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Cabin Fever

Page 29

by Shani Greene-Dowdell et al.

  “Baby, I am not a stranger anymore. I’m your husband. Move your hands and let me see how gorgeous you are.”

  I wanted him to look at me, but I felt ashamed. I shouldn’t want him to touch me like this. I shouldn’t want his eyes on me. I didn’t really know this man, but here I was standing in his bedroom, naked except for my shoes and his mother’s ring. I lowered my hands and watched as his eyes changed to a darker blue. His breathing quickened, but when he licked his lips and dropped to his knees in front of me, I gasped. What was he doing? Should I join him on my knees too? The answer came not a second later.

  Lincs hands landed on my hips as he stuck his face in my honey pot. I could feel his tongue dart out and lick me down below. Oh my goodness. I wanted to scream, it felt so good. He must have liked it too because his grip tightened, and he growled.

  “Open your legs wider.”

  I did what he asked and was rewarded with more of that wonderful sensation. His entire face was buried between my legs as he licked at my wetness. I couldn’t control the noises that came out of my mouth. I knew I wasn’t supposed to act like I loved it, but I couldn’t help it. I LOVED it and I wanted him to know. The more noise I made, the more he licked. When he sucked on my bud, I felt a tightening inside my walls and my legs gave out. I couldn’t breathe! I couldn’t decide if I wanted it to continue or to stop. This must be that elusive orgasm Trina told me about. Now I see why people are always having sex. If it felt half as good as that just did, I wanted it to keep happening over and over.

  Linc caught me before my knees could hit the floor and laid me down under the canopy. My center was soaked. I worried he would think poorly of me, but his next words dispelled that thought.

  “You are so responsive, baby. My beautiful bride laid out in my bed, so fucking wet for me. Damn, I’m a lucky man.”

  It sounded like he was pleased so I relaxed a bit, wondering when he would get naked too. As if he was reading my mind, Linc started peeling off that sexy suit as I watched. I had never been in a room with a naked man before and the sight of him undressing was thrilling. Damn! The male form was something to behold. I took in how the muscles in his arms flexed as he removed his jacket, vest and shirt. He kicked off his shoes and his thick thighs flexed causing an unexpected tremor between my legs.

  When he reached for his belt, I audibly gasped, causing a smirk to appear on his gorgeous face. The entire time he was disrobing he kept his eyes locked with mine. He licked his lips as his pants fell to the floor. My brain was having trouble deciding where to look. His skilled mouth was enticing, but curiosity of the unknown won over. I needed to see what it actually looked like, up close. Glancing into his eyes, there was so much desire, it made me whimper. A sheen of sweat popped across my top lip as Linc removed his manhood from his underwear and stroked it.

  My eyes widened at the sheer size of it. Where was he supposed to put that thing again? I knew for sure it would not fit. This time panic set in. I wanted to leave. Where was my suitcase? I could just head back to my parent’s house and… No I couldn’t go back there. My fate would be worse than enduring a little pain. I would have a lifetime of misery. I could endure having a man I liked a lot putting that club inside me for a few minutes. I took a deep breath as he moved toward me.

  “Don’t worry, Eileen, I would never hurt you. I just want to make you feel good, like I did before. You enjoyed that, right?”

  I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my lips. I nodded my head confirming that I very much enjoyed what he did with his mouth. He chuckled before lowering himself between my legs.

  “You’re on birth control, right?”

  “Yes. I went to the doctor last month and had a check-up, as well.”

  “Great because I don’t want a barrier between us. I want to feel my wife on our wedding night. I’m clean, just so you know. You ready for me to make you feel good, baby?”

  I nodded my head, afraid to speak. He must have seen the fear on my face because he stopped, grabbed my hand and placed it on his hardness. I stroked it like I saw him do before and he moaned.

  “You put it in when you’re ready.”

