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Mr. Satisfaction

Page 17

by Jackson, Brenda

  Once he hit her clit, she trembled and let out an endless sigh. “Oh, Maurice, I love you.” His face was drenched in Madison’s sweet juices. The more she purred, the more gratification he got. She began shaking rhythmically as he brought her to a climax, and Maurice was also aroused and about to come. As he unzipped his jeans, he used the other hand to finger her. Right when Madison jolted in pleasure, Maurice took his manhood and spurted his warm come up and down her entire pussy.

  “I love you too, Madison.”

  Those words rang in her ears like wedding bells. Flashes of chapels, wedding dresses, and baby cribs invaded her brain. Maurice rested his head on Madison’s stomach, and it seemed as if time were standing still.

  FOR THE NEXT few weeks, Madison was on cloud nine, caught up in the sheer bliss of love. After their initial hump, they seemed to now be in perfect harmony. She had virtually moved into her new loft, and Maurice even hired his interior designer to glam the place up. Madison had basically stopped staying at her other apartment and was now living with Maurice until her loft was complete. She never imagined that her love life would make her this happy. Christmas and New Year’s were approaching, and Madison knew that her wish would be for the two of them to spend the rest of their lives as husband and wife. As Madison lay in bed on the gloomy Sunday afternoon, daydreaming about her life with Maurice, she heard him coming back in from his daily run. “Hi, baby,” Madison said, jumping out the bed like a little girl greeting her daddy.

  “Did you miss me?” he said teasingly.

  “You know I always miss you, even when you’re in the next room.” Madison grinned, pulling Maurice on the bed.

  “Stop, I’m sweaty. I need to get in the shower.”

  “I like you sweaty,” Madison pouted as Maurice untangled himself from her embrace and went to the bathroom and started the shower. “Baby, what are we going to do for New Year’s?”

  “What do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe go someplace warm.”

  “What about Miami? I just purchased a condominium there a few months ago, and it’s warm.”

  “Yeah, and I’ve gotten a ton of invitations to some hot parties for that weekend. That sounds perfect.”

  “Great, so I’ll make the flight reservations. New Year’s Eve is Friday, so we’ll leave Thursday morning.”

  “Thursday? Why so late? Can’t we leave Tuesday or Wednesday?”

  “Madison, I’m swamped with business until then.”

  “I understand, but on another note, what do you want for Christmas?”

  “I have what I want,” Maurice claimed as he pulled a half-naked Madison in the shower with him. “You,” he said, while ripping off Madison’s bra and panties. There was no need for Maurice to guide her to his rock-hard penis, because she willingly found her way.

  “Baby, your dick is so beautiful,” Madison moaned.

  “It’s your dick,” Maurice said as he locked eyes with her.

  “My dick is so beautiful,” she said as she rubbed it up and down its length. She was teasing just the head of his dick and then flicked her tongue all over the entire shaft. No one had ever given Maurice a blowjob as expertly as Madison. She reached up and began to rub his nipples to further ignite his sensations. Her entrance was so wet and hot, like her pussy, and Maurice imagined being inside and started fucking her mouth. His dick was pulsating inside her lips, and the intense pleasure was driving him so crazy that he grabbed Madison’s damp hair and pulled it tightly. She tried to maintain her perfect rhythm because she loved to make him lose control while she gratified him sexually. When his moans of pleasures became louder and louder, Madison knew he was about to erupt inside of her, and she wanted to savor it all.

  Maurice gazed at Madison as she swallowed all of him. When some neglected her mouth and rolled down the side of her chin, she took her finger and scooped it up, then placed it in her mouth as if it were her favorite flavor of ice cream. She loved every part of him, and Maurice could feel it through his entire body. He steered Madison to his lips and kissed her long and hard. As he rubbed down her flesh until finally resting his hands on her taut buttocks, Maurice thought to himself that she was the perfect woman for him.

