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The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion

Page 32

by Christopher K Germer

  “We can still be crazy after all these years”: Chödrön, P. (1991/2001): The wisdom of no escape and the path of loving-kindness (p. 4). Boston: Shambhala.


  Emotion Words: DeRose, S. (2005, July 6). The compass DeRose guide to emotion words. Retrieved October 6, 2008, from Reprinted by permission of Steven J. DeRose.


  Giving and taking meditation is attributed to: Tharchin, S. (1999). Achieving bodhichitta: Instructions of two great lineages combined into a unique system of eleven categories (pp. 63–98). Howell, NJ: Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Press.

  When the Dalai Lama was asked how he meditates: Dalai Lama & Chan, V. (2004). The wisdom of forgiveness: Intimate conversations and journeys (pp. 73–74). New York: Riverhead Books.

  Centering became popular: Pennington, B. (1982). Centering Prayer: Renewing an ancient Christian prayer form. Garden City, NY: Image Books.

  Light a candle and place it before you: This meditation is adapted from the light (jyoti) meditation taught by Satya Sai Baba of Puttaparthi, India. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from

  “A flower touches everyone’s heart”: Drohojowska-Philp, H. (2004). In Full bloom: The art and life of Georgia O’Keefe (p. 380). New York: Norton.

  “my senses put in tune once more”: In R. Finch & J. Elder (Eds.). (1990). The Norton book of nature writing (p. 274). New York: Norton. The entire quote is: “When I go to town, my ear suffers as well as my nose: the impact of the city upon my senses is hard and dissonant; the ear is stunned, the nose is outraged, and the eye is confused. When I come back, I go to Nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more.”

  compassionate guide to nature meditation: Coleman, M. (2006). Awake in the wild: Mindfulness in nature as a path of self-discovery. Novato, CA: New World Library.

  one of the Dalai Lama’s favorite vows: Dalai Lama, with Piburn, S. (Ed.). (1990). The Nobel Peace Prize Lecture. In The Dalai Lama: A Policy of Kindness (p. 27). Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion.


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  Abandonment/instability schema, 94


