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The Omnibus Homo Sacer

Page 203

by Giorgio Agamben


  Derrida, Jacques, 44, 50, 54, 197, 375, 843, 1128

  Dio of Prusa, 1151

  Der Spruch des Anaximander (Heidegger),

  Diotoegnes, 225–26


  Directive to Live Reasonably (Crusius), 740

  De sacrificiis (Philo), 316–17

  Directorial law of August 27, 1797, 175

  INDEX 1299

  Discipline and Punish (Foucault), 19, 21

  Economy (pseudo­Aristotle), 393

  discourse, 838–39, 842–43, 852–54, 857–58

  Edward the Confessor, 88–89

  Discourses (Machiavelli), 205

  effectiveness, 664; definitions of, 649–50,

  disenchantment, 241, 375

  685; effects and, 685–89; ethics and,

  disgust, 832

  723–24, 730–31, 740–41; lectio and, 952–56;

  dispensatio. See exception, the

  of liturgical praxis, 649–50, 653–72,

  dispositio, 714, 1092–93

  680–700, 707, 731, 740–41, 952–58;

  Disputationes metaphysicae (Suárez), 1163–64,

  of office or duty, 704–19; ontology of,


  685–92, 694–96, 701–2; of right and signs,

  Dispute with Pyrrhus (Maximus), 427–28

  994–95; of unworthy priests, 665–72, 707,

  Dissertatio academica de politia naturae

  954–55; Wirklichkeit and, 683–89, 694–95,

  (Linneaus), 625


  The Divided City (Loraux), 305

  Eichmann, Adolf, 142–43, 150, 198, 748,

  divine violence, 54–57, 212

  772–73, 776, 812–13

  Do Campos, Alvaro, 840

  1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts

  Domat, Jean, 739

  (Marx), 452–53

  Domintian, 592

  Eighth Thesis (of Benjamin). See “Theses on

  Donatus, 713–14

  the Philosophy of History” (Benjamin)

  DORA (Defence of the Realm Act), 181

  Eine Mithrasliturgie (Dieterich), 548

  Dörrie, Heinrich, 440, 696–97, 1078–79,

  ekstasis, 195–96

  1149–50, 1155–56

  Elegies (Rilke), 586–87

  Dossetti, Giuseppe, 175

  Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Durkheim),

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 846

  66, 577

  doxa (as translation), 553–54, 556

  The Elements of Law (Hobbes), 277

  doxazein, 550, 552

  Elements of Theology (Proclus), 1153

  doxazestai, 550

  emanation, 620–21

  doxological circle, 555–56, 566–75, 580–82,

  Emblemata (Alciato), 265

  594, 598, 1266–67

  emergency powers, 169–70. See also state of

  dreaming, 843–44, 1042–43, 1096–97


  The Drowned and the Saved (Levi), 800,

  Emergency Powers Act, 181–82

  821–22, 866

  empathy, 1101–3

  ductus, 239, 1107, 1182, 1184

  The Empty Fortress, 791

  Dumézil, Georges, 149, 305, 307–8, 312, 319,

  Encyclopaedia (Diderot), 619, 621, 626


  Encyclopedia Judaica, 790

  Dumont, L., 146

  energeia, 599, 685–702, 723–27, 1031–33,

  Duns Scotus, 469, 1166–69, 1171–73, 1177–78,

  1038–40, 1046, 1071–72, 1081–87, 1112,

  1185–86, 1271–72

  1269. See also being­at­work

  Durant, Will, 446

  England, 181–82

  Dürig, Walter, 680

  Enneads (Plotinus), 441, 697, 750, 929, 1078,

  Durkheim, Émile, 66–67, 72, 223–24, 311,

  1151–52, 1227

  577, 579

  Ennius, 319

  duty, 649–50, 703–19, 722–23, 735–37, 750–52,

  En-sof, 1173–76

  823–24, 916–19, 929–34. See also effectiveenunciation, 199–200, 342, 581, 587–88, 736,

  ness; guilt; liturgy; office(s)

  838–47, 852–57

  dynamis, 419, 425–37, 533, 685–86, 689,

  environment, 1107–12, 1193–95

  695–98, 724–26, 1031, 1081–82, 1276–77.

  Ephrem the Syrian, 585

  See also potentiality

  Epicurians, 416–18, 421, 1075

  Epistle to the Romans (of Paul), 49

  Ecce Homo (Nietzsche), 1148

  equipmentality, 1035–42, 1064–65, 1088–99.

