Book Read Free

Truly Yours

Page 12

by Kennedy Fox

  He nods and grins. “Nice.”

  We drive across town and park at the main office for the apartment complex. Once I go inside and show my badge to the apartment manager, I let her know we’re back to take another look so I need her to unlock the door for me. Greg carries the gear and listens to the woman explain they’ll be cleaning out the apartment tomorrow, so it sounds like we made it just in time. Yellow tape is still crossed over the door, but she unlocks it for us and gives us a bored look.

  “Make sure it’s locked before you leave,” she says.

  “Will do. Thank you so much,” I tell her before she walks away.

  Bending down under the tape, I walk in and cross the room toward the corner and see the faint smudge of blood on the wall. Greg’s brows pinch together. “How the hell did you see that in a picture?”

  “It stuck out like a sore thumb, but there used to be a chair and a lamp here. It wasn’t in any of the other photographs, just that one. The accident happened at night, and the lighting wasn’t the best in here when they were called in to process the scene.”

  I can tell by the way his mouth falls open that he’s impressed. Moving closer to the wall, he’s mere inches from the small smear. “It’s definitely a partial fingerprint. There’s no doubt about it.”

  I stand over him. “I just wonder if it’s enough for the system to scan in.” We don’t always need a full print to get a match with our technology, but only when it’s the right part of the print. There have been many times it hasn’t been enough, and the whole case fell apart.

  Smiling, he opens the kit and pulls out his brush and powder. Jerad was right. Greg knows what the hell he’s doing and takes his time, not rushing. Now, I’m the one who’s impressed.

  “Good work,” I tell him after he gets it onto his tape sample.

  “So what exactly happened here?” he asks after putting his supplies back in his kit.

  “Lover’s quarrel, they suspect. Her boyfriend has an alibi and was conveniently with friends out of town, but he has a record of abuse, so he could easily be lying. There’s no proof it was him, but the girl’s roommate said he had a temper.” Talking about it makes me think of Sophie and everything she went through with Weston. This could’ve been her fate if he hadn’t been stopped. My jaw clenches just thinking about it.

  “So they let him go after questioning because there wasn’t enough evidence to keep him?” Greg asks, but I have a feeling he already knows the answer to that.

  “Absolutely. And from what I’ve learned, men like that do it again and again until they’re caught.” Or brought down, but I’m not going to open that can of worms with him today.

  We lock the door as the manager instructed, and we continue our conversation as we walk toward the truck. “How much longer do you have until you’re finished with school?”

  “A year left of grad school,” he says with a groan. I’ve been there. I lived that life.

  “It will fly by,” I encourage as we drive to the office. Once we’re back, Greg and I give the fingerprint tape to one of the forensic scientists in the lab, Monica, who agrees to process it as soon as she can. I know she’s swamped with a million other things, but we give each other shit regularly and always do favors for each other. I let Jerad know we’ve returned and move on to my next case, though I can’t seem to stop thinking about this poor young woman. I go back to her files, read the witness statements, and look at all the evidence collected. Perhaps I’m jaded, but I think it’s more than obvious the boyfriend is lying.

  “Innocent until proven guilty, my ass,” I whisper under my breath, hoping this fingerprint comes through, and we can find out who’s responsible for this girl’s death.

  Sophie comes to mind again, and I decide to text her.

  Mason: Thinking about you! Hope you’re having a good day.

  Sophie: Weird, I was just thinking about you too, but only because your underwear were mixed in with my clothes.

  She sends over a pic of my boxers lying next to her sexy little panties. Mmm. Hot as hell. Is she trying to kill me?

  Mason: Stealing my underwear now? My T-shirts weren’t enough?

  I’m totally messing with her, which she knows. She takes my shirts, and I pretend it doesn’t feel like a knife to my heart that I can’t be the one wrapped up in her.

  Sophie: You know it! Better keep an eye on your jeans. They’re next.

  Mason: I’ll keep that in mind.

