tree line.

  “Go Freak!” I called to my cat familiar as I categorized the new threats charging our way. Unlike the first monster these new arrivals adjusted their avenues of attack and now we were part of the equation.

  My hand had already reached back and I nocked another arrow as I tapped my feet lightly to Winston’s sides causing my huge warhorse to shoot forward towards the incoming threats. The girl had completed her roll and was up and running. Not wasting a moment continuing her run our way. I put her out of my mind and fired another arrow at an incoming wolf taking it in the chest like the first. We were still about forty yards away but as our two sides moved full tilt towards each other the distance was rapidly closing.

  I had another arrow nocked and I fired it at the closest dire wolf taking it in the neck this time but still dropping it. Freak had covered the ground faster than Winston and I. He leapt ahead and in midair crashed into a wolf. That was all I saw and then we were passed. A quick squeeze of my thighs and Winston slammed his hooves into the ground skidding then spinning mid skid on his front legs and kicking his back legs out. Connecting his massive hooves with a leaping wolfs head. The resounding crack sounded like a gunshot and there was one more monster down.

  Barely containing my seat from Winston’s slick move we spun back around and I took stock of the situation. Freak was finishing up his wolf by shaking his head back and forth like a terrier. Two more wolves had retreated to the tree line and were staring at us with growls of rage in their throats. The girl had stopped running once she passed us then turned weapons raised and ready for a fight. Four more wolves joined the two at the tree line and I tensed myself for their rush another arrow already nocked and aimed at the nearest dire wolf.

  Freak had finished his chew toy off and was by our side growling louder and more threateningly than the wolves. Suddenly, the loudest howl yet hit my ears and all six wolves stopped growling and turned looking back into the trees. A few more moments went by and then the largest wolf yet slowly made her way out of the tree line.

  My bow and arrow lowered involuntarily and even Freak stopped growling at the newcomer. She was by far the largest wolf I had ever seen. Her head stood as tall as Winston’s as she finally exited the tree cover. Her fur was jet black and her eyes as well but they seemed to glow with an inner power causing them to seem like they were burning. A keen intelligence seemed to be behind them as she studied us while I studied her.


  The dire wolf alpha is the pack leader. These giant wolves are usually two to three times the size of a normal dire wolf. These monsters are also extremely cunning and vastly more intelligent than their pack members. Canis dirus, "fearsome dog" see dire wolf for more information.

  I quickly dismissed the window. I don’t know how I knew it was a she but I did. Disbarring the size and sheer terror the wolf omitted the creature was amazing. She was the same size as Winston but seemed even larger and made of pure muscle. A few growls and the rest of her pack turned and faded back into the woods. The massive pack leader and I locked eyes for a few moments as if coming to an understanding then she turned her back on us and disappeared back into the woods. Then she and the wolves were gone almost if they had never been there. If it wasn’t for the bodies on the ground I could have imagined it all.

  A deep breath that I hadn’t realized I had been holding escaped my lips.

  “Mrweorr…” Freak said, while looking over at me in question.

  “You said it bud that was crazy.” I replied to my cat while Winston whinnied as well. I patted my horse on the neck while I got my nerves together. Five wolves were down. I had taken three out with arrows, Freak got one, and Winston had connected with the fourth. Not bad considering it was my first fight with a pack of dire wolves. I felt like I was missing something though.

  “Hahóo!” A woman’s voice called.

  The girl! I turned at the sound and stared as the woman walked over to me. Smiling and not in a state of panic I was hit by the beauty of the woman all over again. Freak growled and the woman froze in place as my cat, now a huge tiger, stalked over to her and began sniffing and nuzzling around the beautiful woman. Her smile faltered and she began saying something to me really fast. At first I just stared processing everything that was going on and that had happened.

  I must’ve looked like an idiot because I sat staring at the girl and my tiger from the back of my horse not saying a word with my mouth just hanging open. I don’t know if all the craziness of the past day had finally caught up with me but my brain felt like it was shorting out. I knew that the girl was talking to me. I could hear her saying something. I also was sure that my pet tiger was a big part of whatever she was saying.

  I even watched as she let her knife and hatchet drop to the ground as Freak hopped up and put his paws on her shoulders. Then with a quick motion his tongue flicked out and licked her on the cheek. Her immediate silence and the shock on her face, not to mention Freak didn’t stop with one lick, caused me to burst out laughing at the sheer absurdity of it all.