  Ecclesia orans (Herwegen), 675

  See also familiarity; Heidegger, Martin;

  Ecclesiastical Hierarchy (apocryphal), 509–10

  instrumental causes

  Ecclesiastical History (Eusebius), 425

  Erdmann, Carl, 534

  echoes, 1161–62

  Ereignis. See appropriation

  1300 INDEX

  ergon: energeia and, 687, 698–99, 1038–42;

  Eudemian Ethics (Aristotle), 727–28

  humanity’s purpose and, 595, 724, 727;

  Eugendo, 945

  liturgy and, 653, 727–28, 956; oaths as, 315;

  eugenics, 102, 110, 117, 119, 122–23, 126–31

  oikonomia and, 387

  Eumenes, 592

  Ernout­Meillet, Alfred, 67

  Eunomia (Solon), 843

  Er the Pamphylian, 1252–64

  euphemisms, 330–31, 783, 808

  eschatology: Benjamin and, 214–15, 221, 289,

  Eusebius, 380–81, 425–26, 440

  1100–1101; the celestial city and, 502–20;

  euthanasia, 113–15

  Enlightenment progress as secularized,

  Euthanasia Program for the Incurably Ill, 116

  376–77, 385–86; glory and, 554, 556–57,

  Euthydemus (Plato), 1031

  565–66, 574–75, 589–96; history and,

  Evans, E., 418

  999–1000; Hobbes and, 270–71, 282–86,

  event, the, 24–25, 853

  288–89; oikonomia and, 393–416; remnants

  everydayness, 1021–22

  and, 869–70; Schmitt’s Leviathan and,

  examples, 22–23, 901–3, 913, 964–65,

  282–84, 378; use and, 1079–80

  999–1000, 1261–62

  Espionage Act (USA), 183

  exception, the: auctoritas and potestas and,

  “Essay on the Nature and Function of

  240–41; Benjamin on, 211–21, 225, 1215–16;

  Sacrifice” (Mauss and Hubert), 65

  biopolitics and, 169, 1265–66; concen­

  Essay physique sur l’économie animale

  tration camps and, 793–94; definitions

  (Quesnay), 626

  of, 169, 171–74; emergency powers and,

  essence, 1131–32, 1137–39, 1163–64, 1166–72,

  137–38; examples and, 22–23; feasts and,

  1180–81, 1229–30

  227–29; form of, 70–71; forms of life

  eternal return, 827–28

  and, 975–84, 1251; governmentality and,

  ethics: Aristotle on, 716–17, 724–28, 736–37;

  168–69; history of, 175–84; homo sacer

  Auschwitz and, 768–69, 807; being and

  and, 46–47, 69–73; human being as

  praxis as orginary to, 420, 650, 717–23;

  suspension of the animal and, 1193–95,

  clothing and, 901–5; communicative,

  1197; iustitium as, 201–10, 222–29, 234;

  803–4; dignity and, 805–7, 814; effectivejuridico­ institutional order and, 25–26;

  ness of, 723–24, 730–31, 740–41; form

  law and, 44–57, 167, 174–200, 1266–67,

; of life and, 936–37, 946, 1001, 1249–51;

  1273; monastic poverty and, 986–1000;

  Foucault and, 1113–23; guilt and, 825–29;

  mourning and, 222–29; Nazi Germany

  the inappropriable and, 1101–12; inter­

  and, 168–69, 215–16, 793–94, 826;

  subjective condition of humanity and,

  oikonomia and, 415–16; ontological

  710–11, 739–40; Kantian, 46–47, 650,

  grounding and, 41–43; rules and, 19–20,

  722–23, 733, 735–36, 739–44, 746–49, 934;

  48, 55, 142–43, 173–74, 216, 225; Schmitt

  the law and, 46–47, 740–41, 743, 748–49,

  on, 13, 193–200, 211–21; sovereignty and, 9,

  772–77; lebensunwerten Leben and, 113–19;

  17–28, 34, 44–53, 57, 71–73; state of nature

  Levinas and, 124; life and, 1025–26; medi­

  and, 89–93; territorial or spatial manifescal experimentation and, 127–31; modality

  tations of, 34–36; theology and, 48–50,

  and, 1184–85; monasticism and, 893–94;

