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Alpha Province: Reigning Kings’ (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Becca Van

  “You’re right, sugar. She might have become angry with you if you’d stuck your nose in before she was ready for you to.” Shaffer kissed her temple.

  Pixie nodded. “That’s what I thought, too. I wanted to report that fucker, but she’d been in denial and probably would have turned her back on me and ended up protecting him instead. I just figured that if I kept my mouth closed at least I could still be her friend and be there when she was ready to admit he was abusing her.”

  “You have a big heart, baby.” Tatum leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

  “I should have done more,” she sobbed. “Maybe if I had Cheryl would still be alive.”

  “You don’t know that.” Rex frowned. “That fucker sounds like he was a narcissistic psychopath. He might have ended up targeting you, too, sweetie.”

  Pixie shook her head. “The day before she died, Cheryl told me she was going away for the weekend and she asked me if I’d feed her fish. Of course, I said yes. She gave me a spare key and told me where the fish food was and how much to give them.” She swiped at the tears on her face and sniffed. “I was kind of excited because I’d never had a pet before, and I spent a lot of time at her place watching those beautiful creatures swimming back and forth. They were so pretty and mesmerizing to watch.”

  Shaffer rubbed her back when the tears began to flow faster. “Just as I was about to enter her place the next day, I stopped because I thought I heard someone inside. I stood there and listened and decided I was imagining things when I didn’t hear anymore sounds. I unlocked the door, closed it behind me, and walked around the short wall partitioning her entrance from the living room.” Her breath hitched, but Shaffer could tell by the look in her eyes that she was no longer with them in the diner office, but lost back in the past. The stench of her fear increased until rage began to course through his body and his lion began pacing and snarling. He shoved his animal back and tried to breathe through his anger. He couldn’t lose his shit now because he didn’t want to scare Pixie more than she already was. From her scent, she was downright terrified.

  “Dr. Emery Jones, Cheryl’s boyfriend, was there. He was kneeling on the carpet on the other side of her coffee table. I didn’t realize that Cheryl was under him struggling for her life until it was too late. Her coffee table was one of those big solid square things that had storage drawers in them, and she was hidden behind it from my view. He turned his gaze toward me, and he looked at me from such cold lifeless eyes, I got really scared. I started to shake and back away toward the door, but I stopped when a small feminine foot came into view. It twitched and then stilled. It took me a few moments to realize that it was Cheryl’s foot. I’d seen the shoes she was wearing plenty of times.” Pixie sobbed and shook her head.

  “He’d been killing her right in front of my eyes and I hadn’t even known.”

  Shaffer held her tighter when her whole body began to quake and her teeth chattered together.

  “He shoved up to his feet and took a step toward me, but he tripped over Cheryl and fell to his hands and knees. I bolted. I didn’t even know where I was going, I just ran. I ended up at the police station and was going to report Cheryl’s murder.”

  Shaffer tipped Pixie’s face up toward his and cursed when he saw how dilated her pupils were. She was going into shock.

  “Call Broden, she’s in trouble,” Shaffer told Tatum through their mind link.

  “Broden, get to the diner. Now!” Tatum commanded using the common link they had to all their shifter friends.

  “Do I need my bag?” Broden asked.

  “Yes. Hurry!” Tatum ordered.

  “On it,” Broden said.

  Pixie continued on, oblivious to anything, still lost in her living nightmare. “The moment I saw the police officer at the desk, I freaked out. He looked exactly like Emery. I glanced at his name tag and started to shake when I saw his name. He had to be Emery’s twin brother. Other than the police uniform there were no differences that I could see. He locked gazes with me and his eyes narrowed. There was murder in his eyes. I have no doubt that if he’d been alone he would have pulled his gun and shot me where I stood. I turned and fled. I couldn’t go back to my apartment in case Cheryl’s killer was still there. I was so scared, I could barely walk let alone think. I didn’t even realize I’d stopped in front of an ATM machine, but had never been so thankful in my life that I never went anywhere without my wallet. I withdrew as much cash as I could, bought a cheap car, and left Denver. I’ve been on the road ever since.”

