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Ryan (Members From Money Book 16)

Page 8

by Katie Dowe


  She got involved in the decorating of their son’s room. He had hired someone and the woman told her loftily that she was an expert in her field decorating the nurseries for people like Leesa Wellington and most of the famous wives. “I have no doubt about that but it is my son and I have a few ideas myself.” The woman had grudgingly agreed and they had gone to work. It was not easy adjusting to herself as Ryan’s wife. He would stay at his apartment in town and when she thought she would not see him he would turn up and spend the night with her. After the disaster with their honeymoon, he appeared to be trying to compensate for the way he had behaved and Aaliyah being who she was did not hold it against him but welcomed him into her arms whenever he showed up. She was in love with him and it was not going to change!

  Chapter 8

  June made its way in with a lot of rain and murmurings of an active hurricane system. Aaliyah was restless and spent most of her time at the pool. She was lounging in one of the chairs and partaking the delicious lunch of thin cucumber and ham sandwiches Loretta had brought her when her phone rang. She reached for it eagerly thinking it was Ryan and was disappointed when she heard the female voice at the other end. “Aaliyah darling, it is Leesa Wellington.”

  “Leesa, hi, how are you?” she said trying not to be intimidated by the well-known former model.

  “I am well, darling. The other wives and I realize that you are near to your due date and probably do not want to venture out. May we come over?”

  Aaliyah was startled. “I-of course. When?”

  “This afternoon. Summer is on and we have tons of engagement. We are actually free today except Kelsey and Monique who went with Lorenzo to Italy oh and I am forgetting that Latoya went with Mark to Europe. Then of course Scott and Kadine are busy at the farm. Debbie is here with Alexander and can make the visit.”

  “Princess Debbie?” she asked foolishly.

  “The same darling. We will be there in an hour.”

  Aaliyah scrambled up as quickly as her belly could carry her and walked swiftly inside to find Loretta. “Oh Loretta,” she said breathlessly as she saw the woman taking out a peach cobbler from the oven. Nurse Whittaker had gone into town for a bit and Ryan had gone away for a couple days.

  “What is it Mrs. Sullivan?” she asked urgently. “Are you in labor?”

  “No,” she laughed putting her hands on her belly. “The wives are coming over.”

  “Who?” the woman looked at her puzzled.

  She started naming them and Loretta’s expression cleared. “Oh, my Lord.”

  “What do we have to serve them?”

  “I can rustle up some sandwiches and some lemonade.”

  “Do you think they would want something like that?” she asked looking around the ultra-modern kitchen that she had not had a chance to use.

  “My peach cobbler is the best there is. How many of them?”

  “I have no clue. Princess Debbie is coming as well.

  “Such a lovely woman, all of them. They don’t treat people like they are servants. My niece works for Monique Romano and her husband and she said that the wife is a saint. She gets bonuses and clothes that she can never wear as long as she lives!”

  “I heard about their kindness.” Aaliyah said with a smile.

  “You are one of them too, Mrs. Sullivan.”

  “What?” she looked at the woman startled.

  “You are married to one of the members of the club, so you are one of them as well and they are a closely knit bunch. Always doing things together.”

  “I am one of them,” she said dazedly.

  “Go on and freshen up and I will take care of this. There are enough chairs by the pool to accommodate them. Just tell the gardener to arrange them.”

  By the time they came driving into the large circular driveway in their various circular vehicles, everything had been arranged. Kelly came with Leesa and both women approached wearing faded denims and silk blouses of different colors and they came with gifts for the baby. Then there were the others: Deandra, Deidre, Diana, Ciara, Felicia, Olivia and the others chatting and placing their gifts on a table between the chairs that the gardener had placed there. “This is a lovely place, so peaceful. It reminds me of Costa Land,” Princess Debbie said with a smile. “You should come for a visit.”

  “I certainly will,” Aaliyah said looking at the bevy of beauties surrounding her. “I am sorry but I am a bit in awe right now.”

  “No need for that,” Ciara said with a laugh. “Most of us come from humble backgrounds as I am sure you must have read.

  “That’s what makes this so magical,” Deandra said with a dreamy smile.

  “And why we are so close.” Felicia agreed.

  “Okay, let us go and look at the nursery. I brought something that is going to highlight it even more.” Leesa said with a smile.

  They spent the better part of two hours there talking and laughing and putting Aaliyah at her ease as they regaled her with the stories of how they had managed to meet and fall in love with their husbands.

  When they left Aaliyah felt a sharp feeling of disappointment but they promised to come back soon to visit.

  She went to bed that night with a feeling of contentment and hope that her husband would fall in love with her soon. She had heard the various stories and was convinced. He called her just as she was getting ready to watch something on television.

  “Hi,” she said softly. “I was hoping to hear from you.”

  “How are you?” he asked her a little roughly.

  “I had visitors today,” she went on to tell him about her day.

  “You enjoyed it?”

  “It was amazing! I had fun.”

  “I am glad.” He paused and she waited for him to continue. “Are you okay?”

  “I am. Just a little uncomfortable and missing you like crazy. When are you due back?”

  “Day after tomorrow.”

