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The Omnibus Homo Sacer

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by Giorgio Agamben

  Gratian, 186–87, 458–60, 925–26, 977–78

  gifts, 1195–96

  gray zone, 772–78, 819–20, 850

  Gilbert of Poitier, 669

  Great Catechism (Gregory of Nyssa), 424

  Giles of Rome, 460–63

  Greene, Graham, 571

  Giles of Viterbo, 1164–65, 1167, 1170

  Gregory IX, 970, 986

  Gloria, 574–75

  Gregory of Nazianzus, 382, 411, 424, 426, 471,

  Gloria Patri, 528–29

  585, 893, 1154–55

  glory: aesthetics of, 565–66; archaeology of,

  Gregory of Nyssa, 382–84, 424–25, 1154–55

  551–601; definitions of, 547; as doxology,

  Gregory Palamas, 425

  558–67, 571–75, 580–82, 594; eschatology

  Gregory the Great, 283, 505, 508–9, 1106–7

  and, 518–20, 574–75, 589–96; glorification

  Gregory VII, 458

  and, 550, 552–56, 559–60, 566–75, 578–79,

  Grimm, Dieter, 605

  581–82, 782–83; inoperativity and, 588–94,

  Grimm, Jacob, 534–35

  1266–67; kabhod as, 552–57; oikonomia

  Gros, Frédéric, 1058

  and, 369–70, 386, 554–57, 560–62, 580,

  Grossi, Paolo, 993–94

  INDEX 1303

  Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals

  and, 600–601, 699, 1088–99; temporality

  (Kant), 735–36, 739–43

  and, 519, 563–64, 845, 1142; theology and,

  Grundmann, Herbert, 669, 961, 982

  422; use and, 1069–71, 1088–99. See also

  Guarini, Giovanni Battista, 273

  specific works

  Guattari, Félix, 19

  Heinze, Richard, 233–34

  Guibert, Hervé, 1114

  Heis Theos (Peterson), 523–24, 528–30, 546–47

  Guide of the Perplexed (Maimonides), 552–53

  Hellingrath, Norbert von, 587

  guilt, 26–27, 56, 67, 722–23, 735–36, 742–43,

  Henry III, 464

  774–77, 819–20, 823–25, 831–32, 847

  Henry of Ghent, 917–19, 1164–66

  Gulf War, 253–54

  Henry VI, 464

  Gusen, 794–95

  Heraclitus, 355

  Guy Debord, son art, son temps (Debord), 1024

  Heraclius, 525

  Gypsies, 128

  Hermagoras, 398

  Hermann of Metz, 458

  habeas corpus, 102–4

  hermeneutics, 199–200

  Habermas, Jürgen, 605–6

  Hermeneutics of the Subject (Foucault). See

  habitatio, 900–901

  L’herméneutique du sujet (Foucault)

  habits: definitions of, 1081–82; form of life

  Herper, Kyle, 1042

  and, 934, 998, 1258–61; monastic garb as,

  Herrlichkeit (Balthasar), 551–52, 564–65

  901–5, 934–35; use and, 1081–87; virtue

  Herwgen, Ildefons, 675, 929–30

  and, 723–41, 863, 901–5, 934–35

  Hesiod, 30, 305–6, 314, 350, 1258

  habitus, 724, 729–30, 901–5, 934–35, 1083–84

  Hessel, Franz, 1200

  Hadot, Pierre, 1113–14, 1116–19

  Hessel, Helen Grund, 1199–1200

  haecceity, 1168–70

  Hesychius, 326

  Haimo of Auxerre, 696

  hetoimasia, 370, 592–94

  Haldane, J. B. S., 120

  Hexameron (Ambrose), 686, 691

  Halewi, Yehuda, 554

  hexis, 724–30, 752, 902, 1032–33, 1081–84. See

  Hamlet or Hecuba (Schmitt), 211

  also ethics; potentiality

  handiness, 1064–66, 1088

  hierarchies, 502–20, 538–40, 658–62

  Hannibal, 234

  Hierocles, 302, 1073–74

  haplōs, 148–49, 1147

  High Commission for Refugees, 110

  happiness, 1222–26, 1233, 1251

  Hilary of Poitiers, 585, 964

  Hardt, Michael, 382

  Hilberg, Raul, 767–68, 808

  Harnack, Adolf, 442

  Himmler, Heinrich, 116, 127, 139, 813

  Hatschek, Julius, 185

  Hindenberg, Paul von, 178

  having­to­be, 717–21, 744–49, 858–59

  Hippolytus, 380, 384, 395, 403–5, 407–8, 514,

  Hecaton, 709

  665, 907–8, 1154

  Hegel, G.W.F., 21, 413, 424, 519, 1039,

  Historia Augusta, 543

  1061–62, 1069, 1135, 1143, 1146, 1244

  Historie de France (Mezeray), 464

  Heidegger, Martin, 774; abandonment and,

  The History of Sexuality (Foucault), 6, 152, 1116,

  52–53; animality and, 1193–95; auto­


  affection and, 834–35; care and, 1063–72;