  befriending your feelings, 106–108

  labeling and, 71

  marriage and, 15

  overview, 11, 31–32

  self-compassion and, 31–34, 87–88

  shifting our goals to, 10–11

  stages of, 27–31

  true acceptance stage of self-compassion, 225–227

  Accepting attitude, 4

  Activities, enjoyable, 107–108

  Adaptation, pleasure-seeking treadmill of, 13, 14

  Addiction, self-compassion and, 215

  Affirmation, positive, 158

  Agitation hindrance, 210–211

  Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 215

  Allowing stage of acceptance, 28, 29–30, 209

  Altruism, well-being and, 183

  Anchoring emotions or your mind, 44–49, 64–69, 152

  Anger, 117, 245

  Anti-anxiety medication, 26, 104

  Antidepressants, 26, 104


  back pain and, 17–19

  caring for others and, 180–181

  emotion words for labeling, 251

  fear of public speaking and, 20–22

  self-compassion and, 100 Anxiety disorders, 47

  Approaches to Happiness Questionnaire, 183

  Approval-seeking/recognition-seeking schema, 94

  Attachment, emotion words for labeling, 247–248

  Attachment theory, 123–124


  balance and, 195

  developing self-compassion and, 113

  labeling and, 71

  loving-kindness and, 138

  meditation and, 54, 132–134

  regulation of, 79–80

  self-compassion and, 91

  Automaticity of self-compassion, 235–236

  Aversion hindrance, 209

  Aversion stage of acceptance, 28, 29

  Avoidance. See also Resistance

  aversion hindrance and, 209

  defense mechanisms and, 26–27

  medication and, 26

  of other people, 161

  prayer as, 153

  questions regarding, 234–235


  acceptance and, 32

  anchoring your mind and, 44–49

  of the breath, 44–49

  disconnection and, 163

  mindfulness and, 37, 39

  Back pain

  loving-kindness and, 156, 157

  overview, 213–216

  resistance and, 17–19

  Backdraft, 150–152, 176, 201

  Balance, 84, 151–152, 193–195

  Behavior, 109–110, 236–237

  Benefactor category of people, 167, 168–170

  Benefactor meditation, 169

  Blind acceptance, 32


  anchoring emotions in the body and, 64–69

  empathy and, 88

  existence of the self and, 97

  listening to, 113–114

  mindfulness and, 49–51

  overview, 36–37

  self-compassion and, 102–104

  Boredom, 76

  Brain functioning

  developing self-compassion and, 105–106, 118

  empathy and, 88, 165, 171

  free will and, 65

  labeling and, 72

  loving-kindness and, 139, 171

  meditation and, 54, 139

  positive emotions and, 118

  self and, 122


  anchoring your mind and, 44–49

  developing self-compassion and, 102

  loving-kindness and, 133–134, 152

  Mindful Self-Compassion Meditation, 216–217

  mindfulness and, 50–51, 58

  sleeping and, 214

  Buddhist psychology emotional pain and, 4

  existence of the self and, 97–98

  hindrances in, 193–194, 207–212

  limbic system and, 118

  loving-kindness and, 130–132

  Butterfly personality style, 202–203

  Calm attention, 71

  Calmness, mindfulness and, 40

  Care, compared to cure, 33

  Caregiver personality style, 196–197

  Caring for others, 160–162, 179–183. See also Relationships

  Centering meditation, 260–262

  Change, 1–2, 32

  Childhood abuse or neglect, 85–86, 200–201. See also Trauma

  Childhood roots, 123–125, 238–239

  Chronic back pain, 17–19, 156, 157

  Clinging, 208

  “Cold hell” in relationships, 22

  Commitment, 204–205, 227–228

  Common humanity, 82, 83, 84

  Compassion. See also Self-compassion

  in daily life, 184–190

  loving-kindness and, 81–82

  metta for others and, 171

  overview, 33

  positive emotions and, 117

  power of, 188–190

  resources for further reading and practice, 269–270

  towards others, 144–145

  Compassion fatigue, 182–183

  Compassionate mind training (CMT) program, 100

  Compassionate Walking meditation, 184–186

  Connectedness. See also Caring for others; Relationships

  emotion words for labeling, 245

  loving-kindness and, 132–133, 144–145

  meditation and, 230

  overview, 162–166

  self-compassion and, 99–100, 108–110

  without losing y
ourself, 179–183

  Conscious breathing, 58

  Consistency, butterfly personality style and, 202–203

  Contemplative meditation, 138

  Contentment, 211

  Control, 200, 246–247

  Core beliefs. See Schemas

  Counting Self-Judgment exercise, 113

  Culture, 164, 203–204

  Cure, compared to care, 33

  Curiosity stage of acceptance, 28, 29, 209

  Daydreaming, 48

  Death, contemplating, 105, 110

  Default network, 47

  Defectiveness/shame schema, 94

  Defense mechanisms, 26 —27

  Denial mechanism, 26–27

  Dependence/incompetence schema, 94

  Depression, 47, 100

  Desire, 208, 250

  Destructiveness of emotions, 61–62

  Dieting, self-compassion and, 99

  Difficult category of people, 168, 173–178

  Difficult emotions. See Emotions, difficult

  Difficult Person meditation, 174

  Direction, emotion words for labeling, 249–250


  acceptance, 25–26

  balance and, 195

  caregiver personality style and, 197

  compared to safety, 26

  meditation and, 52, 54

  shyness and, 180–181

  Disconnection, 162–166, 203–204. See also Connectedness

  Disillusionment stage of self-compassion, 224–225, 226

  Doubt hindrance, 211–212

  Embarrassment, 117

  Emotion regulation, 79–80

  Emotional deprivation schema, 94

  Emotional inhibition schema, 94

  Emotional intelligence, 99–100

  Emotions. See also Emotions, difficult developing self-compassion and, 116–122

  labeling, 43, 69–77, 211, 245–253

  meditation and, 74–77

  suppression of, 21

  Emotions, difficult. See also Emotions; Pain

  anchoring emotions in the body and, 64–69

  aversion hindrance and, 209

  emotions words for labeling, 245–253

  facing in meditation, 217–220

  labeling and, 69–77, 245–253

  loving-kindness and, 132–135, 151, 176, 182

  meditation and, 74–77

  moralist personality style and, 206

  overview, 61–62

  questions regarding, 234–235

  savoring and, 115–116

  schemas and, 93–96

  Emotions, difficult (cont.)