  “I hate when you are away.”


  “My nipples are stiff and your son keeps moving up and down in my uterus.” She rushed to say before he could say what he was about to. “We both miss you.”

  He was silent and she smiled a little bit. “I miss you too,” he said gruffly.

  “I love you Ryan.”

  This time the silence was longer and then he responded. “I will see you.”

  “Goodbye my love,” she said softly as she ran her hand over her belly. “Daddy will be home soon.”


  Her due date was June 11, and her mother came by three days before to spend some time with her. Ryan had come back from his trip and had decided that he was not going anywhere far until the birth of his son. He no longer stayed at the apartment when it came nearer to the time for her to deliver but came home in the nights. Then Hurricane Marcus struck! It came with a force that they never expected and started in the early morning of June 8. The winds and the combination of showers quickly rendered the roads impassable and advisory and warnings had been going out all day. Aaliyah had felt the stirrings in her uterus throughout the night but had ignored the niggling pain coming and going. It was early in the morning that she recognized what it was as the pain swept through her causing her to lose her breath! Ryan heard her cry out and turned to her swiftly, turning on the light. It was crazy outside but thank heavens they still had power. “Aaliyah?”

  “Ryan,” she moaned and reached for his hands bearing down tightly. “I think I am in labor.”

  “Jesus!” he muttered as he looked down at her. “Breathe.”

  She nodded. He made to get up and she grabbed him. “Ryan.” She breathed and closed her eyes. “I am fine now.”

  “Doctor Whittingham won’t be able to make it,” he said worriedly as he reached for the phone.

  “We will have to make do with Nurse Whittaker and Mom.”

  He made the call and got through to the doctor. “It’s bad out there Ryan and I have three mothers at the center g
iving birth. I want you to get Nurse Whittaker and I will guide her through. I am afraid Aaliyah will have to do without painkillers now.”


  The power went two hours after and they had to light candles. By this time, the contractions were coming on fast and heavy. Ryan was agonized as he had to listen to her torturous cries each time there was a contraction and he wanted to leave the room but he stayed with her, holding her hands.

  “Breathe, please,” he whispered as he wiped the sweat from her face. It was almost morning now and they could hear the winds howling outside and the rain beating against the windows.

  She leaned back against him and closed her eyes wearily. “Do you still think we should name him Cameron?” she whispered.

  “Anything.” He felt her stiffen and knew that another contraction was coming on. “Can’t you do something?” he snapped at Nurse Whittaker.

  “I am afraid not, sir.” The woman said calmly well used to the impatience from the fathers.

  It had been seven hours and the baby was not crowning.

  “Honey, you need to relax your body,” her mother advised.

  “I will try,” she said wearily. “I think our son is being deliberately stubborn,” she said looking up at Ryan. He bent and kissed her forehead.

  “I believe he is.”

  “I can see the head, Mrs. Sullivan,” Nurse Whittaker said triumphantly. “Don’t push until I tell you to.”

  “Now!” she said after a few minutes. Aaliyah gathered up her strength and gripping Ryan’s hands she gave a big push flopping back against her husband. She smiled wearily as she heard her son cry out angrily. Ryan looked up and over at his son as the midwife wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to Agnes who held him gently staring down into the red angry face of her grandson. He was still covered with the bloody matter that had been his home but she could see his dark brown hair and his father’s dark blue eyes. She felt the tears as she looked at the beautiful child in her arms and hurried off to wash him off.

  Several minutes later, both mother and child were cleaned up and Cameron Richard Sullivan was being breastfed by his mother. It was almost nine a.m. and the hurricane had drifted away somewhat leaving behind upturned trees and uprooted fences as well as plants. The power was still out but the place was cool so there was no need for panic. Ryan sat on one of the sofas in the room and watched as she fed his son, a tender expression on her face. He had seen her go through so much pain and had never heard her complain, and now she was looking at their son as if- he swallowed as he remembered another woman and another time. She looked up at him as she eased her nipple out of his mouth. “Would you like to hold your son?” she asked him softly.

  He got up swiftly and came over to look down at the little boy with the large dark blue eyes and curly brown hair. He took him carefully into his arms and cradled him. “Hey there Cameron, this is your dad,” he went to the sofa to sit with him rocking him gently. “He is beautiful,” he said softly looking up at her. She was wearing a dark blue silk nightgown which was opened at her throat exposing her breasts. She was probably tired not having slept for the entire night but she looked so achingly beautiful that he felt his heart constricting.

  “Like you,” she told him softly.

  He swallowed painfully. “Aaliyah what you did–”

  “I would do it again because I love you,” she said with a smile. He stared at her as if he could not imagine what she was saying.

  “You are tired,” he said thickly. “You have not slept. You should get some rest.”

  “Cam is sleepy right now so I want you to put him in his cot and come and sleep with me.”

  He nodded and looked down at his sleeping son. He looked up as the nurse came in. “We will take care of him in the nursery while you and your wife get some rest. The power is back up now.”

  He handed his son to the nurse and came and sat on the side of the bed. He tilted her chin and looked at her. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “You are welcome.” She pulled him down and he gathered her into his arms.