  Shaffer held Pixie while she cried. Her whole body shook as she wailed out her fear and grief. Rage and sadness warred in his heart and mind. Sadness over seeing her friend die and the grief she was feeling, and rage over the danger she was in. He’d never felt so helpless in his life. His lion was just as agitated as he was, snarling and growling as he paced back and forth. Shaffer didn’t want to let his animal too close to the surface, because he was worried he wouldn’t be able to cage the beast if he got free. He was killing mad just like Shaffer was.

  “Did she hurt herself?” Broden asked as he entered the room.

  “No. She’s in shock,” Tatum answered.

  “From what?” Broden frowned.

  “We’ll explain later,” Rex replied.

  Pixie must have heard Broden’s voice because she tensed and then pressed harder into Shaffer as if she was trying to crawl inside of him to hide from the doctor. The scent of her terror grew stronger.

  “Look at me, baby,” Tatum commanded softly.

  Pixie shook her head, but then she inhaled deeply, tensed, and sat up. She wiped the back of her hands over her face and then met Tatum’s gaze. “Do you think I’d let anyone out to hurt you, get close to you?”

  Shaffer sighed with relief when she shook her head.

  “That’s right, I wouldn’t. I’d trust Broden with my life and I have. He’d never do anything to harm you, Pixie.”

  She shuddered out a breath and nodded.

  “Will you let Broden examine you, sugar?” Shaffer asked. “We’re worried about you.”

  “O-okay,” she croaked.

  “Come here, baby.” Tatum held his hand out toward her.

  Pixie glanced at Broden standing a few feet away from where Tatum was sitting and then stared at Tatum’s hand. Shaffer wasn’t surprised when his normally impatient, aggressive brother and alpha didn’t try and coax her into coming to him. Shaffer had a feeling this was a pivotal moment with their mate, and from the way Tatum kept his hand steady and his gaze locked on their mate, he knew it, too. So did Rex, because his other brother wasn’t even breathing.

  After what seemed like forever, Pixie reached toward Tatum’s hand shakily and then placed it in his. Tatum closed his hand around hers but, instead of tugging her over to him, let her move at her own pace. She finally stood and took the steps breaching the gap between them. Tatum looped an arm around her waist and guided her down into his lap. “I’ll be right here with you the whole time Broden checks you over. Okay?”

  Pixie nodded.

  Broden got down onto his knees so he wouldn’t tower over Pixie and intimidate her any further and smiled at her. “Your men are real worried about you, Pixie. I just need to listen to your heart and check your incision. All right?”

  “Yes,” she answered meekly.

  Shaffer hated that Pixie was scared of all doctors because of what she’d witnessed, but thankfully Broden was patient and was telling her everything that was going to happen. If the doc had been his usual gruff self, Shaffer didn’t think his mate would have let him even look at her. His heart filled with hope that she was beginning to trust him, Tatum, and Rex. He didn’t think she’d still be staying in their guest bedroom if she hadn’t.

  Please let her trust us? Please let her accept being our mate?

  “I’ve given an oath to never hurt anyone, Pixie. I would rather rip my own heart out than hurt you,” Broden said as he walked closer to her on his knees.

She still looked wary, but some of the tension eased from her body and she nodded. “I’m sorry. I know you would never hurt me. I just have a hard time trusting doctors after seeing…” She shook her head and closed her eyes.

  Broden quirked an eyebrow as he met each of their gazes, but they couldn’t and didn’t want to tell him why their mate was so fearful after she’d just rehashed what she’d been through. Shaffer vowed then and there to protect her with his life. If he had to stand in front of a bullet so she could live, he’d do it in a heartbeat.

  “I’m going to listen to your heart now. Okay?” Broden asked.

  Pixie nodded but kept her eyes closed. When Shaffer didn’t see her chest rise and fall, he realized she was holding her breath.

  “Take a deep breath for me, honey, and then slowly release it,” Broden commanded softly.

  She did as he asked.

  “And again.”

  Pixie inhaled and exhaled again. Each time she drew air into her lungs and released it, she seemed to relax a little more.