  self-compassion and, 1–6, 93–96

  suffering and, 62–64

  trauma and, 78–79

  turning towards rather than attempting to change, 10–15


  brain functioning and, 165, 171

  existence of the self and, 98

  self-awareness and, 88

  for your feelings, 106–108

  Engaging Life, 183

  Enmeshment/undeveloped self schema, 94

  Entitlement/self-centeredness schema, 94


  Benefactor meditation, 169

  Centering meditation, 260–262

  Compassionate Walking meditation, 184–186

  Counting Self-Judgment exercise, 113

  Difficult Person meditation, 174

  Giving and Taking meditation, 207, 254–259

  Labeling Emotions exercise, 75 —76

  Light meditation, 262–264

  Loving-Kindness Meditation exercise, 134–135

  Making a Vow exercise, 266–267

  Mindful Self-Compassion Meditation, 216—217

  Mindful Walking exercise, 58–60

  Mindfulness of Body Sensations exercise, 50–51, 147

  Mindfulness of Breathing exercise, 45 —46

  Mindfulness of Emotion in the Body exercise, 66–67, 147

  Mindfulness of Sound exercise, 42–43

  Music meditation, 264–265

  My Schemas exercise, 94–95

  Nature meditation, 265–266

  Soften, Allow, and Love exercise, 67–68, 102

  waiting on yourself, 35

  Experience, 4–5, 70–71

  External focus, trauma and, 78–79

  Extravert personality style, 206–207

  FACE acronym, 212–213

  Failure, fear of, 98–99

  Failure schema, 94

  Fear, emotion words for labeling, 250–251

  Feelings. See also Emotions

  befriending, 106–108

  developing self-compassion and, 106–108

  labeling and, 70–71, 71–74

  loving-kindness and, 147–148

  self-compassion and, 1–6

  Fight, flight or freeze responses to stress, 19–20, 185

  Floater personality style, 204–205

  Focus, emotion words for labeling, 249–250

  Focused awareness, 81–82


  befriending your feelings, 106–108

  Giving and Taking meditation and, 259

  loving-kindness and, 156, 176–177

  Free will, 65

  Freedom, emotion words for labeling, 249

  Friend category of people, 168, 170–172

  Friendship stage of acceptance, 28, 30–31, 209

  Gender, 72, 85

  Genetics, happiness and, 121–122

  “Gift of desperation”, 33

  Giving and Taking meditation, 207, 254–259

  Good will, loving-kindness and, 135–136

  Grasping hindrance, 208

  Group category of people, 168, 178

  Guided meditation, 230, 272–273

  Guilt, 117, 140–141, 182

  Gut feelings, 65


  altruism and, 183

  caregiver personality style and, 196

  caring for others and, 180

  childhood roots and, 121–126

  developing self-compassion and, 116–122

  emotion words for labeling, 246

  increasing, 115

  loving-kindness and, 81–82

  pain and, 12

  pleasure-seeking treadmill of, 13, 14, 27

  smiling and, 119

  Hatred, 117

  Hedonic treadmill

  benefits of, 27

  loving-kindness and, 143

  overview, 13, 14

  Hindrances, 193–194, 207–212

  Images, loving-kindness and, 148–150

  Impatience, labeling emotions and, 77

  Individualist personality style, 199–200

  Infatuation stage of self-compassion, 223–224, 226

  Insights, meditation and, 54

  Insomnia, 19–20, 156, 213–216

  Insufficient self-control/self-discipline schema, 94

  Intellectual personality style, 197–198

  Interest, emotion words for labeling, 250

  Internal focus, trauma and, 78–79

  Internet resources, 272

  Interoceptive exposure, 54

  Introvert personality style, 206–207

  Intuition, learning to use, 25–26

  Isolation, 82, 108–110

  Job dissatisfaction, back pain and, 18

  Journaling, 241–243

  Joy, 14

  Judging in mindfulness, 43

  Justice, emotion words for labeling, 248–249


  balance and, 194–195

  befriending your feelings, 106–108

  self-compassion and, 87

  trauma and, 79

  Labeling Emotions exercise, 75–76

  Labeling of emotions

  agitation hindrance and, 211

  compared to noting, 69–71

  in daily life, 77

  emotions words for, 245–253

  Mindfulness of Sound exercise and, 43

  overview, 69–77
r />   Labeling of schemas, 96

  Life satisfaction, self-compassion and, 99–100

  Light meditation, 262–264

  Limbic system, 118. See also Brain functioning

  Loneliness, 164, 247. See also Disconnection

  Loving oneself, spirituality and, 110–112

  Loving-kindness. See also Self-compassion

  backdraft, 150–152

  compared to prayer, 153–154

  in daily life, 154–157, 184–190

  focusing on yourself for, 140–145

  good will and, 135–136

  hindrances to, 193–194, 207–212

  history of, 130–132

  mindfulness and, 132–135

  for others, 166–178

  overview, 81–82, 129, 130

  relationships with other people and, 161–162, 162–166

  sleeping and, 214

  three components of, 145–150

  towards strangers, 172

  what it isn’t, 158–159

  words and, 136–140, 154–157

  Loving-Kindness Meditation exercise, 134–135

  Making a Vow exercise, 266–267


  centering meditation and, 261–262

  compared to loving-kindness, 158

  developing self-compassion and, 104–105

  overview, 104–105

  Marriage, 15. See also Relationship conflict

  Meaningful Life, 183

  Medication, 26


  default network and, 47

  developing self-compassion and, 104

  emotions and, 74–77

  formal meditation, 51–56

  loving-kindness and, 132–134, 152

  maintaining a practice of, 228–231

  measuring your progress, 240–243

  overview, 4

  questions regarding, 232–240

  research regarding, 53

  resources for further reading and practice, 268–279


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