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Ryan (Members From Money Book 16)

Page 7

by Katie Dowe

  “I promise,” Aaliyah said solemnly.

  She tested the strands and admired the thickness of it and then set to work clipping and shampooing and then deep conditioning. The process took several hours and then they took a break to eat the delicious lunch Loretta had prepared. Both she and Nurse Whittaker had been apprised of the situation. Aaliyah was wearing the dazzling diamond solitaire that had been sent over by a messenger for her, and even though she would have preferred that Ryan presented it to her himself she accepted it and took it in stride. Lena did not allow her to look in the glass until she was finished with her hair and makeup. It was approaching four when she finished and she took Aaliyah’s hand and brought her over to the full length mirror in the room. Aaliyah stared at herself in shock. She was incredibly beautiful and unrecognizable! Her thick dark hair had been curled and spiked and suited her small face to perfection. It had a sheen to it that she had never been able to accomplish. Lena had given her eyebrows a tapering look and made her dark brown eyes appear even larger. Coral colored lipstick and nude eye shadow gave her face a glow that was almost ethereal. “What do you think?”

  “I think you are a miracle worker,” Aaliyah said dazedly.


  When the car pulled up and she stepped out, he did not recognize her. She smiled up at the driver as he helped her out and for a minute Ryan wanted to tell the man to get the hell away from her! He stepped forward and stood there looking at her. “What do you think?”

  “You will do,” his voice was deliberately casual even though his heart was thudding inside his chest. She was exquisite and he felt the pride of her being his fiancé going through him.

  “So will you,” She said softly as she took his arm. He was wearing a pearl grey suit jacket with a light pink inside shirt and he looked tall and powerfully handsome.

  He laughed softly at that as he guided her inside.

  Aaliyah got a glimpse of his power as she saw the manager hurrying over to him. “Mr. Sullivan, I trust everything is to your liking?” the man asked anxiously.

  “It is Byron,” he nodded. “This is my fiancé Aaliyah Cole.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Cole,” he said with a bow.

  “Thank you.”

  They were guided into the enormous ballroom where there were people milling around. She was introduced to so many people that she was going to have a hard time remembering names! Then she saw them! Even if you happened to live in a cave, there was no way you would not have heard of the ‘wives’. They were all there and Aaliyah found herself looking at them in fascination. Their dresses ranged from the simple expensive to the classically expensive and each one looked more beautiful than the next. Leesa Wellington came forward and extended a hand successfully dispelling her nervousness. “Welcome, my dear. I have no idea why Ryan has been hiding you.”

  “Because I happen to be a private person,” he said dryly as he let go of her hand.

  “Go on, Ryan, and let us entertain your fiancé. I see my husband over there talking business with Garth and Patrick, please go and join them.” She waved him away. He looked down at Aaliyah for a moment and then walked away.

  “My dear, when are you due?” Kelly asked her.

  “Next month.”

  “I miss being pregnant,” Felicia said with a sigh causing the others to look at her. “What? I love the feeling of another life growing inside me.”

  “You need to tell Andre that.” Ciara said dryly.

  “I did and he ignored me.”

  They made her feel at home and she actually enjoyed herself. Ryan came back and took her onto the dance floor. “Having fun?” he asked her as he held her at a distance.

  Aaliyah ignored that and snuggled closer to him ignoring when he stiffened. “Immensely,” she said softly as she placed her hand on his chest. She lifted her head to look up at him. “Will you be taking me home?”

  He felt himself hardened at what she was inferring. “I was not planning to.”

  “Can I persuade you to?” she had slid her hands around his neck and moved closer to him.

  “Stop!” he gritted.

  “Why?” her fingers tangled in the soft hair at the base of his neck.

  Ryan groaned softly as he looked down at her parted lips. The coral of her lipstick made her teeth dazzling white. He wanted her! Christ how he wanted her! “Yes.” He whispered hoarsely.

