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The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13)

Page 3

by Mary Smith

  Strolling into his place, he tossed his keys down and went straight for his office. Turning on his laptop, he hit the GoMeeting icon and tried to focus on the task at hand. Waiting for the other people to log on, he replied to some text messages.

  His mind couldn’t stay on task long as his thoughts went to Mikayla. A week had already passed since he last laid on eyes on her and his body knew it. Especially his dick. Feeling the twitch between his legs, he pushed the thoughts away as his meeting began.

  For the next couple of hours, Jarvis kept focused on the jobs in front of him. Hammering out contract details, setting up dates for shoots and fashion events. Jarvis’s calendar quickly began to fill up. When he finished everything, he sent a lengthy email to his part-time assistant to book the plane tickets and hotels. Seeing everything laid out in front of him made his head spin for a moment, and he debated on hiring a full-time assistant.

  Checking the time, he needed to get some rest before he had to leave. He decided to order from a nearby take-out restaurant he enjoyed and jumped in the shower before they would arrive. Just as he finished, the food came. He sat alone at his kitchen table and ate it in the quiet.

  He tossed out what little bit remained and made his way to the bedroom. A pre-game nap was in order, but he couldn’t rest.

  Mikayla continued to flash through his thoughts. Normally, he could give a fuck-less about females. He used them for two reasons. One, to get off and two, to gain attention. He never had a girlfriend. Well, several women placed the title on themselves, but he never gave it to them. Gaining publicity on social media and entertainment news gave him more options. Not in hockey. He established his spot on his own. However, his endorsements—the real money—came because of who he hung around with. The supermodels. The actors. The bigger named athletes. This made him known.

  And he rode the money train for all he got from it.

  He had the goal to ensure he could successfully retire after hockey. If he wanted to work he could. If not, then he’d travel or something else. He didn’t have it all figured out.

  Several more minutes passed, but Jarvis still couldn’t clear his mind. His nerves rocked under his skin, almost as if it was an itch he couldn’t scratch. He knew of only one way to relax.

  Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and onto the floor he reached for his phone. As much as he would like to bring up Mikayla’s name, he decided to scroll through his contacts until he found a sure thing.

  With Jarvis’s cock deep inside the blonde whose face was buried into the bed, he grunted. Pounding hard into her from behind, he felt his body tightening up and with one last jerk, he came into the condom. Hearing the girl’s moans, he knew she had to be close, but he didn’t care about her getting off or not.

  Just himself.

  “Why are you stopping?” The blonde panted, looking at him from over her shoulder.

  “I’m done.” He withdrew himself and moved off the bed, making his way toward the bathroom, pulling off the condom, and dumping it into the trash can.

  In the bathroom, he jumped into the shower, scrubbing off the blonde’s smell. When he stepped out, he peeked into the bedroom, ensuring she had left. Seeing she had, he spotted a small piece of paper on the pillow. He moved to pick it up.

  You’re an asshole. Lose my number and never call me again.

  Jarvis smirked because she signed her name, and he never knew it beforehand. The name on his contact list was Easy Fuck. Crumbling the paper, he took it into the bathroom and discarded it just like the condom. Quickly, he stripped the bed and put on fresh sheets then slipped in and fell asleep quickly.

  Jarvis slammed number forty-seven into the glass, freeing up the puck for Shade to grab it. The time began to tick by faster and the Bears needed this point. Jarvis released the guy and focused on the puck, which now had been chucked to Dag. He was—by far—the best Bears player.

  However, this hadn’t been their best game.

  When the final buzzer sounded, the Bears fell by one. Jarvis slapped his stick on the ice in frustration. The wave of failure washed over him. He wanted the win and couldn’t follow through on it. Shade slapped his shoulder as they made their way to the tunnel and out toward the locker room.

  “Hell of a job, Jarvis,” Dag told him as they reached the stalls.

  He shrugged. “Sorry, I couldn’t get the point.”

  “Forget about it. We’ll get the W next time.” He smirked.

  Jarvis hid his jealousy from Dag. He wished he had his life. Dag’s love life was off the charts. He had the perfect family and currently was having a hall of fame season.

  Jarvis had nothing but money.

  “Hey, you okay?” Shade questioned softly.

  “Sucks we lost,” Jarvis answered, removing his jersey.

  “We’re still good in the standings.” He tried to show him the positive side.

  Jarvis nodded to the lie Shade told. They were not okay. They hung on the edge of getting or not getting a wild card position. He sat down and worked on taking off his skates. The sex he had earlier didn’t keep the edge off like he wanted. He knew what he had to do to get his head back on straight.

  He rushed to get showered and when he finished, he sent a text before deciding to get back into his suit or not. His body hummed, hoping for a quick reply. He had no one else to turn to at this point. Pain filled him as he was missing Mikayla more and more.

  When he walked out, he tried to avoid the family area. However, it didn’t work because he ran into Donnie Burns.

  “Hi, Jarvis.” He held out his hand to shake.

  “Donnie.” He shook his hand, but it was half-hearted. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m on a date.” He smirked.