  WHEN KRISTEN CAME over to see Madison’s almost-completed loft, she hit the roof. She loved the color scheme the interior designer had picked out. Since Madison adored natural tones, the decorator had used that as the base and put splashes of deeper shades to offset it. The large open space and antique fixtures made Kristen felt like she was somewhere in a new-millennium museum. After praising how beautiful the new place was, Kristen didn’t skip a beat about what had been going on with her best friend. “Girl, I was surprised to get a phone call from you today, since it feels like I haven’t seen you in years,” Kristen complained.

  “We just had lunch a few weeks ago. Normally we just speak on the phone more often,” Madison said.

  “That’s what it is. You don’t call a sistah no more, what’s up with that?”

  “I’ve just been busy. Moving and trying to get settled in my new place.”

  “I think it’s more than that. Your face has the glow of a pregnant woman.”

  “I’m definitely not pregnant yet.”

  “What you mean yet?’ Kristen said with hands now folded.

  “Kristen, I’m in love. I want to marry this man and have enough kids to start our own tribe,” Madison said with a big smile.

  Kristen was now sitting on the leather easy chair with feet propped on the ottoman. She eyed Madison with great suspicion. “You’re in love, with the man that had you dressing like a Fifth Avenue Stepford Wife?” she smacked.

  “Excuse me, what are you talking about?”

  “The last time we met for lunch, you were dressed to the nines because you were meeting some mystery man. You couldn’t even focus on our conversation due to the circles this man had you going in. Is this the same man?”

  “Yes, and we are blissfully happy. I’m no longer going in circles. We’re crazy about each other.”

  “I don’t doubt that, but I still think he has you going in circles.”

  “If you call being the happiest I’ve ever been and hoping that one day soon he’ll ask me to be his wife, then fine, I’ll admit it. Maurice Hunter has me going in circles.”

  “Oh, so Maurice Hunter is the guilty party. Honestly, I’m thrilled for you. Somebody has finally tamed your pimp ass. So when will I meet your future husband?”

  “Soon, I hope. He is extremely busy. He is more of a workaholic than me. Maybe after the holidays. We’re actually going to Miami to celebrate New Year’s.”

  “Wow! Ever since I can remember, you always brought in the New Year popping bottles of champagne while dancing on top of the table with your celebrity clients. You are actually going to be with a significant other?”

  “When I was a little girl, my father would always tell me how you bring in the New Year is what you’ll be doing for the rest of the year. I’m hoping to have Maurice by my side so wherever I am, he has to be with me. Whether that’s partying at a club or making love, we have to be together. I want to show you something,” Madison said as she walked back to her bedroom.

  During her absence, Kristen took in the essence of the place and hoped that Madison would let her crash for a few days those times when she needed a break from the life of a wife and mother.

  “Take a look,” Madison said, handing Kristen a picture of Maurice.

  “Unbelievable—he is gorgeous, and those eyes. Now I understand why you’ve lost your mind. You sure he doesn’t have a brother I can have an affair with?”

  “If only you were so lucky. No brothers, I don’t think. Actually he doesn’t even talk about his family that much. But we do talk about the family we’re going to have together.”

  “Honey, I would talk about that for a few more years. Trying to make the baby would be the fun part by the looks of him. You have to be the luckiest girl I know. You’re finally ready to settle
down, and you get a man with million-dollar looks and, from what you told me, million-dollar pockets. What else could you ask for?”

  “A million-dollar dick, and he has that too,” she bragged. “You’re a mess. Does this man know what a mess he has on his hands? I definitely need to meet him so I can warn him of the theatrics that come along with Madison Monroe.”

  “That’s all in the past. I prayed for God to bring me a wonderful man, and he did. I used to worry that I would grow old all alone while everyone else gushed over their children and grandchildren. Now that I have Maurice, all that has changed. I can finally exhale. I’m in love.”

  “It seems as if you fell in love overnight,” Kristen said with skepticism.

