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Squire of War

Page 33

by M. H. Johnson

  Jera nodded, tears streaming freely down her cheeks. “Oh, how they gloated about the horrors they would inflict upon us, those bloody bastards! How terrified we all were! When we begged them to stop, pleading with them, so many of our friends frantic to offer ransom for their lives, all those monsters did was laugh! Laugh about the horrors they would inflict upon us, declaring us the mallet that would crack the wards around Highrock, that we would pay dearly for daring to interfere with their great working!”

  Alex held her close as Jera sobbed, hugging him back fiercely. “So shut up, Alex. None of that madness was your fault!”

  “Your beau is right, Alex,” Josie softly assured, having handed Jess an absolutely delicious sandwich of fried meats, soft bread, and mustard before slipping back into her beau’s lap. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. Just the bitter lesson of knowing that even here, in the bosom of Highrock, serpents lay ready to strike.”

  Raphael nodded. “But I have it on good authority that Eloquin is hunting down the perpetrators, any remnants that might still be in this school, and is actively interviewing, or perhaps interrogating would be the right word, all the school’s staff. Which is a lot, so that might take some time. At least Hyve’s Aspirants are taking their titles as guardians seriously, patrolling the grounds. Still, I refuse to leave anything to chance, and will not leave Josie unattended if I can help it.”

  Josie smiled at her lover. “I am happy to have my escort see me safely to quarters during these perilous times.”

  Raphael chuckled softly. “You may rest assured, my heart, that I will see you safely to all your classes, and when the dinner bell has rung, I will see you safely by my side, all the night long.”

  Josie blushed as her friends chuckled good-naturedly.

  “Careful, Josie,” Jacob teased. “The way you and Raphael carry on, you might soon find yourself eating for two.”

  “Jacob! To say such a thing!” She grinned. “I’m a healer, Jacob. Nothing will blossom before I am ready for it to.” Josie’s hand slipped into Raphael’s. “When my beau is ready to claim me as his own, many healthy sons and daughters will I give him.”

  Jess winked. “I think you have met your match, Raphael.”

  Rapheal chuckled, softly kissing his lover. “She truly is my most precious treasure. The light of her smile is gold to my heart.”

  Jess laughed, gazing at all of her friends, seeing their happiness, the tender love the held for one another. She felt a brilliant warmth flood through her, wiping away quiet tears of joy, knowing this moment would have been lost forever, if she had not acted as she had. She would not regret the sacrifice she had made, for all that she bitterly regretted every day she had to face with the weight of a penitent’s robes resting squarely upon her shoulders.

  “Jess, are you okay?” A concerned Josie asked sometime later, the air alive still with the echoes of their warmth and laughter, or at least it felt so in Jess’s heart.

  Jess flashed a reassuring smile. “I am fine, my friend. I’m just hoping someone can slip me meals in the evening, so that I can sleep without a growling belly.”

  Malek cracked his knuckles. “If anyone gives you grief, Jess, the will answer to me.”

  “Be careful, my friend,” Raphael said. “We all love Jess dearly, but we must be discrete, lest proctors take umbrage at us being too friendly with one who has, to their foolish eyes, fallen from grace.” He winked. “Fortunately, there are many subtle methods for us to lend our friend our support until this time of trials has passed. I certainly don’t see any reason why we can’t declare ourselves her tutors, the pursuit of scholarship transcending even punitive measures at this academy. And should I or another bring snacks and happen to leave them there, who could gainsay us?”

  Alex nodded. “It is the least we can do. I will leave snacks, and yes, what tomes of adventure I can dig up. I noted how fond you were of that book of tales you now have, Jess, and what a fine present it was.”

  Jess nodded. “I was sad to see Sable and Liam go, but they seemed happy together, and Julia looked happy, when I saw her in Liam’s arms.”

  Jera and Josie both flushed, sighing. “They ran off for love.” Jera smiled. “That is the most beautiful ending I can imagine to their tale. Liam is a skilled apprentice battlemage, and I’ve seen how fast he can move his saber. Yet he is far too gentle for a Squire’s life, I think. But perhaps he’s exactly what Sable needed, after a lifetime of company like Mord’s.”