  Hitler, Adolf, 96, 116, 121, 124, 168, 178–79,

  Cassirer and, 1197–98; concentration

  207, 238, 438–39, 533, 817–18

  camps and, 809–10; Dasein and, 153, 684,

  Hobbes, Thomas, 89–93; auctoritas and

  700, 1063–72, 1104, 1108, 1185–96, 1198–99,

  potestas and, 230–31; ethics and, 738–39;

  1240–44; death and, 810–11, 814–15;

  Leviathan and, 265, 267, 269, 279–80,

  Ereignis and, 43; ethics of, 812; modalities

  282–86, 288–89; on oaths, 305; sovereignty

  and, 1185–88; Nazism and, 124; ontol­

  and, 268–70, 276–81, 286–88, 931, 1215;

  ogy of, 698–700, 744–47, 994, 1063–72,

  state of nature and, 33, 281–82

  1091–92, 1108, 1125, 1129, 1131–32, 1137–38,

  Hoche, Alfred, 113

  1142, 1157–58, 1175, 1185–87, 1195–96,

  Hölderlin, Friedrich, 30–31, 151, 587–88, 600,

  1240–44, 1276; on shame ( aidos), 831–32;

  811, 868–69, 1091, 1107, 1195–96, 1244

  structure of care and, 125, 847; technology

  holocaust (term), 780–82

  1304 INDEX

  home. See families (power in); oikos; politics;

  Ignatius of Loyola, 568


  Il faut defendre la société (Foucault), 439

  Homelia in Evangelium (Gregory the Great),

  Iliad (Homer), 314, 326, 345, 556


  Illich, Ivan, 1025, 1093–94

  Homer, 306–7, 314, 324, 345

  Il Paradiso (Dante), 795

  homicide, 69, 86–87, 92–93. See also homo

  Il sacramento del potere (Prodi), 301–2


  Image, icône, économie (Mondzain), 373

  homix. See ethics

  imago, 79–80

  homopseudonyms, 848–49

  Imago (journal), 66

  homo sacer: the ban and, 27–28; bare life

  immolatio, 529, 681–82

  and, 84–85, 113–19; Beneviste and, 57;

  improper, the, 1069–72, 1104

  brain death and, 132–36; definitions of,

  inappropriable, the, 1050–55, 1100–1112,

  10–11, 93, 150, 919–20, 1265–66; form of

  1189–90, 1197–98, 1243, 1256–60

  law and, 46–47; hypostasis and, 1147; the

  inclusive exclusion, the, 9–28, 34–36, 44–45,

  Jews as, 95–96; lebensunwerten Leben and,

  57, 65–73, 88–93, 130–31, 195–96, 1046–48,

  113–19; medical experimentation and,

  1098–99, 1206–7, 1265–66

  127–31; oath­making and, 329; in Roman

  Index Hippocraticum, 1203

  law, 61–63, 69–73; sacratio and, 323–25;

  indistinctions. See zones of indisti

  sovereign power and, 11–12, 71–73, 80–87,

  “Individual and Mass Behavior in Extreme

  93–96, 112; as wolf­man, 88–93

  Situations” (Bettelheim), 791

  horkos, 309, 314, 319, 325, 334, 345, 350

  individuation, 1166–68, 1170–71, 1183–84

  Hostiensis, 912, 918

  Indo-European Language and Society

  How to Do Things with Words (Austin), 535

  (Benveniste), 64, 232, 308–10

  Hubert, Henri, 65, 780

  Inferno (Dante), 343, 821

  Hugh of Digne, 936, 966, 974, 976–78,

  In girum imu nocte et consumimir igni

  985–86, 1100

  (Debord), 1022–23

  Hugh of Pisa, 467

  inhabitation, 901–3, 993, 1106–7

  Hugh of Speroni, 982

  Innocent III, 670, 904, 982

  The Human Condition (Arendt), 7

  Innocent IV, 465, 467, 969

  humanism, 675–76, 842, 1191–92

  The Inoperative Community (Nancy), 53

  humanitarianism, 110–12, 116

  inoperativity, 1109–12; forms of life and,

  humanity. See anthropogenesis; being; death;

  1250–51, 1277–78; glory and, 370–71, 522,

  forms of life; life; politics; sovereignty;

