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When the Night Comes

Page 10

by Teegan Loy

  People started asking questions about my future plans. I had no idea what I was going to do. I’d applied and received several offers from schools but hadn’t told Mama or anyone else. I liked to dream about Skye and I starting a life together, but I didn’t dare say it out loud.

  The smell of spring filled the air. There was still snow on the ground, but when the wind blew, it teased of warmer weather.

  We had a two-day break from school and I needed some down time. Gavin, Ashley, and Mama were heading down to Texas for the long weekend for a wedding. Mama’s best friend was getting married.

  I had the option to go with them, but I didn’t have the energy. I told Mama I was staying home to study and catch up on some sleep. Going back to Texas would only stir up weird feelings, and I was having enough problems dealing with my situation here.

  “Hey, Tyler! Wait up,” Skye shouted from across the school parking lot.

  He raced across the cement and jumped on my back, demanding a piggyback ride.

  “What’s on for the weekend?” he asked, sliding off my back and punching my arm.

  “I thought you were heading out of town with your family?”

  “Plans have changed, my friend. My dad and mom decided they needed some privacy to work on their marriage. So it’s only them heading up to Lake of the Woods.

  “Oh,” I said, trying to keep my excitement and dick in check.

  “Can I come over?” he asked. “Just to hang out with you for the weekend. I’ll even cook dinner. Breakfast too, if you want.”


  “Please, Ty, it’ll be fun. I’ll even bring my guitar,” he said, running around me like a fucking over-excited three-year-old.

  “Okay, fine,” I said. “But the meals better be spectacular.”

  “I’ll pick up everything we’ll need. What time is everyone clearing out of your house?”

  “They’re supposed to leave right after school. I better get home to say goodbye.” I grinned and had to stop myself from leaning in and kissing his pretty red lips.

  Gavin interrupted us, demanding we get moving. On the ride home, Gavin immediately asked me invasive questions about my weekend plans.

  “Are you hanging with Skye?”

  “Nothing solid. My main plan is to sleep as much as possible.”

  “You have the house to yourself. It’s the perfect opportunity.”

  I coughed and stared at him, not sure I’d heard correctly. But then he waggled his eyebrows and chuckled.

  “Just be safe,” he said.

  I turned up the radio, pretending I didn’t hear him. Skye would lose his shit if he thought anyone knew about us.

  Gavin continued to be an asshole, hinting at all sorts of things. I’d never been so happy to be home. Ashley and Mama were standing on the porch with their bags. Ashley tapped her watch and Gavin rolled his eyes. “Get out,” he said to me. “My queen is going to hurt me if we don’t get moving.”

  Mama kissed me goodbye while Ashley pinched my arm. Gavin winked at me and told me to have fun. I wanted to smack that silly grin off his face. To say I was happy and relieved when they drove away was an understatement.

  “Freedom,” I shouted and punched the air.

  Skye showed up an hour later, carrying several bags overflowing with groceries and other shit that he wouldn’t let me look at. I pouted but he leaned in to steal a kiss and I forgot why I was pouting. The bags of groceries were quickly discarded when his tongue probed my mouth.

  “Touch me, please,” I begged.

  We struggled to get enough friction until I slapped Skye’s fumbling hands away from me. I managed to unzip my pants as well as his and fisted both our cocks. He put his hand on mine and we made quick work, spurting our release all over our fingers. It was over in about three minutes.

  We laughed and gathered the groceries. Skye started dinner, cooking pasta with a white sauce along with grilled chicken. He demanded I set a semi-formal table in the dining room. I had no clue what he was talking about. It would’ve been just as good to eat sitting on the floor.

  “You forgot napkins,” Skye said.

  I grumbled but dug around the kitchen, finally settling on tearing a few sheets of paper towels for us to use.

  “Those are paper towels, not napkins,” Skye said, frowning at me.


  “I know Susan has linen napkins.”

  I glared at him but did as he asked. Who used white linen napkins when having pasta?

  “Open the wine, babe,” he said.