  Jess bowed her head. “Her upbringing was not easy. And Mord, whatever you may think of him, whatever I may think of him, was probably the best thing in her life. The Plaga clan is not kind, and for all that I despise Mord, even I could see how fiercely protective of his sister he was.”

  Alex nodded. “Not that I’ve seen hair or hide of Mord since I got back. He hasn't troubled you at all, Jess, has he?"

  Jess grimaced, Mord's mocking laughter ringing in her ears even now. “He saw me once just to taunt me. I have no idea what he’s up to at the moment, and the less I see of him, the better.”

  Malek growled, gently squeezing Jess’s shoulder. “Next time he dares to trouble you, I will be there, sister, and I will make him bleed for it. For all that he has had our backs when our daggers run black with blood, he crossed a line I will not forgive." He turned to a frowning Josie. "Don’t worry, I will stand fast by my shieldsister’s side. And if any proctor dares to take issue...” Malek’s grin was cold. “I’ll be happy to give him even more of a reason to take issue with me.”

  “That could get you expelled, Malek,” Alex softly cautioned.

  “As if I gave a damn at this point! Even if I leave a disappointment, even if I am a black sheep once more, I leave with the skills of a blooded Squire of War. I will hold my head up high, knowing I served my master well, helping to cleanse Erovering of the filth that would see half our citizenry sold as chattel. Those skills won’t disappear out of my head when I leave, nor the friends we’ve made.” He shrugged. “Who knows? Perhaps an adventurer's life will be for me.”

  Alex chuckled. “Malek, wondrous tales aside, a Delver’s life is perilous in the extreme. Even if you can find the path to living dream, fairy tales made flesh, the monsters there are every bit as real as the adventures to be had, the treasures to be found. And most people who catch a glimpse of palaces or towers shimmering just beyond the horizon will find only ruins or oddly placed stones when they get there. Very, very few people actually have what it takes to tear themselves free of this world and slip into realms of Regio, embracing living dream.”

  Jacob nodded solemnly. “They are also called the Shadowrealms, and for good reason. Those places are aligned closer to nightmare than any faerie tale. After all, didn’t you all come close to death, sucked up in some horrific Shadowstorm?”

  Alex shook his head, gazing strangely at Jess. “Yet strangely we didn’t, anchored to the woods as we were by the silliest of stories, as hideous winds roared over our head. Somehow, I wasn't afraid. I felt as if I were a child playing in those woods, or visiting magic castles floating in the sky.”

  Jera grinned. “She may not be the best student, but our Jess is a wonderful storyteller, when the world’s gone mad.”

  Alex turned to Malek, smile gone, expression suddenly grim. “Unfortunately, my master still fears the rift will open. We have no enchantments to prevent it from manifesting, and so far, not a single Delver has answered our call, for all that we sent doves to several Guildhalls.” Alex sighed. “We can only hope not too many students catch sight of it, though it is unlikely in the extreme that anyone will see it clearly enough to actually step into the Shadow of its existence. The one silver lining is that Master Rens believes he has the magics needed not only to protect us, but to get a glimpse into whatever Shadowrealm awaits us, all from the safety of mundus.”

  Malek grinned. “It makes sense. This is keep full of scholars and strategists, after all. First you must protect yourself from its manifestation as best you can, and a
s long as it’s all but crashing into our reality, of course we want to get a peek at what’s inside.”

  Alex chuckled. “More or less. Still, it’s a shame that no adventurers answered the call, as they have the knack for finishing untold stories trying to manifest, and closing these sorts of rifts when they appear.”

  Malek sighed. “A life free of judgment or censure. Permitted to carry on like lords, without a lord’s responsibilities or burdens, and no one gives a fig who they call consort.” He gently kissed Jacob, still nestled in his powerful arms.

  Jess nodded. “And the thought of stepping into worlds of wonder, living the very adventures we read. I cannot think of a more fantastic life than that.”