  “Your hearts beating a bit fast, but everything sounds good. Can I lift your top and check the incision?”

  “Yes.” Pixie turned her face into Tatum’s chest. She flinched when she felt hands on the hem of her sweatshirt.

  “I’m just lifting your clothes out of the way, baby,” Tatum murmured. “And I’ll need to undo your jeans and lower the zipper. Is that all right with you?”

  “I guess,” came her muffled reply.

  Shaffer clenched his jaw when he saw her grip Tatum’s shirt into tight fists. She was holding the cotton so hard her knuckles were white. Tatum opened her jeans and pushed them aside until the bandage was visible.

  Broden gently removed the bandage and studied the stitches. “Everything’s looking good. I used dissolving stitches so you won’t need to see me to get them removed.” He replaced the waterproof bandage with a new one and then tugged her jeans back together. “Can you look at me, Pixie?”

  Pixie huffed out a sigh but turned her head to meet Broden’s gaze. “I can tell by how dilated your pupils are that you’re in a bit of shock. Would it be okay if I gave you a small dose of sedatives?”

  “Do I really need it?” Pixie asked in a small voice.

  “I think it would help calm you down some. I don’t like how fast your heart is beating. You’re on the verge of a panic attack.”

  She shrugged. “I’ve had them before. They go away eventually.”

  “Do you have nightmares, too?”


  “Have you had any recently?” Broden frowned.

  “No. I’ve slept better than I have in months because of all the medication in my system.”

  Broden nodded. “I’m hoping this will be the last time I have to give you any medicine. How’s the pain threshold?”

  “The stitches pull if I move to fast or a certain way, but it doesn’t hurt much anymore.”

  “That’s good to hear. You’re healing quickly.” Broden drew out a sealed syringe and a small vial of liquid. When he saw Pixie staring at the needle, he said, “I’m just going to give you a small dose. It will make you drowsy and maybe even put you to sleep, but you won’t be out long. Okay?”


  “Can you pull your arm out of your sleeve?”

  She nodded and shifted on Tatum’s lap as she removed her arm from the sleeve and then turned her bared arm toward Broden. He swiped her arm with disinfectant, drew a small measure of medicine into the syringe, and gave her the shot.

  “All done. You’re very brave.” Broden began to pack his things away.

  Pixie snorted and then sighed as she slumped against Tatum. None of them spoke until her breathing deepened and evened out.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Broden asked in a growly voice.

  Shaffer and his brothers explained what Pixie had told them.

  “Motherfucking son of a bitch.” Broden shoved to his feet and began to pace. “No wonder she was terrified of me. What was the fucker’s name again?”

  “Emery Jones is the doctor. His cop brother has to be a twin because Pixie said they were mirror images,” Rex answered.

  “Shit! She’s got to be scared out of her mind. I’ve probably just let that fucker know where she is.”

  “What do you mean?” Shaffer asked.

  “I didn’t even fucking think of that.” Rex stood and ran his fingers through his hair. “No wonder she was so terrified. How would that asshole know if her name pop’s up in a lab?”

  “Money talks, my friend.”

  “Oh fuck!” Tatum looked contrite when Pixie whimpered at his loud voice. When he continued, he whispered, “You sent her blood in to be tested for anemia. I forgot all about that.”

  “He’s going to come for her,” Shaffer said angrily.

  “Yes,” Rex growled.

  “He’ll have to get through us to get to her, and that won’t be easy,” Tatum stated.

  Broden picked up his bag. “I’ll spread the word. I have a few contacts on the medical board, but I’m going to need evidence before I can suggest they look into that fucking bastard.”

  Shaffer shook his head. “We don’t need to bring anyone else in on this. We can take that fucker out with one swipe.”

  “We can,” Tatum snarled.

  “What about the brother?” Broden said. “He’s a cop, remember.”

  “Fuck.” Shaffer rubbed the back of his neck. “We’re going to have to do this by the book or we’ll end up with the law crawling all over this town.”

  “We’ll find a way to take them down,” Tatum said. “Broden, tell whoever you see what’s going on and get them to spread the word.”

