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Alpha Province: Reigning Kings’ (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  Tatum shifted Pixie into a more reclining position, and after checking if she had a shirt on under her sweater, he tugged it up above her breasts. Broden placed the stethoscope over her heart and listened.

  “Her heartbeat is fine, but I’m going to need to draw blood. Do you know why she’s so scared of me?”

  “We’ve asked but she’s avoided answering.” Rex stopped pacing and crossed his arms over his chest. He wanted to snarl at Broden to get away from his mate, but he pushed his aggressive tendencies down. He couldn’t be angry at the man for trying to look after their woman. That didn’t mean his lion was happy with the Kodiak being so close to her though.

  “That doesn’t bode well.”

  “I don’t think so either.” Tatum huffed out a breath.

  “Does she know who she is to you, yet?” Broden asked as he donned surgical gloves and prepared a needle to take her blood.

  “We told her right before she passed out.” Shaffer frowned.

  “You scared her that much?” Broden’s lips twitched in amusement.

  “No!” Rex shouted and then drew in a deep breath as he tried to get rid of his anger. He wasn’t angry at the bear for the ridiculous question. He was upset because he was about to inflict pain onto his mate even if it was for her own good and only minimal. She’d been through more than enough already, but Rex had a feeling he and his brothers didn’t know the half of it yet. Nonetheless, they were going to find out one way or the other. He wasn’t going to force Pixie to tell them what she’d been through, what she was running from, but he was hoping the more time she spent with them and got to know them, the more she’d open up with them. He just hoped the stubborn little minx didn’t keep playing her cards so close to her chest. He got that she was scared, but maybe after she realized they only wanted to help her, she would tell them what she was running from.

  “You need to hold her still in case she wakes up. I don’t want to hurt her if she starts fighting me.”

  “I don’t think she will,” Tatum said as he stared at Pixie’s face. “She had a couple of pain pills a bit ago, and while she tried to fight the drowsiness, she couldn’t stave it off forever.”

  Broden nodded and then frowned. “I need you to push the sleeve of her sweater up.”

  “Do you need us to remove it?” Rex asked as he hurried to her other side. “Won’t you need to tourniquet her upper arm?”

  “Please.” Broden nodded.

  Tatum maneuvered Pixie so that Rex could get her sweater off. She was so out of it she didn’t make a sound.

  Broden took a few vials of her blood and then removed the needle from her arm. He placed a wad of cotton over the small puncture mark and turned to Rex. “Press down on this firmly to stop the bleeding.”

  Rex pressed his finger on the cotton firmly but not too hard. He didn’t want to hurt his mate or bruise her skin. Broden put the used needle into a sharps container and cleaned up. He placed stickers on the vials and wrote on them. “I’ll get this sent to the lab and let you know as soon as I have the results.”

  “How long will that take?” Tatum asked.

  “I’ll put a rush on it, so hopefully no more than a couple of days.” Broden closed his bag and picked it up. “Try and keep her quiet and make sure she gets plenty of fluids and rest.”

  “We will.” Shaffer walked Broden to the door. “Thanks for taking care of her.”

  “Sure.” Broden left.

  “Let me take her home and get her into bed,” Rex said.

  Tatum nodded and stood, taking Pixie with him. “I wish we could close early tonight, but I think we’re going to be inundated because of the bands scheduled to play at the pub.”

  Rex held his arms out and sighed with contentment when Tatum put Pixie into them. He loved holding her and would take any and every opportunity he could to have her small body against his, even if she wasn’t aware of it.

  “Do you think she’ll be up to coming out tonight?” Shaffer asked.

  “We’ll have to wait and see,” Rex answered.

  “If she does, I think she’d enjoy spending some time with Emmy. Women like to stick together and I’m sure our mate has questions she needs answered.” Tatum rubbed the back of his neck. “Take her home, but if she’s agreeable, bring her back here for dinner.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you both later.” Rex carried Pixie out of the diner, and after making sure she was buckled into the front passenger seat of his truck, he headed toward home. He just hoped he got to spend a little one-on-one time with her. Maybe if they weren’t all surrounding her, she would feel more comfortable in regard to whatever was scaring the shit out of her.