  I couldn’t help it. Huge fits of laughter hit me and I couldn’t stop shaking. I began tearing and chuckling so hard my stomach began to hurt. A minute passed until I finally got a hold of myself. I took some deep breaths and wiped the tears from my eyes. Finally in control I looked over the situation again. I shouldered my bow and put my arrow back in my quiver.

  Patting Winston on the neck I slid off the horse and called out to Freak. My cat gave the woman another lick and took his paws off her shoulders and slinked to my side. I patted him on the neck and rubbed his head while I looked at the woman. With the huge cat no longer on her the woman visibly composed herself and reached down picking up her weapons. I watched enthralled as she took a couple of deep breaths, her chest stretching against the hide top she was wearing, pushing the fabric taught against her ample chest.

  She looked up and I quickly switched my gaze and looked her in the eyes. I colored slightly hoping she didn’t catch me looking. She stood up and put her weapons into leather straps on her waist band before speaking. This time my new skill Babel Fish activated.



  This ability automatically translates any language that the host hears into English and what the host speaks into whichever language the listener can comprehend most fluently.

  I quickly dismissed the window as she spoke now understanding her perfectly.

  “…you saved my life. I don’t know how to repay you.” She finished, bowing her head and placing her hands to her chest.

  Quickly dismissing the first thoughts that ran through my man brain, I cleared my throat.

  “No worries, I’d have done it for anyone.” I replied, waving my hands reflexively.

  At the best of times I wasn’t super good with girls let alone insanely gorgeous girls. My girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend, and I had been together since college so all my interactions with women since then had been superficial at best. Of course I had some women friends but I had known them for years and this was a whole different situation. Now here I was, transported through time, just finished killing giant monster wolves, and talking to the most beautiful woman I had ever seen with the help of some kind of translation software.

  I couldn’t help it and began laughing again. It was just crazy. I expected maybe I had lost my mind due to the trauma of having seen my ex and my friend going at it. Add in the copious amounts of booze and marijuana I had smoked it made sense that I was having a drug slash alcohol induced fever dream. Or at the very least some type of mental breakdown.

  My laughter continued unabated, I even noticed the woman raising her eyebrows and staring at me with a look of confusion. It didn’t matter. It just made me laugh harder. I’ll give her credit though she handled my bout of hysteria like a champ. I imagine the fact I had saved her from the wolves, not to mention the huge tiger at my side which was also looking at me like I was crazy, were most of the reasons why.

  Once again I managed to reign myself in and took more deep breaths to gain control of my laughing body. I used this moment to identify the woman, unfortunately nothing popped up. I tried again and again and still nothing. Finally, I shook my head and held my hand out to the woman. I would have to do this the old fashioned way.

  “I’m sorry about before, my name is Lawrence, Lawrence Wrath. It’s nice to meet you.” I said my hand still held out for a handshake.

  The woman lifted her head at my voice then looked at my hand quizzically before nodding more to herself and sticking her hand out beside mine. Reflexively I grabbed her hand and shook it softly but firmly. She didn’t pull her hand away but looked nonplussed at me as I completed our modern day ritual of introduction.

  “This is Westley, you can call him Freak,” I motioned to my cat and horse respectively, “and that is Winston. And you are?”

  “My apologies Lawrence Lawrence Wrath. My name is Moon Flower.” She replied bowing her head slightly.

  “Nice to meet you Miss Flower.” I said, letting her hand go and bowing my head slightly back.

  “No Moon Flower is my name.” She replied tensing up as Freak decided to check her out some more this time Winston joining in.

  “Don’t worry they won’t hurt you.” I offered, seeing her becoming uncomfortable, who wouldn’t with a giant tiger and humongous warhorse entering your personal space.

  Although when I said they wouldn’t hurt her she gave me a look and a nod then turned her attention to my animal companions. In a few moments she was cooing and petting both my pets like the three had known each other for years. Maybe she took what I said seriously when I said they wouldn’t hurt her. I watched the fearlessness she showed rubbing Freak’s belly and scratching Winston behind the ears. After a couple of minutes I decided that was enough, I mean come on, I didn’t even know the chick really, not that I was getting jealous or anything.