  “Listen, you’re talking to the biggest cynic in the world. But finding love has made me a believer that everyone has a soul mate in this world. Maurice is mine. My mother and father got married a month after they met. My dad said the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew she would be his wife. You can’t fight true love.”

  “I know how happy you are, but just be careful. Sometimes things are just too good to be true.”

  Whatever Kristen said fell on deaf ears. Madison was caught in a whole other world as she looked out her window overlooking Central Park. She watched in envy as the mothers pushed their babies in strollers and the toddlers held their mothers’ hands. That was the picture she visualized for her and Maurice. That was the life she knew her father would want for her.

  GOOD MORNING, MS. Monroe,” her assistant Erica said in disbelief. Madison hadn’t come in all last week and had left her right-hand man in charge. The whole office was buzzing over what was going on in the business-sawy woman’s life, since everyone knew that Madison simply breathed her job. But Erica had her own ideas about what had her boss so occupied. Since the day that stunning man stepped in the office, Madison had been on New York’s Most Wanted. The man never gave his name, and of course Madison never shared her personal life, but Erica just knew he was the reason for the weeks of strange behavior. She couldn’t be mad at her boss, though, because the man she saw was beyond fine, and she had to admit she wouldn’t want to leave his side either.

  “Good morning to you too, Erica. The holidays are fast approaching, so we have a lot of work to do. Friday will be my last day of work for 2005. You won’t see me again until the New Year, so I’m trying to tie up all the loose ends before my departure.”

  “So what are you doing for the New Year, Ms. Monroe?” Erica asked, knowing her boss hated to be questioned.

  “Are you being nosy?”

  “Oh, no, Ms. Monroe, just curious, that’s all.”

  “Well since I’m in such a good mood, I’ll share my plans with you. I’m going to bring in the New Year with my boyfriend, Maurice,” Madison said, and blushed.

  “Are you talking about that drop-dead gorgeous man that came to your office a few weeks ago with flowers?” she asked, dying to have her suspicions confirmed.

  A sly grin crossed Madison’s face, and she tilted her shades down to make eye contact with her assistant before answering her question. “Yes, my dear, every delicious piece of him is all mine.” Madison paraded into her office and closed her door.

  Erica was about to pick up her phone and call all her friends and let them know that some man had finally melted the heart of her ice-cold boss when Madison popped her head out her office door.

  “Next week when I’m off, you don’t have to come in. Just think of it as a paid vacation. We’ll include it in your Christmas bonus.” Before Erica could say thanks, Madison closed the door.

  Erica gave a second thought to her phone call and reasoned that maybe her boss wasn’t so cold after all.

  “Hi, Richard. I just got your message. How is everything?”

  “What do you mean you just got my message? I left several. Where have you been?”

  “I had to go out of town and handle some business. Is there a problem? I left someone who is extremely competent to oversee your account.” Madison was thumbing her pen on her notepad.

  “The account is running smoothly, although I was under the impression you would personally be handling everything,” Richard said, with irritation sipping through the phone.

  “I have a ton of clients, and all of them require my attention. My main objective is that all my clients are equally satisfied and unless there is some sort of complaint, then I don’t step in.”

  “Are all your other clients paying you the kind of money I am?”

  “You mean you’re paying my company, which you hired to do a job, and by your own admission it is running smoothly. Correct?”

  “You can skip the business formalities because we both know what this is about. I haven’t seen you in over a month, and you no longer take my phone calls. Are you dissolving our personal relationship?”

  “Business hours aren’t the time to discuss this. If you have a question relating to work, I’ll be more than happy to confer, but if that isn’t the case, then I need to get back to my other obligations.” Madison didn’t want to end her conversation with Richard on a bad note, but her frustration was building.

  “You need to rethink what you’re saying. I would hate to take my business elsewhere due to your lack of professionalism.”

