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Page 14

by K. Sterling

  “That’s really fucked, Wal,” he said and Wal nodded.

  “It is but I already know who I’m going after first,” he said then slid Marcus a hard look.

  “How many girls?”

  “From Wavy? Eight and Ciara,” he said and Wal pushed his fingers into his eyes as his rage skyrocketed. He pulled in a calming breath and released it slowly as his brain refocused and analyzed everything he’d learned from Marcus. He needed to leave soon but Wal had to make sure there wasn’t anything else. He couldn’t think of anything so he stepped back and gestured for Marco to proceed.

  “Tell Wavy I said I’ll kill the next person he sends to threaten me and I’ll kill him myself if another one of his thugs comes near my home,” Wal said then turned away as Marco went to work on Marcus’ face.

  Chapter 22

  “I need a shower,” Marco said as he unwound the last of the tape and dropped it into the trash. “You look like hell and like you could use one too. And a drink,” he added and Wal hummed in agreement but he sounded like he was miles away as he tugged his tie loose then unbuttoned his cuffs. Marco grabbed the bourbon and two glasses then jerked his head toward the bathroom. Wal sounded exhausted but relieved as he shifted out of his shirt and followed Marco. Marco put the glasses on the counter and smiled as Wal kissed his neck before dropping his shirt in the laundry basket. “What are Super Bowl girls?” Marco asked as he poured and Wal groaned and it was a heavy, grating rumble as he leaned against the door.

  “It’s not just the Super Bowl but that’s when the demand is at its peak. A whole sex trafficking industry sprang up around filling hotel rooms with enough bodies to keep the massive influx of men entertained. Willing, professional sex workers flock to cities during large, popular events and pimps and traffickers hustle in as many girls and boys as they can as well. They bring escorts in from around the world for the Super Bowl but they aren’t always willing. Many are addicts or kidnapped and abused by their handlers,” he explained slowly and Marco’s heart and stomach sank as he leaned against the counter.

  “Holy shit, that’s disgusting. And someone in your department is involved in this? With Wavy T?” He asked as he saluted Wal with his glass and they both took a long drink. Wal hissed through the burn then nodded.

  “I thought someone was taking money from Wavy to look the other way but now it looks like Wavy’s the supplier and whoever’s behind the fire at the shop, Donnie and Jones is selling the girls,” he said and Marco’s face twisted in disgust as he stared at Wal.

  “You know who it is,” he said and Wal pushed out a hard breath.

  “Patterson and Dabney have been playing with me since I got the Cole file,” he said and Marco’s brow jumped.

  “Didn’t they take over for you after someone tried to kill me?” He asked and Wal shut his eyes as his heart squeezed.

  “I’m trying to figure out how much Bill knew,” he said and Marco’s lips pulled tight.

  “That seems like a really wild coincidence,” he said slowly as his head ducked so he could find Wal’s eyes. Wal’s tongue slid across his teeth and he sniffed hard.

  “I have to be careful. I can’t let him know I suspect anything. I don’t know how big this is or how many people will try to stop me if they find out I know,” he said and Marco put his glass down and went to him.

  “I’m still pissed that one of them tried to kill me but I want you to fuck them up because they betrayed you. All you’ve ever done was give your life to protecting people and that department and they stabbed in you in the back,” he said and Wal snorted.

  “I never felt like I fit in with some of those guys. I always wondered if it was me, because of the way I am, or because they knew I was gay. But maybe it was because I wasn’t a filthy asshole,” he murmured and Marco laughed as he kissed him and slid his arm around his neck.

  “You can be pretty filthy but you’ve never been an asshole. I think they’ve always known you were better than them and couldn’t be bought, so they let you think you were an outcast. You ever ask yourself why everyone respects you but your “brothers” always kept you at arm’s length? They don’t invite you to go out for drinks after work or over to watch a game. I think they know they’ll slip around you and you’ll catch on,” he said and Wal made a thoughtful sound.

  “Patterson calls me a freak but it hasn’t always felt like a compliment,” he recalled and Marco shook his head.

  “Jealousy is a really stupid reason to pick a fight. You already know your opponent is better than you,” he said and Wal smiled and there was a faint growling chuckle as his hand slipped beneath the waist of Marco’s pants then cupped his ass.