  I couldn’t do that. I shouldn’t even be touching him like this. However, he was my husband and if he liked it, I should at least try it to see if maybe I would like it. I had masturbated before, so I was familiar with where to put it. However, I never could figure out how to make myself orgasm, so that aspect had me curious. He gave me my first with his mouth. Could he do it again with his penis?

  “Relax, baby. I told you I would never hurt you. Just put me in and let me feel you.”

  Whatever he was selling, I was buying. I placed him at my entrance, and he did the rest. His breath caught as he pushed forward. His face looked as pained as I felt. My body shivered as he plunged into me. It felt like something ripped and I cried out in pain. He must have mistaken it as pleasure because he lowered himself onto me and started pumping with wild abandon. Each time he moved caused more pain. It hurt so badly that I started crying. Mother told me it would hurt and to just let it happen. To breathe through the pain and it would eventually subside. She was wrong. I lay there waiting for it to be over like mother said, but there was no sign of him stopping anytime soon. He was like the Energizer Bunny™.

  “Fuck Eileen! Baby you feel so good. You’re so fucking tight.”

  We made eye contact and he gasped. He stopped moving as he looked at my face full of tears. The next thing I knew, my husband was no longer on top of me. He had removed that steel pipe he had been assaulting my body with. Kneeling over me, Linc’s face was racked with concern.

  “Eileen. What is it? Did I hurt you?”

  I tried my best to stop crying, but the more I tried, the harder I cried. What was wrong with me? I wanted him. I wanted this to happen, but I wasn’t expecting it to hurt like that. Maybe something was wrong with me. Avoiding his eyes, I looked anywhere but at him and shook my head.

  “Baby, were you a virgin?”

  Again I nodded my head, unable to speak or look at him. I felt like such a fool. I wasn’t prepared for this like I thought. My mother only spoke in generalizations. She never explained what to do when things went a different way than anticipated. Shame rocked my mind causing me to curl into a ball.

  “Eileen, talk to me. I am so sorry. If I had known, I would have been gentler. I would have talked you through it. I thought. I don’t know what I thought. I’m sorry.”

  He looked like the world had ended. He was so sad and it was all my fault.

  “I’m sorry, Lincoln. I should have said something, but I thought you understood when I told you my parents were overbearing, that I was inexperienced. I didn’t mean to let you down. I know it is my duty as a wife to please you. I’ll get better. I promise.”

  He shook his head at me. Sadness permeated his beautiful eyes. I swore I saw regret there, too. I hope he didn’t change his mind about being my husband. I really wanted this, and I would be willing to try again and again until I got it right. I liked everything he did until it started hurting. I thought he would get up and leave me there to take care of himself, but to my surprise, my husband laid down next to me and pulled me into his arms. He rubbed my hair and kissed the top of my head while rocking me back and forth. The last thing I heard him say before I fell asleep was how sorry he was for hurting me.


  Business as Usual


  My wedding night was a disaster. Everything was going great. The wedding started out rocky, with Eileen being a bit distracted. It was to be expected, but we got through the vows and the kiss. The party was wonderful. Eileen fit right in with everyone except Janey. I had no idea why she was even there. Luckily, she didn’t cause any trouble, but I wasn’t fool enough to believe she would let this go. She was one that had to be watched. Women like her did not simply admit defeat. Eventually, she would make her move. Sooner rather than later, I needed to warn Eileen about her. But right now we had other things to ha
sh out.

  The blue elephant in the room was gnawing at my craw. How the hell did I miss that she was a virgin? Of course she was. After thinking about it, she told me her parents didn’t allow her to date. To me all that meant was she was sneaking around. Boy was I wrong. I had married a good girl. I swear my heart just about jumped out of my chest when I looked down in mid-stroke and saw her crying in pain. It killed my erection and I felt like such an ass. No wonder she was so tight. I assumed it had been a while for her, but no she had never. I hated that I lost control with her. She just felt so damn good. I thought she was into it until I saw the anguish on her face.

