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Little Daisy

Page 4

by Chloe Carpenter

  Johnny was pleased by her response. He withdrew his well-lubricated finger from her hot little mouth and placed it on her anus, pushing it in oh so slowly, eliciting another gasp from Daisy.

  "Who does this ass belong to?" he asked huskily.

  "Yours, sir." She wasn't sure why she added the 'sir' but it seemed the right thing to do.

  "That's right, little girl. Mine." He pushed his finger in a little deeper, feeling her automatic rejection and tensing of her sphincter. "Relax, baby," he whispered, and as he did so, began to ease his finger in a little further, all the while playing with her pussy with his other hand.

  Daisy began to mewl at this new sensation. It wasn't unpleasant ... far from it ... and once his finger was all the way up inside her and he began wiggling it around, she reacted by bucking her hips and panting. The feeling was electric. She knew her pussy was sopping wet, and began to moan in pleasure. Her sounds intensified as his searching fingers moved to find the hard nub of her clit.

  "Oh ... Daddeeee," she shrieked. "Oh yes ... yessss ... ohhhh." Her hips bucked frantically as his fingers worked their magic.

  "Cum for me, baby," he whispered.

  His words sent her over the edge and she rocked wildly, her scream of ecstasy suddenly muffled as he removed his hand momentarily from her pussy to stuff her panties in her mouth. The hand returned, sodden with her juices, to massage her needy clit, and she came and came and came, panting and making muffled squeals of enjoyment through the panties that gagged her mouth.

  Johnny chuckled softly and reached to remove the gag. "Good, huh?"

  "Better than anything - even better... than... my new bed," she panted.

  "Ready for more? Want Daddy to fuck your hot little pussy?"

  "Yes, yes, yes." She waggled her hips and shamelessly splayed her legs wider apart, giving him a tantalising view of her eager pussy and her spread ass cheeks.

  There came the distinct sound of a zipper being pulled down, and the slight rustle of paper as Johnny unwrapped a condom and slid it on his engorged cock. He slid his cock in smoothly, grunting as she tightened her muscles around its girth.

  Pausing only to stuff the panties back in her mouth, Johnny began to inch deeper inside her, slowly and teasingly. To Daisy's surprise (and relief!) she accommodated his entire length, and began to tell him how good it felt. But the only sounds that Johnny heard was a succession of muffled yet appreciative mewls. Her body communicated her pleasure. He began to thrust. Harder. Deeper. Faster. Harder, his balls slamming into the back of her thighs.

  Daisy tilted her head back, her face a mask of seething lust and desire. Johnny extended one hand and grasped her long braid, using it as a bridle as he rode her from behind, claimed her, made her his own. He groaned out his release as his cock pulsed, releasing his seed. Then, spent, he lay over her, and with a sigh of contentment, withdrew his cock.

  "It's a good thing I packed the wipes," he said with a grin as he reached for the packet of baby wipes.

  "You think of everything," she murmured softly.

  They cleaned up and dressed and then cuddled on the picnic rug, and as Johnny hugged her and stroked her hair, Daisy knew she was right where she belonged.

  "Happy, princess?"

  "Happier than ever before," she whispered sweetly, and reached up to kiss him. "Thank you, Daddy."

  "My pleasure, little one."


  At any other time, Daisy would have loved to simply snuggle up on the picnic blanket for the remainder of the afternoon, but the lure of new clothes and things for the bedroom urged her up.

  "Ah. I see someone is anxious to go shopping," said Johnny. "Come on then, poppet. Let's get everything packed away and we'll be off."

  They left the park hand in hand and Daisy felt as though she was walking on air. "You know something," she began. "It really doesn't matter about buying me new clothes or nice things for the bedroom. I'm happiest just ... just being with you. I don't need anything else."

  He paused to look at her fondly and stroke the side of her face. "That's sweet of you, poppet. I know you by now, and I know you aren't in the least bit scheming, greedy or manipulative. If you were, it's likely that you and I wouldn't be in a relationship. I'm happy being with you too, so indulge me a little by allowing me to treat you to a few little things. I can well afford it. Business is booming." He squeezed her hand. She reciprocated by giving his hand a squeeze too.

