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The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13)

Page 4

by Mary Smith

  “Tell me your name,” she began.

  “Jarvis.” He slightly jumped as the cane softly touched his skin, trailing up and down his back.

  “What is your safe word?”


  He thought he heard a giggle come from her, but the thought cleared as the first strike came down. Instinctively, he pulled on the ties but there was no give.

  “Why are you being an asshole?” She continued her questions.

  “I don’t know.”

  Two fast strikes came across his shoulder blades. “Tell me…

  “Because I have to be.”

  Another two strikes came down on him. “No, you don’t, you fool.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Why are you saying, ‘yes, ma’am’?” She placed the next strike on the middle of his back. “Don’t answer until I ask you a direct question.”

  Jarvis stayed silent since no question was asked.

  “Now, why do you think you have to be an asshole?” Her tone grew firmer.

  “It’s what everyone expects.”

  Four strikes landed on the small of his back. Yanking on the ties from the welcoming pain, he kept his moans suppressed.

  “You are playing a part. It’s an unnecessary part. Now, tell me you’ll fix yourself.”

  Jarvis answered honestly. “I don’t know.”

  Three strikes connected to his mid-back again. The pain had left him a raw tingle throughout his body.

  “You do know, Jarvis. Now, you need to grow up. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered.

  “Again.” She struck his shoulder blades. “Say you understand.”

  “I understand.” His voice came out huskier than normal.

  Lakota landed additional strikes around his back several more times. Jarvis withered under the delicious bite of the cane.

  “Think about Mikayla.” Lakota’s voice was close to him but far away at the same time. “Think about her eyes, her smile, her laughter, the way she feels under your touch.”

  Everything she said, Jarvis felt with more strikes of the cane. Mikayla’s bright blue eyes flashed in his mind. He remembered her on all fours with her long black hair hanging down her back, highlighting her milky-white skin. She had laughed with him but not for a long time. He hurt her more than what he should have been doing…

  Loving her.

  As if he had an out of body experience, he smelled her perfume in the air. He felt the smoothness of her skin. The tightness of her pussy around him. He tasted her on his tongue. In the beginning, he would hold her. She belonged in her arms.

  Coming down from the high he was on the ties were released by Lakota. Turning his face, she stroked his hair and wiped the tears from his exposed cheek.

  “Don’t move,” she told him in a tender tone.

  Remaining in his position, he heard her moving around his bathroom. After a moment, a moan came out from him when a cold towel was laid on his burning hot skin. A cold washcloth touched his cheek and forehead.

  “Turn your head,” she said gently.

  He did and she cleaned off his other cheek. He faced her again, and she ran her fingers through his hair. She hummed a song for him he didn’t know, but his eyes grew heavy.

  “You need to wake.”

  Jarvis forced his eyes open to see Lakota sitting next to him on the bed. She smiled down at him.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Thirsty.” His mouth felt like sandpaper.

  “Try to move.” Her motherly tone made him feel better.

  Carefully, he moved from his position on the bed to sitting up. Rolling his shoulders, they were tight. He took the glass she held out and sipped it.

  “How do I look?” He set the glass on the nightstand.

  “Your back is welted, but it’ll be gone in the next couple days. I put medicine on it.” Lakota cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead. “How do you feel now?”

  “I’m going to do better.”

  Searching his face, her eyes narrowed. “This is your last chance.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Jarvis, you’re not my submissive. Hell, you’re not a good submissive at all. But if you don’t start being you, you’re going to lose everything.”

  He hung his head.

  “Do you want to be alone high up in your tower?”

  “More than anything, ma’am.” His heart twisted because he didn’t have her.

  Lakota pulled his face to her, locking eyes with him. “Fix you. Fight for her. I’ll see you in five days.”

  Chapter Three

  Finishing up at the post office, Mikayla sent out all the items purchased from her Etsy store. Thankfully, she had a day off and planned on using it to study. However, she went on a run. Never considering herself a fitness expert, she did enjoy a run from time to time.

  After a couple of miles, she needed a rest. Finding a bench in the park, she sat down and wiped her brow with the back of her hand. Lorrie Morgan’s voice soulfully came through her earbuds as she thought about Donnie. Several days ago, they went to a Bears game. She had a good time but something, deep down, told her to stay on her toes around him. She blamed it on Jarvis. He made her untrusting to all men.

  When Donnie and she talked, she felt like he had been listening to her. He gave her outstanding advice about business and getting her name and products out there more. She really wanted more people to see her creations and have people shop small business. But she couldn’t stop thinking about Jarvis. He popped in her head more than it should be allowed by anyone. Even at the game, she did her best not to search him out on the ice. Nonetheless, her eyes landed on him time after time. She even found herself wondering how he was doing. She hadn’t seen him on any social media sites lately. It made her think he’d been shacked up with some supermodel or A-list Hollywood movie star.

  The hurt she felt was because he hadn’t reached out to her. Yes, she told him to lose her number, but to not even try…messed with her. Pulling out her earbuds, she made her way back to the car.


  Turning to the sound of her name, someone wrapped themselves around her. She didn’t even know who hugged her until she pulled back.

