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Little Daisy

Page 3

by Chloe Carpenter

  Daisy didn't need persuading. She loved stories and it was wonderful to have someone read to her. Johnny's voice was deep and expressive. She giggled as he used a succession of different voices to portray the characters in the story, including a falsetto voice for the princess. When he finished and closed the book, she voiced her protest and begged for more.

  "Another one! Another one! Please can I have another one?!"

  "I'm afraid you'll have to wait until tomorrow for another story. But you can have that spanking I promised you instead."

  "Oh ..." The spanking. She pouted prettily. She'd quite forgotten all about the spanking. "How about I have another story, then a spanking?" It was worth a shot.

  "Nice try, poppet." Johnny shifted position and patted his lap. "Over you go."

  So once again, Daisy found herself across his lap, feeling his hard muscled thighs beneath her. "Will it hurt?" she ventured.

  He smiled a crocodile smile, white teeth gleaming, and a hungry glint in his eyes. "Just enough to sting. Anyway, it gives me the opportunity to make use of my purchase. I just love these drop seat pyjamas." His eager fingers were already undoing the buttons and lowering the flap, exposing her pretty bottom. He eyed it hungrily and stroked the pale skin, pausing to knead her pliant cheeks, enjoying the feel of her smooth flesh.

  A gentle sigh escaped Daisy as the warmth of that first spank spread across her skin, causing ripples of heat and pleasure throughout her entire body. The second spank was delivered a little harder, making her gasp. Then there was a pause as Johnny caressed the soft swell of her buttocks, soothing and stroking, feeling the gentle heat induced by his hand. His hand rested softly on her bare bottom for a brief moment, before withdrawing and landing again with a crack that resonated round the room.

  "Ow!" yelped Daisy, surprised at the intensity of the sting imparted by his hand on her naked flesh.

  Again his large hand descended sharply, this time landing low on the crease between bottom and thigh. Daisy stiffened and tried to jerk away, but he simply held her fast around the waist with his left hand as his right hand continued to spank her delectable bouncing bottom. He adored the way her cheeks danced and jiggled like two tasty little mounds of jelly.

  He dealt another smack, eliciting a little squeal from Daisy. She squirmed as her bottom began to burn a little, and each additional well-placed spank sent a fire raging deep in her core. The smacks gathered momentum, and the heat morphed into sting, but before she had chance to protest, Johnny stopped spanking and instead began to rub and caress.

  "Oh," she murmured. "That's nice." She relaxed, savouring the heady sensations. Her bottom tingled in a delicious way. The sting had receded and left her highly aroused.

  "Of course it's nice," he murmured seductively. "It's a good girl spanking."

  "Mmm." Daisy closed her eyes loving the feel of his hand smoothing her pink cheeks. She moaned softly as his fingers slipped lower, dipping inside her. "Ohhh," she breathed, and when a well lubricated finger found its way to her clit, she found herself shamelessly begging for him not to stop.

  Johnny expertly teased her clit, noting and committing to memory her reaction, the way her breathing changed to ragged, shallow gasps, the way her whole body tensed, then shuddered in the moment before orgasm. "Come for Daddy, baby," he whispered.

  She couldn't stop herself. With little mewls and a series of guttural cries, she rode the wave, then floated in a state of blissful contentment, her pussy pulsing.

  He sat her up and kissed her, and smiled that quirky smile of his. Fixing her eyes with his own, he got to his feet. Daisy could see the massive bulge in his jeans. She giggled and reached out, stroking the protuberance.

  "Look what Daddy's got for you." Johnny tugged down the zipper. Free from the confines of clothing, his cock sprang free. Daisy's eyes widened.

  "Is that all for me?"

  He raised his eyebrows and grinned. "You can have as much as you can take, baby." He took a step closer, watching as her little hands began the exploration of his shaft.

  "Ohhh, you're such a... such a big daddy!"

  "Uh huh," he agreed, the corners of his mouth twitching into a smile as one of her hands cupped his balls, the other stroking the length of his cock.