  Sophie: So I thought I’d plan a get-together at our favorite place tonight for your promotion. We haven’t really celebrated, and you deserve it.

  A smile touches my lips.

  Mason: What time?

  Sophie: When are you leaving work? What about after?

  Mason: Six works for me.

  Sophie: Alright! Consider it done. See you then. ;)

  I love it when she’s easygoing and jokes with me like this. Those are the times I used to take for granted but not anymore. It warms my heart to hear she wants to plan this because honestly, I wasn’t making a big deal out of it. This just shows how caring she is because lately, we’ve been staying home. It’s her safe space here, so it’s a big step for her to want to go out with the gang, and it makes me really happy.

  I meticulously sort through the cases Jerad gave me for the rest of my shift. The guy who had this position before me retired, which means I’ve had to pick up right where he left off. While everyone knew he’d be leaving, there wasn’t really a handoff period, so I’ve been playing catch-up since the moment I accepted the position, but I can’t complain.

  Before I head over to the Coliseum, I get a text from Serena asking to hang out since she’s in the area. I explain where I’m going and invite her to come out with us to celebrate my promotion. It’ll be just like old times.

  It doesn’t take me long to get there, and when I walk inside and see everyone sitting together, a smile hits my lips. I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed this until now.

  When I get closer, I hear Sophie and Lennon laughing about something. Sophie instantly stops talking when her eyes meet mine, and she gets up and gives me an unexpected hug. She wraps her arms around me, and I do the same, inhaling the scent of her sweet shampoo before she pulls away.

  “Congratulations, officially!” she squeals, and they all chime in after her.

  “About damn time! They should’ve given you that position forever ago.” Liam lifts his beer, then chugs it. “Tab is on you tonight since you’re rich now.”

  Maddie snorts, and I roll my eyes as I sit across from Sophie. Before I can even say anything, I hear Serena’s voice behind me. She tells everyone hello and sits in the chair next to me.

  Serena leans over and gives me a hug. “Look at you, dressed all nice, looking professional.” She tugs on the collar of my shirt, making a show of it, and I shake my head at her mocking tone.

  “You need to come around more often if you think this is out of the ordinary.” I laugh, smoothing my hands down my shirt.

  Hunter goes to the bar and orders a round of drinks for all of us except for Lennon, who is stuck with water and lemon. “Sometimes being pregnant sucks.” She groans with a frown after we all get our glasses.

  Maddie sarcastically sips on her soda. “Sometimes being twenty sucks! But I mean, if any of you wanna buy me a drink, I won’t tell. It can be our little secret,” she goads, putting a finger up to her lips.

  Sophie turns and gives her a pointed look, and we all crack up.

  “You’re going to be a handful when you turn twenty-one,” I tell her, and she shrugs with a proud smile.

  “Going to be a handful? As in she’s not already?” Lennon gives Maddie a wink.

  We order food, and while we wait for our food, Serena leans in close to prevent the entire table from overhearing and asks, “You been doing okay? You haven’t been answering my calls. I need to talk to you about something. Something important.”

  I give her a look and nod. “Yeah, everything’s as fine as it
can be, right now,” I say honestly. “Just been working a lot.”

  “So that merits ignoring me?” she teases.

  “Sorry, Mom. You gonna spank me for being bad?” I mock her mothering behavior.

  I hear Sophie inhale a sharp breath and realize she’s heard that last bit and probably not the first part of our conversation, and I’m not sure how she’s interpreted it. When I look at her, she quickly turns toward Maddie who’s talking Liam’s ear off. Not sure what to think of her reaction, I finish my drink, then use it as my opportunity to speak to her.

  “Soph, you want another one?” I ask, trying to grab her attention.

  She glances at me and shakes her head. “No, thanks.”

  I purse my lips and don’t respond. Once I’m at the bar, Hunter joins me, standing next to me with a cocked brow.

  “What did you do to Sophie?” he asks.

