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Mr. Satisfaction

Page 16

by Jackson, Brenda

  “Follow me,” Maurice directed Madison as if she were a business client. When they were passing the concierge desk, he stopped and said, “Ricardo, this is Madison Monroe. She just purchased the loft on the twelfth floor. I’m going to show her around the building, but please always treat her extra special.” The concierge smiled at Madison, and she returned the smile, still trying to get a read on Maurice. When they finally got in the elevator and the doors closed, Madison yearned for Maurice to pin her against the wall as he did in the bathroom, but instead he asked, “How’s your day been going?”

  “Okay, I guess. I finally got the keys to my place. I’m happy about that.”

  “You’ll like it here. It’s like stepping into a whole other world. Do you want to go to your loft, or would you like to see mine?”

  “I would love to see yours. Your assistant is beautiful,” Madison blurted out without even thinking. She was astounded that this man had her acting like a pimple-faced awkward teenager.

  “Tonya, yeah, she is a beautiful young woman, very smart too. I’m hoping to keep her around for a while; hopefully someone else won’t snatch her up.” His word choice had Madison even more insecure than before. When they reached the top floor, the doors opened to Maurice’s penthouse, and it put her dream loft to shame. The split-level vision seemed to be at least double the size of her place. It was the perfect combination of high-tech ultramodern design and luxurious overindulgence at its finest.

  “Wow, this place is amazing.” Madison gasped.

  “I like to think so. It started off as my pet project, and this is the finished product,” he said while walking toward his stainless steeland-glass bar. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Sure, Baileys on the rocks.”

  “So exactly what do you do for a living?”

  “I own a public relations company.”

  “I didn’t know there was so much money in PR.”

  “You can make a pretty good living.”

  “It has to be more than pretty good to afford a three-million-dollar loft.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely not in a place in my career where I can afford a three-million-dollar loft from doing PR.”

  “Then how did you get the money?” Maurice asked as he handed Madison her drink. The point-blank question into what many would consider privileged information was putting her on edge, but she found herself about to wander into territory that she normally kept guarded.

  “Actually, I started my own company and bought my loft with monies from my trust fund.” Madison knew that revelation would lead to more questions, ones she preferred not to answer, but it was too late.

  “Trust fund, who left you a trust fund?” Maurice was now sitting on the couch as if he were a shrink and Madison was his patient. He knew his line of questioning was making her uneasy, but he wanted to pull her out of her element. His mission was to strip her of all self-control.

  “My father. Before he died, he left me a trust fund that I inherited when I turned twenty-five.”

  “How long has your father been deceased?”

  “Over ten years.”

  “How did he die?”

  “He was murdered. The cops believe it was a random act of robbery, but the case was never solved. A year later, my mother died of a broken heart. One shot by some thug tore my whole family apart. Within a year, I lost my mother and father.” Madison’s forehead now had trickles of sweat, and her hands were shaking.

  She seemed to be having a panic attack, but Maurice didn’t make a move. Instead he sat back and dissected the obviously shaken woman. This beautiful strong creature was crumbling right before his eyes.

  Madison finally sat down, realizing her legs were buckling under and she was about to fall. “Could you please give me a glass of water?” Maurice still didn’t move, and Madison felt as if she was going to pass out. She rarely discussed the death of her parents, because she would always break down. All the therapy sessions in the world weren’t able to get her to cope with the loss.

  “Why don’t you get the water yourself?” he asked coldly.

  “I’m not feeling well, Maurice. Please get me some water.”

  He finally walked over to the bar and pulled out bottled water. He took his time bringing it to Madison, and she was on the verge of collapsing.

  She finished the water in what appeared to be one gulp. Madison reached in her purse and pulled out a tissue to dab the sweat from her forehead. “I’m sorry for losing it like this. It’s extremely hard for me to discuss my parents. I’m sure you understand.”

  “No, I don’t. You have your own company, bought a three-million-dollar loft, and have on at least ten thousand dollars’ worth of clothes and accessories. You obviously have no problem spending your dead daddy’s money.”

  Madison felt the tears welling up in her eyes. “How can you be so cruel? Is this why you invited me here, to further humiliate me? I can’t deal with this.” Madison got off the couch and virtually leaped to the front door.

  Before she could make her getaway, Maurice had both hands jailing her inside the door space. He put his right hand around her throat and filled her mouth with his tongue. His lips were the perfect tool for foreplay. He glided Madison to the couch he had just disgraced her on and began unbuttoning her cashmere cardigan. The opening revealed a cream silk bra with two firm perfect round breasts. After unclipping the bra, he consumed the brown rounds as if sucking the juices from a grape.

  Madison had forgotten the cruel words that left Maurice’s mouth and only wanted to have every part of him. “Baby, I want to taste you. Please put your dick in my mouth.”

  “Shh, let me please you,” Maurice said as he stood up and undressed. His six-foot-two-inch solid frame was flawless. His caramel skin highlighted every ripple of muscle on his washboard stomach. When he stepped out of his briefs, Madison knew he was working with at least ten inches not to mention the width, which was wide and thick. She was so enamored with watching Maurice, she had not yet taken off her pants and boots, but he did the honor for her. By the time she was completely naked, she had already had a baby orgasm just from the idea of what he was about to do to her.

