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Mastered by the Zandians: Alien Warrior Reverse Harem Romance

Page 7

by Rose, Renee

  “Jesel. Where they are all completely safe?” King Zander knows that would be highly unlikely.

  She sucks in a breath. “Some were taken back by the Ocretions. They raided this solar cycle.”

  “And how many are left?”

  She visibly winces. “Not enough. We’ll know better once people come out of hiding. But they definitely took four of the females.”

  King Zander raises an eyebrow. “So hardly a safe harbor.”

  Defiance flashes in Mirelle’s eyes, but quickly recedes as she drops a curtsy. “As you say, my lord.”

  “And why should you be allowed to stay here on Zandia?”

  “I don’t need to stay here on Zandia. I would be fine with my return to Jesel.”

  Damn her!

  Domm gives a low growl of disapproval.

  “As a prisoner of war who nearly caused irreparable damage to my fleet, you do not have the luxury of choosing your destination,” the king points outs. “I would encourage you to be grateful that there are Zandian hosts who wish to offer you a chance to settle here.” He pins her with a look. “Instead of sending you to an on or off-planet prison.”

  She meets his gaze, defiant, but I see the flutter of her pulse, smell fear on her. The urge to protect her surges in me, unquenchable.

  King Zander has already told us he will grant us custody of Mirelle temporarily, but after meeting her, he may very well change his mind. I take a step closer to Mirelle, as if I will fend off the king’s orders if they don’t suit me.

  After an agonizing silence, the king finally says, “We will not return you to Jesel.” The king’s voice is firm. “The trip there is arduous and costly, not only in stein, but in the danger to my warriors.” The king frowns. “Not to mention, your craft is completely out of commission, and we do not have one to spare for your leisure. Perhaps most importantly, we will not allow for your interference in future rescue missions for humans.”

  “I would like to live here on Zandia and become part of this community. I have many skills I can offer to this society in terms of mechanics and fighting techniques. Please do not send me off-planet.” This is what she was supposed to say in the first place.

  “I am not convinced that you truly want asylum here.” The king stares her down.

  She squares her shoulders, and meets his eyes. “I swear that I wish no harm to Zandia. I want with all my heart to become part of this society.”

  Lies, of course. Yet I still cling to hope we can show her Zandia can provide a far better life than the one she’s been living.

  “We shall see. I am granting your temporary asylum here.”

  Thank veck.

  “Thank you, my lord.”

  “Go with your mates. I will hear from you all again in three lunar cycles.”

  She turns to us, but doesn’t meet either of our eyes.

  The unsettled agitation around my neck doesn’t go away. Domm and I have much work to do, if we want to truly claim our little warrior.

  Chapter 7


  “This is your home?” I touch the thick glass window, curved, that looks out over the city center.

  “It is now,” Lanz says. “We bought it for you.”

  My chest tightens, like I’m warding off his words. I don’t want to accept their attention, be the object of such importance in their lives. I have to get off this planet and back home. Still, it’s exquisite.

  “I’ve never seen…” I trail off. The sleek metal and glass structures are a far cry from the shanties we cobble together on Jesel. My eyes are back to normal now, thank Mother Earth, and I can see just as well as ever.

  “Zandia still has areas that are completely devastated from the Finn.” Domm adjusts something on the door. “But much progress has been made here in the capital.”

  I touch the glass with both palms; it’s cool to the touch, even though the planet rotation is hot. Glance around the room at the hoverseats. “Your use of technology is incredible.”

  I feel like I’m spewing a fountain of compliments, but it can’t hurt me to offer appreciation for what they’ve built. After all, it is stunning. And as a person who needs to demonstrate a willingness to fit in here, effusive praise seems a good place to start.

  “Our world here is a mix.” Lanz opens a recessed cabinet and brings out a fluid tube and a packet of food, puts them on a low table. “In some ways we’re advanced beyond other societies. And then we have places where our skills are rudimentary at best, as we work to recover our world and learning from the decimation caused by the Finn. This is for you.” He gestures to the offerings.