  Daisy gazed at it in awe. Fully engorged, the bulbous purple tip was already leaking pre-cum from the slit. Experimentally, she smoothed the glistening tip with her index finger. Johnny let out a low moan of appreciation. His cock twitched eagerly. Tentatively, Daisy leaned forward, and angling her head just so, lowered her head and grazed her mouth against his erection as she softly stroked his shaft with her right hand.

  "Mmm, such a good girl," murmured Johnny huskily.

  Daisy changed tactics. Looking up at him, she began to lick as though she were licking ice cream from a cone... with great enjoyment. She circled the head of his cock slowly then began licking and flicking it with her eager tongue. Johnny groaned. Encouraged by his response, and the tightening of his fingers in her hair, she continued, making little appreciative noises as she served him.

  Johnny began to thrust, gasping as his Lolita expertly swirled her tongue around the head of his penis, pausing for a moment to take him inside her mouth... inch by inch. The combination of her hands, lips and tongue, and her little head bobbing up and down sent him spiralling. With a deep groan he ejaculated, filling her with his seed.

  "Ahhh," he gasped, "you've done this before!"

  "I have, but I never enjoyed it half so much with anyone else," she admitted.

  Johnny chuckled softly. "I'm glad to hear it. Right, princess, it's into the bathroom with you to brush your teeth, and then it's bedtime."

  Daisy glanced at the bedside clock. "Bedtime? But it's only 10:30. I go to bed much later than that."

  "Not any more you don't. While you're here you'll obey Daddy's rules and be a good girl. Besides, early bed means early rising, which means we have a nice long day to spend together."

  "Oh. I suppose there is that," Daisy said reluctantly.

  "Off you go. I shall expect those teeth gleaming white."

  So Daisy trotted off to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and giggled as Johnny inspected them.

  "Perfect," he announced. "Now, into bed." He turned down the quilt on the big bed and plumped up the pillows.

  "Aren't you coming to bed now?"

  "Not yet. I have something to do. I'll be up in an hour or so."

  "Oh that's so not fair!" Daisy pouted. "I have to go to bed early and you get to stay up late."

  "That's right." Johnny grinned and tucked her up. "I won't be too long." He bent to kiss her. "See you soon, poppet."

  "Ok." Daisy had to admit she did actually feel sleepy, and so warm and cosy in the snug pyjamas. She gave a little sigh and closed her eyes.

  Johnny stood by the door watching her as she shifted position, curling up on her side, her little thumb automatically going into her mouth. He smiled softly and went downstairs. He had work to do.

  Letting himself out of the back door, he unlocked the shed in the garden. It was a large shed that he used as a workshop. The bed that he had so lovingly crafted for her greeted him. Two nights previously he had smoothed down the wooden frame and applied the undercoat; now all it needed was a top coat of white paint and it would be finished.

  He reached for the tin of paint and the paintbrush and got to work.

  An hour later he had completed his task. It was perfect. He knew Daisy would love it. Locking the shed, he returned to the house and took a quick shower then climbed into bed beside Daisy. He lay on his side and put an arm around her shoulders. It felt so right having her there beside him. Smiling contentedly, he closed his eyes and slept soundly.


  Daisy woke to the aroma of pancakes with cinnamon and blueberries. Following her nose she wandered down into the kitchen still in her pyjamas. Johnny was standing by the stove, flipping pancakes. He turned and smiled as she entered the room.

princess. Sleep well?"

  "I did, thanks. Went out like a light. Something sure smells good." She sniffed the air hungrily.

  "Sit down, honey. I'll get you some fresh orange."

  A few minutes later they were seated opposite each other at the kitchen table enjoying an early breakfast.

  "This is bloody good," declared Daisy, tucking into her third pancake.

  Johnny's eyebrows shot up in feigned outrage. "No swearing, princess... or you'll find out what happens to little girls with potty mouths."

  Daisy shot him a butter-wouldn't-melt look and changed the subject. "Look at the time - it's only just 7-O-clock! I'm usually still in bed at this time in the morning."

  "That's the advantage of having an early night - you're fresh to start the day bright and early. Shall I tell you the plan for the day?" he asked, his eyes twinkling.

  "Oh - you have a plan? Sure - do tell!"

  "Well, I have a special project for us this morning, and-"

  "What sort of special project?"