  “Do you want to feel my tongue inside you, or are you ready for me?”

  Madison always loved a man to get her nice and wet with some tongue action, but her pussy was so sodden, if she got any more excited, he would feel like he was floating in the ocean. “I’m ready for you.”

  When he entered her, a sensation ripped through Madison’s body that had her screaming his name with every stroke. She was so far gone that even though she had a pack of condoms in her purse, she opted to take her chances because she so desperately craved him raw. She could feel her juices showering his dick, and as wet as she was, it couldn’t stop the pain of taking all of him inside her. Her nails were pressing deep in his skin, and she bit her bottom lip, trying to capture the size and force of his manhood. But the real pleasure came from the slow rhythmic movement of his hypnotizing tool. There was no doubt Madison had fallen in love with the gorgeous stallion, and he knew it. With every thrust, she was falling deeper and deeper under his spell. When Madison felt his dick twitching against her walls and she knew he was about to erupt, she begged him to come inside of her.

  But instead he had to let her know who was in control of this. “Open your mouth, and swallow every last drop,” Maurice demanded. Like he knew she would.

  Madison ingested every drip of come as if it were a sacrament. When Maurice got up and walked toward the kitchen, she stared longingly for him to come back and be inside of her. She followed him to the kitchen like a lost puppy, and for the first time Maurice fully took in the woman he had just made love to. He had to admit that she was unbelievably stunning. Her perfectly proportioned body was almost as flawless as her glistening smooth brown skin. Her long dark hair was tousled, and she looked like an escaped exotic jungle woman, except for the fact that her nails, skin, and body were so immaculately groomed.

>   “After last night, I didn’t know when I would see you again. I was so happy when you called this morning. How did you get my number, anyway?” Madison asked, hoping to open the lines of communication.

  “I can get anybody’s number. It wasn’t hard.”

  “Oh, well, I’m glad you did.”

  “I have to handle some business, so I have to go,” Maurice said as he abruptly walked past Madison.

  “Why are you being so distant?” she asked.

  “What is it that you want from me?” Maurice asked, seeming infuriated by Madison’s question.

  “Closeness—we did just make love. It meant something to me. I was hoping it meant something to you too.”

  “The closeness you’re looking for I can’t give you.”

  Madison felt as if a knife has just been lunged in her heart. “But why, what’s wrong with me?” she asked.

  “Madison, it’s not you. It’s me.”

  “You have to come up with a better excuse than that. Do you know how many times I’ve used that line on men before?” she said sarcastically.

  “It’s the truth. Just like you have your own demons you’re dealing with, so do I.”

  “You can share them with me.” Madison walked toward Maurice and held his hand. Beneath the allure of his hazel eyes, she could see such pain. The eyes never lie, and Maurice had definitely put up a wall to protect himself, but from what, Madison desperately wanted to figure out.

  “Don’t push me.”

  The seriousness of his tone made Madison step back and reevaluate her approach. “I won’t. We can take it slow,” she said, releasing his hand. “Can I see you again?”

  “Do you want to?”

  “Of course,” she responded, as if not believing Maurice would even have to ask such a question.

  “Dinner tomorrow night. I’ll call you and let you know what time I’ll pick you up.”

  “Okay.” Maurice walked over and kissed Madison on her cheek before heading toward his bedroom. Madison walked toward the living room as if in a trance. She couldn’t help but feel as if Maurice wasn’t that into her. His mood seemed cold and distant, but he still was like a magnet pulling her in. In the past, Madison was used to men chasing her and always feeling secure that they longed for her love and affection, but this time was different. She felt inadequate and questioned whether Maurice cared about her at all or if she was just a convenient sex partner.

  After getting dressed and touching up her makeup, Madison waited thirty minutes for Maurice to come out of his bedroom. When another fifteen minutes passed and still no sign of him, she realized the kiss Maurice placed on her cheek was his good-bye, and he wouldn’t be coming back out until she was gone. Once again feeling rejected, Madison snatched her bag and headed out the door.


  It was a rainy, dreary November day for Madison. Not just because of the weather but also because she hadn’t heard from Maurice in over a week. The dinner they were supposed to have the next evening never happened. Although Maurice didn’t call to confirm a time he would pick her up, wishful thinking got the better of her. Madison sat on her couch all night in a J. Mendel fur stole with her Coco Kliks mini and Missoni boots, praying that she would hear a knock at the door. The knock never came. She had no number for him, and when she called information, his home number was unlisted. It wasn’t until three o’clock in the morning that Madison accepted he wasn’t showing up.

  Madison sat in her office now, staring outside, watching the rain and gushing winds rip through the still-busy New York City streets. It seemed nothing could stop business as usual in this fast-paced town, except for maybe a broken heart, in Madison’s case. She almost ruined her account with Eric Chamber’s company after forgetting about their scheduled meeting and not preparing the follow-up proposal. Luckily she was quick on her feet when it came to creative ideas, and more important, Eric still had a hard-on for her. She was able to smooth everything over, but her motivation toward work was nil. “I said I didn’t want to be disturbed,” Madison barked after her assistant buzzed in.