  I nod. “I understand that dichotomy. Back home—” I stop myself, not wanting to reveal too much about Jesel.

  “Tell me about your home.” Lanz sits down carefully.

  I swallow. “I don’t know.”

  “Or you don’t want to tell us?” Domm picks up a section of my hair and rubs it between his thumb and forefinger. These warriors see far too much.

  “Do I have to tell you everything about myself? And if I don’t, will you torture it out of me?” I lift my brows, daring them to.

  “Mirelle, no being is going to torture you.” Domm sits across the room. “We would like to learn about you as we build our bond. Rehabilitate you.”

  Rehabilitate. That’s quite a concept.

  I take a breath. “Am I a prisoner here?” I look to the door.

  “You don't have to wear cuffs inside.” Lanz follows my gaze. “If you behave appropriately. But you will not be allowed out, unescorted, uncuffed, until we determine you are not a threat to Zandian society.”

  My whole body fills with rage. Then I temper it with logic. I am incredibly lucky to find this as my prison, instead of a stinking hole in an Ocretion ship or a fetid galactic prison. There are millions of opportunities here for me to seize so I can escape. It truly is only a matter of patience and time.

  It’s odd to think of them as jailers, masters, mates, all at the same time. My mind swims. “How can we be mates if you don’t even trust me?”

  “We will build trust.” Domm nods. “Over time, as you get used to life here, we will assess when you are ready for more freedom.”

  “I see.”

  My stomach rumbles but I don’t want to eat anything. I rub my shoulder, which seems to be nearly healed. Remarkable. Strange, almost disturbing, because humans just don’t heal like that normally—but I’m not going to complain.

  “Are you in pain?” Domm frowns and steps forward.

  I shake my head. “No. I’m surprised it healed so fast, really.”

  Lanz smiles. “It was our blood.” His face flushes a deeper purple. “I think it helped you more than you know.”

  “Right. I have your blood inside me, don’t I?” I’m fascinated by this concept. I touch my arm, run my fingers over my pale skin. Trying to imagine the blood inside.

  Lanz nods. “It means you’re ours.”

  I roll my eyes. “That’s an interesting conclusion.” Then I smile to myself. The fact that I can even joke with him? That means he’s far less of a slave-owner and more of a friend.

  I remember when I first saw Lanz, how taken I was; how something about him called to my heart, even if he was technically my enemy—at that time. I do feel some deep bond with these Zandians, despite everything.

  I make a little noise of uncertainty, because my mind is in turmoil.

  “Right now, you need nutrition. So, please.” Lanz gestures to the stuff on the table. “This is just to start. We will obtain more human sustenance from our farmers and food providers. You will tell us what you like.”

  “What I’d like is to go back to my home. Will you give that to me?”

  “This is your home now. And according to you, you want to be here.” Domm calls me on my lie. He walks over and comes up and takes my chin in his hand. Tilts it up to look into my eyes.

  I want to jerk away, but his gaze is mesmerizing. I watch his eyes change from brown to purple
, the horns thicken and tilt toward me. Heat smolders in his gaze and my body instantly reacts, nipples tightening.

  “Lanz, what do you think?” Domm’s voice sounds husky. “Does she need a reminder of exactly who’s in charge here. And who is not?”

  Lanz’ horns shoot forward, leaning toward me, a stiff salute. “Yes, I think so.” He comes up to stand beside Domm. The sight of these two strong warriors, shoulder to shoulder, both staring at me with hunger in their eyes, does something to my insides. My heart skips erratically and those tingles start again, the ones that send tendrils of desire through my veins. “With a human this feisty, I have a feeling that we will have to engage in frequent…reminders.” He raises a brow.

  I take a step back.

  “Dr. Daneth said that human females can withstand more than one punishment a planet rotation, if it proves necessary.” Domm’s voice is conversational, as if he were talking about the weather.

  “Then we should be sure not to deprive her.” Lanz steps forward, stalking me.

  I duck quickly and scamper out of their grasp, but I’m smiling. I want them to chase. To take me down and punish me in this insane manner they’ve perfected.

  Domm laughs and lunges for me, surprisingly quick and graceful for a male his size.