  When she broke down crying telling me it was her duty it crushed me. No man wants a woman to sleep with them because it is her duty. At least no decent man. I wanted my wife to want me just as badly as I wanted her. I thought she did. The way she reacted to me. I don’t know how I got my signals crossed, but I do know I will not lay another hand on her until she asks for it.

  I held her until she fell asleep, cursing myself for being so stupid. This should have been a beautiful time for her. A night she would always remember fondly. Instead, I fucked everything up. I wanted to make it up to her without making her cry again. Normally, I wasn’t moved by tears. I had become desensitized by them in the Navy. However, there was something that triggered inside me at the thought of Eileen being brought to tears, especially at my hand. I couldn’t stand it. I wanted it to stop immediately.

  My inner voice was telling me to talk to her, but all I wanted to do was avoid the situation all together. As per usual, I went with option number two. Instead of talking it out, I decided to make her breakfast and hope it would go away on its own. I piled a stack of pancakes, a side of scrambled eggs and bacon on a tray with juice. As I was walking past the table, I saw Eileen’s wedding bouquet that I had brought in earlier from the truck, along with her bag. I plucked a single pedal from one of the roses and snagged a felt pen from the shelf and wrote her a little message.

  I wanted her to remember how happy she was yesterday before everything went wrong. I wanted her to stay with me. She had only been here half a day and I was already finding it hard to think of life happening without her. I meant every word of my vows. She was it for me. I was actually looking forward to discovering all her little quirks, her likes and dislikes. What made her laugh and what made her cry so I could avoid doing it at all cost. Well, I hoped this small gesture would put a smile on her face. If she liked it, I would make a habit of leaving her notes. It could be a tradition.

  As I approached the bedroom, I could hear the sound of the shower running. In fact, it had been going for a while now. I wanted to check on her but didn’t want to intrude and make her feel self-conscious. I planned to leave the tray on the bed and get the fuck out of dodge. I got distracted with the canopy I had set-up over the bed the night before. It had bad juju, so I wanted to get rid of it. I could dismantle it before she finished up in the bathroom and be out of here before she came out. That was my intention, but I got lost in my work and didn’t notice the water turning off.

  Just as I was finished removing the last string of lights from above the bed, I heard the bathroom door open. On instinct, I turned to look and the sight that greeted me made my jaw drop. My beautiful wife stood before me clad in a skimpy towel with water dripping from her body. What a vision. I had to get out of there before I grabbed her and told her all the dirty thoughts running rampant through my head. I groaned as I turned back around to snag the lights and blankets. Getting out of the door as quickly as possible was my mission. And I always accomplished my missions. Moving swiftly, I spoke and shot past her, closing the door behind me.

  The sad look on her face when she emerged from the bedroom a half hour later was enough to make my gut hurt. I had hurt her again without meaning to. I approached her and cautiously plucked the breakfast tray from her hands as her big eyes timidly looked up at me. I had to say something. It was too quiet.

  “Did you enjoy your breakfast?”

  “Yes. It was delicious. Did you cook that?”

  “I did. Don’t get too excited. I only know how to cook breakfast items.”

  She giggled and it was the best sound on earth. I found myself wanting to please her. No task would be too difficult.

  “Thank you for cooking for me and for the note you left on the tray. It made me feel special.”

  I smiled at her sweetness. She really was a good girl.

  “You are special, Eileen. You are my wife and I want you to know how much I value you. I am happy you’re here.”

  “Even after last night?”

  “Don’t. I really can’t get into that right now.”

  “But, Linc, I don’t want you mad at me.”

  “Eileen, I am not mad at you. I just don’t want to get into that right now. Besides, we need to discuss how we are going to run things around here and then I need to get to work. Our empire isn’t going to build itself."

  “Okay. Well, where do we start?”

  “First things first. Let’s give you a grand tour of the place and the grounds and we’ll go from there.”

  “Let me grab my shoes. Oh and thank you for bringing my bag in from the truck. I appreciate you doing that.”