  "Patience Daisy - and don't interrupt when Daddy is speaking." He wagged a finger at her, which made her feel all gooey and squirmy. "After we've worked on the project, I thought you might like to have a little drive out to the park and take a picnic lunch?"

  "Oh YES! I love picnics! What will we take to eat?"

  Johnny drained his cup and got up. He opened the fridge door. "Let's see now - we have cold roast chicken and crusty rolls and cheeses, and ... fresh strawberries too. How does that sound?"

  "Terrific. I'm excited already. And will there be ginger beer to drink? I love ginger beer!"

  Johnny laughed. "Can't say I have any, but we'll stop at the store and get some on the way. And on the way back, we'll call at the mall and do some shopping. There's a new pre-teen boutique opened."

  "Oh! You mean Christina's?!" Johnny nodded. "Oh wow - I'd love to have a look round!"

  "Great, I thought you'd like that. I'll buy you some nice new clothes."

  "Oh ... really?!" Her eyes sparkled. "That is so generous and kind. Thank you so much! I can hardly wait! What a perfect day we'll have." She clapped her hands, jumped off her chair and began jumping up and down. So ... what's the project for this morning?"

  "It's a surprise," said Johnny cryptically. "If you're done eating, go up and get washed and dressed while I clear away, then I'll show you the surprise."

  "Is it a nice surprise?"

  "But of course it is - the best!"

  He was rewarded with a radiant smile, and then Daisy hurtled out of the kitchen and ran upstairs to the bathroom.


  Johnny took her hand and led her out of the back door and down the garden path towards a large garden shed that served as a workshop. He unlocked the door and stepped inside. "In you come. Like it?"

  Daisy stared at the little girl bed he had made for her. Her jaw dropped and her mouth opened to a wide 'O' as she stared and stared. For once in her life she was rendered speechless. Her hands moved up to her face, fingers pressing against her cheeks as she looked on in wonder. It wasn't just a bed, it was a four-poster single bed, the wood painted white, and the canopy above the bed was a dream. Johnny had bought new bed linen - a pink and white tiered counterpane and matching pillows, and the canopy itself was made from pink net, with pink tie-backs on each of the posts.

  "I don't know what to say," she whispered eventually. "Ohh... I've never had anything so beautiful. Did you make it?"

  Johnny nodded and smiled. "I did. For you."

  "It's just fabulous. Amazing. Oh, I can't thank you enough." She flung herself at him.

  "I'm delighted that you're delighted." He picked her up and swung her high in the air. "A perfect little play bed for my perfect little princess."

  Daisy squealed and laughed as he whizzed her though the air, setting her down on the bed. It was all soft and comfortable and new. She loved it. "It's adorable. You know, I've always wanted a bed like this, and it's wonderful to have it - and it's even more special because you made it for me."

  "You're welcome little one. Now - the project is painting one of the bedrooms. We'll turn it into a playroom for you. You can have the bed in there so that you can play on it, or sleep in it during the day if you need a little nap, and once we've painted the walls, we'll bring some of your favourite toys from the shop."

  "Oh YES!" she enthused. "Yes please! Let's get started! Gimme a brush and a pot of paint!"

  He gave her more than that. Knowing she would likely get herself covered in paint, he also gave her one of his old t-shirts to wear and a baseball cap to cover her hair. He grinned at her attire. She looked so cute - and hot - in the shirt that came down almost to her knees.

  They spent the next few hours decorating the room. Daisy was delighted with it because it was a large room, not the smaller one as she had expected. They covered the carpet with dust sheets and then Johnny got on with painting the ceiling in white while she painted the door and the window frame. They both pitched in with the walls. Johnny had bought a huge tin of paint in a beautiful and delicate shade of pale pink. Working with paint rollers, the colour on the walls was quickly applied.

  "Looking good," said Johnny.

  "I love it already," agreed Daisy.

  "We'll get some deep pink curtains and lampshades from the mall, and maybe a couple of rugs. And when the paint's dry I have a small white wardrobe and dressing table in the small bedroom that we'll bring in here. We can pick up a matching white chest of drawers too, and I can easily assemble some shelving for books and toys. There's plenty of room."