  “I’ll make sure he regrets it,” he said as his lips slanted over Marco’s and he kissed him with a lazy, hungry possessiveness that made his toes curl. “Right now, I’d like to talk to you about these bows and how hot you looked when you were playing bad cop.”

  “You like them? I usually can’t fit in anything from Victoria’s Secret because they don’t make things for girls with asses but I thought you might like the bows so I took a chance,” he said and Wal was concentrating very hard as he pushed Marco’s sweatpants down his thighs then angled his head so he could study one of the bows.

  “I do,” he said and his voice became deeper as he leaned so he could set his drink down. “But I’d enjoy the surprise a lot more if I didn’t have to share it with our guests,” he added cautiously as his hands glided around Marco’s ass cheek and his fingers traced the thin strip of silk stretched between them. They twisted and Marco gasped as Wal tugged lightly and his cock and sack were pulled.

  “Share what? Me or your reaction?” Marco asked shakily as he became painfully hard and a gnawing ache throbbed in his ass.

  “Both,” Wal said and Marco purred as he nibbled on his lip.

  “You did look like you wanted to tackle me. That would have been a lot more fun if we were alone,” he agreed and Wal nodded. A very wicked idea occurred to him. “What if I wore this under one of your uniforms?” He asked and Wal made a strangled choking sound before he swallowed hard.

  “I think that is something you should try but not tonight. That might kill me,” he admitted then helped Marco step out of his sweatpants before he slid down the wall. Wal rubbed his face all over Marco’s hard-on, teasing it through the silk before he delicately plucked at the ribbons. He unwrapped Marco and cherished him with his hands and lips before he took him deep into his throat and fingered his ass. Marco came hard and Wal ruthlessly claimed every drop of his release then pushed him into the shower. Wal rode Marco deep and fast but he was utterly spent after he came. Marco got him to cooperate just long enough to eat a bowl of soup before he crashed onto the bed and passed out. Which left Marco with nothing to do so he spent the evening in the bathroom trying on Wal’s uniforms to figure out which one made his ass look the hottest.

  Chapter 23

  Wal leaned against the door to his office and tapped his fingers against his coffee mug so he looked nervous as he watched Patterson’s desk. He had an office in Narcotics but he claimed an empty desk in the squad room for him and Dabney to share while they worked on the Cole investigation. Patterson strolled into the room and laughed at the punchline of another detective’s joke then dropped his backpack in his seat. Wal was ready and hurried across the squad room and nodded at Patterson as soon as their eyes touched.

  “Hey,” Wal said a little breathlessly as he reached his desk. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” He asked quietly and looked around as if he was anxious. Patterson’s brows rose as his head pulled back.

  “Sure, Wal. What’s up, buddy?” He asked as he put his arm around him and Wal leaned into it despite the clenching of his gut.

  “I haven’t said anything to Bill yet because I don’t want to hear it from him but one of Wavy T’s guys showed up at my place last night,” Wal whispered and widened his eyes pointedly.

  “Are you and Marco ok?” Patterson asked and looked appropriately
concerned and Wal nodded.

  “Yeah. He got in my face and tried to scare me but I told him to get the fuck out and that I’d kill the next asshole Wavy sent over,” he said and Patterson snorted.

  “I don’t blame you but be careful, Wal,” he urged and Wal chuckled.

  “That’s why I wanted to talk to you. I didn’t want to make a big deal about it and make Wavy think I’m scared but I’m a little scared,” he confessed. It wasn’t a lie. He had no idea how many of the men around him were involved with Wavy and the game Dabney and Patterson were playing with Wal. He wasn’t sure who he was protecting Marco from. Patterson reached for his desk drawer and pulled it open to grab a pack of gum and Wal saw just a peek of the folded bill of a baseball cap. He kept his expression even and shook his head when Patterson offered him a stick. Wal saw a flash of Patterson at a fundraising car wash the unit held to raise money for a retired officer’s medical expenses. He was wearing a Yankees cap with a hard crease in the bill.

  “You’d be an idiot, if you weren’t scared. You want me and Dabney to keep an eye on your place?” Patterson asked and Wal shook his head. He wasn’t going to make it that easy for them.