  I spin away, but Lanz anticipates the move and catches me up, lifting me off my feet. We both laugh, the hot puff of his breath on my neck. I want to be taken. Hard. The fact that they’re chasing me makes my blood boil even hotter. I don’t understand this. All I know is that it’s the biggest rush I’ve ever felt in my life.

  Lanz carries me into a bedchamber and drops me to my feet. Domm enters and shuts the door behind him.

  Lanz grins. “Now that we have privacy and as much time as we want, we’ll also teach you how to please us as we pleased you.”

  I drop my eyes to his thighs and make an O of surprise to see how hard and thick his cock is through his pants. I can’t imagine how that will fit, although my body clearly wants to find out.

  “First, Mirelle, you’ll remove your garment.” Lanz’s voice is firm. “Then you’ll kneel on the hoverdisk and wait for us.”

  “I will not…” I start to say, until he drops a hand to his belt.

  “You will not what?”

  “Will not dream of disobeying, Master,” I say mockingly.

  “Good answer.” They both chuckle. “Go ahead, then. We want to watch you strip for us.”

  At first, I’m flustered. But when I look at them and see the raw hunger in their eyes, the way their bodies lean toward me, I feel a new power. I’m the one who makes them this wild, this needy.

  I move slowly, taking off the gown. I’ve been pantiless since they ripped them off earlier, so I’m naked now. I run my hands over my breasts, the nipples already peaking in the cool air. “I hope you like what you see.”

  “More than vecking like it.” Lanz’ voice is gruff and guttural.

  “On the hoverdisk. Now.”

  “As you wish.” I make my voice low and sultry, sway my hips as I walk. Glance back over my shoulder to see that they’re laser focused on my body, watching every move. I smile. “Kneel, you said?”

  I clamber up onto the structure and face them. In a burst of inspiration, I spread my legs wide as I kneel and put my hands behind my head, letting my breasts jut out. “Like this, perhaps?”

  It’s a pose I’ve seen in slave auctions. There, it was tawdry and depressing. Doing it myself for these two is empowering.

  When their eyes flash and their horns flare, I smile. “Will you kneel for me, too? I liked what you did, Lanz, last time you knelt between my thighs.”

  “Look who thinks she’s the boss,” murmurs Lanz, ostensibly to Domm, but his eyes never leave me for a moment. Then he adds, “I’ll kneel between your legs every planet rotation if you like. As long as you return the favor with enthusiasm.”

  And when he stalks toward me, ripping his shirt from his body and tossing it aside so I see his powerful muscles as he moves, I catch my breath.

  “In fact, I think that’s where we’ll start.” He stands close to the hoverdisk and removes his pants. His cock juts out, so thick and hard that I raise my eyebrows in wonder. “Teach you how to suck us properly. It’s a lesson that will serve you well, little human.”

  He comes closer. “Crawl to me, Mirelle. Put your mouth on me.”

  Mesmerized, I do as he commands, unable to look away from his body.

  I’ve never done this, but it’s not hard to figure out what he wants. I flick my tongue along the very tip to start, surprised at how warm and soft his skin is. He tastes a little salty, and it’s a flavor that intrigues me, sending little tingles of need into my nipples and clit.

  He groans. “Keep licking along the top like that. Then take me into your mouth. Suck.”

  I do as I’m told, curious to explore him with my tongue and lips. I’m not sure how hard to lick or suck. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I whisper, pulling back. “I…”

  He laughs. “You won’t, don’t worry. I promise.”

  “All right.” Uncertain, I blink and go back to work. Then I look at him again. “I’ve just never done this.”

  “I know.” His voice is surprisingly tender, and he reaches down to wind both hands into my hair. “And I’ve never felt anything more exquisite in my life. Keep doing that. I promise I’m going to love it.”

  I pick things up faster than most, and I don’t expect this to be any different. If I can master the most difficult martial arts moves in battle, surely I can master the art of cock-licking my two new Zandian mates.