  Alex gazed at them both, giving a sad shake of his head. “I owe you both so much. My very life, in fact. Frankly, I don’t want to feed into this mad idea of yours, but, well, I will give you more than books of faerie tales, Jess. I will deliver Guild tomes depicting the supposed real life accounts of flesh and blood Delvers, their exploits captured and faithfully written by the bards every Guildhall has in its employ.”

  Alex’s smile turned rueful. “They are tales of horror as well as adventure. You might find yourselves changing your mind about what I know you’re contemplating. But if not? Who knows? Perhaps I can persuade Master Rens that there are indeed aspiring Delvers ready to come to his aid as needed.” Alex winked. “Though it's more likely I'll just be offering fine seating to the ceremony that will soon unfold.”

  Malek nodded. “That would be fantastic, Alex. And don’t worry, leaving the tomes in Jess’s quarters are fine. We will savor those adventures together.”

  Jacob sighed. “And you are sure no proctor will misunderstand you spending hours every day in a female student’s quarters?”

  Malek flashed a cold grin. “Jess and I most certainly will be studying, just not the tomes they expect. And if anyone dares take issue, I would be more than happy to throw them out the window of their choosing.”

  “And what if they expel you, lover dear?” Jacob dryly asked.

  Malek chuckled. “Then I get a head start on my adventuring career. For without my shieldsister by my side, even the thought of embracing the High Hunt has lost its luster.” He shrugged, exchanging solemn gazes with Jess. “Besides. As much as we enjoy the savage rush of righteous battle, I think Jess and I both have enough nightmares regarding the things we have done under our master's banner. I, for one, wouldn’t mind exploring these realms of living dream. It might actually be a refreshing change of pace."

  Jess nodded her heartfelt agreement, their circle disbanding with final hugs and warm smiles of gratitude that left Jess floating on clouds of happiness as she made her way back to quarters, Malek by her side.

  She turned to him, gently stroking his cheek. “So, you are really thinking of doing it, then?”

  Malek chuckled softly. “More than you can imagine, Jess. More than you can imagine. I love Master Eloquin fiercely, for all that I hate him punishing you so, but I feel the dagger of regret, just like you do.” He gazed at Jess with sad eyes. “We all feel it, Jess. Why do you think Eloquin allows week-long revels, where we can love freely, passionately, imbibing the most decadent vices without censor? It gives us a break from the horror. Not only lives taken, death narrowly avoided, but memories of every time we’ve done this before.”

  He shook his head and sighed, taking a sip from his tankard. “Honestly, Jess, for all that Alex was chasing a fantasy, this summer does feel like it's lasted forever.”

  Jess nodded. “Father said that’s what campaign felt like, sometimes.” She frowned. “Still, the way he said they all lost themselves to deepest slumber, I can only wonder how that came about.”

  Malek shrugged. “Enchantments, no doubt. Perhaps one of those Velheim wizards, foul diabolist that they were, had been stalking them, working in cahoots with those backstabbing guards. We all know that Velheim wizards are cut from different cloth than a true Erovering battlemage, but for all that their elemental magics are paltry compared to ours, their wizards can cast odd enchantments even my instructors admit to being puzzled by. No doubt they somehow trapped Alex and his friends in deepest slumber, once they turned in.”

  Jess frowned. “Perhaps. Still, isn’t it strange that Alex’s wards didn’t trigger an alarm when enemies approached?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine, shieldsister. I’ll see you in the morning. With food in hand. And hopefully Alex will bring us some interesting tomes to read.”

  Jess grinned, looking forward to new, exciting tomes to lose herself in. Sleep, however, did not come easy, brooding upon how close Alex and Jera had come to the most horrific of ends.


  A polite knock on her door and Jess answered it so fast Malek was left blinking, Jess having awoken with the first chirping of the birds as the sunrise touched the forest-lined horizon a fiery crimson, feeling, for the first time in days, a reason to greet the day with a smile. For just behind Malek was Alex, grinning back, holding a number of tomes, both of them making a quick entrance, with no trace of students or professors darting by her quarters at that hour.