  * * * *

  Pixie blinked the room into focus and wondered how she’d gotten back into the bedroom. Of course she knew the answer, but she was a little embarrassed at having fallen asleep while at the diner. If she had her way she’d never take another pill because they seemed to have an adverse effect on her.

  She carefully moved to the side of the bed and sat up. When she noticed her sweater had been removed and there was a bandage in the crook of her elbow, she frowned.

  What the hell? Did I hurt myself?

  She peeled the small bandage off her skin and her frown deepened when she saw the needle mark. She was going to find out what had happened, but first she needed the facilities. She shoved to her feet and walked toward the bathroom.

  She stared at herself in the large mirror over the vanity as she washed her hands and sighed. Her hair was a mess but nothing a quick brushing wouldn’t fix. After drying her hands, she pulled the band from her hair and ran the brush through her tresses. Although she liked having long hair, she hated the bland color. She’d often thought of dyeing it but hadn’t been able to bring herself to do it. She didn’t care how other people perceived her or that her hair wasn’t blonde. Pixie had learned to accept who she was a long time ago and wasn’t going to change for anyone. Even though she’d never admitted it out loud, she liked being who she was. After her one and only disastrous relationship, she didn’t want to stand out to the opposite sex by dyeing her hair a different color. She liked being able to blend in. Being the center of attention had never been her forte, but it seemed she was going to have to get used to it. At least while she was in Ambrose recovering from her illness and surgery.

  When her mind drifted to Tatum’s earlier declaration, she quickly quashed those thoughts. If she allowed herself to dwell on them she might start fantasizing about happy-ever-after’s, but in reality, she knew they were a myth.

  Her friend Cheryl had believed in happily-ever-after’s, and now she was dead. From what she’d seen and experienced, love and relationships only ever caused pain, destruction, and death. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to trust another man again.

  Looking back Pixie realized she hadn’t loved her ex at all, so she had no clue what it felt like to love someone. She wouldn’t know love if it bit her on the ass and yet she couldn’t stop thinking about Tatum, Rex, and Shaffer. That scared the bejesus out of her.

  With an emotionally weary sigh, she headed out toward the living room. Rex glanced up from the paperwork he was bent over and smiled at her. Just like that her arousal began to simmer. Liquid heat pooled in her belly, and although it was hard to ignore the desire coursing through her veins, she pushed it aside.

  “How are you feeling, sweetie?”

  “Better.” She glanced about the room, hedging for time, aware of his gaze wandering over her body. She looked at him and frowned. “Why do I have a needle mark on the inside of my elbow?”

  Rex patted the sofa cushion beside him. “Come and take a seat.”

  Pixie walked toward the sofa but decided it would be prudent to sit as far away from him as she could. She sat on the last cushion and turned toward him so she could see his face. He frowned but didn’t comment on the distance between them.

  “Broden came in after you fell asleep, and when he noticed how pale you were and the dark smudges under
your eyes, he said that he suspected you were anemic. He took some of your blood and sent it to be tested at a lab.”

  She gasped and covered her mouth as fear made her heart flip when it missed a beat and then slam against her ribs. She felt all the blood in her face drain, and dark spots formed in front of her eyes. Hands grasped her arm and hip, and she was lifted from the sofa and into a lap. After removing her hand from her mouth, she sucked in breath after breath and slumped against Rex as the darkness receded.

  “Fuck! What’s wrong, Pixie? Why are you so scared?”

  “How long ago did he take my blood?”

  Rex glanced at the watch on his wrist and then met her gaze again. “About four hours ago.”

  Pixie stumbled to her feet and began pacing. She wrapped her arms around her torso as she began to shake. She couldn’t keep the scream of fear from escaping her mouth when Rex grasped her upper arms and turned her to face him. He moved so quietly she hadn’t heard him coming toward her. Plus, she was terrified that bastard would find out where she was.