  615; totalitarianism and, 36–38; use of

  the Muslim and, 792–93, 802–3, 822–23;

  bodies and, 1060–61; violence and, 54–57,

  normativity and, 1118–19; office or duty

  212–13, 217–21. See also ban, the; inclusive

  and, 723, 728–41; ontology of, 718–19,

  exclusion, the; power; sovereignty

  722–49, 831–32, 1237–39; potentiality and,

  Excerpta ex Theodoto (Clement of Alexandria),

  729–30; rights talk and, 105–12; rules and,

  400, 403, 413, 425

  710–11; slavery and, 1030–31, 1038–48;

  excess of signification, 311–12, 333, 351–53

  Stoicism and, 957–58; theology and,

  excommunication, 913–14, 916

  1123–24; tragedy, 825–29; use and, 1032,

  Exiit qui seminat (bull), 975, 987–88

  1045–48, 1057–61, 1073–80, 1085–87; virtue exile, 92–93, 927–34, 1240–44

  and, 726–28, 750–52, 1032, 1086–87. See

  existence, 1156–57, 1164, 1168–72, 1177–81,

  also oaths


  Ethics (Spinoza), 598, 1177

  Exivi de Paradiso (Clement V), 965

  euchrestia, 1081–87

  experiments (medical), 127–31

  INDEX 1301

  explanations, 1246–48

  1084–87; inhabiting of, 901–5; inoperativ­

  Expositio quatuor magistrorum, 974

  ity and, 1250–51, 1277–78; intimacy and,

  Expositio regulae (Clareno), 972

  1240–44; language and, 1245–48; law and,

  46, 912–26, 975–1001, 1216; liturgy and,

  facticity: Dasein and, 124–26; form of life

  952–56, 984, 998–99, 1001; monasticism

  and, 1214, 1217–18; the inappropriable and,

  and, 887–89, 901–2, 957–58, 961–74;

  1104; truth and, 768, 772–73, 783–84; of

  Myth of Er and, 1252–64; as neither

  use, 996–1000

  normative system nor doctrine, 970–71;

  Falk, Francesca, 279

  ontology of, 1001, 1240–44; Plotinus

  fallenness, 124, 1068–72

  on, 1222–25; politicization of, 119–26,

  familiarity, 1066–72, 1076–78, 1088

  1021–26, 1214–15, 1217–18; potential and,

  families (power in), 74–77, 231–42, 255–56,

  1217–20, 1223–24; praxis and, 1227–39,

  258–60, 457–58, 479, 619–20, 1204–6

  1249–51; privacy and, 1021–22; rules and,

  Fanshawe, Richard, 273

  905–11, 936–37, 941–47, 965–74, 1245–48;

  Farone, Christopher, 328

  subjectivity and, 1249–51; temporality

  fasces, 536–38

  and, 905–10; theology and, 961–74; use

  Fascism, 180–81, 207

  and, 985–1000, 1038–40, 1214–15, 1275;

  fasting, 909–10

  Wittgenstein on, 1245–48

  fate. See destiny; providence

  Forza Italia, 541

  “Fate and Character” (Benjamin), 27

  Foucault, Michel: archaeology and, 853–57;

  feasts, 227–29

  Aristotle and, 9–10; Being and Time and,

  Felman, Shoshana, 784–85

  1063–64; Benveniste and, 853–55; biopol­

  Fénelon, François, 613

  itics and, 6, 99–104, 120, 153, 353, 815–17,

  Festus, Pompeius, 61, 63, 69, 93, 346–47

  864–66, 1216–17; death and, 815–17; gov­

  Feuerbach, Ludwig, 255, 413

  ernmentality and, 369, 438–39, 470–74;

  fides, 318–21, 324, 326, 333–34, 350

  Hadot and, 1113–14, 1116–17; on language,

  Figuren, 807–8

  344; power analyses of, 8–9, 152; praxis

  Finley, Moses, 1042

  and, 915–16; the a priori and, 1127–29;

  First Draught of the Optiques (Hobbes), 273

  Rousseau and, 619–22; secularization and,

  First Letter to the Corinthians (Paul), 521–22,

  375; sexuality and, 99–101, 1123–25; sover­

  530, 557, 597, 837–38, 1079, 1275–76

  eignty and, 19, 864–66; the subject and,

  first philosophy, 1125–48, 1192, 1267

  853–58, 1056–62

  First World War, 35–36, 107, 109, 138, 172–76,

  Foundation of Ethics (Hierocles), 1073–74

  181–83, 207, 677

  Fowler, W. Ward, 62, 67, 329

  Fischer, Eugen, 119–20

  Franc, Johan Peter, 120

  Fisher King, the, 432–33

  Francis (Saint), 887–89, 912, 936, 961–63,

  Flaccus, Calpurnius, 76

  965–71, 973–74, 983, 985–1000

  Flamen Diale, 149

  Francis of Ascoli, 976, 992, 998, 1100

  Flavigny, 922

  Franco, Francisco, 207

  Flavius Marcianus, 544

  Franco­Prussian War, 176

  flight (from the world), 927–34, 1240–44

  Fränkel, Eduard, 320

  “Force de loi” (Derrida), 197–98

  Frankfurt Lectures (Bachmann), 837

  force of law, 192, 196–97, 209–10, 217–18,

  Fraschetti, Augusto, 224, 237

  220–21, 229, 234. See also law, the

  French Revolution, 37–38, 87, 105–6, 108, 145,

  forgiveness, 827–28

  147, 175–76, 197–98, 280–81

  forms of life: art and, 1249–51; autarchy and,

  Frenkel­Brunswick, Else, 230

  1204–7, 1225–26; bare life and, 1221–26;