  My mouth falls open, and I roll my eyes at his accusation. “Nothing. I didn’t do anything at all, but I’m glad to know I’m not imagining shit. Things seemed fine, and then all of a sudden, something changed. Hell if I know.”

  He shrugs. “Women. Probably hormones.”

  I chuckle, ordering us both a shot of whiskey and a beer for me. “If only that were it.”

  “I’m sure it is,” he tells me as we clank our shot glasses together, and we shoot them down.

  When I’m back at the table, Serena gives me a mischievous smile. “Thanks for bringing me back a beer. What a gentleman,” she hints.

  I smirk, then let her have it before returning to the bar for another. While I’m waiting, I watch the table and notice how Sophie acts when Serena tries to talk to her, and that’s when it dawns on me what her issue is…she’s jealous. Leaning against the bar, I continue to study her and how stiff and rude she’s being, and while Serena may not notice, I certainly do.

  Wanting to see if my theory is correct, I go back to my chair and see the side glares Sophie throws at her. Serena tries to start a conversation about the symphony, but Sophie isn’t having it. All the answers she gives are short and to the point and mostly just one word. Maybe I’m reading the situation wrong and she just doesn’t want to talk about work since she hasn’t been there for the past month, but my gut tells me otherwise. She sees Serena as a threat, which is crazy to me. After our dinner arrives, and we finish eating, Hunter and Lennon have to go pick up Allie from the sitter, so they say their goodbyes.

  Then we end up by the pool tables just like old times.

  “Wanna play with me?” Maddie asks Liam in such a seductive tone, it causes me to nearly choke on my drink. Liam tilts his head at Maddie, looks her up and down, and there’s no denying the attraction. Not. At All. I laugh when I see Liam adjusting himself and actively looking away from her. I don’t know how long their little cat-and-mouse game is going to last, but it’s hilarious to watch.

  As the two of them allow their competitive nature to take over, Sophie sits at a high top table and drinks her martini, but she’s quiet. Taking advantage of getting her alone, I walk over to her and smile.

  “Everything okay?” I ask, then take a sip of my beer. “Liam’s playing your favorite game.”

  She nods without looking at me, putting a brick wall between us, one so tall, there’s no way I’m getting over it.

  “Are you sure?” I ask again, just as Serena walks up and loops her arm through mine.

  “Wanna play after them? See if I can beat you for once?” She shoots me a wink.

  Sophie continues to sit with her jaw locked and her gaze on everything but me , and I don’t know why she’s being like this. Serena is a close friend, always has been. Plus, Sophie knows our history.

  “Just a minute,” I tell Serena, loosening my arm from her grip, and she glances at Sophie, finally noticing how pissed she is.

  “Okay. I’ll be right over there,” she sheepishly says and leaves us be.

  “Go ahead.” Sophie tilts her head toward Liam, Maddie, and Serena.

  I suck in a deep breath, wishing she wasn’t acting like this, wishing she knew she had nothing in the damn world to worry about. “Soph.”

  “I’m about to go home,” she says matter-of-factly, pushing her still full martini away. She looks at me, grabs her clutch, and goes to Maddie to say she’s leaving. Maddie volunteers Liam to take her home since they’re not done with their game. Seconds later, Sophie’s walking out of the door with keys in her hands and no goodbye.

  Liam immediately turns and looks at me. “What the hell did you do?”

  “I think I’m gonna head out too,” Serena interrupts before I can respond. “Call me so we can talk later, okay?”

  I give her a nod and thank her for coming. Once she’s gone, I turn back to Liam. “I didn’t do shit,” I explain. “I tried talking to her, and she gave me the cold shoulder.”

  Maddie grins at me the whole time.

  “What?” I finally say, giving her the attention she craves.

  “Sophie was pissed.”

  “Thanks, Captain Obvious. Gonna tell me why now?” I wait for her to answer, and all she does is laugh.