  “You need to call Broden.” She licked her dry lips as she met Rex’s gaze. “Find out if he’s sent my blood and information. You need to stop him if he hasn’t.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” Rex snarled at her.

  “Just do as I’ve asked. Please?”

  Rex released her arms, took a step back, and dug his cell phone from his pocket. After activating the screen, he made the call. “Broden, have you already sent Pixie’s blood?” He stared into her eyes as he listened to whatever Broden said. “Shit! Okay. I don’t know. I’ll get back to you later.” He disconnected the call and walked closer to her. “You need to tell me what’s going on, mate.”

  Pixie ignored the fact that he’d just called her mate. She wasn’t sure quite what that meant and didn’t want to know the answer just yet. She mentally shook her head. She was lying to herself because she knew damn well what Tatum, Rex, and Shaffer had been talking about earlier in the day. She just wasn’t ready to address it. She’d come back to that later. Maybe.

  “I don’t want to have to tell it more than once. I think it would be best if I left.” Pixie glanced toward the door and shivered with fear. For some reason, she felt safe with Rex and his brothers, and while she knew she should get into her car and leave, the thought of never seeing them tore her up inside.

  What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Why do they make me feel so much? Shit!

  “You aren’t leaving, Pixie. Broden said you needed to rest for at least two weeks. It’s only been a few days.”

  “I’m fine.” She took a step away from him.

  He lunged toward her and gently clasped her shoulders. “We can protect you from whatever is scaring the hell out of you. We’re trained soldiers, and we’re stronger and faster than any human man on the earth. Trust us, sweetie. Please?”

  She heard sincerity in his voice. He, Tatum, and Shaffer had saved her. If they hadn’t gotten her medical attention when they had, she’d likely be dead. They’d taken her into their home when she’d been a stranger and looked after her. Not one of them had done anything to hurt her. They’d done the exact opposite. If they’d wanted to hurt her, they’d had ample opportunity to do it. Deep in her heart she knew they never would. They were kind, honorable men, and even though she’d never voice it out loud, she was beginning to have deep feelings for them.

  “Okay,” she finally answered. He gently pulled her against his body and wrapped his arms around her, being careful of her incision site. “But I don’t want to tell it more than once.”

  Rex bent and kissed the top of her head. “You won’t have to, sweetie. It’s almost dinner time. We’ll head to the diner to eat and you can explain it all to us then.”

  She drew back and gazed up into his eyes. “I don’t want anyone else hearing.”

  Rex nodded. “We’ll take you into the office. All right?”


  Pixie’s stomach was a churning mass of knotted dread. She didn’t want to remember that horrid night ever again, but now she was going to have to tell Tatum, Shaffer, and Rex why she was so scared.

  Would they think she was a coward for running?

  She’d had no choice. She just hoped they didn’t look at her as if she had a yellow streak running up her spine. They were all so big, brave, and strong. She’d didn’t have a brave bone in her body.

  Would they still look at her with hunger in their eyes after she told them what had happened? An ache formed over her heart, and it took all of her self-control to not try and rub that pain away.

  Pixie didn’t know what she’d do if they looked at her differently. She was getting used to seeing the heat in their eyes and would be devastated if that changed.

  She pushed those thoughts aside as Rex guided her from the house and locked up.

  She just hoped she was able to remain in control while she told them what happened, but she had a feeling once the whole horrid story came out, she was going to break apart.

  Chapter Eight

  Shaffer knew there was something wrong as soon as he saw how pale Pixie’s face was. She was tense with her hands gripping each other and her lips were pulled into a tight line. He hadn’t expected her and Rex back until the dinner rush, but he was glad they were here while it was still quiet.

  Rex had a hand down low on her back, guiding her toward the hall which led to the back of the diner, and while Pixie looked reluctant, she kept placing one foot in front of the other.

  “What’s wrong?” Shaffer asked in a voice too low for Pixie to hear.

  “I don’t know, but we’re about to find out. I’ll take her into the office. Go and get Tatum.”