  Freud, Sigmund, 64, 66, 146–47, 223, 311,

  biopolitics and, 1205–6, 1211–13, 1232–39;

  676–77, 809, 847, 1244

  bios–zoē relationship and, 1231–39; cenoby

  Friars Minor, 977–79, 982–84, 986, 988–90,

  and, 896–99; constitutive rules and,


  945–46; definitions of, 963–74, 1214,

  Friedlos, 88, 150, 227–29

  1224–25, 1235–37; ethics of, 1001, 1249–51;

  Friedrich, Carl J., 171, 173, 206

  Foucault and, 1114–15; habit and, 934, 998, Frontisi­Ducroux, François, 796

  1302 INDEX

  Fructuosus of Braga (Saint), 929, 935

  602, 1266–67; politics and, 600–608;

  Fueyo, Jesus, 231

  power and, 523–50; as praxis, 552–54,

  Fugier, Huguette, 67

  560–62, 568–70, 575–79, 581–82; prayer

; Führung, 143, 238, 438–39, 711

  and, 575–77; sovereignty and, 564–65;

  full powers, 170–72

  symbols of, 370–71, 540–45, 592–601, 606

  functionality, 701–2, 719. See also ergon

  glossolalia, 837–38, 847–48

  The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics

  Glotz, Gustave, 255, 324–25, 346

  ( Heidegger), 1089, 1108, 1193

  Gnostics, 393, 399–403, 416–21, 434–46,

  498–500, 517–25, 665–66, 751, 1122, 1153,

  Gadamer, Hans Georg, 199


  Gaius, 198, 315, 346

  God: contemplation of, 506–8, 518, 562, 570,

  Galen, 1074, 1081, 1151

  598–600, 937, 1000, 1085–86, 1221–26;

  Galton, Francis, 120

  form of life and, 1227–30; glory of, 552–

  Ganschinietz, R., 67

  601, 782–83; monastic vows to, 933–34;

  Ga’on, Sa’adiah, 554

  theodicies and, 774–75

  Gass, Wilhelm, 374, 395

  Godfrey of Fontaines, 1166

  The Gate of Heaven (Herrera), 1174

  Goebbels, Hermann, 812, 859

  Gaus, Gunther, 807–8

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 534, 1128, 1246

  Gaylin, W., 135

  Goldschmidt, Victor, 1034–35, 1205–6, 1261

  The Gay Science (Nietzsche), 827

  Gordian, 526

  Gehlen, Arnold, 746

  Gorgias (Plato), 30–31

  Gelasius I, 463, 1183–84

  Gorgons, 795–97, 815, 841–42

  Gellius, Aulus, 260, 348, 709–10

  Götternamen (Usener), 307, 334–36

  genealogy (method), 79, 150, 264, 369, 375,

  Gould, Glenn, 1084

  438, 470–73, 678, 703–19, 722–23. See also

  Goulon, M., 132–33, 135


  governance, 168, 369–76, 418, 429–501,

  Genealogy of Morals (Nietzsche), 722–23

  561–62, 600–601, 611–32, 924–25, 1266–67.

  The General Will Before Rousseau (Riley),

  See also bureaucracy; Kingdom, the;


  machine­world; politics; secularization;

  genetics, 113–26. See also eugenics


  Geneva Conventions, 169

  grace, 494–97, 609–15, 659, 666–69, 671–72,

  gerere, 716–17


  Germanicus, 222

  Grafneck program, 116–17

  The German Ideology (Marx), 1023

  Grail Legend, 432–33, 467–69

  Gernet, Louis, 309, 312, 327, 919

  grammar (linguistic), 22–23

  Gesetz und Urteil (Schmitt), 195

  Grandes chroniques de France, 464

  Ge-stell, 600–601, 699–700, 1091

  Granmontani, 911

  Gettysburg Address, 145

  grasping, 1065

  Giesey, R. E., 78, 80, 85–86


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