  My movements are awkward at first, but as I gain confidence, I begin to lick and suck with enthusiasm, using my tongue to tease the hard ridges on top of his cock, smiling around his hard length as I feel him get even longer and harder. He feels my comfort and begins to thrust; slowly at first, then deeper.

  “She’s working so hard. I think she deserves some reward for her efforts.” Domm is behind me now. “Spread wider, little warrior.” He touches the back of my thighs. “A little motivation to keep going.”

  As I continue mouthing Lanz, Domm puts his head to my body and licks me, sticking his tongue deep into my pussy.

  I cry out, the sound muffled around Lanz’s cock. I bite down in surprise, and he growls. At first I think I’ve hurt him, then I realize he liked it. Mother Earth, these Zandians really are made of steel!

  “You can bite me as much as you want, little vipn,” he mutters, grabbing my hair and tugging me closer, filling my throat with his pulsing cock. “Your little human teeth only tickle and make me more eager to come down your pretty throat.”

  At that, I graze him with my teeth and enjoy his grunt of satisfaction, then suck as hard as I can while he thrusts. But it’s becoming hard to focus on what I’m doing, because Domm is wickedly gifted with that tongue, and what he’s doing is driving me insane with need. He licks and strokes just enough to get me burning, then pulls back when the sensation starts to grow.

  “Let me!” I cry, pulling back from Lanz’ body, unable to handle the frustration.

  “Not yet,” Domm says, and slaps my ass, hard.

  I gasp.

  “Put your mouth back on Lanz or I won’t let you come for hours,” he threatens.

  I obey, and he starts teasing me with his fingers. “I’m going to keep you needy and desperate. And when I do let you come, the reward will be out of this galaxy. You’ll do anything and everything we ask just to earn your pleasure.”

  I make a sound of utter irritation even as I suck and lick. His fingers probe and tease, bringing me to that height once again.

  “Because your orgasms come at our pleasure.” He slaps my ass again. “Only when we allow them.”

  The mere idea of this almost makes me come right then, but he’s pulled his fingers back, depriving me of the friction and sensation I need to tip over the edge.

  Lanz steps back and I make a sound of surprise. “Spank her now,” he sug
gests. “Remind her that we’re her masters. Then she can continue her task.”

  He sits down in a hoverchair, thighs spread, and puts his hand almost lazily onto his iron-hard cock. Strokes it up and down, squeezing harder than I would have imagined could feel good.

  “Watch what I do,” he directs, “while you take your discipline. Pay attention, because there will be times I’ll ask you to do this with your small hands.”

  I can’t take my eyes away, though. His body is flawless, muscled to perfection, and watching him sit there and stroke himself, his eyes shut, head back, strong hand tugging and touching, makes me crave him back in my mouth. In my hand.

  Instead, I feel a hard crack on my ass as Domm spanks me across both cheeks.

  I gasp as he does it again. Again.

  “How many should she get?” He slaps the base of my thighs, and with my legs spread, he comes close to my pussy.

  I gasp and try to close my legs.

  “No. Stay open.” He spanks me again. “Just like this.”

  “Yes, Master,” I whisper.

  “How many do you think she deserves right now?” Lanz asks as he grabs his cock hard; I can see his knuckles whiten with the pressure. I hold my breath, eyes wide, as he pulls up toward the head, stretching the skin, then lets go. Repeats it.

  “I’d say a good twenty or thirty hard ones, as many as it takes to get her begging nicely.” Domm spanks me again. “And I’d make her count them out loud, except I feel she’s a bit...distracted.” He chuckles. Spanks me again.

  “It hurts,” I complain.

  “Did I say it wouldn’t?” He spanks me a few times. “I don’t think I did.”

  “No, but…”

  “Are spankings supposed to hurt? Surely you know the answer.”


  He slaps me again, harder. I should hate it—and oh, part of me does. but my body is instantly set on flame, each nerve ending full of craving. demanding more. Wanting them so badly I could die.

  “Well, then.” He spanks again. “Be grateful we’re not using the belt this time.”

  “Because,” Lanz adds, “we have many other implements we can use to punish and discipline your pretty ass as necessary. Not all of them as mild as the belt.”


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