  “Did you say something?” Pixie asked as met his gaze.

  Rex shook his head. Shaffer frowned. She wasn’t supposed to have been able to hear them talking so quietly. Maybe they hadn’t been as quiet as they wanted to. Shaffer did the rounds to the few people in the diner and refilled their coffee mugs. They all had food, so it should be fine to leave them alone for a while. Besides, one of them would let them know if someone came in.

  He hurried down the hall and paused in the kitchen doorway. “Pixie and Rex are here. Rex wants us all in the office.”

  “What’s up?” Tatum frowned.

  “I don’t know, but Pixie looks terrified.”

  “Fuck!” Tatum glanced about and then turned down the gas on the industrial-sized stove. He put a lid on the pot of chowder simmering on the burner and then headed toward him.

  He and Tatum entered the office seconds later. Shaffer closed the door behind him, trying to give them a semblance of privacy, although that was more for Pixie’s benefit than their own. She had no idea how well a shifter could hear. All the men in the diner who could change into animals would hear everything that went on in this room.

  Shaffer headed toward the sofa where Rex and Pixie were seated. Tatum pushed the office chair out from behind the desk and guided it closer to their mate. He sat down and quirked an eyebrow at Rex. Rex shook his head.

  “We had a bit of a situation at home earlier,” Rex began. “When I told her about Broden taking blood and sending it away to be tested at a lab, she got so scared she almost passed out.” Rex slung an arm around Pixie’s shoulders and pulled her tight against his side. Shaffer wanted to scoot closer to her, but he didn’t want to bump her surgery wound so he laced his fingers with hers instead.

  Tatum scooted his chair closer, reached, out and nudged her gaze up toward his. “Why were you scared, baby? What’s going on?”

  “My best friend’s boyfriend killed her and I saw him do it.”

  “Fuck!” Rex snarled.

  “Shit!” Shaffer gasped.

  “Motherfucker!” Tatum growled.

  Shaffer couldn’t stand not holding his mate when he saw a lone tear trickle down her cheek. He scooped her up into his arms and held her on his lap as he moved to the middle of the sofa so his br
others could touch her and offer her comfort, too.

  He caressed a hand over her shoulder and down her arm when he felt her shiver. The acidic stench of his mate’s fear assaulted his nose, and while he hated that she was so scared, they needed to know what they were dealing with so they could protect her.

  “Tell us what happened, sweetie.” Rex threaded his fingers with hers and covered the back of her cold hand with his free one.

  Pixie sucked in a deep breath.

  “I worked at the main hospital in Denver as an administrative assistant on one of the floors. The first day I started working there I was nervous, but one of the nurses, Cheryl Smithson, smiled at me welcomingly and introduced herself. From that day on we became friends. We’d get together for lunch whenever she was working and even spent time with each other on the weekend or when we had days off.” Pixie paused to lick her lips.

  Shaffer cursed under his breath when all color—which wasn’t much—leeched from her face. He tightened his hold around her shoulders worried she was about to pass out. “Take a deep breath, sugar. We’re here with you. We won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Pixie sucked in a deep ragged breath.

  Tatum leaned over, placed his hands on her thighs just above her knees, and squeezed.

  “Go on, baby. Tell us the rest.”

  Pixie nodded. “We became such great friends, and it turned out we were living in the same apartment building. Things started to change when a new doctor started working our floor. He was okay-looking and a real flirt, but there was just something about him I didn’t like. I couldn’t tell Cheryl why. Call it intuition or gut instinct.” Pixie shrugged.

  “Cheryl thought he was hot, and every time she saw him she talked to him. They started dating. Cheryl got quieter and smiled less, and there were shadows in her eyes. One day she came to work, and as she was taking her cardigan off the sleeve on her uniform rode up. I saw bruises on her arms. They looked like someone had grabbed her and held her really hard. When I asked her about the bruises, she said she’d been clumsy and had walked into a wall. I didn’t believe her, but I couldn’t do anything. She needed to admit there was something wrong before I could help her. Didn’t she?”


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