  Hair tousled, a sleepy expression still upon his face, Jess could tell Alex had hardly slept a wink.

  She grinned at her friend, who blushed back. “Jera wore you out?”

  Alex blinked, speechless, Malek bursting into laughter. “I can see she’s determined to savor life’s sweetness, so close you both came to losing it altogether.”

  Alex chuckled softly, shrugging his shoulders. “My heart was heavy, I will admit it, thinking of the lives lost, but yes. In the end, Jera talked me back to my senses and reminded me that some things are too precious to let melancholy destroy, and if she can forgive me, perhaps I can learn to forgive myself.”

  “It really wasn’t your fault,” Jess softly insisted. “We have vipers in our midst, unbeknownst to all of us. And for all that I am but a supplicant now, I would be by my master’s side in a heartbeat, trying to root this evil out.”

  Alex nodded. “I have no doubt. And though it measures to insignificance compared to the boon you granted me, I hope these tomes can at least provide you with a few hours distraction. Malek, for his part, managed to smuggle a fair number of meat pies from sympathetic kitchen staff, for all that they seem preoccupied by their own troubles.”

  His befuddled stare of moments before had been replaced by the keen gaze of a brilliant scholar. “It’s time I made sure that you both understand exactly what you are getting into. Make sure you both know what it is to catch glimpses of dream, and live to tell the tale.”

  Alex held up a placating hand before Jess could interject. "You’ll read a number of tales with common themes. Questing knights traveling through a strangely quiet valley with nary a settlement in sight, only to see what appears to be a majestically shining palace in the distance. A palace that, as one approaches, turns out to be but a dilapidated tragic ruin; its former glory but a mirage. Yet were that same knight to give it one last forlorn look as it fades back into the distance it would appear a glorious, pristine castle once more."

  Alex's voice pitched low and solemn. "And we all know the grandest stories depicted in plays or told by over campfires. Tales of those rare souls who could do more than just capture sight of a lost kingdom's forgotten glory in the distance. Stories of how brave fools with a certain knack, much like a bard's flare for conjuring tales so real it's as if he summons dreams sprung to life entire, can hold on to that majestic image in their mind's eye, and somehow approach that castle in all its lost glory. Approaching that mirage, as if it were as real as the feather-stuffed mattress you so casually sit upon this very moment, Jess, even as that adventurer appears to fade into shadow to any awestruck villager staring his way."

  Jess smiled at her friend’s words, finding the idea of being able to jump in and out of mystical realms a wondrous gift indeed, even as Alex spoke on. “Such tales go on to say how such an adventurer will fade back into being a da
y or two later, pockets full of forgotten wealth and lost treasures, panicked or exhilarated, telling a tall tale of high adventure few would believe, yet he swears is the truth, only to forget his own tale by the next day.”

  Alex paused, gazing quietly at his rapt friends. “As if it had all happened in a dream. Yet even if the poor tale spinner that no one took seriously has forgotten his own ravings of wondrous adventure, when he checks his pack, he will find that the treasures he discovered are as real as iron, even under the sober light of day.”

  Alex looked coolly at Malek leaning back upon Jess’s bed, gazing at Alex with a bemused smile. "And sometimes, those foolish adventurers don't come back at all. For such is the nature of the Shadowrealms, those overlapping layers of memory and dream that lay at the very crossroads of existence itself. They are memories of power and glory, fragments of time so potent that they resonate infinitely among themselves. Wrinkles in the multilayered fabric that makes up our universe. Yes. Those places can hold onto the memories of lost treasures so perfectly that prizes successfully claimed are indistinguishable from reality, once pulled free of that living dream."

  Alex caught Jess's eye, and shook his head sadly. “I know what you are thinking. How grand such adventures would be. But it is also true that such mini-realms are dangerous. Potentially deadly. Remember, my friends, these Shadowrealms lie upon the bleeding edge of reality, where what is real, what is memory, and what is dream become interchangeable. Uncertain. A terrible place where one misstep can leave your soul lost in some perpetual nightmare, forever. And even if you do manage to navigate your way through these mysterious realms of dream and horror, you are not alone.


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