  “Oh.” Jarvis looked around, trying to find the girl and warn her away from him. He knew he only used women for sex, but Donnie did much, much worse. Jarvis knew Donnie’s father, the governor of New Hampshire, got him off a lot of sexual assault charges and made them disappear.

  “Well, see you.” Jarvis quickly moved away and hoped he never saw him again. The guy made his skin crawl.

  When he made it to his car, the vibration from the cell phone made his heart jump.

  Been a long time, Jarvis. Be here in fifteen minutes.


  He broke every traffic law to make it to the other side of town in time.

  One would pass this home and wish to have the manicured lawn and picture perfect massive mansion, but no one knew what happened behind the closed doors and sealed windows.

  Jarvis knocked three times, paused, then knocked two more times. He waited for the small window to open.

  “Number?” a person with a pair of dark eyes growled.




  The window slammed shut and Jarvis listened to the unlocking of several locks before the door opened.

  “How are ya, Jarvis?” Chuck said when he walked in.

  “Doing well. How’s the family?”

  The six foot eight, two hundred fifty pound giant of a man, smiled sheepishly. “Wife is pregnant with number three.”

  “Three?” Jarvis barked. “Dude, don’t you know how to prevent that?” He half-joked.

  Chuck chuckled. “Have a good night, Jarvis.”

  Smirking at the giant, he made his way toward the bar.

  Passions had been created by one woman. She purchased this mansion and gutted it completely, along with the property itself. The downstairs was now a bar and small eatery. Passions had its own chef. Jarvis spent many nights having dinner there because he could not care less about being home.

  “J?” Stace, the beautiful redhead bombshell grinned from behind the bar. “Been a long time, my friend.”

  “It has. May I have a whiskey sour?”

  “Of course.” She rushed to make his order.

  Jarvis’s eyes scanned the room of high-powered men and women. Passions didn’t discriminate. The
bar and restaurant easily held fifty people and tonight there was only about half of that.


  He turned back to Stace, who didn’t have a drink for him.

  “L called. You’re not getting anything to drink tonight. She wants you up in her room. Directly.”

  Without hesitation, he thanked Stace and moved quickly to the second floor. A total of eight rooms were located on that floor. The third floor had rooms for those who worked in Passions, and the basement held specialty rooms.

  At the end of the hall was the room he had been summoned to. Pushing his fingers through his damp hair and smoothing his tie, he took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

  When it opened, he kept his eyes cast down, only seeing L’s pointed red high heels.

  “Come in, Jarvis,” her even voice said.

  He stepped into the massive room and inhaled the scent of lavender which brought a calm to him. He stood in the designated spot, waiting for L to sit down. When she took her place on the long white couch, he remained still.

  “You may sit, Jarvis.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” He moved to the white armchair.

  “Let’s talk.”

  Jarvis’s body relaxed and he raised his head. Lakota Michaels sat tall in the middle of the couch, legs crossed at the ankles. Her long blonde hair had been a high-end dye job, but her deep green eyes could bring any human to their knees. He knew she was in her mid-forties but didn’t appear to be a day over thirty-five.

  “Why haven’t I seen you the last few months?” Her questioning began.

  “I’ve been busy.”

  She raised one eyebrow and daggers flew from her gorgeous eyes. “One.” She held up one finger with a perfect manicure nail with deep red polish.

  His stomach flipped. “I’m sorry, ma’am. I meant I had been exclusively fucking someone else.”

  “As much as I should be saying congratulations, I know you. Tell me how you fucked up.”

  Smirking, he knew she’d figure it out. Then his face dropped. “It’s Mikayla.”

  Lakota closed her eyes, released a huff, and turned away from him. For several seconds, he watched the anger fill her face. When she turned back to him, he knew his ass was in trouble.

  “Are you an idiot?” she questioned.

  “No, ma’am.”

  “I believe you meant to say yes,” she corrected him, crossing her arms. He knew better than to look at her gorgeous chest. She’d probably kill him.

  “For three years, I’ve heard nothing but you praising Mikayla and how much you wanted to be with her. Yet, you stuck your dick into everything and anything else. Personally, I’m surprised you haven’t stuck it in a light socket.” She paused, still glaring at him. “I told you, numerous times, to grow up, but time and time again, you didn’t listen and what happened when you didn’t listen?”

  Jarvis hung his head. He knew what would come next and he needed it. He welcomed it.

  “You are a good person, Jarvis, but you hide behind this idiotic image you created because you think it makes you big and bad, but guess what?”

  He kept his head down.

  “Answer me.” Her tone told him to answer now.

  “It doesn’t,” he said.

  “You need to grow the fuck up,” she growled. “But for now, stand up and strip.”

  He jumped to his feet and began to remove his suit. Once he was naked he moved to stand in front of her.

  “You need a release, don’t you?” she inquired in a hard tone.

  His cock twitched. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Apparently, you don’t listen.”

  He felt his stomach drop. He didn’t like where this would lead.

  “I told you to stop lying about who you are and whom you love. You did not listen.”

  When she stood up, he took a step back. He waited…and waited…and waited for her next instruction.

  “Get dressed.”

  “No,” he blurted out.

  “Excuse me.” She moved closer to him.