  “Ms. Monroe, you have a delivery,” Erica explained.

  “Well sign for it, and I’ll get it from you on my way out.”

  “The gentleman is insisting on delivering it to you himself, says it’s important.” Madison immediately thought of Richard, Reese, and Eric, since she had been avoiding all three. They had bombarded her with messages, but she wasn’t interested in seeing any of them. She wondered which one had the balls to corner her at work.

  “Fine, send him in.” Madison’s back was turned toward the door because she didn’t want to greet whichever man it was with the disgusted look on her face. When she heard the door open, her fists were clenched in front of her, trying to calm her nerves so she wouldn’t lash out. Even though she felt nothing for any of them emotionally, they were useful for business purposes, and she knew it was important not to burn bridges. She had to find a way to pacify their egos and get them the hell outta her face at the same time. Madison could feel the man walking toward her, and when he approached, surprisingly her nipples hardened and she became aroused by the masculine scent of his cologne. Right before Madison turned to face him, the most beautiful arrangement of roses, orchids, tulips, and Oriental lilies welcomed her.

  “Please forgive me,” the deep, even-toned voice said.

  Madison’s heartbeat jumped rapidly as she assimilated the words and the voice. She turned around slowly. “What are you doing here?” she said with eyes beaming.

  “No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake you from my thoughts; so I finally gave into the inevitable and hoped that it wasn’t too late. Am I?”

  Madison reached around and placed the bouquet of flowers on the desk. She then put her slender soft hands on his chiseled chin and tasted his lips. They were sweeter than the most sugary fruit, softer than the smoothest skin, and more inviting than the calmest body of water. “Does that answer your question?” she said.

  “How did I get so lucky?” he asked.

  “The question is how did I get so lucky? I figured you decided not to deal with me anymore, but I still couldn’t let you go. I was determined to wait and prayed that you would come back to me. My prayers have been answered, I hope. But only you can answer that. Do you care about me, or do you just feel guilty about how you treated me?”

  “Honestly, I felt a connection to you from the first moment I saw you. When we ran into each other again at the Spice Market, I remembered you, but I was trying to fight the urge.”

  “What urge?”

  “The urge of wanting you in my life.”

  “But why?”

  “Fear,” he admitted solemnly.

  “Fear of what?”

  “Falling in love again and being hurt.”

  “You’ve been in love before?” Madison asked with a twinge of envy.

  “Yes, a few years ago, but the pain is still fresh in my mind.”

  “What happened?”

  “It’s complicated.” It was hard for Maurice to explain because he was still confused. The woman he believed he would spend the rest of his life with left him, and he had never gotten over it. After the relationship ended, he dedicated his entire existence to making money and being successful. He had casual relationships with women only to curb his sexual desires and contain his desire for female companionship. He never let his relationships get too serious, but he knew Madison was the woman who could change all that.

  “I’m good at figuring things out—try me,” Madison said with a warm smile.

  “I’ve been married to my work for so long that I didn’t want to get involved in a complicated relationship with you. I knew that I would want more than a casual sexual fling, so I thought it best to keep my distance.”

  Madison could see the look of frustration on Maurice’s face and that he was holding back. He seemed torn, but Madison wasn’t confused at all. He stood looking out her large window as if in deep thought.

rice was finer than any male model that graced the billboards of Times Square. On the few occasions she saw him, he was always dressed in an expensive suit, but today she witnessed another side of his impeccable style. He was casually dressed but still evoked confidence and power. With his dark brown beaver short coat with shawl collar and an oyster cashmere and silk turtleneck sweater, complemented with dark blue relaxed-fitting jeans and a pair of brown suede moccasin with double-G ornaments, he embodied the perfect combination of cool sophistication and testosterone. Maurice’s entire demeanor reminded Madison of her father, even his standoffish attitude.

  “Our relationship doesn’t have to be complicated. We could share something beautiful and special.” Madison paced over to Maurice and put her hand on his shoulder. “What I feel for you is real. The first time we met, I fell in love with you. I never wanted anything as badly as I wanted you. But it seemed as if you were looking right through me. Then when I made a fool of myself at the restaurant and tried to seduce you in front of the bathroom, I was the one that ended up being seduced. When you called me the next day, I thought that maybe we had a chance. Of course, that was shattered after we made love and I didn’t hear from you. I figured you must have thought I was some spoiled, promiscuous brat.”

  “I did have my reservations. You were extremely aggressive and obviously had no qualms about going after what you wanted. I didn’t want to be just another notch on your belt.”

  “But you’re not,” Madison said. “You’re so much more than that. If you give us a chance, you’ll see.”

  “That’s why I came here today, because I do want to give us a chance. For the past week I’ve thought about you almost every second of the day. The way you smell, the way my hands glide with ease on your body, and your warmth when I’m inside of you.” By the time Maurice finished his last sentence, Madison was spread out on her desk with Maurice’s tongue taking pleasure in that warmth. He plunged his tongue into the center of her opening and licked it upward toward her clit.


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