  “Joy.” Mikayla gasped when she saw Jarvis’s sister staring back at her.

  “How are you?” Joy beamed.

  “Fine,” she answered still in shock she was here. “Why aren’t you in New York?”

  “Spring break.”

  Mikayla nodded. Like her brother, she could stop traffic with her gorgeous looks. She was five foot eight, super thin and had model features. Her sandy blonde hair matched Jarvis’s. Along with his golden-brown eyes.

  “What have you been doing?” Joy asked. “You never text back anymore.”

  Many years ago, Mikayla and Joy became friends. They constantly sat at games and Bears events together. Joy was too sweet not to become her friend.

  “College life.” Mikayla made up a vague excuse.

  “How are you loving it? How’s the Etsy store? How’s work? How’s Jenessa and Shade? Are you dating anyone?” She shot off question after question not even taking a breath.

  “She’s had a lot of coffee.”

  Mikayla yelped in surprise, jumping away from the delicious male’s voice near her ear.

  “Jarvis, you’re a jerk. You scared her.” Joy slapped his shoulder before turning her attention back to Mikayla.

  Their eyes locked. Her mouth dried, heart raced, and she wanted to climb him like a tree right then and there.

  “Do you?” Joy asked, touching her arm.

  “Pardon?” She pushed away all her dirty thoughts of Jarvis’s hot body on hers.

  “Do you want to grab some lunch with us?” Joy repeated her question.

  “No, um—”

  “Come on.” Jarvis cut her off before she could make up another excuse. “It’ll be fun.”

  He wanted her to come. She knew she couldn’t
hide the confused expression.

  “I’ll make Jarvis pay.” Joy looped her arm through Mikayla’s and led her toward Jarvis’s car.

  “I have my car.” She slightly pulled away. “I can just meet—”

  “No way. We’ve not talked in forever and I know you. You’ll run away.” Joy called her out.

  Her gaze flicked over to Jarvis, who stood staring at her. The smoldering of his eyes made her mouth dry.

  “Okay,” Mikayla finally said and let Joy lead her to Jarvis’s car.

  Mikayla took a seat in the back as Jarvis hopped into the driver’s seat, and she tried not to stare at him. Yet, she failed. He continued to glance back at her. Joy talked about New York and all the happenings with her, but Mikayla only half listened. When he parked the car by the diner, she practically jumped out of it.

  When they walked in, Joy led the way. Mikayla walked in front of Jarvis. When Joy was a couple of steps ahead, Mikayla felt Jarvis’s hand on her hip, and he leaned in.

  “You look beautiful,” he whispered.

  Her heart raced as Joy found an empty table and they all sat down. Jarvis sat across from her and they kept looking at each other.

  After they ordered their food, Joy began her interrogation again about her life.

  “Are you seeing anyone?”

  “This one guy and I are talking.” She tried not to seek out Jarvis’s expression, but she felt the daggers shooting from his eyes.

  “Oh,” Joy gasped. “Tell me everything.”

  “He ran into me, which caused me to dump my coffee all over me, and he stepped on my brownie. Then he showed up at my house.”

  “Sounds like a stalker.”

  She heard Jarvis mumble.

  “Anyway,” she continued and ignored his comment. “He’s big in business marketing and has been a help with my store.”

  “That’s incredible.”

  She knew Joy meant it. The girl didn’t have a mean bone in her perfect body. Joy went on to tell Mikayla how great New York City living was compared to Maine and Boston. She kept talking until the food arrived. Mikayla had been thankful for it because she couldn’t think straight with Jarvis’s eyes still on her.

  Managing to eat some of the food, she did discuss some of the new jewelry lines. Joy seemed overly excited about it and begged to see the pieces.

  When the check came, Jarvis paid it as Mikayla excused herself to the bathroom. Locking the door, she splashed cold water on her face, praying it would cool her boiling body. It didn’t help. She dried her face and unlocked the door. Before she could even think about what happened next, the door knocked her back a couple of steps and Jarvis stood in front of her. Neither of them said anything for several seconds. Their eyes remained locked on each other.

  Finally, Mikayla’s senses returned. “What are you doing, Jarvis?”

  He stood silent.

  She went to move around him, but he blocked her way.

  “I don’t have time for your games. Your sister will wonder where we are. We definitely don’t want our little secret to get out,” she growled at him.

  “I miss you.” He spoke at last. “I want you to come back into my life.”

  She gave him a fake pout. “Aww, is your right hand hurting?”

  “Kay, I mean it. I want you. Exclusively.”

  His serious tone made her mouth drop. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  She couldn’t be sure his beautiful eyes even blinked as he spoke.

  “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life and I have regrets. I don’t want you to be one of those. I want you.”

  Mikayla had craved to hear those words forever. Why was he saying them now? What laid behind his words?

  Then it hit her.

  “You just want back in my pants,” she called him out.

  “Yes,” he told her truthfully. “And more.”

  “And more?” She scoffed. “You don’t know how to do more.”

  “You’re right, but I want to with you.”

  “So, you can dump me for some high-end piece of ass?” Mikayla snapped at him. She knew his game.