  It was several days before they could go onto the grounds and sit out there. Everywhere there had seen reports of devastation, but the only thing they faced were a couple of broken windows and uprooted trees and plants. Ryan stayed with her and his son for those days and Aaliyah felt the glow of satisfaction of his caring enveloping her. He had not told her he loved her but it was only a matter of time and in the meantime she had the pleasure of taking care of their son. Her mother went home after the third day to go and see to her place which had not sustained too much damage. Ryan told her that he had sent some men over to see to the repairs. Nurse Whittaker had also left reluctantly as she had fallen in love with the little boy.

  She took her son out one bright sunny morning four days after he had been born and sat with him by the pool. She could see the ravages of the hurricane but the gardener was busily replanting. She looked up as her husband came hurrying out pulling on his charcoal jacket to match his pants.

  “You are leaving.”

  “I have to go to the Bahamas,” he said tensely. “The hotel was badly hit by the hurricane.” He looked down at his son in his cot and felt regret that he had to leave him. “I will be back in a couple of days.” He crouched down and touched his finger to the boy’s soft cheek.

  “Ryan?” her voice made him look up at her. She was wearing an open front dress with several buttons pulled revealing a white lace bra.


  “Please come back home to us.”

  He looked at her wordlessly and rising he moved swiftly and bending he kissed her roughly on her mouth before moving away. “Take care of our son.” He said hoarsely as he left.

  She stared after him and blinked the tears away trying to will the heaviness and misgivings from her heart!


  She got the news the day he was due to come home. She had been anticipating him coming home and had told Loretta that she need to prepare something special for him for dinner. “Lord, I have no idea what his favorite meal is!” she said throwing up her hands. It was late afternoon and she had put her son down for his nap after feeding and bathing him. She loved being a mother and was thinking of staying home for a little bit.

  “Why don’t you call his mother?” the woman asked her with a smile on her weathered face. She had grown to love the girl and her gentle spirit and the fact that she was so normal and down to earth.

  “Why did I not think of that?” she said with a laugh as she whirled to go and get the phone. “Rosalie, hi,” she listened for a moment and nodded. “He is sleeping right now. Yes, Ryan is due back today. I know that you are due for a visit so how about tomorrow sometime? Good. Listen. I want to prepare something special for Ryan, but I am afraid I have no idea what his favorite meal is.”

  Aaliyah laughed a little. “Lobster bisque?”

  “And chocolate soufflé. Thanks. I will have him call you, I promise. Later. Please say hi to Evan for me.”

  “Loretta do we have enough time?”

  She got the call when she had finished taking a shower and put on a brand new floral dress that had been sent over with the pile of things she was required to wear as Mrs. Ryan Sullivan. “Mrs. Sullivan?”

  “This is she.”

  “I am afraid I have some bad news.”

  Aaliyah gripped the phone and sat on the bed heavily. “Ryan?”

  “He was in an accident at his hotel in the Bahamas. He was struck by a beam and is being airlifted to Hope General this minute.”

  “How bad?” her mouth was dry and she was trembling.

  “We do not know yet. He will be at the hospital in the next two hours. You can meet us there. I am Doctor Sutherland.”

  “Thanks.” She sat there staring in front of her not quite believing that this was happening. She had felt it! She started praying! ‘Please, God, please let him live. Please, I am begging you, just let him live!”


  The press got wind of it and it was all over the news. She had called her mother to come and stay with her son and when she got to the hospital he was already there and was rushed into surgery. To her surprise, most of the wives came soon after with Leesa leading the pack. Bradley Wellington was there and took charge immediately as he spoke to the doctors. Leesa and the others kept the press at bay and for that Aaliyah was grateful. She could not think of anything quite yet except her husband.

  “We have been there,” Leesa told her assuredly as she took the girl’s limp hands. “You have to believe that he is going to make it.”

  Aaliyah nodded looking up as her mother in law hurried in followed by her husband. “Have you heard anything?”

  “No,” Aaliyah gripped Leesa’s hands tightly.

  “They are still operating. It is going to take some time.”

  “Elaine is flying out.”

  Aaliyah nodded numbly. She just wanted to be alone to think and sort through stuff in her mind.

  “He is going to make it, he has a very hard head,” Kelly said as she crouched down in front of her.

  Aaliyah smiled at that. “He does.”

  She called her mother to check up on her son.

  “He is fine, honey, don’t worry about him. I just gave him a bottle and Loretta and I are watching some television. Just concentrate on Ryan.”

  “He is so little, I hate to leave him.”

  “Don’t worry.”

  It was three hours more before they heard anything and by that time Aaliyah was starting to get frantic! Some of the wives had left and said they would stay in touch but Leesa and Bradley were still there. They got to their feet as the doctors came in and Aaliyah rushed over to them. “Mrs. Sullivan,” Doctor Sutherland said with a weary smile. “The operation went well. The deep gash in his head affected his brain somewhat but we were able to fix it. He is sleeping now. We are not going to be able to ascertain how well he is doing until he wakes up.” He looked directly into her eyes and she shivered as she knew that there was more. “There might be some memory loss.”


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