  “No. I want you to keep looking for Ciara Cole. I can’t get anywhere with that and it’s eating me up. I’m going to talk to Bill about keeping a few units outside my building and maybe a couple of guys in the lobby and on my floor for a while,” he said and Patterson’s eyes hardened for a split second and Wal relaxed. Patterson wasn’t confident he could manipulate uniformed patrol officers.

  “Whatever puts your mind at rest. We’ll keep an eye on Wavy and we’re doing everything we can for Ciara,” Patterson said as he gripped Wal’s shoulder reassuringly.

  “Thanks. I know you are,” Wal said as he patted his arm then pointed at Bill’s office when the door opened and the district attorney left. “I’ll fill him in,” he said then excused himself. Things went perfectly with Patterson. Wal backed up Marcus’ story and it would get back to Wavy. Hopefully it would help keep Marcus out of trouble until Wal could do something about Wavy and Junior. And he had an established excuse to ask for more security around Marco without tipping off Patterson, Dabney and Wavy T. And Bill, if Wal’s heart was clouding his judgment.

  “You’re not supposed to be here,” Bill scolded Wal but he patted his back then pulled him into his office. He waved Wal into a seat in front of his desk as he shut the door.

  “I wanted to check in and get a little fresh air,” Wal said as he sat then leaned forward so he could rest his elbows on his knees. “And I need a favor,” he added and Bill looked concerned as he sat.

  “Sure. What’s up, Jack?”

  “Wavy T sent one of his thugs over to my place last night. He told me to back off or I’d see more people in caskets,” Wal said and for a moment, he saw honest shock in Bill’s eyes before he became concerned. What if Wavy was sending a message to someone else as well? Wal didn’t think Wavy would like the police killing a bunch of people in his territory. Wavy warned everyone not to talk to Wal about Ciara Cole but he might have had other motives, beyond protecting himself. What if he knew there was a conspiracy around Wal, to keep him from stumbling onto the Super Bowl girls and didn’t want it spilling onto his turf?

  “I assume it didn’t end in bloodshed since I didn’t get a call,” Bill said and Wal shrugged.

  “I didn’t kill him but I’ll kill the next guy Wavy sends to intimidate me. I’m really nervous about Marco, though. I don’t want Wavy to think he’s getting to me but I don’t feel like I can keep him safe on my own,” he said and Bill frowned and sighed as he reclined in his seat and studied Wal.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t see the pattern before but I think you’re right. I’ll see who I can trust to keep an eye on you two,” he said and Wal raised his brows expectantly. Who do you trust? Wal wondered. Bill rubbed his jaw for a moment then squinted toward the squad room. “Dabney and Patterson are already working your neighborhood for the Cole case,” he pointed out. Wal felt sick but he shook his head quickly and waved it off.

  “I already talked to Patterson and we agreed it was better if they focused on Ciara Cole. We’ll be fine with a few uniformed patrols. Let Dabney and Patterson focus on the bigger picture,” he insisted and Bill hummed thoughtfully.

  “If you’re sure…”

  “I’m sure. They’ll take good care of me and make sure no one can sneak up on us again,” Wal stated and Bill nodded.

  “Sounds good. How are things with you and Marco?” He asked and Wal pretended he was embarrassed.

  “Things are great,” he said as he ducked his head and scrubbed the back of his neck. “I feel like hell sometimes because I forget the world’s on fire and I’m supposed to be looking for Marco’s attacker, Ciara Cole and who killed Wexler and Jones,” he lied because he knew that was what Bill wanted to hear.

  “I hate to say it but that’s what I want to hear,” Bill laughed as he pointed at Wal and winked. “The world isn’t going to stop burning so you can catch your breath and work things out with Marco. You almost ran out of time,” he said and Wal shook his head.

  “It took me a long time to read between the lines,” he said then offered Bill a wide smile. “I’ve got to get going. I wanted to be back home by lunch. I’ll set up that detail then take off,” he stated and Bill gave Wal his blessing and sent him on his way. Wal wasn’t leaving his and Marco’s security in Bill’s hands. Not when he wasn’t sure if he could trust Bill anymore. Wal knew he had to act fast, he could feel Patterson and Dabney closing in on him and he had no idea if Bill would help him or push another knife between his shoulder blades.