  “Thanks,” she whispered back and before he could stop her she brought his head down and took his lips with hers. He deepened the kiss, his fingers digging into her waist and for a moment he forgot where he was and almost gave into the desire raging inside him, but then a light flashed and he released her instantly. He stared down at her, his expression inscrutable and without a word he took her to meet his mother and stepfather who had not too long came in.

  “My dear, it is so lovely to meet you,” Rosalie Rosewood said with a genuine smile.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, too,” she said warmly as she returned the woman’s hug. The tall quiet man next to her smiled at her and they chatted for a few minutes.

  “We would like you to come and have dinner with us not far from now,” she glanced at her son.

  He nodded slightly and his mother smiled. “How about next Sunday?”

  “I might have to leave for Europe, but I will let you know.” He looked over at some people and stiffened, his expression turning glacial. Aaliyah looked over to see what had caused it and saw a beautiful woman coming over to them. Instinctively, she put her hand on his arm. He turned and looked at her but did not say anything. “Darling, how are you?” she purred.

  “I am good and you?” he asked her coolly.

  “I am okay as well.” Her eyes slid to the woman on his arm. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “Yes, he is having a son and getting married,” his mother told the woman coolly.

  “That’s wonderful,” for a minute her eyes sought his and something like regret passed over it. “I am Barbara Wakelin.” She said to Aaliyah holding out a delicate white hand.

  “Aaliyah Cole.”

  “If you will excuse us?” Ryan said coldly and strode away with her trying to catch up. He danced with her but she could see that his heart was not in it. Aaliyah wanted to ask him if that was the woman who had broken his heart but she did not dare! Without caring if he rejected her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his chest. After a few minutes he wrapped his arms around her as they circled the dance floor.

  “She is in love with him,” Rosalie said wonderingly as she looked at them.

  “How can you tell?” her husband asked her.

  “I can,” she said with a satisfied smile.

  Chapter 7

  Aaliyah had a feeling that the only reason he took her home was because he had promised that he would. On the entire journey to where she now considered to be home, he was silent and his face set in a hard line. She did not try to strike up a conversation with him but settled back against the soft upholstery and watched the scenery whiz by. The hour was late but the spring night was lovely. She relished the wind on her skin and closed her eyes as he took her home. She opened them as he slowed the car and realized that they had reached home. He shut the vehicle off and sat there before turning towards her. “I will see you,” he said coolly. Aaliyah felt her heart hammering inside her chest and knew that even if she begged him he was not coming in. She took a deep fortifying breath and opened the door to get out. Somehow her foot got caught in something and she felt herself falling. She uttered a squeal as she found herself falling and she had no idea how he got to her so fast and grabbing her into his arms he took her inside. There was a light left on in the living room but he swiftly took her upstairs and into the bedroom where she stayed. He placed her on the bed and her foot jostled causing her to cry out. “What is it?”

  “I twisted my ankle a little bit,”

  “I am calling the doctor,” he said grimly reaching for the phone.
  “I don’t think it is sprained Ryan,” she told him. “I just need some ice to ease it a little bit.”

  He hesitated and went to get the ice from a fridge in the living room. He put the cubes into a towel and placed it on her ankle, his head bent over her foot. He ran the towel over her small ankle for a few minutes and then looked up at her. “Could you take it away?”

  He did and she lifted her foot and wriggled it experimentally. “It feels fine.” She said resting back against the pillows. “Thanks.”

  He nodded and then went to put away the towel before coming back.