  “No. You’re the only one I want.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Please.” Now, she pushed him out of the way and out the door.

  Desperately, she wanted to run away but remembered Joy, and she couldn’t have her asking any questions. She was really pissed at Jarvis for playing with her emotions, but she wouldn’t break a promise to keep their fling quiet.

  Mikayla put on her best fake smile when she reached the table. Joy stared at her for a second. She thought she might ask her what’s wrong, but she didn’t say anything. That was strange for Joy. She talked all the time. Jarvis arrived a moment later asking Joy if she was ready to leave.

  Without saying anything, she stood and made her way to the door. Jarvis went to say something to Mikayla, but she quickly followed Joy. In the car, the ride was quiet and Mikayla kept her eyes peeled at the city passing by.

  Thankfully, when they made it back to her car, she said thanks, jumped out and raced away from Jarvis.

  When Mikayla arrived home, she went straight to her room, shutting out the world. Turning on the TV, she hit the Netflix app and brought up the latest true crime documentaries. Sitting in her glider, she worked on a custom order scarf.

  Knock. Knock.

  “Come in, Elexis,” she said, knowing her friend and roommate stood on the other side.

  Opening the door, Elexis strolled in. “I figured you were having a bad day.” She held out a tall glass of Hi-C Fruit Punch filled with ice.

  Putting down her knitting, she smiled. “Thank you.” She reached for the glass.

  “Want to talk about it?” Elexis questioned with a cautious tone.

  Mikayla took a deep breath and a large gulp of the sugary goodness then she told Elexis everything. By the time she was finished, Elexis sat on the edge of her bed, eyes wide, hanging on every word.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “With what?” Mikayla scoffed.

  “Jarvis,” Elexis exclaimed.

  “Nothing. He’s full of shit, Lex. He’s doing this to get back into bed with me and control me. Well, it’s not going to happen.” She stood up, hoping to define her point.

  “Well…” Elexis trailed off and gazed off to the side.

  “Just say it.” She knew her friend didn’t want to ruffle any feathers. Besides the girl didn’t have a mean bone in her body.

  “I think Jarvis is being honest.”

  She laughed. “Oh, Lex, you have so much to learn about men. Sure, there are a few good guys. You have Dag. Jenessa has Shade. But the majority of us get assholes. And Jarvis Richter is their king.”

  “You didn’t mention Donnie,” Elexis pointed out.

  “I don’t know him well enough to say one way or the other,” she told her honestly. “Who knows, maybe he is a good guy?” Something told her not to rush to judgment on Donnie Burns.

  “I hope so.” Elexis stood and moved toward the door. “But maybe you should think about what Jarvis said. You know him well enough if he’s telling the truth or not.”

  When she left, Mikayla went back to her knitting and Netflix but was unable to concentrate on either of them. She needed a second opinion, but who could she talk to. Elexis had been the only one she told. However, she needed someone, and she knew who she had to go to.

  Arriving at Shade and Jenessa’s house, she noticed Shade’s car wasn’t there, and she hoped Jenessa would open up to her and talk.

  “Nes, you here?” Mikayla called out when she went into the house.

  “Den,” Jenessa called back.

  When Mikayla reached the room, she found her sister stretched out on the long sectional with an iPad in her hand.

  “What do you want?” She glanced at Mikayla for a beat before going back to the screen.

  “Nice to see you,” she mumbled sitting on the other end. “I wanted to hang out.”

deeply huffed in frustration and sat up. “No, you don’t. You want money or advice. Which is it?”

  Staring at her older sister, she considered her her best friend, but now the anger washed away the admiration she felt. Tears burned behind her eyes.

  “I don’t need anything.” Mikayla jumped to her feet. “I’ll leave you alone.”

  “Fine.” Jenessa laid back down and stared at her iPad.

  Mikayla stormed out of the house and out to her car. She drove away, pushing the tears back and hoping none of them fell. She ended up at a small pizza parlor. She’d been there before, and she knew she shouldn’t drive being this emotional.

  Keeping her head down when she walked in, she sat at the first empty booth. When the waitress came over, she asked if they still had fruit punch. Surprisingly, they did still have it. She ordered that and a large cheese pizza with extra cheese. She knew she wouldn’t eat it all, but she ordered it anyway.

  Hearing her phone vibrate in her purse, she ignored it. Although she was curious about who was contacting her. The tears still threatened to let loose, but she managed to blink them away. For now.

  Mikayla felt all alone. Hell, she was alone. She cut off all her friends from Maine. They were all drunks anyway and no good for her. When she moved to New Hampshire, she kept all her focus on Jenessa. Unsure of what good it actually did since she was meaner than ever.

  Jarvis had been her only constant for several years.

  Pushing her hand through her black locks, she felt the frustration building up. His words still spun in her head. He should win an award for being so damn convincing.

  The waitress brought the drink and Mikayla gave her a small smile of thanks. Taking a sip of the child’s drink smoothed the burn in her throat.

  “That drink will give you diabetes.”

  Mikayla jerked her head up, and her mouth dropped as Donnie’s dark features stared back at her. “What are you doing here?”


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