  After crossing my arms and glowering at her, she continues, “If you haven’t figured it out yet, you’re stupider than I thought.” She turns with the cue stick in her hand, then leans over and hits a solid into a side pocket. I don’t wait around for her to start talking shit like usual before I head out too.

  By the time I make it home, I’ve had too much time to think about tonight. The attitude, the annoyance, the dirty looks Sophie threw Serena’s way—there’s no reason for any of it, and by Hunter’s and Liam’s remarks, I know I wasn’t imagining things.

  When I walk inside, Sophie’s sitting on the couch, already changed into different clothes. She doesn’t look at me and focuses all of her attention on the TV.

  “What’s your problem?” I ask. Crossing my arms over my chest, I stand at the end of the couch.

  She turns and looks at me, then shrugs. “Not sure what you’re talking about.”

  “Not sure? You’re not sure?” I goad.

  She narrows her eyes at me, her face expressionless as she speaks firmly. “Please tell me you’re not that dense, Mason.”

  If looks could kill, I’d be dead right now.

  “Enlighten me then,” I quip, lifting my arms, then letting them smack against my sides.

  “Serena. Why did you invite her to something I arranged for you tonight?”

  The question somewhat shocks me.

  “Because she’s my friend. She’s done a lot for me over the years, and when she asked about my plans tonight, I thought she’d want to celebrate my promotion too. She’s like an annoying big sister.” Which is the truth. She’s always looked out for me and has never given me any indication of wanting more.

  Nevertheless, I notice she’s growing more frustrated with me. “Never mind,” she snaps, turning off the TV and walking to her room, then slamming the door shut. Refusing to make it that easy for her to drop this, I follow and walk inside her room.

  “We’re having this conversation right now.” By the look on her face, she knows she can’t escape me.

  “Fine,” she says, sighing. “I see the way she looks at you, Mason. I see the way she touches you, flirts with you, how her eyes shine when you give her the tiniest bit of attention,” she explains with disgust in her tone.

  “That’s not true,” I argue.

  “Really?” Sophie tilts her head at me. “She leans into you when you talk to her. I watched her touch your arm. We’re in limbo, so it’s not like it matters anyway. I’m not sure why I’m even upset. If you want to be with her, you should be. You two would probably make a better couple anyway, considering you have so much in common. Not to mention she’d at least put out for you.”

  “Jesus, Soph.” I take a step toward her, feeling like she just slapped me across the face. “It’s not like that. Serena is just a flirty person and has always been that way. You’re looking for something that’s no
t there, and I don’t know why.”

  Her mouth falls open as if I’ve slapped her. “Leave. You’re treating me as if I’m making this shit up, and I’m not. You need to leave right now before I say something I might regret later.”

  “That’s how you feel? You feel like I should be with Serena? Take her out on dates and make her my girlfriend and fuck her?” I’m so pissed as I look at her, wishing she’d realize she’s the only woman I want. The only one I’ve wanted for years.

  Sophie tenses as if my words affected her. “I can’t give you what you need, so you might as well. Considering she’s so willing…” She shrugs nonchalantly.

  I shake my head and drop my arms. “Don’t you realize how absurd this is? I’m standing here fighting for you, telling you I don’t want Serena and asking you to see what’s right in front of you. Why are you looking for a fight? Haven’t we been through enough to get to this point?”

  She stands up and points at the door, her chest heaving as my words sink in. “Just leave. I don’t want to talk about this right now and just want to be alone.”

  “Soph,” I whisper, pleading with my eyes for her to stop pushing me away. She’s all I want. Why can’t she see that? She stands her ground as my heart deflates. “Alright, fine.” I turn and walk out of her bedroom, then climb the stairs. I notice Liam’s door is open down the hall and poke my head inside.

  “Everything okay?” he asks, flicking on his TV.

  I sit on the edge of the bed and scrub my hands over my face. “I just want to be there for her, give her everything she needs, but anytime I make some sort of progress, she slips through my fingers, and I have to start over. The moment we start getting closer, she immediately pushes away again.”


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