  “Knock it off you two leave Miss Moon Flower alone.” I called, swatting my tiger and horse playfully on the rumps.

  “You have such good animal friends. The cat reminds me of the saber toothed ones that roam the mountains but he is much more handsome.” She said. “And your horse is the most amazing one of its kind I’ve ever seen.”

  Freak meowed in response while Winston whinnied. The two of them were definitely picking up what she was putting down. They were much more intelligent now. The way they responded to her now and me earlier proved it.

  “Thank you Miss Moon…” I began.

  “It is just Moon Flower. I do not know who this Miss you keep saying is.” She interrupted.

  “I apologize. Where I come from it just means a young woman.” I replied face once again turning red with chagrin.

  “That makes sense. The way you talk, your weapons, the clothes you wear, all these things makes you not one of The People.” She said, more to herself than to me. Then she seemed to come to a conclusion. “Lawrence Lawrence Wrath I owe you a life debt. I must do whatever I can to repay you until that debt is paid off even though you are not one of The People.”

  “No… it’s ok… really.” I stammered out. “I would have helped anyone and it’s just what you should do if someone is in trouble. I’m sure that you or anyone in your position…” I trailed off struggling for the words.

  “Yes that is why even though you aren’t a member of The People I still owe you a life debt. The fact that you would risk your life for my own someone who isn’t even of your tribe speaks volumes.” She said seriously.

  I looked at her for a moment and really took in what she was saying. Life debt… I remembered the show ‘The Lone Ranger’ and Tanto had a life debt to the Lone Ranger and they had become best of friends. I know that it was TV but there had to be truth to the sentiment somewhere. Maybe it was better to take her up on her offer. I mean, I was basically in a foreign land and knew no one. I had no home, no consistent source of food and water, and no where to go really, just a semi unclear order from Colt about balance and saving his people.

  Moon Flower was still standing there and staring at me. One thing was for certain, this girl was way better looking than Tanto. I made my decision.

  “Please, call me Lawrence or Lar… I mean Law.” I said, remembering Colt’s new nickname for me. “What is this life debt thing?”


  Moon Flower and I began our talk and she started explaining what the life debt was and what it entailed. This discussion took place while we gathered the dire wolf corpses and began the arduous task of field dressing the animals. At first I was just going to leave them but she was shocked by that and began by herself. Not wanting her to think I was lazy and wasteful I began helping her while she talked. I accessed my saddlebags and grabbed the last items I had seen.


  WEAPON TYPE – Kukri and Bowie Knife

  NAME – Fangs of the Wolf

  DURABILITY – 250/250, 250/250

  CLASS – Legendary

  UPGRADES – Never Dull, Razor Sharp

  WEIGHT – 10 lbs

  DIMENSIONS – 17” and 24”

  The god Coyote and the gods Ahayuta and Achi were said to have battled for seven days and seven nights. On the seventh day Coyote defeated the twin gods. As a gift for the victor each twin gave their favorite weapon to Coyote. These are scalable and grow with the owner’s level.

  The blades were amazing. The kukri was matte black and seventeen inches long from its tip to the bottom of the leather handle. Whereas the bowie knife was all shining steel and had a carved wooden handle below its curved tang measuring out at a full twenty-four inches. Closing the window I placed the kukri back in my bag and hefted the bowie knife. Satisfied with my tool of choice I headed over and began work on my own wolf listening to the beautiful woman speak.

  “The life debt is not a thing.” She admonished. “It means that I pledge myself to you and will follow you till I have had a chance to repay the debt either by saving your life or until enough time passes that I feel I have completed my service to you.”

  I paused in my own work and watched her with awe. She was so quick and skillful with her blade that I felt like an amateur. She almost made it beautiful, if field dressing an animal could ever be called that, as she sliced and cut getting the minimum of viscera on her hands and none on her clothing or body. Personally, I had always thought I was good at field dressing having done it since such a young age. She was something else though and I was fascinated watching her work.

  “Are you enjoying the view?” She asked a small smile on her face at my embarrassment.

  I coughed and looked away quickly concentrating on my own wolf, which was not even close to being as done as hers. I mean, I wasn’t staring at her like that I was watching her technique not her taught thighs and buttocks as she bent over the… Ok, maybe I was staring but I was still appreciating her skill.


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