  “Where did you get this from?” I drove a corkscrew into the top.

  “Dr. Olsen generously let me borrow from his large stash.”

  “I’m sure he did.”

  We sat across from each other, slurping pasta and sipping wine, enjoying our time together. I watched him, letting myself believe we would find a way to be together after high school.

  After we cleaned up, we hung out on the deck, drinking our wine and watching the sunset. He brought out his guitar and shyly asked me to play with him. He’d really improved since the last time we’d played together.

  When we finally climbed into my bed, I was exhausted. We both fell asleep quickly, but less than an hour later I was startled awake. My dreams featured losing Skye, and they stayed with me long after I woke.

  I reminded myself that right now he was curled into my side. His swollen lips partially opened, with gentle puffs of air expelling out of them. He shifted a bit, and I felt his hand move to my hip. He grimaced, and it wasn’t until I slipped my hand under the blanket and let him tangle his fingers with mine that he settled. My heart ached seeing him unguarded and vulnerable because it was something rare.

  The rest of the weekend passed in the same fashion. We watched movies, ate, drank, and had a lot of sex. By Sunday morning I was so tired, I could barely think. I needed to return to school to get some rest, but today was the final day in our dream world and I wanted to make the most of it.

  I could smell the fresh coffee, so I pulled on some sweats and bounded up the stairs. He was sitting at the table, scowling at his phone, dressed in nothing but boxers and the old T-shirt I usually wore at the gym. He gestured toward the coffee pot.

  I was about to pour myself a cup when my hand started to shake. I glanced over at Skye again and wondered where we would be next year or in five years.

  I loved him so much and I hated myself.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing, I’m just tired.”

  I lied because telling the truth wasn’t part of our deal. I knew he’d bolt, and I wasn’t ready to deal with his absence from my life yet.

  “Can we go back to bed?”

  “Sure.” He slung his arm over my shoulders and steered me downstairs.

  In a few minutes, Skye was asleep and I was left to deal with my emotions. I untangled myself from him and went upstairs to get some air. My chest was tight, and I struggled to catch my breath. I opened the door and stepped on the deck, hoping the fresh air would calm me down.

  The drizzle sprinkled on me but didn’t cleanse me. I felt dirty because this wasn’t real. I shouldn’t have to live a lie and stay hidden in the shadows of the evening. This wasn’t going to end well, and when I remembered how his arms felt wrapped around me, it was all I could do to keep from crying.

  Chapter Eleven

  With less than two weeks left of my senior year, Thomas Crow invited the entire senior class to a party. He’d signed with Nebraska to run track. I tried to get out of going, but Ashley and Gavin insisted by dragging me out of the house, kicking and swearing.

  The party was going full blast when Skye snuck up behind me and whispered. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “And go where?”

  “Please,” he begged.

  “Are you insane? People will notice we’re missing.”

  “Just . . . Please.”

  He looked frantic, so I gave in and followed him out of the party.

nbsp; We drove around for a few minutes before he pulled into the city park and turned off the engine.

  “C’mon,” he said, gesturing for me to get out.

  I thought we were going for a walk, but he climbed in the backseat, eyeing me. I followed, and the moment I closed the door, he kissed me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  The car definitely wasn’t spacious, and two grown guys wrestling around in the backseat wasn’t an easy fit. We shifted around until he was hovering over me with a predatory gleam in his eyes. I was in deep trouble.

  “C’mon, Tyler, no one is going to find us.” He ran his tongue along the shell of my ear.

  I groaned and arched up, searching for the friction I desperately wanted.

  “I need you,” Skye murmured. He said the words so quietly I wasn’t sure I was meant to hear them. He never said stuff like that, and I was scared to respond with any sentiments.

  I never was any good at saying no to him.

  He ground against me, making it impossible to have rational thoughts. He set a slow, torturous pace. I let it go on for three minutes before I thought I was going to explode. I worked my hand between us, opened the button on his jeans, and shoved my hand down his pants.