  “No problem. It was my pleasure.”

  We spent the next hour touring the cabin and walking around the grounds. I showed her the fields that housed our cannabis plants as well as the greenhouse. She was introduced to the workers and made familiar with the warehouse and the lab. Her face lit up when I showed her the land where the B&B would go. I think I will put her in charge of that project and see how she handles it. She seemed interested in everything, even taking notes and providing tips on how to improve, here and there. I was impressed with her enthusiasm and her knowledge.

  “How do you know so much about the business?”

  “Well, when you told me what you were trying to accomplish, I went to the library and did a ton of research on the industry. I wanted to be informed so I could help you. Is that alright?”

  “Babe, it’s more than alright. I am very happy you are so invested. Let’s go to lunch at the café in town. We can discuss your tentative plans for the B&B. It will be a while before I can afford to get things off the ground, but we can go ahead and plan it out to make it easier when we’re ready to break ground.”

  “That sounds great!” She squealed and did a half hop, half dance thing that warmed my heart and made me laugh. She was going to be fun to have around. “Come on let’s go. I have so many ideas and I came up with a name and everything.”

  She snagged my hand, pulling me toward my future. I had to say it was looking brighter and brighter with her around. As we entered the café, Eileen was chatting a mile a minute, so excited to be working on a project with me. Her face was animated like one of those cartoon characters you see on that kid’s channel. How did I get so lucky to have this adorable creature come into my life? My thoughts were interrupted by the smiling face of Sallie Jo, the very friendly, but extremely nosey waitress.

  Rumor has it she had worked at the café since she was sixteen. She never aspired to be anything other than what she was right now in over twenty-five years. She used to have a thing for me when I first moved into town, but she wasn’t my type. Besides the age difference, I needed a woman who was ambitious and had dreams and goals. Or at least one who could support mine. Seeing Sallie Jo’s vacant eyes staring at me confirmed that Eileen was the perfect choice for me.

  “Hi there Lincoln. You dining in or doing take out today?”

  She looked me up and down with a lustful gaze, while conveniently ignoring Eileen’s presence. That could never happen as long as I was around, and I let her know as much. I placed my arm around my wife’s waist which earned me a giggle as we made eye contact. I peeled my eyes away from Eileen’s and glared at the aging woman in the gaudy pink and white striped uniform.

  “My wife and I will be dining in. We’ll take my usual booth if it is open.

  You could have knocked Sallie Jo over with a feather as I pulled Eileen closer to me and kissed her on the temple. The look of anger, jealousy and eventually sadness flipped through her eyes until she covered it with a fake smile and a high-pitched voice.

  “You know I heard a rumor you had gotten married, but I thought it was a cruel joke.”

  “Oh, it definitely wasn’t a joke, cruel or otherwise. This beautiful lady is my Eileen. Baby, this is Sally Jo. She’s worked here forever so if you have any questions about the food, I am sure she can help you out.”

  “It would be my pleasure. Right this way.”

  She turned on her heels and marched toward my favorite booth in the back of the café. I liked sitting there looking out of the picture window at the trees. I could sit there for hours looking at nature’s beauty and dreaming. There were times when the owner, Jacob would have to ask me to leave as he was closing up. Sallie Jo got us settled, hustling off to fill our drink orders

  “This booth is where I dreamed up the idea of my dispensary. I must have sat here for about five hours thinking and planning how to get things started.”

  “Really? This is your home base, then. Good to know. Is that why that Sally Mae chick is so familiar?”

  “It’s Sally Jo.”

  “Sally Mae, Sue Sally, Sally Jo, who gives a shit?”

  Damn. “Is my wife jealous?”

  “No, not jealous. More curious as to why she was being so rude. I wasn’t sure if it was a color thing or if it was a penis thing.”

  I barked out a laugh that got the attention of several patrons in the restaurant. Did she really just say that? I was going to enjoy this ride with this woman who surprised me at every turn.


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