  “No, you mean my lack of giving you a professional, Richard. You hired my company to handle your account because of our expertise. If you can’t keep your hard-on for me separate from our business relationship, then that sounds more like a breach of contract, which sounds like a dilemma my legal department would handle. I would hate to start the New Year with that sort of dark cloud over our heads, especially since I respect you so much. But don’t push me, because I also don’t take well to someone treating me as their personal paid-for whore. Use the holiday season to choose which path you want to take because your decision could be life altering. Have a Happy New Year.” Madison hung up the phone, disgusted. It was always so easy to mix business with pleasure when she was single. Now that she was content with a monogamous relationship, her past conquests wanted to act as if they owned her and she was obligated to perform all sexual services. Madison decided that one of the projects she would tackle when she got back from Miami was locking down a couple of other huge accounts just in case she decided to give Richard the boot. Madison was jotting down prospective clients when Erica buzzed in.

  “Ms. Monroe, it’s Reese Alexander, do you want to take the call?”

  “Yes, put it through,” she said, feeling the need to cut off all dead weight. “Hi, Reese. How are you?”

  “Missing you. What happened? I thought we had a lot of chemistry, and then you just stop taking my calls,” Reese said, sounding baffled.

  “I’ve been swamped with work.”

  “I tell you what. Let’s have dinner tonight so I can give you your Christmas present.”

  “That’s sweet, but I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Reese, I’m in a relationship now, and I’m very happy.”

  “So what—I’m in a relationship too.”

  Madison had to take the phone away from her ear and stare at the receiver for a second. “Let me rephrase this: I’m in a committed relationship.”

  “Oh, I guess that means you aren’t supposed to have sex with other people.”

  “Something like that,” she said mockingly.

  “I guess that explains why you haven’t been returning my phone calls. I hope your new man ain’t Mehki Phifer—you know that’s my competition,” Reese said, sounding more ego-broken than heartbroken.

  “No, you can rest easy. It isn’t him,” Madison said reassuringly. “Oh, well then, who is it?” he asked, as if he and Mehki were the only two men on earth worth dating.

  “You don’t know him, but I assure you he’s definitely not an actor. Actually, he isn’t in the business at all,” she said, thinking to herself, Praise the Lord.

  “Well, I don’t know why you want to give me up for some regular cat, but to
each his own. I like you though, Madison. If you change your mind, I’m just a phone call away.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. Have a Happy New Year, Reese.” This was becoming more rewarding than Madison anticipated. Freeing herself from the clutches of such pompous assholes was liberating. She couldn’t believe that she, too, used to be one of those assholes that she now detested.

  After absorbing her last two conversations, Madison was once again ready to dive into work. She spent the next few hours working hands-on with her top two executives, filtering through all the current accounts and the ones that would start in January 2005. By the end of the day, all she wanted to do was take a long hot bath and snuggle up with Maurice.


  AS THE CAB was pulling up to Madison’s apartment building, a tall, attractive, fair-skinned woman with short black hair caught her eye. Primarily because Maurice was escorting her into the building, Madison hurriedly paid the driver trying to catch up to him. Madison grabbed her purse and sprinted toward the door. Both the doorman and concierge greeted her with their standard hello, but Madison’s mind was on a one-track path to reach Maurice. She saw the pair step into the elevator, but before she could reach them, the doors closed in her face. She wondered if Maurice knew she was on his tail, but he didn’t seem to make any sort of eye or body contact to reflect that.

  Both the other elevators were still on the top floors, and Madison’s patience wouldn’t allow her to wait. She ogled the door that led to the stairs and decided that was her only option. Jealousy and insecurity had now taken over her entire mind. She honestly believed that she could beat Maurice to the penthouse floor and confront him about the woman he was with. By the time she reached the halfway mark up the stairs, a small ounce of common sense kicked in, and she took off her three-inch heels and finished her dash upstairs, as if competing in the Olympics—for what division, she had no idea. The weight of her coat had sweat trickling down her face. She unbuttoned her shirt, hoping to cool down, but in vain. When she reached Maurice’s floor, there would be no surprise bumping into him. Too much time had passed, and she knew he was now chilling with his lady friend.


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