  "Ok, then, but nothing too extravagant or I'll start feeling awkward. And I'm glad the shop is doing so well for you."

  "Thanks." He nodded. "It may not last once the novelty has worn off a little. Many of the traditional toy shops went out of business with the arrival of supermarkets and other stores who bought in bulk and sold cheaply. Customers always like to get a bargain. My stock isn't cheap - nor is it overpriced - I aim for middle range. The doll's hospital is a little sideline; it's not especially lucrative in itself but it gets people into the shop and they are often tempted to buy things, and it's also fun to do and quite rewarding."

  "It is," agreed Daisy. "I love helping out."

  "I have an idea for another little sideline too, something more high-end."

  "What's that then?" asked Daisy curiously.

  "I can design and make princess beds, like the one I made for you, plus other designs - like incorporating two towers with turrets that would serve as wardrobes. I'm talking about hand crafted furniture, made to order, all highly original. I have a few designs for beds for boys too."

  "What a fabulous idea. Why don't you photograph the bed you made for me and put it up in the shop with a note so that anyone interested can ask you for further information?"

  "Good idea. Yes, I'll do that. You're beginning to talk like a business woman now."

  "Business woman, little girl - I can be anything you want me to be," said Daisy.

  "I know," he said meaningfully. "You're perfect. Well ... here we are at the mall. I'll park up then we can start shopping."


  Daisy loved shopping with Johnny. He let her choose curtains, lamps and more pretty bed linen, and she was delighted to find two lovely fluffy rugs in deep pink. They stowed the purchases in the back of the car and then went back into the mall to visit Christina's boutique.

  Daisy was entranced, not only by the clothes, but by a whole range of accessories. Johnny bought her a couple of cute short nightdresses and a pair of Disney princess pyjamas, a selection of tops and skirts, shorts and jeans, plus new pumps and socks.

  There were huge displays of soft toys that sent Daisy into raptures. She chose a pink bunny with floppy ears, a cuddly teddy bear, and the cutest little puppy dog she had ever seen.

  "Your daughter has such beautiful hair," the shop assistant remarked to Johnny as she packaged everything up in big carrier bags. "We have some lovely hair ornaments if you'd like to take a look?"

  "Oh yes please - can we, Daddy?" asked Daisy innocently, secretly thrilled that the shop lady thought she was Johnny's little girl.

  "Of course, poppet," he replied magnanimously, and when the shop assistant wasn't looking, he winked at Daisy.

  Daisy giggled and followed the assistant, and was soon busy choosing some pretty paste necklaces and earrings, hair bands, hair bows and clips. "May I have these please, Daddy?"

  "Of course you may, sweetheart."

  "Thank you so much, Daddy."

  "Oh she's adorable - such a polite little girl," the sales assistant said.

  They left the shop hand in hand. "Does it bother you?" asked Daisy, "... that she thought I was your daughter."

  "Not at all. Should it?"

  "If she knew how old I was, she'd probably think we're nuts."

  Johnny's response to that was to throw back his head and laugh. "Let her think what she likes. Listen, pet, we are both adults and know our own minds. We do what we want to do, and we do what makes us happy, excites us, relaxes us ... we're not hurting anyone and we enjoy being together. The way we ch
oose to spend our time might not be for everyone, but we do what works for us. Agreed?"

  "Abso-bloody-lutely, Daddy." She flashed a cheeky smile.

  "Did I hear a swear word in there, young lady. I'd be careful if I were you, or someone might get her bottom spanked." His arm went around her shoulders and he hugged her close, and whispered, "her bare bottom."

  Daisy found herself shivering in anticipation at the thought.


  When they arrived back at Johnny's house they spent an exhausting 45 minutes moving furniture. The paint had dried on the walls in the bedroom, so they brought in the wardrobe and chest of drawers from the small spare bedroom, followed by the dressing table. Next, they went to the shed, stripped the bed of its sheets, and began the laborious process of lugging the bed frame and the mattress out of the shed, into the house and up the stairs.

  "Phew! That was so exhausting," said Daisy. "But now that we've done it - well, just look. Doesn't it look fabulous?"

  "It does indeed. Fit for Princess Daisy to take a nap in."