  “Could you unzip me please?” she asked as she sat up and turned her back to him. She felt him hesitate and then did as she asked. She also felt him behind her and closed her eyes as his hands went to her shoulders and slid the dress off her. She turned around for him to undress her and his hands went to her belly. He pulled the dress from her and unhooked her bra taking it off and throwing it aside. He zeroed in on her nipples and Aaliyah trembled when his gaze touched her. His eyes met hers and for a moment she saw it, the undiluted desire before his expression became shuttered. He sat on the side of the bed and his fingers found her nipples playing with them for a minute before bending his head he took one in his mouth. Aaliyah sighed raggedly and dug her fingers into his hair. “My love,” she whispered silently as flames shot throughout her body. He suckled her thoroughly before getting to his feet and quickly undressing. He got behind her, and wrapping his arms around her waist he guided his penis inside her, closing his eyes as she wrapped around him tightly. His lips found her neck and his teeth nibbled at her as he entered her deep. Aaliyah gripped his hand tightly and moaned as she felt the intensity of the desire he evoked in her claiming her totally.

  “Ryan,” she whispered raggedly.

  “Shh,” he said hoarsely. She twisted her head and he claimed her lips with his roughly, his tongue dueling hers and his body shuddering against hers. He made love to her swiftly and desperately as if trying to block out the thoughts invading his mind. He came inside her with a force that shook him to the core and had him calling out her name!

  She feared he would leave but he never did. After they had finished making love he had fallen asleep with his hand placed possessively on her belly. Aaliyah turned her head to look at him. His face looked soft and relaxed in sleep and he had surprisingly long lashes. His hair was between the shade of dark brown and blonde and was a beautiful combination. She smiled as she touched his strong jaw lightly. “I love you, Ryan.” She whispered as she closed her eyes and went to sleep. But he had not been sleeping and had felt her watching him. He opened his eyes and looked down at her against him. He heard what she said but he could not think about it not right now. He had told her what the arrangement was so it was her problem if she wanted more. When he made love to her he could think of nothing else that was how fantastic it was! He felt himself hardening again and groaned softly. He jumped a little as he felt his son move inside her and his expression became tender. He bent and kissed her lightly on the cheek before going to sleep.


  Somehow it got leaked to the media that billionaire hotel and airline owner Ryan Sullivan was getting married to his very pregnant fiancé. Their pictures when they had been at the function that Saturday had come out and speculations were rife. She had had to call Mrs. Pritchett and explain the situation to her and give up her position. She had met Ryan’s half-sister who had drilled her until he had told her it was enough. But she liked the girl and they planned to keep in touch. She got married in a simple shell pink dress that covered her pregnancy effectively. Lena had come by to do her hair and makeup and had done a superb job. The chapel was almost empty except for the few people there. She had told Ryan that she had invited her best friend Maxine and he had nodded after looking at her for a moment. He had left her that morning even though she had hoped he would have stayed. He had gone away for a few days after and had called her from wherever he was.

  They repeated the vows and hers were uttered in a sincere voice that had him staring down at her. She knew he was automatically repeating his but it did not matter to her. Finally, they were declared husband and wife and he was advised to kiss his bride. His head bent and it was that moment that she knew he was not pretending. His lips sought hers and she opened her mouth beneath his, holding on to the lapel of his custom built dark blue suit. His mouth explored hers and it took all of his will power to release her.

  “I now present to you: Mr. & Mrs. Sullivan!” the minister intoned.

  It was when they were headed out that they were swamp by the press.

  “Mrs. Sullivan how far along are you?” and “Who are you wearing?” Is it a son?”

  They were whisked away to his hotel uptown where they were having dinner and would be spending the night in the honeymoon suite.

  To her surprise, she found that the wives and their husbands were there as well as several other people including the former First Lady Melore Hawkins.

  “We were not invited to the wedding,” Leesa began shooting an accusing look at Ryan before continuing. She was wearing a stunning emerald green dress and diamonds in her lobes as well as around her neck. “But we decided to make it a party. So deal with that Ryan.”

  He simply laughed at her and led his wife over to the table assigned to them. The reception was quite enjoyable with people making different speeches. “I want to toast my friend Ryan for finally taking the plunge,” Garth Heywood looked over at his wife who lifted her glass to him. “It is the best thing on earth when you find that special someone.”

  “You are stealing a line from one of my songs man,” Mark Seville called out from the back.

  “Tough!” he said with a grin. “As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted: it is a wonderful thing and I wish you both all the best.”