  To my delight, Skye wasn’t wearing any underwear. I stroked him until he was squirming and swearing at me. He finally knocked my hand away.

  “Don’t want to come like this,” he said. “Need to feel you.”

  It’d been awhile since he’d fucked me. He shimmied to the floor, trying to maneuver his body into a comfortable position. He managed to get my pants down. After all the struggles, he leaned on my thighs, still breathing hard. I didn’t dare move.

  “Watch me,” he said sternly.

  A noise came out of my mouth that wasn’t part of the English language.

  “Keep your eyes on me or I’ll stop,” he warned.

  I nodded, and with one swift movement, he swallowed me as far down as he could go. My vision blurred but I kept watching him. He moved his fingers from my dick to my sac, tracing the outline of my balls and slowly slipping closer to my hole.

  Spit dribbled out of his mouth, rolling down my shaft. Skye swept some of it up with his fingers, but he wasn’t satisfied. He dug around under the car seat and pulled out a small bottle of lube.

  “Going to get you nice and wet,” he mumbled.

  I reminded him I wasn’t a contortionist. He ignored me and pushed one finger into me.

  “Fuck,” I shouted.

  “Soon, baby,” he whispered.

  “Skye,” I whined as a flash of light filled the car. He paused and I kicked at him.

  “Harder,” I begged.

  My order resulted in Skye ceasing all movement.

  “Goddamn it!” I shouted.

  His fingers were still in me, but he wasn’t doing anything. My dick slid out of his mouth and I raised my hips, chasing my orgasm. I wanted to beg him to keep going.

  He sat up and pulled his fingers from my body and encouraged me to lift my legs and brace my feet on the door. He squirmed, and soon I felt his cock pressed against my hole. Gently and so fucking slow, he started to push into me. I managed to get one leg hooked around him. He lost some control and his dick slid further inside me. I thought he was going to pound into me, but he slowed things down.

  “Holy shit,” I moaned.

  I wondered if the entire town could hear us, but then Skye nailed me just right and I didn’t give a shit.

  “Not going to last,” he gasped. He managed to worm his hand between us and get a grip on my cock, stroking in time with his slow thrusts.

  I didn’t get the chance to warn him. My entire body seized, and I shot ropes of semen all over my stomach and chest. I managed to open one eye and watched as he came undone, chanting my name.

  He held me, caressing my face and neck and kissing me. The sex had been tender and gentle, overwhelming me with emotions.

  “I love you, Skye,” I whispered. The words slipped out before I could stop them, and I held my breath, wishing I could take them back. But now they hung in the air, taunting me. I wanted to gather them up and stuff them under the bed where they belonged.

  “You weren’t supposed to love me, Tyler,” he said as he struggled to sit up in the confined space.

  He dressed quickly and climbed into the front seat. I dug around until I found my shirt and hoodie.

  “This was never supposed to be about love,” he said.

  “But . . . I thought —⁠”

  “You thought what?” he said sharply. “You thought that was me making love to you? Fuck. It was just sex. Nothing more.”

  His eyes were cold as ice, and I swore my chest constricted so hard, it crushed my heart. I wasn’t going to come out of this alive.

  I tied my shoes and opened the car door.

  “What the hell, Tyler? C’mon, let’s go back to the party.”

  “Fuck you,” I said coldly.

  I shoved my hands in my pockets, feeling for my phone. I thought about calling Ashley, but I didn’t want to talk to my sister about my failed love life. Instead, I called Lindy.


  “Uh, are you still at the party?”

  “Yes. Why?”

  “Have you been drinking?”

  “No,” she said, sounding confused.

  “Can you come get me?” My voice cracked as I told her where I was. At first there was silence and I feared she’d hung up on me.

  “I’ll be right there.”

  She didn’t ask any questions, and I didn’t offer any answers until we were safely in my room.

  “I shouldn’t have called you. I’m sorry. I didn’t know . . .” My voice trailed off and I stared at the wall where a spider web hung in the corner.

  “What happened?” She put her arm around my waist and led me to the couch.