  "Oh don't tempt me. I really could curl up and go to sleep for an hour."

  "Then why don't you?" Johnny reached for the sheets and pillows. "Here. You go to the other side and we'll make up the bed, and then you can try it out."

  In no time the bed was made, and Johnny adjusted the canopy, securing the pin net drapes. "There. Done. Now why don't you get your cuddly toys and put them on the bed too?"

  "Oh yes! My stuffies!" Daisy ran to the bag and pulled them out, putting them on the bed. "It's a proper fairy tale bed! It's really lovely." Daisy kicked off her shoes and clambered on to it, stretching out on top. "It's so comfortable."

  "It looks it. I'll just hang up these new curtains at the window, then when you've had your nap you can organise your new outfits in the wardrobe."

  "That will be great," murmured Daisy. She yawned. There was something else she was going to say but the words eluded her as sleep beckoned. She turned on her side and curled up next to her new stuffies, her little thumb automatically going into her mouth as her eyes closed.

  By the time Johnny had hung up the new curtains at the window, Daisy was fast asleep. He smiled fondly at her diminutive figure in the pretty little bed he had made for her before turning his attention to the room. There was still plenty of space for the other pieces of furniture he had in mind.

  Quietly he left the room, pausing by the door to take a last lingering look at his sleeping princess, then he returned to the shed. Firing up his laptop on the workbench, he looked at the design for the crib he was going to make, then placed an order online for a mattress to fit the base. With any luck it would arrive later in the week, and as he had already prepared the wood for the frame and slats, if he put in a little time every night, the crib would be finished by the next weekend and ready for use.


  Daisy woke up, stretched and smiled. Clutching the floppy-eared bunny, she made her way downstairs to find Johnny in the kitchen drinking tea and reading the Sunday newspaper.

  "Hey kid. Sleep well?" He patted his lap in invitation. Daisy trotted over and sat on his knee.

  "I did, thank-you." She nuzzled against his neck. "But I want you to know that I don't usually take afternoon naps!"

  Johnny smiled knowingly. "I think perhaps you should start taking them at weekends. A little extra sleep is good for you, even if it's only for half an hour or so." Daisy pulled a face and tweaked his nose. "Hey! Brat!" He playfully slapped her thigh then kissed her cheek. "Are you hungry?"


  "I thought as much." He grinned and handed her a cookie. "Nibble on that. I'll get you a drink. Why don't we finish the weekend off in style, and go and see a movie and eat out?"

  "Sure that would be great. What movie did you have in mind?"

  "Frozen is showing at the cinema. Would you like to see that?"

  Daisy blinked in surprise. "But that's a kid's movie!"

  "I know." He grinned. "Want to see it?"

  "You bet! I'd love to - if you don't mind?"

  "I don't mind at all. I even checked out the times of the showings. If we leave shortly we can have a bite to eat and then catch the 7pm slot."

  "Fantastic. You spoil me, Johnny."

  "Nonsense, sweetheart. I love spending time with you and making you happy. Now, what would you like to eat - Italian? Chinese? Indian?"

  "McDonalds?" Daisy enquired hopefully.

  "Hah! McDonalds it is. Drink up. I'll get my jacket."

  They had a wonderful evening, and when it was over and Johnny dropped Daisy off at her apartment, she flung her arms around him. "That was a terrific movie. I had an amazing weekend. Thank you so much, for everything."

  "You're welcome, poppet. I enjoyed it too. It was perfect in every way." He grinned and kissed her. "I'll see you tomorrow after you've finished work."

  "You will," she assured him, and waved and waved until his car was a tiny speck in the distance.


  When Daisy called round at the toyshop the next day, Johnny gave her a hug and a kiss.

  "You won't believe how busy I've been today. Apparently someone mentioned the shop on one of the local radio shows yesterday, and it's been non stop since I opened! I didn't even have time to eat my lunch." He pointed to a half eaten sandwich and a cup of cold coffee.

  "Oh poor Daddy," said Daisy. "Still - it's better to have too many customers than not enough, isn't it?"

  "For sure. And when I arrived I did as you suggested and put up the picture of your princess bed - and as a result of that I have two orders already!"