  Broden nodded. “I can get online and see what I can dig up on these assholes.”

  “Do it. Get Airen and Archer to help you. I want to know when these pricks so much as sneeze.”

  “Do you think they’ll both come for her or just the doctor?” Shaffer asked. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, but he pushed it away. The only thing that mattered to him was Pixie and keeping her safe.

  He just hoped that she didn’t decide to take off before they could woo her into mating with them.

  Chapter Nine

  Pixie glanced around the packed diner and smiled. She felt so much better after telling Tatum, Rex, and Shaffer about what she’d been through, and while she hated that Broden had had to give her a sedative, she was now glad he had. She hadn’t slept for long, but the nap had been enough to relieve her fears and rejuvenate her body.

  She was sitting in a booth by herself watching Shaffer and Rex serve the customers, and though she’d tried to help, they’d refused. She glanced toward the door when it opened and smiled when Emmy walked in.

  “Hi, Pixie, how are you feeling?” Emmy asked as she plopped down into the seat across from her.


  Emmy smiled. “You look it. I was so worried when I first saw you. You looked really ill.”

  “I didn’t feel too good either.”

  The door to the diner burst open, and Pixie flinched. She shrank back into her seat when she saw the tall man who’d entered glaring at Emmy.

  “Why didn’t you tell one of us where you—”

  Emmy held her hand up palm out toward the huge guy. “Don’t start, Brooks. I told Declan I was coming here to visit with Pixie.”

  Brooks gave her a sheepish look. “Scoot over, darlin’.”

  Emmy huffed out a breath but moved across the bench seat. “Pixie, this is Brooks. He’s Declan’s friend and one of my mates.”

  “Nice to meet you, Pixie.” Brooks offered her his hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Pleased to meet you.” She shook his hand and hoped her face wasn’t as red as it felt. She wanted to ask who’d been talking about her, but she didn’t want to anger the guy. He’d looked really fierce when he’d burst through the diner’s door.

  “I’m going to the kitchen to talk to Tat
um,” Brooks said. He turned toward Emmy and cupped her cheek in his hand. “Don’t leave the diner without me.”

  Emmy smiled. “I won’t.”

  Brooks leaned down and took her mouth hungrily. Pixie lowered her eyes to the tabletop, trying to give the pair some privacy.

  Emmy giggled and Pixie lifted her gaze. “Sorry, they’re kind of possessive.”

  “I’ve noticed.” She glanced over and saw Brooks disappear down the hallway.

  Emmy reached over and patted her hand. “How are you really doing?”

  “I have no idea.” Pixie frowned.

  Emmy nodded. “That’s understandable. You’ve been through a lot in the last few days. No, longer than that. How long have you been running for?”

  Pixie paled at Emmy’s question. Anger and humiliation surged and she turned to glare at Shaffer and Rex, but neither of them were anywhere around.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. I was in your shoes not so long ago,” Emmy said.

  “You were?”

  Emmy nodded. “I managed to thwart a terrorist attack on a political convention in Houston.”

  “Oh. My. God. That was you? I heard all about that.”

  “Yeah.” Emmy sighed. “Seems the congressman pulling all the strings didn’t like having his plans wrecked. He sent one of his hired military goons after me. If it wasn’t for Declan, Brooks, and Jett as well as the rest of the men in town, I’d probably be dead.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Emmy shook her head. “You have no need to be sorry, Pixie. You had nothing to do with it. And don’t be mad at your mates. They spread the word around town to try and protect you.”

  “What’s it like?” she asked.

  “What’s what like?” Emmy frowned.

  “Having three mates?” she blurted out.

  “Amazing,” Emmy answered breathily. A dreamy smile curved her lips and hazed over her eyes. She blinked and met Pixie’s gaze again. “I love my guys so much. They can be annoying sometimes with the dominant possessiveness, but I wouldn’t have them any other way. I fell in love with them quickly, but I never told them that until it was almost too late. I’m blessed to have found such wonderful, caring, protective men and wouldn’t give them up for the world.”


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