  Elaine got to her feet, her blonde hair streaming down her back and her sapphire blue dress clinging to her. “I have to say no one was more shocked than I was when I heard that not only my brother was having a son but was getting married as well! What are the odds? I never knew you had it in you darling,” she said grinning at her glowering brother. “But looking at Aaliyah, my new sister, I can see why. That aside, Aaliyah as much as I like you a lot and consider you to be my sister, don’t even think about hurting him or you answer to me.”

  To everyone’s surprise Aaliyah got to her feet. Ryan looked at her startled and waited to hear what she had to say. “Hi everyone. My name is Aaliyah Bianca Cole-I mean Sullivan. Forgive me darling I am just now getting used to the name,” she said looking down at her husband. “I am in a strange place, literally because I came from a humble home. I am going to make mistakes but I can see I am surrounded by very understanding people.”

  She paused at the sound of “Hear! Hear!” came from the women mostly.

  “I have to say that I am pretty excited to be a wife and very soon a mother and I will be seeking help from all of you who have done this before. Thank you for coming and enjoy the rest of the evening.”

  He helped her to sit and looked at her briefly admiring the courage it took to stand and say something.

  He danced with her and she rested her head on his chest closing her eyes as he held her in his arms. It was way into the night when they were escorted up to the sumptuous honeymoon suite by the eager manager. “If you need anything, please call.”

  Aaliyah sat on the side of the bed and twisted her rings on her finger. He had taken off his jacket and vest and left on his shirt. She kicked off her shoes and wondered if she should put on the filmy negligee she had been sent over from Romano’s. It was a delicate blue in color and had a Victorian look about it with lace at the bodice and a string.

  She went to the bathroom and took off her wedding dress while slipping into the nightgown. When she came into the room he was not there and she wandered into the sitting room to see him looking at his IPad. He looked up at her and his eyes flared as he took in the see through nightgown. �
��You like?” she asked him softly getting ready to pull the string.

  “I have work to do.” He told her coolly. “I have a meeting first thing on Monday and I need to be prepared.”

  “We are on our honeymoon,” she said foolishly.

  He looked up at her in amusement. “You don’t actually think that this is a real marriage, do you?”

  Aaliyah felt the unbelievable pain at his words but she stiffened her resolve. “It is real for me.”

  “That’s your concern.” He told her coldly. “I need to concentrate on this for a little bit so please go to bed.”

  She was determined not to cry in front of him and pulling on the strength from within she lifted her head and looked down at him. “I am offering you something that I have never offered another person in my entire life. My heart and my body. I love you Ryan Andrew Sullivan and what you choose to do with it is up to you. Good night.” With that she turned and went back into bedroom.

  He sat there staring after her and refused to feel guilty that he had hurt her. For a long time, he could not get back to what he was doing and he wanted to go and beg her forgiveness but years of bitterness and mistrust held him back and he remained where he was!

  Aaliyah buried her face into the soft pillows and gave into tears. She had resolved that she would never allow him to hurt her again but she had never dreamt that he would hurt her like this! No matter what he said it was their honeymoon and it should be spent with them making love and cuddling together. She dashed the back of her hand across her cheek and sniffled as she placed a hand over her belly. “It’s okay Cam,” she whispered. “We are going to become the most important part of his life!”

  He came into the room shortly after midnight after he was sure she had fallen asleep. He stood there looking down at her for a moment and noticed the tears on her lashes. He groaned low in his throat and felt the guilt assail him. He swiftly undressed and climbed on the bed next to her careful not to wake her. He lay there with his head resting in his palm as he looked at her. The nightgown had ridden up to reveal the black lace panties that sat high on her belly. He started to pull it down but he ended up touching her belly. His wife! He thought strangely. He had offered to marry another ten years ago and she had broken his heart and aborted his child. How could he trust another woman? He thought anguished. He bent his head and kissed her belly. “I am sorry.” He whispered.


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