  "Wow! That's fantastic!"

  "It is - though goodness knows when I'll find the time to work on them."

  "Maybe you should take on a temp till things settle down," suggested Daisy. Oh, how she would regret those words later!

  "You know, that's a very good idea," said Johnny speculatively. "It would be a huge help. I'll ring the agency tomorrow and see if they can send someone round for a couple of weeks to help out."

  "I can still help you on Saturday's though, cant I?" asked Daisy anxiously. She didn't want to be usurped by some stranger.

  "Of course you can! And no one but you and I will run the doll's hospital. Your position is assured, little lady, for just as long as you want it." He hugged her tight then kissed the tip of her nose.

  "Aw, thank you. Before I go and play, is there anything I can do to help?"

  "There sure is. The place looks like a bomb site. You can help tidy things up."

  "No problem."

  Daisy set to work happily, deftly putting away toys and games that had been taken from the shelves. She knew by now where everything went, and soon had things tucked away in the right place. She even took out a notepad and pen and gave Johnny a list of stock items that were getting low and needed orders placing for more.

  "You're a star," he told her, pleased by her initiative.

  Daisy beamed happily at the compliment, glad that she could do something to help, and as Johnny cashed up, she went to get the vacuum cleaner from the back room, and began cleaning the floor areas.

  Johnny looked up and called to her. "Sweetheart, that's so good of you. But you should be spending your time playing."

  "I don't mind at all. I can play tomorrow instead."

  When they were through, Johnny took her to a cosy little Italian restaurant for dinner. It was early and there were few customers, so they had a choice of seating and opted for a quiet little booth.

  "It's nice to be able to sit and relax," said Johnny. He then proceeded to devour minestrone soup and a plate of bread, followed by a mountain of spaghetti and meatballs and a large portion of Tiramisu. He patted his tummy. "I'm a big man, there's a lot of me to fill. Aren't you going to eat your ice cream, honey?"

  "The lasagne was delicious but it filled me up. I don't think I have any room for ice cream."

  "Then I'll just have to help you out, won't I." Johnny leaned over an
d grabbed it, making Daisy giggle.

  They stayed another hour, talking and laughing over several cups of coffee. "Well," said Johnny at last, "I guess we should go. I have work to do when I get home."

  "More work? Surely not. You should rest."

  "Ah, well this isn't proper work," he said cryptically. There was that familiar twinkle in his eye. "This is a surprise."

  "What sort of surprise?"

  "If I told you that, it wouldn't be a surprise!"

  "Is it a surprise for me?" wondered Daisy.

  "Might be." He winked at her, and though she begged and pleaded to know, he wouldn't give her any clues at all!

  When they left the restaurant, Johnny drove Daisy home and kissed her, lingering over her sweet lips.

  "Mmm," she purred. "Would you like to come inside?"

  "Not tonight, poppet. But I'll tell you what, when you call round tomorrow after work, we'll go back to my place, eat steak and salad, and enjoy a nice long evening together. How about it?"

  "I'm looking forward to it already."

  But the next day when she called at the toyshop, her euphoria vanished...

  When she walked into the shop there was no one in sight. The customers had left, but there were sounds of laughter coming from the back room at the end of the shop. Daisy walked towards it, frowning as she heard girlish peals of laughter. Opening the door, she found Johnny seated at the table, and sitting opposite him was a blonde-haired girl of around nineteen or so. She was in mid flow, and leaning forward provocatively, giving Johnny sight of her ample breasts in her low-cut top.

  "Daisy!" Johnny got up and smiled. He went over and hugged Daisy and brushed her lips against his own. The act was not lost on the blonde, who glared at Daisy in open hostility.

  "Hi poppet. Come sit down and I'll get you a drink. I'd like you to meet my new assistant. Daisy, this is Glenda. Glenda, meet Daisy."

  The two women stared at one another. Daisy managed a rather stiff, "Hi, Glenda."

  Glenda cast a disparaging glance at Daisy. "Hi," she said dismissively, then turned her attention back to Johnny. "As I was saying Johnny, before we were interrupted, I've really enjoyed my day here. Tomorrow I think we should rearrange the jigsaws because-"


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