  549–50, 588–94; governmentality and,

  zones of indistinction

  449–53, 517–18, 588–94; of language,

  human rights, 105–12

  535–36; the law and, 591–94; ontology and,

  The Human Species (Antelme), 799

  1267–68, 1276–77; preliminary notes on,

  Humbert of Romanis, 917–18, 936

  53; slavery and, 1031–48

  Hume, David, 482, 629

  insignia, 532–38, 540–42

  Hurbinek, 786–87, 869

  Institutiones (Gaius), 346

  Husserl, Edmund, 124, 843, 1101–3, 1127–28

  Institutiones oratoriae (Quintilian), 535

  hymnology, 504, 512, 518, 523, 528–29, 549–50,

  instrumental causes, 668, 692–94, 702, 1037,

  568–70, 573–75, 583–90

  1270–71. See also causes (Aristotle’s theory

  hypokeimenon, 1071, 1118, 1122, 1125, 1131–44,

  of); effectiveness; priests; sacraments

  1149–58, 1164, 1168, 1224–25

  Interpretation of Dreams (Artemidorus),

  hypostasis, 866–67, 1078–79, 1122, 1131–32,


  1136, 1147–58, 1175–76, 1221, 1251

  intimacy, 844–45, 858, 1021–22, 1026, 1066–72,

  1105–6, 1110–12, 1240–44, 1263–64. See also

  Iamblichus, 1132

  being; inclusive exclusion, the; ontology

  Ibn Gabbai, Meir, 578–79

  Into that Darkness (Sereny), 826–27

  Ibn Hayyan, Jabir, 479

  intra festum, 845–46

  Ibn Shem Tov, Shem Tov, 578

  Introduction to Metaphysics (Heidegger), 125,

  iconography, 373–74


  Ignatius of Antioch, 394–95, 408

  Introduction to the Reading of Hegel (Kojève), 53

  INDEX 1305

  invisible hand, 623–32

  1258–60. See also law, the; sovereignty;

  Irenaeus, 380, 384, 393, 399, 401–2, 420–21,


  557–58, 593, 662, 665, 751

  justification, 1246–48

  Iroquois, 311

  Justin, 380, 384, 395–98, 421, 530, 541

  Isagoge (Porphyry), 1156

  Justinian, 197, 395, 467, 540–41, 1046–47

  Isidore (Saint), 585, 691, 704, 713, 732, 734–35,

  899–900, 926, 932

  Kabbalah, 50, 578–79, 1173–75

  Italy, 110, 175, 179–81

  “Kabbalah” (Diderot), 621

  ius civile, 23

  kabhod, 551–57, 564, 598

  iustitium, 201–10, 222–29, 234

  Kafka, Franz, 44, 47–50, 220, 234, 432, 514,

  Ivo of Chartres, 924

  830, 1237–38

  Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology,

  Jahrbuch für Liturgiewissenschaft (Casel), 675,


  680, 683

  Kant, Immanuel, 199, 340, 355–56, 551, 602;

  Jansen, Cornelius, 609–10, 615

  ethics and, 722–23, 733, 735–36, 747–49,

  Jerome (Saint), 283, 381, 479, 514–15, 517, 688–

  834, 848, 934, 946; ontology and, 1127–29,

  89, 704, 898–900, 902, 910–11, 924–25

  1141–42, 1147–48, 1172, 1272–73; on the

  Jesi, Furio, 586, 1238–39

  will, 46–47. See also specific works

  Jews and Jewishness: Christianity and, 378–80,

  Kantorowicz, Ernst, 78–79, 85–86, 150, 237,

  385–86; denationalization of, 110, 137–47;

  369–70, 496, 509–24, 542–50, 575–76, 593,

  dignity and indignities and, 805–6; divine

  805. See also specific works

  government of the world and, 433–37;

  katechon, 27, 288–89, 378, 385–86, 704–6, 713.

  glory and, 552–54, 578–79, 588–91, 594–96,

  See also power; sovereignty

  654; “holocaust” as antisemitic and, 780–

  Keats, John, 836–37

  82; as homo sacer, 95–96, 147; Kabbalah

  Kelsen, Hans, 745, 748–49

  and, 50, 578–679, 1173–75; the law and,

  Kerényi, Károly, 62, 149, 832, 1064

  329–31; Leviathan and, 282–83; medical

  Kierkegaard, Søren, 18, 793

  experiments on, 127–31; the Muslim and,

  Kimura Bin, 845–46

  151, 788–818; mystery and, 678; oath­

  Kingdom, the, 432–66, 468–69, 523–48,

  giving and, 316–17; oikonomia and, 518–19;