  “Please, ma’am, please.” Jarvis fell to his knees and begged her.

  “Look at me.”

  He lifted his eyes to her.

  “You need to be punished. This is your punishment. Get dressed and I’ll see you in two days.”

  He felt as if he could cry, but he picked up his clothes and got dressed. Once he was back in his suit, Lakota walked to the door with her confident stride.

  “No sex for two days. No masturbating either. Meditate and yoga every morning and evening.” She gave him the instructions and he knew to follow them.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He stepped out into the hall, and she slammed the door shut without another word.

  Laying on his back in his living room, he took a deep breath in, held it and released it. For a few minutes, he managed to clear his mind and find clarity. When the timer went off Jarvis opened his eyes. Day two was upon him. Practice sucked because he couldn’t focus. Thankfully, today had been optional. He wouldn’t be there. Instead, he stood up and decided a jog would help him.

  The end of March was approaching, but the spring air had a cold hint in it. As he reached for the door handle, his phone rang, making him stop. He hoped it would be Lakota telling him to come to Passions, but Joy’s name appeared.

  “How is my baby sis?” he answered.

  “Eh, okay, I guess.” Her tiny voice came through the phone.

  Jarvis dropped his keys and focused on her. “What’s wrong? What do you need?”

  “Calm down, Jarvis.” She sighed. “I’m just having a bad day.”

  “Okay.” He tried his best to heed her advice. “Tell me about your day.”

  Joy told him about a professor, who piled more work on her. As he listened, he thought of her as a little girl in ponytails and playing with dolls. He was eight years older and took his title of big bro very serious. They were always close, even when he left. He called her almost every single day.

  “I just need a break.” She sighed again, sounding exhausted.

  “Isn’t your spring break next week?”


  “Where are you going?”


  “Why not come to New Hampshire?” He figured she would go somewhere with her friends.

  “Well…” She paused, and Jarvis could hear the nervousness in her voice. “I’d love to come see you.”

  “Awesome,” he said without a second thought. “Do you need money for a ticket?”

  “No,” she answered firmly. “I still have money from the last time you sent some.”

  “Don’t use that because it’s for you to live on. I’ll send you some more for a ticket.”


  He knew she rolled her eyes. She and Mikayla had the same trait. It made him chuckle. “I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  When he ended the call, he sent her a couple thousand dollars via PayPal. He knew she wouldn’t need it or use all of it, for that matter, but he wanted her to have extra.

  His focus shifted back to his original task. His run. When his shoes hit the pavement, he let his mind clear. However, today he thought about hockey.

  The Bears were close to gaining a position in the playoffs but were not there yet. He wanted to get there. Hell, he wanted to play in the championship. He had never been there before, and like every player in the PHL, he wanted to win the big one.

  Finishing his second mile, he thought of Mikayla. Lakota knew all about her because he told her everything. They met through a friend, and he welcomed her expertise as a dominatrix. Jarvis was far from being a full submissive. Nonetheless, there were times he needed subspace to clear himself. At times, he craved to be caned, to bring clarity to him.

  Jarvis had fantasies from early on about women doing all sorts of unimaginable things to him. At eighteen, his wish came true. He managed to meet a dominatrix at a party. The evening before the PHLs draft, he had his first caning. All seemed ri
ght in his world.

  Somewhere down the road, he knew he had to keep his bedroom life private but not the one that would be on social media. Lakota called him out more than once on how he wasn’t true to himself. However, he did better as a bad boy. Fucking women and treating them as nothing didn’t make him feel good. However, people expected it from him. And he delivered.

  Until Mikayla.

  They kept their meetings private because of Shade. He didn’t want to piss him off. Jarvis remembered how they would talk about everything and how the sex was amazing. He felt sad when he was traded to New Hampshire. He missed her. During the time of her absence, Jarvis became more social in the media and in other women’s eyes. He used every attraction as a business contact. All of which led to money and keeping his name out for everyone to know.

  At the fifth mile, he slowed his run until he stopped and caught his breath. He strolled back to his condo. Stepping off the elevator, he abruptly stopped as Lakota stood outside his door, arms crossed and a glare that could kill.

  “Open the door,” she ordered.

  Jarvis punched in the numbers on the keypad and let her go in first.

  “My time is valuable.” She set her three-thousand-dollar purse on his foyer table. “I don’t have time for your childish games.”

  “I’m not playing games, ma’am.”

  Her back was to him and she continued into his home. He rushed to follow her. She went straight to his bedroom.

  “Take a shower. You have fifteen minutes.” Still she didn’t peer at him as she inspected his bed.

  Jarvis didn’t question her command.

  The water barely had time to warm up before he finished. He patted himself dry and trolled into his bedroom. Naked.

  Lakota had ties already set up for him and at the end of his bed set a cane. She snapped her fingers and nodded toward the bed. Jarvis knew to get in position. Lying flat on his stomach, he held his arms out to his side and spread his legs. Lakota tied his wrists to the silk bed ties. Jarvis never used them on anyone. He kept them hidden. She secured his ankles as well. Even though the ties were silk, the tightness bit into his skin. He knew no bruises would come from it. Lakota would make sure of it.


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