  I forced myself to look at her. She smiled and squeezed my hand. My stomach flipped upside down and I lowered my head.

  “I’m sorry, Lindy.”

  “Ty, it’s okay. Just tell me what’s going on?”

  She rubbed my back, whispering that whatever it was, everything would be okay. It made me feel worse. I sat up and took a deep breath.

  “Lindy, please. I don’t know how to . . .” I covered my face with my hands.

  “Ty, I can’t help you unless you tell me what’s going on?”

  “I did something really stupid and the shit hit the fan,” I mumbled.

  She pulled my hands away from my face and forced me to look at her. I could see the hurt in her eyes.

  “I never meant for it to happen, but he —⁠”

  I slapped my hand over my mouth as her eyes widened.

  “He?” she whispered. “It’s Skye, isn’t it?”


  Her bottom lip trembled and her eyes filled with tears. “Oh boy,” she muttered. “Is this why you broke up with me?”

  “I couldn’t cheat on you. Even though he didn’t want anyone to know. I couldn’t do it. I did like you. I still do, only . . .”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not,” I said. “I lied to you; hurt you. And it was for nothing.” I half choked.

  “So, you’re gay. What’s the big deal?”

  “Bisexual,” I said.

  “Okay, bisexual.”

  I took a deep breath. “It’s not that part. This thing with Skye’s been wrong from the beginning. He doesn’t want anyone to know. And tonight I said something I shouldn’t have ever said to him.”

  She bit her lip and squeezed my hand. I think she’d already figured out what I’d said to Skye because she didn’t ask any more questions. Instead, she led me to the bed and pushed me down, crawling in after me. She clicked off the bedside lamp and let the darkness swallow us, then laced her fingers with mine and snuggled in close to me. A few minutes later, the enormity of the moment ate me alive, and I couldn’t stop the tears that dripped down my face.

  When we wok
e in the morning, she smiled and told me she needed to get home to shower. She’d be back later. Besides Mama, Lindy was the strongest person I knew, and I was very thankful she was in my corner.

  Ashley was standing on the porch, waiting for Gavin when I came outside.

  “So are you and Lindy back together?”

  “What?” I mumbled.

  “I just saw her. I’m thinking she spent the night.”

  “We’re not getting back together.”

  “Still with Skye?”

  All the air left my lungs, and I had to grab the railing to keep from collapsing. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Fuck you, Ty. How stupid do you think I am?”

  My world was crumbling around me. Ashley stepped into my personal space, staring intently at me. “What’s going on? You used to talk to me. I’ve had to resort to spying and sneaking around to get the truth.” She took a deep breath. “When you and Lindy broke up, no one said a thing. Lindy just shut down and wouldn’t talk to anyone. Not even me.” She jabbed her finger into my chest.

  “Have you told anyone?” I asked with an unsteady breath.

  Her eyes widened. “That’s what you’re worried about? Why the fuck would I tell anyone when I haven’t even talked to you? I’m not going to spill your secrets, but I wish you’d at least tell me the truth.”

  “I fucked up,” I snapped. “I’m not with anyone.”

  Gavin pulled into the driveway, saving me from the humiliating conversation.

  Ashley jumped off the porch and bounded toward Gavin’s truck. “This isn’t over. You will talk to me or I’ll hunt you down,” she yelled and flipped her hair off her face. “And don’t be late for school.”

  I waved them off and sat on the step. I would give anything for this day to be over. Another car pulled into the driveway, and I expected to see Lindy. Instead, it was Skye. I flipped him off and headed for the front door.

  “Wait,” he shouted.

  I clenched my jaw and forced myself to turn around and face him. No matter what I told myself, the guy was my fucking downfall.

  “What do you want?”

  “About last night —⁠”

  “Nope.” I wasn’t going to talk about last night. It had been a mistake I wasn’t going to relive. He’d made it crystal clear that he had no feelings for me. And yet, instead of punching him in the face, I was allowing him to waste my time. If Gavin treated Ashley like this, I’d beat the shit out of the asshole.


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