  "I don't deserve all this," said Daisy, suddenly overwhelmed by his generosity.

  "Of course you do, and more besides. It makes me happy to see you happy." He kissed the tip of her nose. "Well, I guess that's it for now. I'll bring the bed up here later in the afternoon. Why don't you go get yourself cleaned up while I get the stuff ready for our picnic."

  She threw her arms round him and kissed him, then scampered out of the room to get a quick shower and a change of clothes.


  It was noon when they arrived at the park. They strolled past the tennis courts and bowling greens and wandered along the little winding paths that took them round the pretty flower beds, then walked further on until they found a perfect spot for a picnic - a secluded little arbour surrounded by Acer trees, close to a stone wall where wild honeysuckle grew, scenting the air with its fragrance.

  Johnny spread out the picnic rug and they sat down to eat. Daisy pounced on a chicken leg and bit into it hungrily.

  "God, I'm starving. Mmm, this is good."

  "For a tiny little thing, you can sure eat a lot," said Johnny, grinning as she demolished one piece of chicken and reached for another.

  "Yeah. I have no problem with my appetite," she said, her mouth full of crusty roll, crumbs spilling down her top.

  "I should make you wear a bib," Johnny said teasingly. "You can be my baby, and wear a bib and a diaper, and I shall call you Daisy, diaper girl." He watched her shrewdly, gauging her reaction.

  "A diaper?" She fell about laughing.

  "Uh huh. You think I'm kidding, don't you?"

  "Well you are, aren't you?"

  "Wait and see," he said cryptically, and demolished a piece of cheese. "Take your panties off, Daisy."

  "What?" She thought she had misheard him, but he gave her a look that signified he had meant exactly what he said. "Er ... um ... but... but someone might see."

  "There's no one around, and we're sheltered from prying eyes here. So - do as you're told for Daddy."

  Daisy was learning fast. When he spoke to her in that tone, and with that look, she knew he meant business. And there was no way she couldn't obey. The sweet light-hearted atmosphere changed in an instant, morphing to something darkly sensual, deeply exciting and decadent. Her pussy spasmed in anticipation as she felt that welcome, primitive surge at the pit of her stomach. Looking right and left, satisfying herself that there was no
one in sight or lurking behind a bush, she tentatively reached up under her little skirt and tugged at the waistband of her panties. Down they came, and by the time they were round her ankles, Daisy's face was pink and flushed with a delicious feeling of humiliation. Johnny held out his hand and she placed the panties in his palm.

  "How does that make you feel, Daisy?"

  "Naughty," she whispered.

  Johnny smiled, lust sparking in his eyes. "Good girl. Now flip round. I want you on your hands and knees."

  She obeyed. Part of the excitement was obeying his commands, however embarrassing it was for her.

  "Knees apart ... wider ... wider."

  Daisy gulped, feeling his palm on the small of her back. She got into position, wondering what was coming next. She would never have guessed, not in a thousand years.

  "Arch your back more and stick that naughty bottom out for me."

  "Ohhh," she whimpered and complied, then felt a rush of cool air as he flipped up her skirt. There she was, naked from the waist down with her bare bottom thrust out obscenely and her pussy on display for Daddy's pleasure.

  And she loved it.

  So did he.

  He drank in the sight of her chubby bare bottom, and the pouting lips of her pussy, already engorged and slick with desire. Kneeling between her splayed legs, he leaned forward and teased her bottom cheeks apart, exposing her dusky pink anus.

  Daisy felt the colour flood to her face in a crimson rush at this most intimate scrutiny. She ached. She ached for his touch ... his fingers .. his cock.

  But it was his tongue that she felt first.

  He licked lovingly on the curves of her buttocks, pausing to softly nibble the firm flesh, and while he was doing this, his left hand found its way to her waiting pussy.

  "Ohhh," gasped Daisy. And then the index finger of his right hand was thrust into her mouth.

  "Suck it."

  She didn't need telling twice. As he worked her pussy with one hand, she sucked on the digit in her mouth, snaking her tongue over it and flicking the tip like she would do if it was his cock in her mouth.


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