  561–64, 867–69

  Sonderkommando and, 777–78; testimony

  The King’s Two Bodies (Kantorowicz), 78–87,

  and, 767–68

  545–46, 593, 805

  Jhering, Rodolphe, 88–89

  kinship, 259–60

  Joachim of Flora, 999

  Kleiner, Barbara, 792

  Johannes Scotus Eriugena, 621

  kleos, 556

  John (Saint), 554–59, 562, 665, 896, 1234

  Klodzinski, Stanslaw, 871

  John Chrysostom, 381, 415, 573, 589, 682,

  Klossowski, Pierre, 94–95


  Koch, Herbert, 1200

  John Climacus, 899

  Kogon, Eugen, 790

  John of Damascus, 427, 596

  Kohler, Josef, 188

  John of Viterbo, 473

  Kojève, Alexandre, 52–53, 519, 1148

  John Quidort, 463–64

  Kolping, Adolf, 408

  John the Baptist, 902, 1000

  Konzentrationslager für Ausländer, 138, 143

  John the Landless, 102

  Kornemann, Ernst, 607

  John XXII, 467, 975–76, 987–88, 990–92,

  Kotanyi, Attila, 1022


  Koyré, Alexander, 1098

  Jonas, Hans, 774, 776

  Krings, Hermann, 449

  Jorn, Asger, 1021

  ktema, 1035–40, 1042, 1064–65, 1088–89

  Joseph and His Brothers (Mann), 547

  Kuhn, Adalbert, 307

  Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 791

  Kyrie eleison, 529

  July Monarchy, 175– 176

  Jung, Carl, 223

  “La blasphémie et l’euphémie” (Benveniste),

  justice, 29–30, 32–36, 225–26, 1100–1101, 1110,

  330–31, 336


  labor (monastic), 908–10, 915–16

  Laudes Regiae (Kantorowicz), 523–24, 542–46

  Lacan, Jacques, 743

  La Vita Nuova (Dante), 600

  La Chiave a stella (Levi), 772

  law, the: acclamation and, 525–26, 602–3;

  La Cité divisée (Loraux), 254–55, 262

  action and, 436–37; anomie and, 197, 199,

  Lactantius, 733–35

  209–10, 217–29, 241, 1266–67; archaeol­

  La doctrine du sacrifice dans le Brâhmanas

  ogy of, 312–13, 327, 329, 350; auctoritas

  (Sylvain), 577

  and potestas and, 231–42; Auschwitz as

  Lager. See concentration camps

  contravention of, 814–15, 827–28; Benjamin

  “La guerre dans la famille” (Loraux), 255

  on, 45, 47; biopolitical regimes and, 113–26;

  Lamb, David, 134

  bodies and, 102–4; capital punishment and,

  Lambert of St Omer, 283

  69–70; civil war and, 168; concentration

  landscapes, 1101–12

  camps and, 20–21, 137–47; the dead and,

  Lange, Ludwig, 62

  813–14; definitions of, 322; dignity and,

  language: appropriation of, 838–39, 841–43,

  804–6; double exceptions and, 69–73;

  847–48; the archive and, 856–76; in

  effictiveness and, 650; ethics and, 46–47,

  Aristotle’s philosophy, 10; blasphemy and,

  722–23, 739–41, 743, 748–49, 772–77; the

  329–36; curses and, 325–30; Dasein and,

  exception and, 34, 36–38, 167, 169–70,

  1192–93; denotative suspensions of, 21–22,

  175–200, 207–10, 1266–67, 1273; in force,

  24–25, 197, 218, 318, 332–33, 599–601, 745–

  192–200, 234; force of, 20, 26–28, 30,

  46; discourse and, 838–39, 842–43, 852–54,

  36–43, 45, 49–50, 209–10, 217–18, 220–21,

  857–58; enunciation and, 199–200, 342, 581,

  229, 347; form of, 46–47, 51–52, 71; form­

  587–88, 736, 838–47, 852–57; ethics and,

  of­life and, 888–89, 910–11; forms of life

  803, 856; euphemisms and, 330–31, 783,

  and, 975–84, 1216; German, 88–93; guilt

  808; form of life and, 1245–48; glorification

  and, 26–27; homo sacer and, 10–11, 69–73;

  and, 568–70, 578–79, 847–48; glossolalia

  ignorance of, 26; inoperativity and, 522–48,

  and, 837–38, 847–48; as inappropriable,

  591–94, 1275; language and, 21–22, 45,

  1101–12; inoperativity and, 599–601; the law

  197–200, 217–18, 302–56; life’s relation to,

  and, 21, 24–25, 45, 197–200, 217–18, 315–16;

  44–53, 167–68, 220–21, 227–29, 234, 238,

  liturgical power and, 524–25, 535–36,

  912–26, 976–84, 1001, 1266–67; liturgy and,


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