  Chapter 24

  “Marco!” Wal screamed. Marco’s eyes snapped open as he was ripped from a really hot dream about him and two Wals. Wal was halfway out of the bed and his skin was slick with sweat as his chest heaved.

  “I’m here!” Marco said as he reached for him and Wal sobbed his name as he gathered him in his arms and crashed back on the pillows.

  “I was too late and you were gone but I couldn’t leave. I stayed and waited for the fire to take us,” he breathed into Marco’s hair as his hands splayed and pressed against his back.

  “It was just a dream,” Marco crooned as he brushed his hands through Wal’s hair. “You saved me and you’re going to nail those fucking monsters,” he reminded him and Wal sighed.

  “I hope you’re right,” he said as his lips swept along Marco’s brow and trailed kisses down his nose until Wal found his lips.

  “Of course I’m right. Have you forgotten who you are?” Marco chuckled. “You jumped out of my ass and into a suit so you could end a standoff. You don’t let anything stop you and you won’t rest until justice is served. In your own way,” he clarified and Wal’s brows pulled together and he snorted.

  “I wish I knew which way to go this time. Normally, I’d ask Bill,” he murmured then fell on his side and rolled onto his back. “That’s the last piece of the puzzle. If I can find that, it’ll all come together and I can end this,” he said then scrubbed his face with his hands. “I’m going to go put on a fresh pot of coffee and check in with everyone,” he decided and Marco gasped as he dove on top of Wal before he could roll out of the bed.

  “No, you don’t! You just took them fresh coffee when they started their shift three hours ago,” he declared as he pushed Wal’s shoulders back onto the mattress. “You can’t save the day if you’re dead on your feet. You need sleep,” Marco said then sank until his lips settled over Wal’s and kissed him thoroughly. He knew one good way to get Wal to go to sleep. Wal moaned lazily as his hands spilled down Marco’s body and spread around his ass.

  “I need you,” Wal said as he lapped at Marco’s lips and his fingers dipped into the cleft of his ass. Goosebumps washed down Marco’s back and he hummed in agreement as he reached for the lube. He rode Wal slow and hard and they were delirious and wrung out by the time Marco collapsed onto his chest.

  “Now, I need you
to stay right here until morning,” he yawned then nuzzled his face against Wal’s cheek. Wal nodded as his arms wrapped around Marco.

  “That won’t be a problem,” he said then kissed Marco’s shoulder.

  “Maybe you’ll find your puzzle piece in the morning, if you look at everything with fresh eyes,” Marco suggested and Wal made a noncommittal sound. Wal’s fingers trailed up and down Marco’s spine, making his eyes heavier. “Once you find your puzzle piece, you can take it to Bill and see what he does,” he said then yawned again. Wal gasped as his hands gripped Marco excitedly.

  “That’s all I have to do! You’re brilliant!” He declared and Marco raised his head.

  “What?” He asked as he forced his eyes open wide then blinked at Wal.

  “I just need something I can test Bill with. It doesn’t even have to be real, I just need to see if he runs straight to Dabney and Patterson,” he explained and Marco grinned.

  “There you go. Aren’t you glad you stayed in bed?” He gloated as he nestled back into the corner of Wal’s neck. Wal rumbled in agreement as he held Marco.

  “I am. Thank you. I know exactly what I’m going to do,” he said and Marco hummed in approval.

  “Tomorrow. Sleep now and take them down tomorrow,” he ordered and he felt a nod before a silent yawn tugged at Wal’s jaw.

  “Sounds like a perfect plan.”

  Chapter 25

  “You protect the innocent, not your friends,” Wal reminded himself then dialed Bill’s cell phone. It rang twice.

  “Hey, Jack. I was just about to call and check on you,” he said and Wal bit down on his lips and told himself to get it over with.

  “I’m fine but I found something you’re not going to like,” he said.

  “What are we talking about here?” Bill asked warily and Wal sighed dramatically as he dared to peek into Marco’s fridge. It was empty and clean and he silently exhaled in relief. He couldn’t hide next to it if he knew it was full of rotting Italian food and protein smoothies. Marco’s family cleaned out anything that would spoil and saved his spider plant as soon as they could get in.


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